(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 5 Clothes-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10160).zip

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rabbit happy jacket on Its Wheres my jacket? on the chair. Wheres my apple? Its on the book. Wheres my dog? Itson the chair. Wheres my book? Itson the desk. Wheres my cat? Its in the desk. in sock skirt Wheres my cat? Itsin the box. Wheres my pen? Its in the box. Wheres my sock? Its in the desk. Wheres my strawberry? Its under the watermelon. under Wheres my football? Its under the desk. Wheres my dog? Itsunder the chair. Wheres my basketball? Itsunder the chair. Wheres my cat? Itsunder the table. Listen ,write and match. 1.Wheres my cat? Its _____ the box. 2.Wheres my jacket? Its ______ the chair. 3.Wheres my soccer? Its ______ the desk. Listen ,write and match. 1.Wheres my cat? Its _____ the box. 2.Wheres my jacket? Its ______ the chair. 3.Wheres my soccer? Its ______ the desk. Listen ,write and match. 1.Wheres my cat? Its _____ the box. 2.Wheres my jacket? Its ______ the chair. 3.Wheres my soccer? Its ______ the desk. i n on under Where Where Wheres my jacket? Jacket jacket is on the desk. Where Where Wheres sock? Sock sock is in the desk. Where Where Wheres my skirt? Skirt skirt is under the desk. Oh , yeah! New words: jacket sock skirt Prepositions: on/ in /under Sentences: Wheres my ? Its on/ in /under Pay attention to your body; pay attention to your dress. 保重身体保重身体 注意穿衣注意穿衣 Read and act with your partner.( 课后与你的伙伴读和表演课后与你的伙伴读和表演) 2. Draw your dream bedroom and express the preposition of the things in English.(画出你心(画出你心 目中的卧室并用英语介词表达物品目中的卧室并用英语介词表达物品 的方位。)的方位。)作业设计作业设计 1. Read and act with your partner. (课后与你的伙伴读和表演) 2. Draw your dream bedroom and express the preposition of the things in English.(画出你心目中的卧室并用英语介词表达物品的方位。) 3.用介词 on / in /under 填空。 1.Wheres my bag? Its _____ (在.上面)the chair . 2.Wheres my jacket? Its ______(在.下面) the desk. 3.Wheres my ruler? Its ______ (在.里面)the book.1 Unit5Unit5 ClothesClothes 第一课时: (3)情感态度方面,能调动学生学习英语的积极性和兴趣,培养学生的合作精 神,使他们在学习过程中掌握知识并获得成功和自信。 2 掌握运用句型 Wheres my ? 来提问物品的基本方询问位,并能正确的回 答。 教学难点:正确理解、区分各个方位介词的不同意义,并根据实际情景加以运 用。 教学准备:图片,笔,盒子,球及文具用品(如书本、铅笔等) 教学过程: Period 1 . Warming up 1. Greeting. 2 chant:“What s that?” Whats that? Whats that? Whats that? 教学目标: (1)语言知识目标: 单词:in,on,under, a skirt , a jacket, a sock; 句型:Wheres ? Its (2)语言技能方面,能正确理解、区分所学方位介词的不同意义,并根据实际 情景加以运用。 教学重点: 1 正确朗读、拼写: in,on,under,skirt jacket sock 2 Its that a bear? No, it isnt. Its a cat. Whats that? Whats that? Its that a bear? No, it isnt. Its a chair. Presentation 1) Present. 2) T:Boys and girls,look at the teachers desk please. Whats this on the desk?(a rabbit ) 然后展示新单词 jacket ,然后教学。 3)通过物品的位置变化来引出个方位介词。 A.引出 in,将球放入纸盒内提问:Where is the ball now?(Its in the box.) 板书:in 并领读:in, in, in, in the box. BTeach the rest new words in the same way. C.引出 sock , skirt, 4)朗读由各方位介词组成的词组及句子。 分小组读,开火车读。 5) 、教师任意快速变换球的位置,提问:Where is my now? . Practice Listen 、 write and match. .Game: 听命令,做动作 (1)要求学生根据教师的指令摆放文具。 A、集体完成: 3 Put your book in the desk; B、个别完成: Put your pencil-case on your head; (2)做猜谜语游戏。让学生不用眼睛看,猜出物体所在位置。 A、集体完成:闭上眼睛,教师提问:Where is my?第一个猜中者为胜。 B、个别完成:一位学生上讲台蒙住眼睛,其他人集体提问:Where is my?猜中者为胜。 .Chant Wheres my ? Where ? Where !?Wheres my jacket? Jacket! Jacket! Its on the desk. Where ?Where ? Wheres my sock? Sock! Sock! Its in the desk. Where ? Where ? Wheres my skirt? Skirt! Skirt! Its under the desk. Oh, yeah! .Sum up New words: jacket sock skirt Prepositions: on/ in /under Sentences: Wheres my ? Its on/ in /under .homework: 1. Read and act with your partner.(课后与你的伙伴读和表演) 2. Draw your dream bedroom and express the preposition of the things in English.(画出你心目中的卧室并用英语介词表达物品的方位。) 4
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