冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to Canada-Unit 1 Review-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:20c06).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to Canada_Unit 1 Review_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:20c06)
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Unit1 Review 教学反思教学反思 本节课我以教材为影子,充分利用多媒体对文本内容加以整合 和疏导,以英语学科的基本特点和县区域内的教学要求及乡村教育 的实际情况为根基,进一步有效帮助孩子们扎实第一单元的内容。 整节课我始终关注着孩子们学语言的情景,PPT 呈现了实际语 言运用的场景。同时,把会看图会表达敢说话作为教学的第一要务, 这也符合近几年小学毕业学业水平测试的要求。 课堂的精彩之处有两方面:一方面是看图说话有了逻辑性,没 有语法错误,可以流利的表达自己的想法;另一方面是直呼式英语 教学法孩子们熟练掌握人称代词的意义及用法,从而把课堂推向高 潮,扎实了基础学识。 最后让同学们亲自实践动手练习宾格的用法,使他们对所学内 容从感性认识上升到理性认识,从而体会英语学习的成功感。这样 还有效突破了本单元教学的难点。 总之,本节课的教学设计我充分利用多媒体运用直观形象的呈现 抓住小学生的年龄特点帮助他们掌握内容。这样科学巧妙地处理教 材,抓住重点,突破难点,把复杂的内容条理化、简单化和层次化。 更重要的是我依据新课标的要求对课程的建设和开发。我认为我今 天的教学做到了。Welcome! Unit 1 Review Li Ming arrives todoay! Canada English Today Sep. 1 Jun. 25 ten months Look at the clock. What time is it? Its half past four. LiMings plane will arrive at 5 oclock. 4 Our family lives in this ____________. We watch TV in the ________________. I do my homework in the _________. I wash my face in the ________. My mum cooks dinner in the __________. My sister liens to music in her____________. Its time for breakfast! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 主格 Ihesheitweyouthey 宾宾格 mehimheritusyou them 翻译译我他她它我们们你,你们们 他们们,她 们们,它们们 Look,this is __________! I am flying a kite. Your books are on the floor. put_________ in your bag. Today is my fathers birthday. I bought a gift for________. My English teacher is Miss Zhao. We all like ___________. Look at ______. We have the same T-shirts. This book is for ________. Thank you for listening阎家房小学教学设计 学 科English 年 级Grade 5 课 题Unit 1 Review 课 型New 教学目标 Through listening,speaking,reading and writing to review key points of Unit 1. 教学重点words and expressions. 教学难点words and expressions. 教学方法Listening, speaking,reading and writing. 教学用具Tape and PPT 教学程序教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming up Step2 Review points 1.Review Review the words of Unit1. 2.Greetings Are you ready for English class? 1.Give a brief summary for Unit1. 2.Use the mind map to review “Li Ming arrives Today!” 3.Review the sentences: What time is it? Its - Then get the skill:write with pictures. 4.Through the picture to Read the words and say the translation. Greetings with the teacher. Get it. Remember to say. Write with pictures. Master the usion 通过简单的问候, 把学生带入到了 英语学习环境中。 复习本单元的单 词,以点带面巩 固所学的知识。 整体上把握单元 内容。 熟记理解句型。 复习文本,渗透 写作。 Step 3 Exercise 3、Class closing instrct the sentence: Li Mings plane will arrive at 5 oclock. 5.Oral English: Nice to see you. 6.Remember Jennys house and familar the usion of its parts under the exercise. 7.Ask the willing of breakfast. Then talk it in Daily life. 8.Dinner makes them to know the step of making dinner and helpful in the family. 9. At the weekend, With their leisure time,What do they do in the livingroom? 10. Game :clap and say Loudly and quickly.then Master the objective case Under fill in the blanks. “at ” Distinguish “Nice to meet you.” According its hit to express it. Look and say. Talk about the picture. Talk about the picture,ang familar its content Review to remember. 在理解的基础上 掌握介词的运用。 熟悉口语,熟练 地在情景中进行 会话。 充分运用视觉效 果,加上自己的 生活实际,有效 用英语表达房子 中各部分的功能。 通过复习,让英 语地道的表达成 为格学习生活中 的一部分。 完成教学任务的 同时,了解做饭 的步骤,勇于承 担生活的责任。 乐于表达休闲时 光的情景,体会 温馨的家庭生活。 充分发挥自我意 识,有效衔接知 识内容,帮助孩 子们理解掌握宾 格的用法。 板书设计 Unit1 Review There is a living room,a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. Its time for breakfast. Its time to have /eat breakfast. What would you like for your breakfast? Id like some eggs,bread and juice,please.
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