(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 7 Time-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:00a70).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 7 Time_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:00a70)
    • Song:What time is it?.swf
    • Unit 7 Time.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案00a70.doc--点击预览


Unit 7 Time Look and say. one three six five MouthMouth gamegame twofourseveneight Unit 7 Time Can you guess? What time is it ?A: Its oclock .B:nine? Can you guess? What time is it ?A: Its oclock .B:ten? Sing a song. Can you guess? What time is it ?A: Its oclock .B:eleven? eleven 十一 Can you guess? Is it eleven oclock?A: Yes,it is.B: Can you guess? Is it eleven oclock?A: No,it isnt.B: twelve? twelve 十二 Its oclock . Target : What time is it? Its eleven oclock. Target : Yes,it is. Is it twelve oclock? Group work. Model: A:What time is it? B:Its . Clap or stamp Model 1: A:Is it twelve oclock? B:Yes,it is. Model 2: A:Is it eleven oclock? B:No,it isnt. Clap or stamp Clap or stamp Guessing game Model: A:Is it ? oclock? B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Role-play: Good morning,Gogo! Good morning,Tony! Hi,Tony,Gogo!Is it eight oclock? Yes,it is.(No,it isnt.Its .) What time is it? Its eight oclock. Summary: We should love the time. 我们应该珍惜时间。我们应该珍惜时间。 Homework: 1. Copy the new words and sentences . 2. Share“Target” with your friends after class. Listen and write.Unit 7 Time 教案教案 The second period 一、教学目标一、教学目标:1. 学习新单词 eleven , twelve . 2. 学会运用十二个数词表达和询问整点时间: What time is it? Its eleven oclock . Is it . oclock? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 二、教学重点:二、教学重点:掌握询问时间的句型及回答: What time is it?/ Its oclock . Is it . oclock? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 三、教学难点:三、教学难点:1. twelve 的读音和拼写。 2. 询问时间的句型及回答。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Review the number. (1)Look and say. (看数字的图片,读出数字) (2)Mouth game.(教师做数字口型,学生猜出数字) 3. Review the sentences. (1)Find the rules. 找规律,给出句型“What time is it?”和数字 1,3,5,7,? (1,4,7,?)让学生找出数字间规律来回答问题。 Step 2 Presentation and Practice 1. T:Today we will move on Unit 7 . Please read after me,Unit 7 Time.(教师引出主题) Ss:Unit 7 Time 2. Look, listen and repeat. PPT 给出句型“What time is it?”并提问学生,然后播放录音, 让学生学习单词 eleven,eleven oclock. (教读拼读小组读,教 师板书:eleven) 学生学习句子“What time is it?Its eleven oclock .” (跟读小 组读男女互问) ,并完成练习卷的抄写。 3. Sing the song“What time is it, Tony?” (读唱,通过歌曲再次巩固目标句型) 4. Group work. PPT 给出起床,吃饭,睡觉等图片和时间,让学生使用句型 “What time is it?Its oclock .”来提问;教师先与学生进行示范, 再分小组进行问答,组长问,组员答;再每组间进行问答。 5. Look, read and match. 书本 51 的连线,PPT 给出所有时间,学生先读一遍时间,然后 看图连线。 6. (PPT 出现指示 12 点的时钟)T: Is it twelve oclock? 教师提问学 生。 Ss: Yes, it is. (学习单词 twelve,教读拼读小组读,板书: twelve) 教师播放录音,跟读目标句型 Is it twelve oclock? Yes, it is. 7. (PPT 出现指示 11 点的时钟)T: Is it twelve oclock? 教师提问学 生。 Ss: No, it isnt. (学生跟读 No, it isnt. 板书: No, it isnt.) 完成练习卷的抄写。 8. 拍拍手跺跺脚。 PPT 出示各种时间和,学生使用句型 “Is it . oclock? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.” 造句,的拍手三下同时说 Yes, it is. 的 跺脚四下同时说 No, it isnt. 9Guessing game. (1)教师示意一名学生抽取宝箱中的卡片,卡片上写有时间, 其他学生通过使用句型 “Is it . oclock?”来猜测卡片上的时间。 (2)学生小组间利用自己制作的时钟来互相提问来猜时间。 10. Listen and write. Book 52 的练习,学生提前分成 A 组和 B 组,A 组练习卷有 1,3,5,7 题的时间,B 组练习卷有 2,4,6,8 题的时间,各组 分别互相提问,听到回答的组把时间写到对应的方框内。 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Role-play. PPT 给出一段小对话,学生读一遍对话,再分角色扮演;画出对 话中的时间,教师利用 PPT 图片(早上上学,晚上写作业) ,指导学 生以小组为单位改编对话,并小组间演绎对话,最后请 23 组上台 演绎自己改编的对话。 Step 4 Summary 1. Read what weve learned today. 2. 情感教育:合理安排自己的时间,适当的时间做该做的事。 Step 5. Homework 1. Copy the new words and sentences . 2. Read “Vocabulary” two times . 3. Ask and answer with your friends by use the “Target” sentences. 五、板书:五、板书: Unit 7 Time What time is it? Its eleven oclock . Is it twelve oclock? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.
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