冀教版一起三下-Unit 1 How Do You Feel -Lesson 1 How Do You Feel -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a0897).doc

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冀教版一起三下-Unit 1 How Do You Feel -Lesson 1 How Do You Feel -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a0897).doc_第1页
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1、1 Lesson 1 How do you feel? 教学背景教学背景 1. 教学对象:小学三年级学生。 2. 教学内容: How do you feel?一课是冀教版小学三年级下册第一单元的第 一课时的内容。本单元主要围绕如何表达感觉和感受。通过本课的学习,让 学生了解掌握基本的情感单词,表达感受,并会询问和关心他人的感受。 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标: 1:能够认识理解运用以下单词:feel,happy,sad,tired,angry。 2:能够理解和运用以下句型:How do you feel? I feel. 3:能够提高用关于英语情感表达的听说读写能力。 过程与方法目标: 1

2、.通过小组合作,培养合作学习的意识和能力。 2.通过对话练习,培养交流信息的能力。 3.通过任务活动,培养学生良好的听课习惯。 态度情感与价值观目标: 、 1.增强说英语的乐趣,增强每位学生学习的自信心。 2.培养学生表达自己情感和关心他人感受的意识。 教学重点教学重点:How do you feel? I feel 教学难点教学难点: I feel tired.中 tired 的元音 i 的发音;以及句型问答的流利性。 教学准备教学准备:电脑,课件,单词卡片,表情图。 教学过程教学过程: 教学步骤 设计意图 . Warming-up and lead-in : 1. T: Greeting

3、each other. Free talk: Good morning, boys and gilrs, Nice to see you again. Are you happy today? 简单的问答引起学生注 意,将注意力集中在课 堂之上。 通过做询问 Are you happy,自然过渡到 本课主题。 2 2.T: Present the lesson title: Lesson1 How do you feel? And show the meanings of feel by pictures of Good,Cold, Hot. 3. Listen to a song: “I f

4、eel cool.” After sing the song,students answer the question: “How do you feel?” 通过观察图片的引导学 生复习单词 good,cold, hot,为本课情感单词学 习做铺垫. 听流行歌曲倍儿爽 引起引学生有意注意 力,创设轻松愉悦的学 习氛围。 .Presentation and practice 1. Show the task: interview a sports game (在电脑白板上呈现羊村运动会场景) T:Do you know them ? Ss:Yes. T:Who are they? Ss: Th

5、ey are happy goat, lazy goat and gray wolf. (观察表情,猜测结果) T: Lets look at their faces : “How do they feel?” And guess who is the first one? 2. words teaching and sentence teaching. (白板展示角色表情,学习单词) T:Who is he? Ss:喜洋洋 happy goat. T: How does he feel? Ss:Happy. Read the word happy together. Spell the wo

6、rd by phonics. (体会角色情感,学习句型) T: If you are the happy goat. How do you say? Ss: I feel happy. Read the sentence and pay attention to the sound of ee in feel. (游戏竞赛,巩固句型) Play a sentence game: magic fingers. Learn the word of sad in the similar way. “ Sad,I feel sad.” Game: high and low voice. (完成填空,初

7、步感知单词之间的反义关系) Compare two words: happy and sad. Fill in the blanks: happy=_sad (key: not) Learn the word of tired and angry in the similar way. “Tired, I feel tired.” Game: Group Seconds game. “Angry, I feel angry.” Chant game:Angry, angry. I feel angry. 通过学生熟知的动漫角 色设置任务,调动学生 学习的积极性。 通过猜谜游戏调动每个 学生强烈

8、的求知欲望, 以问题情景呈现课任务 对全体学生充满信任。 过观察思考,学生能够 自主探究 I feel.句型 的用法。 教学遵循学生的认知规 律,从单词到句型。 通过游戏保持学习的热 情。 对比感知反义词含义。 引导学生进行小组竞赛 活动. 发挥评价的激励 机制。 3 3.Review all the words Game: Whats missing. Find the missing words and spell them out. 4.Dialogue Practice Interview your classmates (白板展示记着采访角色图,教师示范引导) T:Who is th

9、e interviewer interviewing? How does he say? How does he answer? Now,I am the interviewer。 How do you feel? Who can be the little interviewer? Pairs practice and show to us. 5.Chant for remembering words and sentences. Happy, happy, I feel happy. Sad, sad, I feel sad. Tired, tired, I feel tired. Ang

10、ry, angry, I feel angry. Chant together, then chant group by one group. 6. Text teaching Before playing the flash: Students need to think of three questions by look at pictures on book: Picture one:Is Jenny happy sad or angry, why? Picture two:How does Li Ming feel? Picture three:How does Jenny feel

11、 now, when it is raining? Picture four:The boy siting down feels_. Listen and read after the flash. 通过看图整体感知和记 忆图片,通过图片消失, 使得学生在头脑中再现 和巩固情感单词并练习 拼写。 示范引导学生完成对话 的初步练习。 把歌谣活动作为课堂教 学的一部分。巩固单词 和句型。 看图,寻找问题答案, 可以集中学生的注意 力,训练听力,了解故 事大概,提高表达能力。 第几遍录音,让学生再次 听音感受对话,训练低 年级听的能力,大量听 的输入为下一步的输出 表达作好准备。 . Product

12、ion: 1.students to work in groups/pairs,and try to act out their own dialogues by the sentence : How do you feel? I feel. Then show to us. 通过小组/同伴合作,对 话练习,培养学生的语 言的交流能力。 .Summary 1. Do some exercise 2.sing a song: If you are happy. 练习复习巩固 歌曲欢快结束 V. Homework: 让学生敞开心怀向他人 4 Try to express your feelings to your parents and friends. 表达内心的情感。 V:Blackboard design: Lesson1 How do you feel? 通过简明扼要的板书让 学生掌握本课的重点。 How do you feel? I feel. happy sad tired angry


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