冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 9 On the Farm-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:21498).doc

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1、教材分析教材分析 本课是冀教2011 课标版小学英语三年级下册第二 单元第二课时,是一节单词新授课。主要语言知识是单 词 thin, fat ,tall ,short 的教授和句型 Look at that .It s 的灵活运用。 教材包括 Lets learn Lets do 两部分内容。这一部分主要是通过教 授描述动物的形容词来巩固所学句型, 旨在提高学生读 的能力,让学生感知核心句型的语义。 学情分析学情分析 1) 生活经验: 描述动物特征的单词及 “看.它是.” 句型结构与学生的生活息息相关, 有利于调动学生的积 极性与兴趣。 2)心理特点:三年级学生的观察力、识记能力开始逐 步形成

2、,自主学习能力、探究学习能力、小组合作学习 能力有了很大的发展,喜欢游戏、竞赛等不同形式的教 学活动,利于单词和句型的教学。 教学目标教学目标 (一)听、说、认读单词 thin, fat ,tall ,short,并 能在实际生活中正确应用. (二)能够熟练运用单词和新句型 Look at that .It s .描述喜欢的动物并能够在实际情景中运用. (三)听懂形容词的含义,并能根据指令性语言做出正 确的反应. 教学重难点教学重难点 重点 掌握单词 thin, fat ,tall ,short 难点 1听懂 Lets do 部分的指令性动作,并根 据指令做出相应的动作 2正确使用形容词来描述

3、物品并能灵活运用 句型 Look at that.Its 课前准备课前准备 1.高矮长颈鹿,胖瘦猴子,大熊猫小老鼠,动物园图片 (奖励赛区) 2.Miss White,Zhang Peng ,Amy 头饰图片 3.高矮长颈鹿,胖瘦猴子教学大图 4.绘本故事(无字版) 5.每组的题板(四线三格硬纸卡) 6.学生准备全家福 7.自制课件 教学策教学策略与略与 设计说明设计说明 英语课程标准中明确指出:义务教育阶段的英 语课程应面向全体学生,体现以学生为主体的思想,在 教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价等方面都应 考虑全体学生的发展需求。基于以上理念,在设计本节 课时,我从教学目标、教学过程等全

4、方面考虑,主要采 用情境引入法、任务型教学法、小组合作等教学方法, 此外与直观形象的多媒体结合,激发学生的学习兴趣, 充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的主体作用。 教学流程教学流程 (一)Greeting & Warm up 课前介绍各组任务(即奖励赛区)Help your animals go home:There are 6 animals .They play outside and they are lost. Please help them go back to the zoo. Come on. 1.Enjoy the song-At the zoo. Lead in the ti

5、tle-Unit3 At the zoo 2.Show Ss the learning aims:4 words :fat ,thin ,tall, short &a sentence: Look at that .Its . (二)Revision Brainstorm: Discuss the animals they have learned in 2 mins. No5 in each group say one word about the animals No4.3.2 say two words about the animals. (三)Presentation 1.Revie

6、w the sentence they have learned in Part A. Lets talk and write the sentences on the blackboard. Look at that giraffe. Its so _.(sound of tall) Its _and _.(sounds of short and fat) Ask Ss to discuss the spellings of the words in each group. (Group 1、2 tall Group 3、4 short Group 5、6 fat) Check their

7、answers and add marks for their groups 2.Teaching new words tall-short (自然拼读法教授发音) fat thin (自然拼读法教授发音) Review the words “a”: dad, hand ,cat ,bag thin:教授时通过班里一个瘦瘦的女孩 Tracy ,老师太胖了,能把 Tracy 装到里面(in) (单词趣味记忆法) 3.Practice the words Read the words in different styles : (1) different groups, (2)different

8、numbers (3)boys &girls (2) Read the words by TPR actions 4.Listen ,read and point on their books. 5.(拓展)Look at that/this girl boy. She/He is _.(新旧知识迁移) Sum up :These words not only can be described animals, but also persons. 6.Group work(take out their family photo):describe their family members Lo

9、ok at that man/boy. He is _. Look at that woman/girl. She is _. 7.Look at teachers family photo: Look at that man. He is my father .Look at that woman. She is my mother. Look at that girl .She is your teacher-Alyssa. She is fat .She ate too much. So please eat healthy food and control the quantity.(

10、情感教育) 8.Teach the part-Lets do Look at that picture .Look at that girl. She is your English teacher Alyssa.When I was a little girl,I ate too much .So Im fatter and fatter. Lets do:Be fat, be fat, be fat fat fat Be thin ,be thin, be thin thin thin Be tall, be tall, be tall,tall,tall Be short, be sho

11、rt, be short,short,short 9.Practice the part-Lets do Listen ,read and point. Read the part together Read the part in their groups& Read by themselves Read and do the actions. 10.Activity:To be an English writer(group work) No4/5 Stick the words about the animals and the adj. No3 Match the words and

12、adj. No1/2 Write the sentences about the picture using the sentence patterns:Look at that.Its . (四)Conclusion &Homework Ask Ss to sum up the knowledge they have learned today Homework:No1.Describe your family photo and write it down No2/3 Read and recite the part-Lets do No4/5 Listen, point and read


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