2021新版人教版选修一英语Unit 2 reading ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Looking into the Looking into the futurefuture 2020 2020 人教人教选择性必修一选择性必修一 China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Changside of the moon. The unmanned Change e- -4 probe

2、 (4 probe (探测器探测器) ) - - the name the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61 (touch) down was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61 (touch) down last week in the South Polelast week in the South Pole- -Aitken basin. Landing on the moonAitken basin. Landing on the moons far

3、s far side is 62 (extreme) challenging. Because the moonside is 62 (extreme) challenging. Because the moons body blocks s body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon

4、in a spot 63 it could send satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot 63 it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon is of signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon is of particular 64 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of part

5、icular 64 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (deep craters (环形山环形山) ), more so 65 the familiar near side. Chinese more so 65 the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Changresearchers hope to use the instruments onboard Change e- -4

6、 66 4 66 (find) and study areas of the South Pole(find) and study areas of the South Pole- -Aitken basin. Aitken basin. This really This really excites scientists,excites scientists, Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, says, because i

7、t 67 (mean) we have the chance to obtain because it 67 (mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon 68 (construct)information about how the moon 68 (construct) Data about the Data about the moonmoons composition, such as how 69 ice and other treasures it s composition, such as

8、how 69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a contains, could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a future lunar (future lunar (月球的月球的) base are practical.) base are practical. touchedtouched extremelyextremely wherewhere interesinteres t t t

9、hanthan to to findfind meansmeans is constructedis constructed muchmuch itsits looking into the futurelooking into the future What words will pop into your mind first?What words will pop into your mind first? 0202 0101 0202 0303 0404 computercomputer sciencescience smartsmart remoteremote Artificial

10、Artificial IntelligenceIntelligence In what aspect will computer science affect us ? 0303 make our make our homes smarthomes smart virtual realityvirtual reality education/traveleducation/travel medicinemedicine transportationtransportation 01 Smart Homes to Smart Homes to Make Life EasierMake Life

11、Easier paragraph 1 0101 0101 0202 main idea They_ and can sometimes lead to problems function smart home willsmart home will keepkeep savesave provideprovide waste resourceswaste resources introduce the topic us secure us secure us energy us energy us a more us a more comfortable comfortable environ

12、ment environment smart smart home home Intelligent controls:Intelligent controls: It can go into _ after you It can go into _ after you leave home each morning;leave home each morning; It can get everything ready when you get home each It can get everything ready when you get home each evening;eveni

13、ng; It can answer and obey It can answer and obey your_.your_. Regular health checks:Regular health checks: It can monitor your health for you through your bed It can monitor your health for you through your bed _ etc._ etc. _ It can detect some problems in your home and provide It can detect some p

14、roblems in your home and provide you with the relevant information.you with the relevant information. an energyan energy- - efficient modeefficient mode voice commandsvoice commands ,your toilet,your toilet No more disasters:No more disasters: 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. Who is the intend

15、ed audience of this text? 02 language points 1 2 3 4 prons and cons advantages and disadvantages strengths and weaknesses metrit and demetrit 1. 优势与劣势 drawback ,shortcoming, defect 1.(10北京)_some people regard as drawback is seen as a plus by many others. A. Whether B. What C. That D. How 2. (16全II)

16、Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside. I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking. A. Mistake B. Drawback C. Difficulty D. Burden 表示“缺点”的词 identify sb/sth 认出/找出某人/某物 be identified as 被认为是.,表明是. identify with sb/sth 与.有同感 e.g. The aircrafts were identifie

17、d as American. To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them. (2009) I didnt enjoy the book because I couldnt identify with any of the main characters. 2. identify: vt. 确定;鉴别;识别;辨认出 识别, 确认 表明.的 身份 identify n identification U/C 识别, 坚定,确认 U 身份证明 (文件)(如护照,身份证 等) 同根词 n ide

18、ntity U/C 身份 an identity card U /c (区别人、群体的)个性,特征 adult identity 成年人的特征 persuade sb (not) to do sth persuade sb into doing/ out of doing persuade sb of sth persuade that 3. persuade:vt. 说服,劝服; 使相信,使信服 persuasive: adj. 有说服力的; persuasion : n. 说服(力) talk sb into convince try to persuade advise 1.(2019.

19、3) Imanaged to persuade my classmates into accepting my ideas. 2. (2020.7) Since early March, Julre Tang has been pushing a movement to persuade people to wear masks for theri safety. 3. Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that well be happier with the latest products. 4. (2020.6) Au

20、thorities should use various means, including persuasion, fanancial aid and even administrative and legal punishment of parents to encourage dropout students to return to school. a light switch 电灯开关 a policy switch 政策转变 switch on/off 开、关(机器等) switch sth with sb 和某人交换某物 switch A for B 把A调换成B switch t

21、o 更换,转向 open/close turn on/ off 表示“开关”的其他词 4. switch: vt. 交换,转换;v. (使)改变,转变 n 开关, 改变,转换器 1.switch from long-time social distancing to something more like routine life spent at close quarters with classmates and others 2. Some of the measures includes switching on the air-conditioners in the classroo

22、ms if the temperature exceeds 28 and _(close) doors and windows during the thunderstorm to ensure a quiet environment for the exams closing 5. distant: adj. 遥远的, 远处的,疏远的,心不在焉的 distance: n. 距离 be distant from 离.远 at/ from a distance 从远处(不是很远) in the distance 在远处 keep sb at a distance 与某人保持距离 keep one

23、s distance 保持距离 by distance 按里程 within walking distance 1. (2019) Like stinky tofu, my uncles Down syndrome made me keep my _(distant) at first. 2. (浙江) Farther _ _ _, I could enjoy the view of snowy mountains. _ _ _, I could better enjoy the oil painting. 3. It was _ _ _ of the hotel. 它离旅馆仅几步之遥。 di

24、stance in the distance At a distance within walking distance 2. A pandemic which requires social distancing is not a great moment for building your network. Studies suggest distant connections are often better placed to offer you new perspectives and honest advice than you nearest and dearest. 1. Ma

25、ny creative solutions have emerged during the epidemic, including distant meetings using smartphones, online business negotiations and electronic signing of contracts, livestreaming classes. Almost every industry found a way to solve its problems. distant , remote, faraway, away 1. distant: far away

26、 in space and time 远的,遥远的 not friendly/close 远房的,疏远的 not paying attention to sb/ sth 精神恍惚的 2. remote: hard to access(= isolate) 遥远的,偏远的 not friendly/ interested (=distant) far away in time (=distant) can connect to from far away 远程的 slight 微小的 3. faraway: a long distance(= distant) not paying attent

27、ion to sb/sth(= distant) 4. away: a month away a mile away 6.secure: adj. 安全的,安心的,可靠的 vt. 栓牢,保护 insecure: adj. 不安的 security: U.n 安全,保安措施,担保 be secure about 对.有把握/安心 be secure against /from 没有.的危险 keep sb secure 确保某人的安全 a secure site/ job/ income secure sb against/ from sth 保护某人免受. secure sth 争取到/得到.

28、 a sense of security 安全感 security checks 安检 for security reason 出于安全考虑 The National Security Law for Hong Kong, which took effect on June 30, stipulates(规定) that the Hong Kong leader shall designate a group of judges to adjudicate(担任裁判) on national security cases. This Law is a breakwater that defen

29、ds the long-term security, prosperity and stability in Hong Kong SAR, and the Law will safeguard the authority of “One country”.This will make Hong Kong a safer, more stable and more prosperous place. 7. automatic: adj. 自动的,无意识的 automatically: adv. 自动地,无意识地 automatic driving 自动驾驶 drone auto-exposure

30、 自动曝光 autofocus 自动对焦 auto- 汽车的 automobile 汽车 自己的,本身的 autobiography 自传 autograph 亲笔签名 autoimmune 自身免疫 无人操作的 7. automatic: adj. 自动的,无意识的 automatically: adv. 自动地,无意识地 automatic driving 自动驾驶 drone auto-exposure 自动曝光 autofocus 自动对焦 auto- 汽车的 automobile 汽车 自己的,本身的 autobiography 自传 autograph 亲笔签名 autoimmun

31、e 自身免疫 无人操作的 e.g. 1).Children are often very good at integrating into a new culture. 2).The idea with young children is to integrate learning with play. 3).A smart home is one that integrates computers into the structure of the building itself. 4).The future home will use integrated sensors to tell

32、when you leave home each morning, and then go into an energy- efficient mode all by itself. 8. integrated : adj. 各部分密切协调的,综合的 integrate: v. 使合并,成为一体 9.sensor : n. 传感器,敏感元件 sense:n 感官,感受,理解力, 见识,意义 vt. 感觉到,察觉到 sensitive: adj. 敏感的, 善解人意的 sensitivity : n 敏感 sensible : adj. 明智的, 合理的,可以察觉到的 1 2 3 the sen

33、se of sight/hearing/taste/touch a sense of responsibility/direction there is no sense in doing common sense in a sense in no sense make sense a sensible option be sensible of a highly sensitive topic be sensitive to 对.敏感 对.体恤 易生气的 fuel-efficient cars 节能的汽车 You must find a more efficient way of organ

34、izing your time. With online shopping increasingly popular, the Internet is seen as a(n) efficient way of reaching target customers. improve work efficiency 10. efficient: adj. 有效率的, 高效能的 efficiently: adv. 有效地 efficiency: n. 效率,效能 inefficient: adj. c/u 例行公事,惯例 daily routine 日常工作/生活 establish/ break

35、a routine 确立/打破常规 11. routine: 1 2 3 c 常规节目, 一套舞步 a dance routine 一套舞步 adj. 例行的, 常规的 a routine report 例行报告 on a routine basis 按照常规 prefer-(tt) vt. 更喜欢 prefer sth to sth prefer doing sthto doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do prefer sb to do prefer that. (should ) do preference n. 爱好,偏好 偏爱的事物、人

36、have a preference for. show preference for. 偏爱 in preference to 更喜欢 give( a) preference to 优待 preferred: adj. 首选的,有优先权的 preferable: adj. 更可取的,更合适的 12. Kraisorn said a huge number of Chinese people prefer_(eat) durians that are small in size, with smooth and creamy flesh, and with a sell that is not

37、as pungent as larger drian varieties. You prefer healthy food _ fast food. Unlike fast food places, fine dining shops prefer customers _(stay) longer and spend more. Surely a diplomatic solution is _(prefer) to war. The earlier train would be my _(prefer) option. We give _(prefer) to those who have

38、worked with us for a long time. I have a strong_(prefer) for sweet food over spicy. to eat to to stay preferable preferred preference preference 13. instant: adj. 立即的, 舒适度,速溶的 n 瞬间,片刻 instantly: adv. 立即 in an instant 立刻,马上 for an instant 一会儿 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instant noodles 方便面 the instant= insta

39、ntly conj. 一.就. the moment/ minute/ immediately/ directly 1). I couldnt answer for an instant. 我一时答不上来。 2). The injured are in instant need of help.Please tell us instatnly(= the instant) the doctors arrive. 14. command: n. 命令,指令;控制 vt 命令, 控制 commander : n. 负责人,指挥官 at ones command 听从某人的指挥 under ones

40、 command= under the command of sb 由某人控制/指挥 take command of 控制/指挥 in command of 控制/指挥 have a good command of .(= have a good knowledge of) command sb to do sth command that. (should) do. 15. obey: v. 服从;遵守- disobey v. 违抗 obey the command obey the law obey traffic rules 16. warning: (c/u)n. 警告,警示,先兆 w

41、arn : v. 提醒,警告 warn sb of/about sth warn sb against doing sth warn sb (not) to do warn sb that/wh- warning singals a flood warning a word of warning without (any) warning 17. constant: adj. 不断的, 重复的,不变的 n 常数,常量 constantly: adv. 不断地 constant temperature 恒温 constant pressure 恒压 drive at a constant spe

42、ed 匀速驾驶 a constant stream of visitors all day 一整天川流不息的参观者 A constant dropping wears away a stone. 18. critical: adj. 严重的,关键的,批判性的 critic: n. 评论家 criticize: vt. 批评,评论 critically: adv. 批判性地 criticism: 批评,指责,评论 to develop critical thinking 培养批判思维 The _ thought highly of his paintings Generally speaking

43、, people like being praised rather than _by others. These talks are _ to the future of the peace process. She does nothing but _and complain all the time. Shes always criticizing others for _(selfish). critic criticized critical criticize being selfish 19. potentially: adv. 潜在地, 可能地 potential: adj.

44、可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,可能性 a potential disaster potetial resources/ customers achieve/ fulfill/ reach ones potential develop ones potential He has the potential to become a world-class musician. The region has enormous potential for economic development. The migrants on the Ocean Viking had originally been i

45、n four separate groups that left Libya in boats with the intention of crossing the Mdeiterranean Sea and _(land) in either Italy or Malta, from _ they could potentially access the EU. landing where But Deng warned of the potential overheating of livestreaming , saying the channel itself could not la

46、st without better operations While the country is on course to loosen its decades-long residential permission system, aiming to expedite flow of population, residential permits in mega cities like Beijing and Shanghai are still prized as they indicate better social welfare. It shows just how much li

47、vestreaming is boosting commerce, not just online but offline as well,” said Mo Daiqing, a senior analyst at the Internet Economy Institute, a Chinese consultancy. 20. leak: v. 漏,渗漏;透漏 n. 漏洞, 裂缝;透露 leak sth to sb 向某人泄露某事 leak out 泄露,走漏,透露 the leaking roof a leaking pipe a leaked document e.g. The ra

48、in is still leaking in. Dont leak the news to others. The pipe has got a leak. I guessed that the news had leaked out. 21. electrical: adj. 电的,用电的 electric : adj. 用电的,电动的,带电的 electricity : n. 电 electronic : adj. 电子的 an electric fan light blanket car heater power plant an electrical engineer appliance electrical equipment the electrical system the electrical wiring/wires elec


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