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区 2019 年初中毕业生学业考试第二次适应性测试 (英语参考答案及评分标准) 一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1-5 BCDBA 6-10 B D ABA 二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 11-15 BADAC 16-20 BCBD B 21-25CAC A D 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,26-28 每题 1 分,40 题 5 分,其余每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 26-28 ADC 29-32 BD D C 33-36 C ACB 37-39 CAB 40. The rainbow first refers to the writer and his friends masterpiece which he wanted to show to his mother. Second, it also stands for childrens dream. Most importantly, the rainbow in the last sentence of the passage means something creative/imaginative and fun in life. 回答问题评分标准: 第五档 5 分 给出完整、合理的答案(40-50 词) 、依据充分、逻辑严密、语言规范、水平高 第四档 4-4.5 分 给出完整、合理的答案(40-50 词) 、语言规范 第三档 2-3.5 分 给出合理的答案 语言规范 (30-40) 第二档 1-2.5 分 给出与问题相关答案 自圆其说,或者抄文章与答案相关的句子(10-20 词) 第一档 0 分 不答题或回答不相关 四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分,大小写不扣分) 41. abroad 42.the most humorous 43. to warn 44. centuries 45. fifth 46.age 47. November 48. local 49. during 50. progress 51. winning 52.was thought /was considered 53. medals 54. excellent/ 55. forward 五、书面表达(本题有 1 小题,共 20 分)参考范文: 评分原则: 本题总分为 20 分,按 6 个档次给分。各档次的给分范围和要求: 满分档(20 分):准确理解写作任务,文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规 范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言丰富、没有语法错误。 第五档(16-19 分):理解写作任务,文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、 条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言较丰富、有少量语法错误。 第四档:(12-15 分)文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、行文基本连贯,词汇不够 丰富、有一些语法错误。 第三档(8-11 分):文本长度与要求有明显距离、书写不规范,要点不完整、行文不连贯,词 汇不足、错误较多,勉强看出作文意图。 第二档(5-7 分):能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图。 第一档(0-3 分):有一些英语单词;白卷 0 分。 2019.5区 2019 年初中毕业生学业考试第二次适应性测试 (英语参考答案及评分标准) 一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1-5 BCDBA 6-10 B D ABA 二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 11-15 BADAC 16-20 BCBD B 21-25CAC A D 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,26-28 每题 1 分,40 题 5 分,其余每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 26-28 ADC 29-32 BD D C 33-36 C ACB 37-39 CAB 40. The rainbow first refers to the writer and his friends masterpiece which he wanted to show to his mother. Second, it also stands for childrens dream. More importantly, the rainbow in the last sentence in the passage means something creative/imaginative and fun in life. 回答问题评分标准: 第五档 5 分 给出完整、合理的答案(40-50 词) 、依据充分、逻辑严密、语言规范、水平高 第四档 4-4.5 分 给出完整、合理的答案(40-50 词) 、语言规范 第三档 2-3.5 分 给出合理的答案 语言规范 (30-40) 第二档 1-2.5 分 给出与问题相关答案 自圆其说,或者抄文章与答案相关的句子(10-20 词) 第一档 0 分 不答题或回答不相关 四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分,大小写不扣分) 41. abroad 42.the most humorous 43. to warn 44. centuries 45. fifth 46.age 47. November 48. local 49. during 50. progress 51. winning 52.was thought /was considered 53. medals 54. excellent 55. forward 五、书面表达(本题有 1 小题,共 20 分)参考范文: 评分原则: 本题总分为 20 分,按 6 个档次给分。各档次的给分范围和要求: 满分档(20 分):准确理解写作任务,文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规 范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言丰富、没有语法错误。 第五档(16-19 分):理解写作任务,文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、 条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言较丰富、有少量语法错误。 第四档:(12-15 分)文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、行文基本连贯,词汇不够 丰富、有一些语法错误。 第三档(8-11 分):文本长度与要求有明显距离、书写不规范,要点不完整、行文不连贯,词 汇不足、错误较多,勉强看出作文意图。 第二档(5-7 分):能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图。 第一档(0-3 分):有一些英语单词;白卷 0 分。英语试题卷 第 1 页(共 9 页) 2019 年瓯海区初中毕业升学考试第二次适应性考试 英语 试题卷 姓名: 准考证号: 亲爱的考生: 欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,积极思考,仔细答题,发挥最佳水平。答题时,请注意以下几 点: 1.全卷共 8 页,有五大题。全卷满分 90 分。考试时间 90 分钟。 2.答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。 3.带*号的单词可以在试卷后面的“小词典”中查找。 祝你成功! 一、单项填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Cherry is only ______ eight-year-old girl, but she has been to many countries. A. aB. an C. the D./ ( )2.“One Belt , One Road” has offered a good ________ to open up markets for both China and other foreign countries. A. choice B. responseC. chance D. habit ( )3.My friend Jerry is really _______. He likes to take part in different activities at school. Thats why everyone likes him. A. shy B. quiet C. honest D. active ( )4.David cant take care of ______when his parents are away from home. Home alone is not always perfect. A. myselfB. himselfC. ourselves D. themselves ( )5.Jason, the exam is coming, but I ______ stop playing computer games! For better grades, my friend, Im afraid youll have to. A. cant B. mustntC. needntD. shouldnt ( )6.Daming, Jim didnt come to school today. Do you know why? Yes. Hes had a bad cold. He _______ at home and wont be back until next Tuesday. A. staysB. is stayingC has stayedD. will stay ( )7. Bike sharing is very useful in our daily life ______it still has some disadvantages. A. or B. if C. because D. although ( )8.My brother has entered the university that he always dreams of . So you see, nothing is impossible. But most people just _________ the half way. A. give up B depend on C care about D. close down ( ) 9.Could you please tell me _________________? They can be reused many times. In this way, we can help make the earth greener. A. how often they walk to school B. why wed better use china cups and cloth bags C. if you turn off the lights when you do not need them D. why we divide the waste into plastic, glass, paper and rubber ( )10.Youd better take an umbrella. The weather report says it will rain in the afternoon. ______. I will put one in my bag. 英语试题卷 第 2 页(共 9 页) A. Thank youB. I cant believe itC. Dont mention itD. Thats good 英语试题卷 第 3 页(共 9 页) 二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Seven years ago, our daughter, Alle, was born. After she was given to me by a 11 from the delivery* room, I held her carefully, wondering 12 magical life was. All of our family were excited with the new arrival. However, our joy 13 for only several seconds. We noticed she was 14 crying weakly and refused to sleep. We went to have the doctor check on her health. After the 15 , the doctors told us seriously that our daughter was born with the rare bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta(OI). At birth Alles skull looked like a cracked* egg on the X-rays. She 16 had many fractures* in her arms, her ribs, her legs, and her wrist. Watching my daughter suffering was the greatest pain. In the following days, we tried to work out a way to reduce her pain. 17 , we were told by the doctor that there was no hope of her being cured a few days later. Finally, my wife and I had to make the 18 and most painful decision of our life-take our five-week-old daughter off life support. The day Alle was leaving us, we took her outside on the hospital deck and held her in our arms 19 she passed away. We had two choices that day: Let the sadness overtake us, or it could be 20 a positive. Since that day, my wife and I have worked tirelessly volunteering our time hosting special events, and talking to students and the media 21 OI. We even contacted hospitals to try to get them to join in 22 cause* -and this is the battle we are still fighting. Over the seven years, we 23 thousands of hours. In February of 2015 we started OI Care for You program. We send toy animals to children with OI who are receiving 24 in the hospital. Each one brings a smile and comfort to a child with OI. Now there are often OI families from neighboring cities and towns coming to thank us for what we do and 25 them another way to show support for a family member with OI. ( )11.A. patientB. nurseC. touristD. officer ( )12.A. how B. whatC. why D. when ( )13.A. startedB. changedC. influencedD. lasted ( )14.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldomD. never ( )15.A. instructionB. introductionC. examinationD. invitation ( )16.A. just B. alsoC. ever D. either ( )17.A. Fortunately B. ImmediatelyC. Unluckily D. Frequently ( )18.A. easiest B. hardest C. rudest D. warmest ( )19.A. because B. while C. unless D. until ( )20.A. put into B. turned intoC. looked into D. divided into ( )21.A. with B.by C. about D.in ( )22.A. ourB. their C. herD. his ( )23.A. have missedB. have saved C. have volunteeredD. have wasted ( )24.A. treatment B. fun C. development D. exercise ( )25.A. takingB. askingC. receivingD. giving 英语试题卷 第 4 页(共 9 页) 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,第 26-28 小题,每小题 1 分,第 40 小题为主观题 5 分,其余每 小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A People are always curious to know what things on Earth can be seen from space. Some of geographical features and man-made things are huge enough to be seen from hundreds of kilometers above. Here we list some huge things on Earth that can be seen from space. Great Barrier Reef The 1,600-mile-long Great Barrier Reef becomes the largest coral* reef on earth. It also becomes the largest living thing in this world that can be seen from space. The Great Barrier Reef connects more than 900 reef islands, lied in eastern part of Australia. It is a home for 1,500 tropical fish species. It also becomes the main place of divers and finest tourist spot in Australia. Pyramid of Giza One of the seven wonders of ancient world also becomes favorite place for astronomers to take photos from space. It can not at all be seen by eyes, so astronomers used a special camera for it. Within space images of Pyramids of Giza, the statue of lion in the southeastern part can also be seen from space at possible conditions. Himalayas Himalayas, the worlds highest mountains, can be seen from space. Himalayas include more than 110 peaks rising to elevations of 24,000 feet (7,300 meters) or more above sea level.The width of it from south to north varies between 125 and 250 miles (200 and 400 km). Their total area amounts are about 230,000 square miles (595,000 square km). ( )26.The passage above may be from the part of ________in a newspaper. A. wondersB. newsC. scienceD. life ( )27.According to the passage, all the three places __________. A. are great man-made wonders B. connect different parts of places C. attract a large amount of tourists D. are huge enough to be seen from space ( )28.Which of the following is TRUE? A. Himalayas have a width of between 125 and 250 kilometers. B. We can see Himalayas most clearly from space because it is the highest. C. Pyramid of Giza cant be seen at all from space without a special camera. D. The Great Barrier Reef, which is made up of over 1,500 islands, is 1,600 miles long. 英语试题卷 第 5 页(共 9 页) B If youve been studying for a while, youll notice that there is more than one type of “English”. The website, Big Seven Travel, made their list of the worlds 50 most attractive accents*, and many different kinds of English made the list. The main reasons that affect the way people speak a language are geographical where they are in the world, and social the way their communities speak. As a result, English has many differences in vocabulary and slang*. Located in two different places, the United States and the UK provide great examples. They often have different words for the same things. US people call the back part of a car, used for carrying big and heavy things or suitcases, the “trunk”; but in the UK, they call it the “boot”. In the US, the word “boot” means a wheel clamp that police put on your car. Slang also causes confusion*. US slang is hugely different thanks to many kinds of people who have moved in the country. African-American slang is especially confusing for foreign language learners. It uses its own grammar. For example, “a person who is awake to reality” would be called “a woke person”. Southern American slang also can be confusing. “Im fixing to fix it,” means, “Im getting ready to fix it.” Australian slang, meanwhile, is all about abbreviations. They say “sanga” for “sandwich”, “brekkie” for breakfast, and “arvo” for “afternoon”. It can make you wonder if either of these countries is actually speaking English. English writer Virginia Woolf once wrote, “Language is wine upon the lips*.” The next time youre speaking English with someone, check the accent on the bottle! ( )29.According to the passage, how many reasons affect the way people speak? A. oneB. twoC. three D. four ( )30.What does the underline word “it” refer to in paragraph3? A. a car B. the suitcaseC. a wheel clamp D.the back part of a car ( )31.The writer mentions the examples to show that__________. A. American Slang is all about abbreviations. B. it is difficult for people to understand languages. C. people use the same word to describe different things. D. there are many different kinds of English in different places. ( )32.What can be the best title of the passage? A. The development of EnglishB. American and British English C. Different accents of EnglishD. Attractive Languages in the world 英语试题卷 第 6 页(共 9 页) C Tablets are really useful devices*, but their big screens always make them as a burden* to carry around without a bag. Wouldnt it be great if there were a phone with the powers of a tablet that could be folded up and fit into the hand? Now something like a tablet-shaped but foldable phone is about to become available. In February, South Korean electronics company Samsung and Chinas Huawei both showed foldable phones, The Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X respectively. Mobile phone use has entered the “foldable future”, The Verge noted. The technology could change our lives in unusual ways. These devices, due to their foldable screens, give us the larger screens we want. At the same time, they still fit easily into the pocket. As USA Today noted, theyre “the combination of a small tablet and smartphone, all in a single device”. The technology could change other devices too. For example, we could make TVs that stick to walls like posters, or fold up easily to hide away in drawers . In crowded modern cities, they will help us to make full use of available space. In a keynote speech, Samsungs senior vice president of mobile product marketing, Justin Denison, called the foldable screen “the foundation for the smartphone of tomorrow”. “Its a piece of white paper for us to paint something beautiful on together,” he said. So is there nothing to stand in the way of the foldable future? According to technology news website Android Authority, the necessary displays* were difficult to produce. At present, these foldable devices cost too much. For example, the price of Huawei Mate X is 17,500 RMB. Thats a price that few people will be able to afford. But if the foldable device isnt going to change the world overnight, there is no doubt that it is coming. Patrick Moorhead, an industry expert told The Verge, “Few are debating if foldable mobile displays are the future of smartphones; the only question is when and by whom.” ( )33. Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly about _________. A. arguments on the foldable screen. B. shapes of foldable screens in the future. C. possible advantages of the foldable screen. D. popular foldable screen devices on the market. ( )34. What can we learn from Justin Denisons words? A. The foldable screen has great future. B. The Galaxy Fold still has many problems. C. The production of foldable phones will soon increase. D. Companies need to work together to develop foldable phones. ( )35. Now the foldable mobiles are not widely used because________. A.the screens may fail to work properly. B.they are not as useful as people thought. C.they are too expensive for most people. D.they break more easily than ordinary phones. ( )36. The authors attitude of the future of the foldable screen is _________. A. worriedB.positiveC.negativeD. uncertain 英语试题卷 第 7 页(共 9 页) D When you are little, the whole world feels like a big playground. It was a hot afternoon and my best friend Stephanie and I decided to have an adventure in his basement.
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