冀教版一起三下-Unit 4 Healthy Me-Lesson 19 Let's Exercise-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:135b9).zip

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冀教版小学英语(一年级起始版) 三年级下册 Unit4 Lesson19 Lets Exercise! 路华小学 王诗婕 a kiteCan you make a kite? I draw a picture on the paper. I color it. I cut the paper. I put sticks to it. I tie strings on it. i big pig sit hit i-e kite like rice tie I can fly my kite ! I make a kite. 1.I draw a picture on the paper. 2.I color it.(涂色) 3.I cut the paper. 4.I put sticks on it. 5.I tie strings to it.(系绳) 6.I can fly my kite! I it. I a picture on the. Ithe. I puton it. I to it. I can. Lets play a game! Now lets make a kite! Homework: 1.课下将小绘本故事完成并将做风筝的 过程与你的家人或是好朋友进行分享。 2.你还了解国外的哪些奇特种类的风筝 ?它们是如何制作的?课下请搜集一些 相关的图片或文字,小组内进行交流学 习。Lesson 19 Lets Exercise 成安县实验小学成安县实验小学 刘燕敏刘燕敏 warm up run jump Look fly Lets Learn Walk to school Play football Ride a bike Fly a kite swim Lets play a game : seesee saysay Pair work: -What do you like to do ? -I like to ___________. Lets chant Homework: Please copy the new words twice and read the text after class. Thats all, see you !Lesson19:Lets exercise New words walkwalk to school New words swim New words run New words footballplay football New words fly fly a kite kite New words ride ride a bike bike walk to school play football fly a kite ride a bike run swim walk to school fly a kite play football run swim ride a bike A:What do you like to do? B:I like to swim. What do you like to do? A:I like to fly a kite. make a dialogue Lets play a game. Ask and answer. 1.lets exercise 2.play football 3. fly a kite 4.ride a bike 5.walk to school a.踢足球 b.步行上学 c.骑自行车 d.放风筝 e.让我们做运动 1.What do you like to do? 2. What do they like to do? 看图回答问题 I like to fly a kite. They like to play football. 3. What does he like to do? He likes to run. 4. What does she like to do? She likes to swim. I like to (肯定句) I dont like to (否定句) I like to swim. I dont like to swim. Follow me: walk to school play football fly a kite ride a bike run 2、把下列句子改成否定句。 1、I like to swim. I dont like to swim. 2、I like to walk to school. I dont like to walk to school. 3、 They like to play football . They dont like to play football. 4、 He likes to run. He doesnt like to run.冀教版小学英语(一起)三年级下册Unit 4 exercise 运动;锻炼;练习 Lets exercise! fly a kite run swim play football walk to school ride a bike Memory run swimfly a kite play football walk to school ride a bike Game:Game: I say you do, I say you do, I do you say. I do you say. Listen and read. What do you like to do ? I like to swim . What do you like to do ? I like to run . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to fly a kite . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to play football . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to walk to school . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to ride a bike Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to Practice in groups. Summary 句型:What do you like to do ? I like to 词汇:fly a kite run swim play football walk to school ride a bike Homework(星级作业) A. 读写单词、短语和句子2遍。 B. 做一张运动卡片,有单词和图片。 C. 做一个采访,采访自己的父母或朋 友。 nameWhat do you like to do ? I like to. I like to. I like to. Good bye! Lets exercise every day! Its good for you!冀教版小学英语(一起)三年级下册Unit 4 exercise 运动;锻炼;练习 Lets exercise! fly a kite run swim play football walk to school ride a bike Memory run swimfly a kite play football walk to school ride a bike Game:Game: I say you do, I say you do, I do you say. I do you say. Listen and read. What do you like to do ? I like to swim . What do you like to do ? I like to run . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to fly a kite . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to play football . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to walk to school . Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to ride a bike Ask and answer. What do you like to do ? I like to Practice in groups. Summary 句型:What do you like to do ? I like to 词汇:fly a kite run swim play football walk to school ride a bike Homework(星级作业) A. 读写单词、短语和句子2遍。 B. 做一张运动卡片,有单词和图片。 C. 做一个采访,采访自己的父母或朋 友。 nameWhat do you like to do ? I like to. I like to. I like to. Good bye! Lets exercise every day! Its good for you!教 学 目 标 1. 知识与技能:听懂并能指认单词,听懂本课单词、会说、读得准、能上口。 2. 过程与方法:利用单词卡片识记本课短语,结合语境练习句型以及回答 3. 情感态度与价值观:让学生认识到锻炼的重要性。 重 难 点 教学重点:1. 日常活动的英文表达方法。 2. What do you like to do? 句型。 教学难点: 日常活动英语表达的发音及句子:What do you like to do? 教学流程集体备课 课 前 3 分 钟 Warm up : 小小的热身运动,帮助学生复习第三单元所学 过的有关运动的单词。 新 课 1、导入 复习前面学过的动词以引出本课的新词 2、教授新词 利用 PPT,学生观察图片,用中文说出图片上的人物 在做什么?然后再教授此短语用英语的表达。以第一幅为例 T:Everyone ,Look at this picture,What do they do? S:去上学。 T:如何去上学的呢? S:步行 T:那想一下我们学过这个短语,在三年级上册,步行去 上学,应该怎么用英语表达? S:walk to school T:Very good ! Now follow me: walk to school 师领读三遍,生自读三遍,分组读三遍,挑生读 (四个短语 :play football , ride a bike, fly a kite, swim 的讲 授都是如上) Lets play a game : see say 分为六组,一组代表一个短语,老师说汉语生说英语, 老师说英语生说汉语,点到哪个组哪个组回答 3、讲授课文重点 出示一个表的图片 新 课 出示书上的图片,老师指学生用英语回答,再次巩 固练习。 3、讲授课文重点 Listen and read 第一遍只听,第二遍听并且跟读,第三遍齐读。第 四遍分角色读。 把重点句型板书到黑板 What do you like to do? I like to . Pair work 两人一组,用本课所学短语进行练习。 4、Lets chant 第一遍听,第二遍跟唱,第三遍跟唱。 S: Ah. Its a clock! T: Yeah! Good! Look at the clock, what time is it?(在钟表上 时间 7 点) S: 7 点或者 Its seven oclock.(引出本课重点句型) What time is it ? Its oclock。 (这是整点的表达)(这是整点的表达) Practice 出示不同的时间图片,让学生练习句型。 (先是师带着学生 说 生自说,两人一组一问一答) 作 业 布 置 1. Please copy the new words twice. 2.Read the text after class. 板 书 设 计 Lesson 19 Lets Exercise - What do you like to do? run. fly a kite. -I Like to swim. play football. walk to school. ride a bike. 课 堂 反 思
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