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    • 2019新人教版高中英语必修二Unit单元同步语法讲练(含答案).docx--点击预览


2019 新人教版高中英语必修二单元同步语法 Unit 1 定语从句(三)定语从句(三)-“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句 当关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,我们通常用“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。关 系代词只能用 which 或 whom。先行词指物时,用 which;先行词指人时用 whom。 “介词+ which(指物)/ whom(指人) ”引导的定语从句主要有以下几种情况: 1.单个介词+which/ whom 介词的选择: 根据和从句中动词 的搭配 根据和从句中形容 词的搭配。 根据和先行词的搭 根据句意 注意:定语从句的谓 语动词如果是以介词 结尾的短语动词,则 不可把介词移至从句 之首。 如: look for, look after, pay attention to ,take care of , look forward to, listen to等。 The man with whom I talked just now is from Beijing University.刚才 和我谈话的那个人是从北京大学来的。 (talk with sb 和某人说话) Yesterday I visited the West Lake for which Hangzhou is famous. 昨 天我参观了杭州著名的西湖。 (be famous for 以而闻名.) He built a telescope, through which he could study stars. 他架起一架望远镜,通过它可以研究星星。 (through a telescope 通过望远镜) My computer, without which I cant play computer games, broke down yesterday. 昨天我的电脑坏了,没有它我不能玩电脑游戏。 This is the pen that / which you are looking for. 这是我正在找的钢笔。 不说:ThisisthepenforwhichImlooking. 2.介词短语+which/ whom Jack was a famous doctor, with the help of whom they succeeded in the operation.杰克是一位名医,在他的帮助下他们成功做了手术。 He works in a factory, in front of which lies a river. 他在一个工厂工作,工厂前面有一条河。 3.不定代词/数词/名 词+of which/ whom (of which/ whom 也可 放前) He has two sons, both of whom/ of whom both are doctors. 他有两个儿子,他们都是医生。 John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of whom/ of whom most are family members. 约翰邀请了大约 40 人参加他的婚礼, 他们当中绝大部分都是自家人。 There are 60 students in our class, 41 of whom/ of whom 41 are girls 我们班有 60 名学生,其中 41 名是女生。 He mentioned a book, the title of which /of which the title Ive forgotten.他提到一本书,书的名字我忘了。 4.the+形容词比较级 或最高级/ 序数词+of which/ whom Our university has many labs, the largest of which/ of which the largest was built last year. 我们学校有许多实验室,最大的是去年 建造的。 (of which/ whom 也 可放前) In his office there are nine clerks, the youngest of whom/ of whom the youngest is Mr. Liu. 他办公室有 9 位职员, 其中最年轻的是刘 先生。 I was given three books on cooking, the first of which/ of which the first I really enjoyed. 别人给我三本关于烹饪的书,我很喜欢第一 本。 5.介词+ which/whose+名词 (which/whose 作名 词的定语) He may be late, in which case well have to put off the meeting. 他也许会迟到,那样的话我们只好推迟会议了。 The boss, in whose company Mr. Smith works, is my friend.这个老板 是我的朋友,史密斯先生在他的公司工作。 I wish to thank Professor Smith, without whose help I would never have got this far. 我感谢史密斯教授, 没有他的帮助, 我永远不会 取得如此的成就。 注意和并列句的区别: The old man has three sons , one of whom is a teacher. (定语从句,用引导词 whom) The old man has three sons, and one of them is a teacher.(并列句,用代词 them) The old man has three sons; one of them is a teacher. (分号“;”后的句子是并列句,用代 词 them) 补充三种特殊情况(供参考) 1.since when 引导的定语从 句 when 指代前面句 子所提供的时间 背景,从句中多 用现在完成时 That was in 1997, since when things have been better. 那是在 1997 年,从那时起情况就已经好转了。 (since when 指代 since 1997) 比较:That was in 1997, when things were better. 那 是在 1997 年,那时情况有了好转。.( when 指代 in 1997) 2.from where 引导的定语从 句 表示从某一个地 点 Tom hid himself behind the door, from where he could hear the steps of his mother clearly. (from where 指 代 from behind the door) 汤姆躲在门后,从那里 他可以清楚地听到妈妈的脚步声。 3.介词+which/ whom+ to do 相当于介词 +which/ whom 引 导的定语从句 I have only $10 with which to buy him a present. 我只有 10 美元来给他买礼物。 (=with which I could buy him a present) I want to make friends with Jack from whom to improve my English. 我想和杰克交朋友,从他那儿提高我的英语水平。 (=from whom I can improve my English) 【巩固练习】 一用“介词+关系代词”合并句子 1.The day will come. Ordinary people can travel by spaceship on the day 2.My father told little John the year. He had studied in the year. 3.Guangzhou was liberated on the day. The day was Oct.14,1949. 4.This is a field. I used to grow vegetables in that field. 5.Do you still remember those days? We worked together in those days. 6.The subject is English. Im not interested in English. 7.The clever boy made a hole in the wall. We could see what was happening inside the house through the wall. 8. There are many reasons. People like traveling for the reasons. 9. This is the train. We worked on the train last year. 10. The pen is made in Shanghai. She is writing with the pen. 11. He used to live in a big house. In front of it grew many banana trees. 12. They passed a factory. At the back of the factory there were rice fields. 13. The house is mine. The window of the house is broken. 14. In the park there are many flowers. The colour of the flowers is bright and nice. 15.My uncle had three sons. Two of them died during the last earthquake. 16.I am living a in an English village. Life is peaceful and traditional in the village. 17. I have several good friends. I can tell my problems to them. 18. Because of the 2019-nCoV we have a longer vacation. During the time we dont go out to work. 19. Li Wenliang is a hero. We should be proud. 20. The volunteer said conditions in Wu Han were difficult. I spoke to him just now. 二填空 1.It is a famous school_______ _______he graduated 3 years ago. 2.The chair _______ _______he is sitting now is made of wood. 3.Do you remember the day _______ _______ you joined our club? 4.They finally climbed up the mountain, on top of _______ many strange birds were seen. 5.Eric received training in computer for one year, _______ _______ he found a job in a big company. 6.Look at the photo. This is Mr. Green, in front of _______ sit three students. 7.The plane _______ _______ we flew to Canada is very comfortable. 8.There are many reasons _______ _______ people like traveling. 9.This is the iPad ______ _______ I spent 3000 yuan. 10.This is my pair of glasses, _______ _______ I cannot see clearly. 11. Hell never forget the day _______ _______ he was admitted to the Olympic Games for the first time. 12.The musicians _____ ______ we have great interest toured Europe with us. 13 Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill ______ ______ school education depends. 14. Who can give me the reason_______ _______ he hasnt turned up yet? 15. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _______ _______ she could turn for help. 16. The man _______ _______ you shook hands just now is our headmaster. 17.She was educated at Beijing University, _______ _______ she went on to have her advanced study abroad. 18.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people ,many of ________left their village homes for a better life in the city. 19.The English play_______ _______ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. 20. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town_______ _______ he grew up as a child. 21.Villagers here depend on the fishing industry, _______ _______ there wont be much work. 22.She brought with her three friends, none of ______I had ever met before. 23.Julie was good at German, French and Russian , all of ________ she spoke fluently. 24. Many young people, most of ________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 25. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures , each of ________ uses it differently. 26. He wrote many children s books, nearly half of____ were published in the 1990s. 27.In our class there are 46 students, of _____ half wear glasses. 28.September 30 is the day by _____ you must pay your bill. 29.Mark was a student at Beijing University from 2012 to 2016, during _____ time he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students Union. 30.With the development of agriculture, the people, in ______village I taught before , have lived a happy life. 答案:一1.The day on which ordinary people can travel by spaceship will come. 2.My father told little John the year in which he had studied. 3.Oct 14,1949 was day on which Guangzhou was liberated. 4.This is the field in which I used to grow vegetables. 5.Do you still remember those days in which we worked together. 6.The subject in which Im not interested is English. 7.The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through which we could see what was happening inside the house. 8. There are many reasons for which people like traveling. 9. This is the train on which we worked last year . 10. The pen with which she is writing is made in Shanghai. 11. He used to live in a big house in front of which grew many banana trees. 12. They passed a factory at the back of which there were rice fields. 13. The house the window of which is broken is mine. 14. In the park there are many flowers, the colour of which is bright and nice. 15.My uncle had three sons, two of whom died during the last earthquake. 16.I am living a in an English village. Life is peaceful and traditional in the village. 17. I have several good friends to whom I can tell my problems. 18. Because of the 2019-nCoV we have a longer vacation during which we dont go out to work. 19. Li wenliang is a hero of whom we should be proud. 20. The volunteer to whom I spoke just now said conditions in Wu Han were difficult. 二1. from which 2. on which 3. on which 4. which 5. after which 6. whom 7. in which 8. for which 9. on which 10. without which 11. on which 12.in whom 13. on which 14. for which 15.to whom16.with whom 17. after which 18. whom 19.in which 20.in which 21. without which 22. whom23.which 24.whom 25.which 26.which 27.whom 28.which 29.which 30.whose 总之,定语从句是历年高考的重要考点,也是中学阶段最难的语法项目之一,对理解长难 句起着很重要的作用,同学们一定要下功夫,扎扎实实学好,对提升英语水平有很大的帮 助。2019 新人教版高中英语必修二单元同步语法 Unit 3 现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时的被动语态 现在完成时的被动语态表示“现在已经被完成的动作” 。常与一些副词连用,如 already, yet, just, never, ever, lately, recently, twice 等,通常把副词放在助动词 have 或 has 的后面, 有时候也可以放在句末。也可以表示“一个从过去某个时间开始,持续到现在,并可能延 续下去的被做的动作” 。常用的时间状语有:for+一段时间,since+时间点/从句, in/ for/over/during the last / past few years/months/weeks/days, ever since, so far, up to now, in recent years 等连用。 一 现在完成时被动语态的构成 1肯定形式:主语+has/ have been过去分 词 The experiment has been done successfully. 这个实验做得很成功。 Many new buildings have been built since 2018. 自从 2018 年,许多新的大楼被建 成。 2. 否定形式: 主语+has/ have not been过去 分词 The car has not been repaired yet. 这辆汽 车还没有修好。 These books have not been published. 这 些书还没有被出版。 3. 疑问形式: Has/have+主语+been过去分词? Has his bike been repaired? 他的自行车修 好了吗? Have the machines been used for a long time?这机器使用很久了吗? 二现在完成时被动语态的用法 1.表示现在已经被完成的动作。 常用的时间状语有:already, yet, just, never, ever, lately, recently, twice 等, 通常把副词 放在助动词 have 或 has 的后面, 有时候也可以放在句末。 Some flowers have already been watered by Li Ming. 一些花 已经被李明浇了。 Has the Wi-Fi password been confirmed yet? Wi-Fi 密码被验 证了吗? Recently his novel has been translated into many foreign languages? 最近,他的小说被翻译成好几种外语。 2.表示一个从过去某个时间开 始,持续到现在,并可能继续 延续下去的被做的动作。常用 的时间状语有:for+一段时间, since+时间点/从句, in/ for/over/during the last / past few years/months/weeks/days, ever since, so far, up to now, in recent years 等连用。 Much useful information about these planets has been collec ted since 1971. 自从 1971 年关于这些行星的许多有用的 信息已经被收集。 Computer science has been taught in all universities for many years. 所有的大学开计算机课程已经很多年了。 Up to now, no news has been received from her. 到现在,还没有收到她的消息。 【注意一】主动语态变被动语态注意事项 1.短语动词的被动语态: 主动语态中的谓语动词是短语动词时, 变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成短语动 词的介词或副词。 They take good care of the children at school. The children are taken good care of at school. 孩子们在学校受到很好的照顾。 You shouldnt laugh at disabled people. Disabled people shouldnt be laughed at. 残疾人不应该被嘲笑。 2. 带双宾语的动词,变为被动语态时可 以有两种方法: (1)把间接宾语(指人)变为被动语态的 主语,而把直接宾语(指事物)保留下来。 (2)把直接宾语(指事物)变为被动语态 的主语,而把间接宾语改为介词 to 或 for 引起的状语。用 to 还是 for,根据动 词的搭配:一般动词 give,pass, show, send,bring 要加介词 to;动词 buy, make, cook, mend 要加介词 for。 He gave her some money. 他给她一些钱。 She was given some money. / Some money was given to him. He bought her a watch. 他给她买了一块表。 She was bought a watch./ A watch was bought for her. 3.带有复合宾语的句子,变成被动语态时 宾补相应变为主补: (1)在感官动词(hear,see, watch, feel, notice 等)和使役动词(let,make have 等)在 主动语态中后接不带 to 的动词不定式作 宾补,但是改为被动语态时, 要加上 to,作 主补。 (2)如果主动语态中 doing 或 to do 作 宾补时, 变为被动时仍然用 doing 或 to do 的形式。 We often see him go for a walk by the river. He is often seen to go for a walk by the river. They made the boys work 12 hours a day. The boys were made to work 12hours a day. I saw him playing football at that moment. He was seen playing football at that moment. Our teacher told us to clean the room at once. We were told to clean the room at once . 【注意二】 使用被动语态时注意的几个方面 (1)系动词 look, feel, sound, smell, taste, seem, appear, go, prove, turn 等 与形容词连用时。 Ice feels cold. 冰摸上去凉。 Your bedroom smelt so terrible. 你的卧室气味难闻。 His plan proved (to be) practical. 这项计划证明是符合实际的。 (2)表示开始、结束、 运动的词 begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, shut 等。 Work began at 7 oclock this morning. 上午七点开始工作。 The shop closes at 6 p.m every day. 这家店铺每天下午 6 点关门。 1.不用被 动语态的 情况 (3)表示主语的某种属 性的词 read, write, act, cut, play, draw, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, look, shut 等, 通常和副词 well, easily, smoothly, badly, nicely 等 The books sell well 这些书很畅销。 Your pen writes smoothly. 你的笔书写起来很流畅。 This knife cuts well. 这把刀子很快。 This coat dries easily. 这种外衣容易干。 The recorder wont play. 这录音机不转了。 The door wont lock/ open. 门锁不上/ 打不开。 连用。其否定形式通常 用 wont,表示拒绝。 2.get 型被 动语态 get +done 表被动意义, 相当于 be+done He got paid by the month. 他是按月领薪水的。 He fell and got hurt. 他摔倒受伤了。 They got married last week. 他们上周结婚了。 His car got damaged in a road accident. 他的车在交通事故中被毁了。 3.It + be+ 过去分词+ 从句 It is said that she knows three languages. (=She is said to know three languages. ) 据说她懂三种语言。 It is reported that the American president will visit China next week. (= The American president is reported to visit China next week.) 据报道美国总统下周要访华。 4.常见的 没有被动 语态的动 词及短语 spread,happen, occur (发生),take place, break out, belong to, come true, come into being, come out(出版),come up(被提出), consist of(由组成) , give out(用完,耗尽, run out(用完) ,turn out(证明是) ,turn up(出现) , work out(产生,结果) ,date from/ back to(追溯到)等。 【巩固练习】 一将下列主动句变为被动句 1. You can see that they have not painted the house for years. 2.It is said that two thieves have broken into the house . 3. Have people criticized his views ? 4. He has not taken away the two books. 5. Where have you repaired the mobile phone? 6. The company has brought down the price of the colour TV set again . 7. My parents gave me a toy at Christmas. 8. Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. 9. They saw the boy smoking a cigarette. 10. The boss forced the workers to work day and night. 二用所给动词的正确时态填空 1. -Look, what an old bridge! It looks so special! -Yeah, it ______ ( build)for nearly 500 years . 2. More than 14, 000 books _____(collect)since the library _____ (build)last month. 3. This is a photo of the power station that ______(set)up in my hometown. 4. How many workers ______(send) to build the railway recently? 5.Much information ______(send)back to the earth since the spacemen began their exploration on the moon. 6. Much parking space in cities ________ (save) by using small cars. 7. This part of the sea ________ (explore) many times. 8.Al l the preparation for the task______(do), and were ready to start. 9.I ______(employ)at this job since 1990. 10. A kind of new PC ______(build)with more functions recently. 11. I hear Jans life ______(improve)by the Internet. 12.The construction of the new railway lines______(finish)by the workers by now. 13. No comment ______(make) about the online database till now. 14. A great many fine cars ______(produce)by the car factory since the technological revolution. 15. Much ___
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