(精)2021年春人教版七年级下册英语Unit 6(4份打包)教案.zip

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  • 2019年春七年级英语人教版下册教案:Unit 6 (4份打包)
    • Unit 6 第1课时 Section A(1a~2d).doc--点击预览
    • Unit 6 第2课时 Section A(Grammer Focus~3c).doc--点击预览
    • Unit 6 第3课时 Section B(1a~1e).doc--点击预览
    • Unit 6 第4课时 Section B(2a~Self Check).doc--点击预览


Unit 6 Im watching TV. 单元总览单元总览 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 单元话题Talk about everyday activities:In this unit,students learn how to talk about what people are doing. 重点单词 1.newspaper(n.) 2.use(v.) 3.soup(n.) 4.wash(v.) 5.movie(n.) 6.just(adv.) 7.house(n.) 8.drink(v.&n.) 9.tea(n.) 10.tomorrow(adv.&n.) 11.pool(n.) 12.shop(v.&n.) 13.supermarket(n.) 14.man(n.) 15.race(n.) 16.host(n.) 17.study(v.&n.) 18.state(n.) 19.American(adj.& n.) 20.dragon(n.) 21.any(adj.& pron.) 22.other(adj.& pron.) 23.young(adj.) 24.child(n.) 25.miss(v.) 26.wish(v.) 27.delicious(adj.) 28.still(adv.) 重点词组 1.read a newspaper 2.make soup 3.go to the movies 4.eat out 5.drink tea 6.living room 7.wash the dishes 8.talk on the phone 重点句式 1.What are you doing? Im doing my homework. 2.Whats she doing? Shes washing her clothes. 3.Is she reading? Yes,she is. 4.What time is it? Its eight oclock in the morning. 单元语法现在进行时 课时分解课时分解 第一课时第一课时 Section A(1a 2d) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 newspaper(n.)报纸 use(v.)使用;运用 soup(n.)汤 wash(v.)洗 movie(n.)电影 just(adv.)只是;恰好 重点词组 watch TV 看电视 read a newspaper 看报纸 wash the dishes 洗碗 talk on the phone 在电话中交谈 重点句式1.Whats he doing?他正在做什么? He is using the computer.他正在用电脑。 2.What are they doing?他们正在做什么? Theyre listening to a CD.他们正在听唱片。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P31-32 的单词),看谁记得 又快又准。(2 分钟) 1.newspaper 报纸 2.use 使用;运用 3.soup 汤 4.wash 洗 5.movie电影 6.just只是;恰好 7.watch TV看电视 8.read a newspaper看报纸 9.wash the dishes洗碗 10.talk on the phone在电话中交谈 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.Do you know how to use the machine(机器)? Yes,I do. 2.Where is your grandfather? He is reading a newspaper(看报纸)in the room. 3.What is Lucy doing? She is washing the dishes(洗碗)in the kitchen. 4.Is Barry watching TV(看电视)now? No,he isnt.He is talking on the phone(在电话中交 谈). 5.The TV show is boring.Do you want to go to the movies(看电影)? That sounds good. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher:Today we are going to learn Unit 6 “Im watching TV” Section A and talk about “What are people doing?” (1)First watch a video on the screen.From the picture,we know some students are talking,some students are playing games. (2)Do some actions and let the students guess “What am I doing?” Then write “Im opening the door/writing/running.” (3)Look at the pictures on the screen and ask “Whats the boy doing?/What are they doing?”,then help the students to answer. 环节说明环节说明:这样设计的目的是让学生在真实情景中 感受出现在进行时,唤起学生的学习兴趣,使学生保 持一种积极的学习状态,循序渐进地导入所学的内容。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.认真观察图片,熟悉并朗读词组,完成 1a 的任 务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Please look at the pictures on Page 31.What can you see?Yes,there are some people in the building.What are they doing in the rooms?Please match the activities with pictures. 2.认真听录音,完成 1b 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:You are great!Now please look at the four names of people in 1b.Do you want to know what they are doing now?OK,lets listen to the conversations carefully and write the numbers of each activity in the blank. 3.结对练习 lb 中的对话,并让若干组学生到讲台 上展示。(2 分钟) 4.仿照 1b 中的对话,先由师生之间谈论 1a 中图片 的人物正在做什么,然后再结对练习并表演对话,完 成 1c。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now please read the conversation in the pictures in 1a and practice in pairs.You can refer to each picture and ask your partner what he or she is doing.Then you can pretend to do an activity and let your partner guess what the activity is. 5.小结训练。(6 分钟) 根据问句和提示词完成句子。 (1)What is she doing? She is dancing.(dance) (2)What are they doing? They are swimming.(swim) (3)What is the girl doing? She is cooking.(cook) (4)What are they doing? They are playing volleyball.(play volleyball) (5)What is the girl doing? She is writing.(write) 环节说明环节说明:通过学习 1a,让学生熟悉并掌握本节课 的单词和短语;通过 1b,锻炼学生的听力及抓取关键 信息的能力,掌握现在进行时的基本结构;通过 1c 的 训练让学生将现在进行时灵活运用于口语交际中。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 2a2d 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.认真听录音,完成 2a 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now please turn to Page 32.There are two questions and two answers in the box in 2a.Listen carefully and then match the answers with the questions. 2.再听一遍录音,完成 2b 中的对话。(2 分钟) Teacher:From the conversation,we know Steve and Jack are doing different things.Now,please listen again and fill in the blanks. 3.结对练习 2b 中的对话,并要求多个小组上台展 示。(3 分钟) 4.让学生分角色朗读 2d 中的对话内容,解释重点 短语和句子并让多个小组上台展示。然后让学生大声 朗读对话内容。(3 分钟) 5.扩展练习:要求三个学生为一小组, 进行问答 练习。(4 分钟) 如:What are you doing?I am talking. What is he/she doing?He/Shes talking. Is he/she talking? Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt. (这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在 情景中用现在进行时交际,巩固了本节课的重点,从 而突破了难点,促使学生在学习过程中学会细心观察。 ) 6.小结训练。(2 分钟) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式补全对话。 Marie:Hello!May I speak to Karen? Karen:Hello!This is Karen.How are you,Marie? Marie:Im fine.What are you doing(do)? Karen:Nothing much.I am studying(study)math.What about you?Marie:I am cleaning(clean)my room. Karen:Hey,do you want to go(go)to the movies? Marie:That sounds (sound)boring. Karen:I just call Lucy.She is swimming(swim).Do you like swimming(swim)? Marie:Sure.We can swim in the schools swimming pool.When do you want to go? Karen:Lets go(go)to the swimming pool now. Marie:Great! 环节说明环节说明:通过听说训练,现在进行时的结构得以 很好的落实,不仅锻炼了学生的听力技巧和能力,还 巩固了现在进行时态的意义和结构。第二课时第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 3c) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 house(n.)房子 drink(v.)喝(n.)饮料 tea(n.)茶;茶叶 tomorrow(adv.)在明天 (n.)明天;未来 重点词组 clean the house 打扫房子 make dinner 做晚餐 drink tea 喝茶 重点句式 1.What are you doing?你正在做什么? Im watching TV.我正在看电视。 2.Are you doing your homework?你正在做 家庭作业吗? Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im cleaning my room.是的,我是。/不,我不是。我正在打 扫我的房间。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P33 的单词),看谁记得又快 又准。(2 分钟) 1.house房子 2.drink喝;饮料 3.tea茶;茶叶 4.tomorrow在明天;明天;未来 5.clean the house打扫房子 6.make dinner做晚餐 7.drink tea喝茶 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.Today is Monday.What day is it tomorrow? It is Tuesday. 2.My mother makes dinner(做晚餐)for us every day. 3.Bob helps his mom (to)clean the house(打扫房子) on weekends. 4.Look!Mike is drinking tea(喝茶)with his father. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 (1)教师做几个动作,要求学生进行问答练习。如: What is the teacher doing? She is cleaning the classroom. (2)然后三人活动,一人做动作,另外两人进行问 答练习。 What is he/she doing? He/She is playing soccer. Is he/She playing football? Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt. 环节说明环节说明:通过复习,使学生巩固上一节课的主要 内容,进一步熟悉本单元的重点句型和语法基础知识, 为本节课进一步学习现在进行时打下基础。 Step 2 熟读熟读 Grammar Focus 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生分男、女两组朗读 Grammar Focus 中的内 容。(2 分钟) 2.让同学们背诵 Grammar Focus 中的内容。(3 分钟) 3.小结训练。(3 分钟) 按要求完成下列句子。 (1)They do their homework every day.(改为否定句) They dont do their homework every day. (2)Jenny is running.(改为否定句) Jenny isnt running. (3)Tom is looking at a picture.(改为一般疑问句,并 作肯定回答) Is Tom looking at a picture? Yes,he is. (4)We read English in the morning.(改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答) Do you read English in the morning? No,we dont. (5)The girls are playing over there.(对画线部分提问) What are the girls doing over there? (6)Jim stands under the tree.(改为现在进行时) Jim is standing under the tree. (7)Hes carrying water for the old woman.(改为一般 疑问句) Is he carrying water for the old woman? (8)They are cleaning their classroom.(对画线部分提 问) What are they cleaning? 环节说明环节说明:通过句型转换的训练,让学生能够掌握 现在进行时态在肯定句、疑问句和否定句中的用法, 为本单元听、说、读、写的训练作好铺垫。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 3a3c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生运用正确的时态连词成句,完成 3a 的任务。 (3 分钟) 2.让学生把句子按顺序排列好,组成一段对话,完 成 3b 的任务。(4 分钟) Teacher:Now,please number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation.Then practice it with a partner. 3.让学生分角色朗读 3b 中的对话,并让若干组学 生到讲台上展示。(2 分钟) 4.小组活动,完成 3c 的任务。(4 分钟) Teacher:Now please ask and answer in pairs.Take turns miming different activities in your group.The others in the group guess what the activities are. 5.小结训练。(8 分钟) 连词成句(请注意大小写和标点符号) 。 (1)TV,is,Anwar,watching Anwar is watching TV. (2)he,does,shopping,want,go,to Does he want to go shopping? (3)Susan,when,want,go,to,does When does Susan want to go? (4)doing,your,what,friend,is What is your friend doing? (5)movies,want,does,to,to,the,go,she Does she want to go to the movies? (6)your,pals,pen,doing,are,what What are your pen pals doing? (7)father,reading,newspaper,the,his,is His father is reading the newspaper. (8)dinner,she,eating,is,now Is she eating dinner now? (9)at,pool,swimming,am,the,I I am swimming at the pool. 环节说明环节说明:通过完成教材 3a3c 的任务,进一步巩 固语法基础知识,并运用所学的语言基础知识,让学 生在实际操练中领会现在进行时的结构,以及与一般 现在时的区别。第三课时第三课时 Section B(1a 1e) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 pool(n.)游泳池;水池 shop(v.)购物(n.)商品 supermarket(n.)超市 man(n.)男人;人 重点词组 read books 看书 play basketball 打篮球 重点句式 Is the man swimming in a river?那个男人 正在河里游泳吗? No,he isnt.Hes swimming in a pool.不, 他不是。他正在游泳池里游泳。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P34 的单词),看谁记得又快 又准。(2 分钟) 1.pool游泳池;水池 2.shop购物;商品 3.supermarket超市 4.man男人;人 5.read books看书 6.play basketball打篮球 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.The boy is swimming in the swimming pool now. 2.Who is the man under the tree? He is my father. 3.There is a big supermarket near my home.We often go shopping there. 4.Do you like playing basketball(打篮球)after school? Yes,I play it every day. 5.Do you know where Sam is? He is reading books(看书)in the library. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher:Welcome back to English class.We have learned how to say something which is happening at the moment.Now lets play a game.Ill ask some students to come to the blackboard and do some actions.The others are supposed to talk about what they are doing. Model: S1:I guess hes playing basketball. S2:I think shes cooking. 环节说明环节说明:通过设置具体、真实的情景,让学生能 领会现在进行时的用法,复习现在进行时的基本结构。 同时通过这个小游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习语言 知识。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1e 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生仔细看图,完成教材 1a 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Please open your books and look at 1a.There are six illustrations with the words under each one.Read these words and phrases loudly.Do you know which words are Activities and Places?Please pay attention to the words Activities and Places and complete the chart in 1a.You should match the activities with the places. 2.小组对话练习,完成 1b 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Now pay attention to the conversation in the speech bubbles and read it aloud.Then make questions and answers like that using the pairs of words on the list in the chart in 1a you just made. Model: Is the man swimming in a river? No,he isnt.Hes swimming in a pool. 3.认真听录音,完成 1c 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Look at the chart about Alice,Mike and Lisa.Where are these kids?What are they doing?Well listen to three conversations about them.Listen carefully and write the places you hear on the recording on the chart. 4.再听一遍录音,完成 1d 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Now please listen to the recording again.This time write an activity for each person on the chart. 5.对听力材料的重点词组或句子进行讲解,然后让 全班学生分角色朗读并熟读听力材料,还可让若干组 学生进行分角色朗读表演。(3 分钟) 6.让学生根据 1c 中的表格内容,两人一组进行对 话练习,完成 1e 的任务。然后,可让几组学生表演对 话,其他学生认真听,并做好记录;最后,老师可以 就学生对话的内容进行现场提问。(这样可以让全体学 生参与,表演对话的学生的口语表达能力得到了很好 的锻炼,其余学生听力技巧得到了很好的训练)(3 分钟) 7.小结训练。(2 分钟) (1)用方框中的句子完成下列对话。 A: C B:Im doing my homework. A: B B:She isnt here. A: D B: A A.Certainly.Im coming now. B.Where is your mother? C.What are you doing? D.Could you come here,please? (2)根据答语用 What 提问。 Whats he doing? He is taking a shower. Whats she doing? She is reading. What are they doing? They are watching TV. Whats the woman doing? The woman is sitting under the tree. What are your grandparents doing? My grandparents are eating. 环节说明环节说明:通过听、说训练让学生进一步掌握现在 进行时的结构,灵活运用于对所见所闻的事件进行现 场描述,同时培养学生的语言综合运用能力。第四课时第四课时 Section B(2a3b)向上爬 run up This is a photo of Anns family.Her mother is watering the flowers.Her brother is cleaning the window now.Her father is mending his car.Ann is reading a book in front of the house.Look at that cat in the tree.What is it doing?Its running up the tree.There is a bird in the tree.It wants to catch it. 环节说明环节说明:通过阅读与写作训练相结合,让学生 将现在进行时灵活运用于口语与写作中,提高学生的 语言综合运用能力。 Step 4 完成教材完成教材 Self Check 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.运用本单元所学的语言基础知识,完成第一题。 (2 分钟) Teacher:Look at the chart.Please add more words in it.Then write at least five sentences using the words. 2.根据括号里的提示词,完成第二题。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now,please write questions to complete the conversation. 3.小结训练。(3 分钟) 看图回答问题。 (1)What are they doing? They are swimming. (2)Is he playing football? No,he isnt. (3)Where do you think he is? He is at home. (4)Is she playing basketball? Yes,she is. (5)Whats the time? Its three oclock. 环节说明环节说明:通过各种题型的练习加强对现在进行 时基本结构的巩固,并对本单元所学的单词、词组与 句子进行归纳、总结。同时将本单元所学的语言基础 知识灵活运用到听、说、读、写的各项训练中,为整 个单元的学习画上一个圆满的句号。
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