冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 4 Good Habits-Lesson 20 Always Brush Your Teeth!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:30493).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Good Habits_Lesson 20 Always Brush Your Teeth!_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:30493)
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Lesson20Lesson20 AlwaysAlways BrushBrush YourYour TeethTeeth get get ,get up wash wash ,wash face wash wash ,wash hands brush brush, brush teeth have have, have breakfast go go ,go to school Lets chant I have breakfast at 7:00 every morning. have breakfast Before breakfast,I wash my hands and brush my teeth. wash my hands and brush my teeth before breakfast tooth teeth foot tree book week cook meet look need good feet After breakfast,I go to school. go to school after breakfast after river driver teacher worker What does Jenny do beforeafter breakfast? Jenny always has breakfast.Before breakfast,she washes her face and brushes her teeth.After breakfast,she goes to school. How often does Jenny brush her teeth? She brushes her teeth three times a day. She wants strong and healthy teeth. 1、大多数动词在词尾加、大多数动词在词尾加“S”在清辅音后发音在清辅音后发音 为为s,在浊辅音及元音后发音为在浊辅音及元音后发音为z.如:如: stopstopss;makemakess readreadsz;playplaysz 2、以辅音字母加、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的结尾的,要先将要先将“y”变为变为 “i”,然后在加然后在加“es”读读iz如:如: flyfliesz;carrycarriesz studystudiesz;worryworries 3、以、以“s,x,ch,sh”结尾的结尾的,在词尾加在词尾加“es”,发音发音 为为iz如:如: teachteachesiz;watchwatchesiz 4、以、以“o”结尾的动词结尾的动词,加加“es”,读读z如:如: gogoesz;dodoesz 动词第三人称单数变化规则动词第三人称单数变化规则 She likes to fly a kite. He always goes to school . LiMing plays basketball on Sundays. My brother does his homework everyday. My mom always tells me to ( ) In the morning and before bed. “Why?”I asked her one day.She said,It makes your teeth ( ) . “If I dont brush my teeth,what will ( ) ?”I asked. Mom said,if you dont brush your teeth,you may get holes in them.Then your teeth will ( ) . Letsdoit. brush my teeth strong and healthy happen hurt hanppen brush my teeth hurt strong and healthy Think and talk. - What do you do before and after breakfastlunchdinner? - I alwaysoften . Homework Wtite down what do you do on SaturdaysSundays. Thank you Goodbye教学目标 1、Students will be able to understand and use the following vocabulary: after, before, brush 2. Students will be able to understand what are habits. 3. Let students have good habits. 教学重点 How often times a day/week/month/year, and so on 教学难点 once , twice 教学方法 Read and understand 教学用具 PPT 教学程序学生活动教师活动设计意图 .Review .New concepts .Understand the text Good morning, teacher! Yes, I do I eat vegetables once a day. Yes, I do./No , I dont. Lets the students read the words after teacher. Read the text with the questions. Good morning, class! Welcome back! Do you like to eat vegetables? How often do you eat vegetables? Do you always eat vegetables? Then, teacher ask students always/often/sometimes/never and speak in Chinese. Show a picture and ask: Do you always eat breakfast? What do you do before breakfast? after before brush Show the text and listen to the audiotape. Ask : When do you eat breakfast every day? Please read the text with the questions. Next, show the part 2 and listen to the audiotape. Let students read the text three times . Greeting and Review To new concepts, its interesting Learning the text, know someone Answer questions to understand the story Complete the question ;understand the text. .complete the activity book .Homework I eat breakfast at_______. I brush my teeth. Three times a day . I want strong and healthy teeth. I always do my homework before dinner. After dinner, I wash the dishes. Finish the activity books. Finish your homework. Ask : What do you do before breakfast? How often do you brush your teeth? Look at the part 3: Complete the sentences with the words: happen brush my teeth hurt strong and healthy Exercise again: What do you do before and after breakfast/lunch/dinner? Finish the sentences, understand the text again. 板书设计 Always brush your teeth before after How often do you eat? I eat How often do you brush your teeth? 教学反思 本次讲课,在操作上尤其是课件的使用上,课件起到了辅助教学的作用,没有让 课件占据课堂教学的主体,同时,课件做到了化繁为简,即课件把声音,图片全 部融入到课件当中,而没有用到其他诸如录音机之类的教学辅助设备,课堂整体 较之前基本趋于紧凑,而且对于所授内容以及重难点内容都得到了充分的练习, 学生面照顾的也比较广。在教学中有许多不足之处有待改进:课堂教学过程虽然 体现了以学生为主体,但只用问答一种形式显得单调,应该拓展教学方式,多种 方式更易于学生接受,和活跃课堂气氛,再者,板书的书写过于急切,而把课题 写错,课堂的时间把握上也略显不够到位,在以后的教学中要切实改进。
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