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1、高二期末考试基础知识训练12套 第一套题 第四部分语法填空(共 10 空,每空 1.5 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Tang Tianyuan from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region was viewed 56 _ a lucky dog, for he succeeded in building a business based on a passion. Tang, 57 _ majored in ceramics(制陶艺术)and decorative sculpture design

2、 at college, set 58 _ a workshop after his studies to make Ningxi pottery, which is considered one of the top four 59 _ (variety) of pottery in China. 2 Initially, the pottery business was hard, as he had to make pottery himself while also 60 (take) care of management and sales. But the past five ye

3、ars of efforts have earned him many more orders, compared to none at the very beginning. Up to now, 61 _ 28-year-old has been engaged in making Ningxi pottery for five years, and so far the most 62 _ (impress) thing for Tang is the happiness he 63 (achieve). He said 64 _ was worthwhile starting a bu

4、siness based on his own interest that could support himself as well as gain public 65 _ (recognize). 第五部分单词拼写(共 30 空,每空 1 分,共 30 分) 66. He has never (原谅)himself for the unexpected accident. 67. In my opinion, we should accept their (道歉) 68. We were (急切)to see our new teachers in the first class of t

5、his term. 69. The river (流动)so fast in the past that nobody could swim in it. 70. The poor dog had been (残酷)treated and couldnt stand up anymore. 71. Some poisonous mushrooms, if (消耗/吃)mistakenly, can be deadly. 72. Some girls prefer to do their (复习)at home rather than at school. 73. They have tight

6、ened (安全)along the border. 74. To his (赞扬),he continued to look upon life as a positive experience. 75. They (抛锚固定)the boat and got off it to explore the unknown. 76. In popular belief, real friends should be (尽心尽力)to each other. 77. A true friend is honest and kind, and he or she never (背叛)me. 78.

7、One way of (克月艮)your nervousness is looking above audiences heads. 79. We know such dishonest people are not to be (依赖)upon. 80. When asked about his (态度)towards that, he remained silent. 81. The girl used to feel a to dance in front of others, but now she is so free to dance. 82. The chief editor r

8、 that the boys article was well written. 83. In fact, they are nodding a . They dont know each other well enough. 84. He is very c about everything, keeping asking questions and seeking evidence. 85. One customs officer arrested the woman for bringing animals i into Europe from South America. 86. A

9、in the novel Wonder, I was unaware of things happening around me. 87. Blood is p by the heart through the blood vessels to all parts of the body. 88. It is well known that he is a g boy in painting and his paintings are well received by famous arts experts. 89. I knocked at the door again and again

10、but there was no r . 90. You are 18 years old, and dont hide from your r . 91. We find many people w to pay a higher tax for things that are friendly to the environment. 92. Every time he p to be honest, we know he is lying. 93. The man in rags s to God in court that he saw the suspect murder the wo

11、man. 3 94. The house is more than twenty meters long and m six meters in width. 95. We are supposed to keep p with the new development of modern scientific researches. 第六部分短语填空(十二选十)(共 10 空,每空 1 分,共 30 分) even if regardless of spy on end up use up feel like run out be to blame to think of.as. cut ba

12、ck on get through to admit. to. 96. Could you please be a little faster? Our time is . 97. My dream is a well-known university after graduation. 98. A spokesman said that the bad whether the plane crash. 99. I want to lose weight and the doctor suggested me fat and sugar. 100. the enemy of the envir

13、onment, factories tend to face many difficulties. 101. She knew it was dangerous to visit that guy at night, yet she set out the risk. 102. I tried ringing you several times, but I couldnt you. 103. After working her way around the world, she teaching English at a school. 104. With that unpleasant a

14、tmosphere, it is no wonder that some workers giving up then. 105. It sounds so horrible! That man is reported the neighborhood for the past three whole years! 第一套题答案 56.as 57. who 58.up 59. varieties 60. taking 61 .the 62. impressive 63. has achieved. 64. what 65. recognition 66. forgiven 67.apology

15、 68.eager 69. flowed 70.cruelly 71. consumed 72.review 73. security 74.credit 75.anchored 76. committed 77.betrays 78.overcoming 79.relied 80. attitude 81. a wkward 8 2.remarked 83. acquaintances 84. critic al 8 5. illegally 86.Absorbed 87.pumped 88.gifted 89.rely/response 90.responsibility /respons

16、ibilities 91.willing 92.pretends 93.swore 94.measures 95. pace 96.running out 97.to be admitted to 98.was to blame 99.cut back on 100. Thought of .as 101.regardless of 102.get through to 103.ended up 104.felt like 105. to have been spying on 第二套题 第四部分:语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的

17、词,如有括号提示,请以提示词的正确形式填空。 The idea of a taxi that files over a traffic jam and drops you home is an exciting proposal. It appears that we are almost there. German air-taxi startup Volocopter will build its first 56 _ (fly) taxi station bu the end of this year in Singapore, paving the way for major chan

18、ges in humans will commute in the future. These air taxis, or urban air mobility(UAM) vehicles, are usually 58 4 (electrical) powered taxis based on drone(无人机)technology 59 _ (design) to carry two people. The aim of the technology is 60 _ (save) people time and help cities transform their transporta

19、tion systems toward a more sustainable future by adding a new mobility option for citizens. Many companies, including Uber, 61 _ (compete) fiercely in this space now. Chinese automaker Geely led a round of investment worth 50 million euros 62 _ will help the startup finance its commercialization in

20、the next three years. Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding, said, Our latest work 63 _ Vblocopter builds up our confidence in Vblocopter air taxis as the next 64 _ (ambition) step in our wider expansion in both electrification and new mobility services.It definitely still seems to be unusual, 65 at t

21、he same time it is not completely unexpected,he added. Still, practical problems remain unsolved, such as getting the go-ahead from regulators and ensuring the trips are safe as many taxis will be flown without pilots. 第五部分:词汇检测(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 认真阅读下列各小题,并根据上下文语境和所给首字母或中文的提示,写出下列各句空格中 的单

22、词,注意保持语义和形式的一致。 66. -Iris is always kind and s to the suffering of others. -No wonder she chooses to be a relief worker. 67. -Peter, this is Hanna, a famous model from Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. In New York. -How do you do? Im very delighted to make your a . 68. Usually doctors are understandab

23、ly c about new medicines because of the uncertainly of their effects. 69. C to the path of peaceful development and shouldering more international responsibilities, China has won more respect on the world stage. 70. -How do you like Mo Yans new novel? -It is a in everyday experiences and it seems th

24、at youre quite familiar with some of the characters. 71. -What caused him to be held in prison? _His (出卖、泄露)secrets to a spy in Taiwan for many years. 72. Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting and there were no (令人尴尬 的)silences. 73. There is no convincing evidence to support claims that th

25、e decline in economics is (真正地)over. 74. It was past midnight but, in the room above, her son William and his wife kept up (争吵),and for an hour Myra lay sleepless. 75. -Are you sure you511 leave the company youve served fbr nearly three years? -Yes. The boss never gives me any (称赞 、 认可) fbr all the

26、extra work I have done. 第六部分:短语填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 认真阅读下列各小题,并根据上下文语境,从方框中选择适当的短语(有两个多余选项), 并以正 确形式填空使语义完整。 Operate on base.on. end up get through 5 sb. be to blame focus on be admitted to respond to thanks to at the mercy of before long regardless of 76. It was human errors, rather than t

27、he natural disaster, that for the death of so many innocent people in the landslide at an industrial park in Shenzhen. 77. Sometimes the hardest choice we make being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves! 78. The older grandfather, much to the surprise of the doctors, doesnt want his

28、granddaughter This week. 79. an important decision more emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. 80. The childrens interest, some parents want them to attend all kinds of other classes, laying a heavy burden on their children. 81. The university is just the beginning and you will

29、have a long way to go ahead of you. 82. Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than Chinese traditions. 83. She the first two chapters the other day and decided 84. Without an emergency plan, you would leave yourself many unexpected things. 85. The patient is plea

30、sed to say that he is now recovering well and treatment. 第二套题答案 56. flying 57. how 58. electrically59. designed 60. (to) save61. are competing 62. which /that63. with 64. ambitious 65. but 66. sympathetic 67.acquaintance 68.cautious 69. Consistent 70.anchored 71. betraying 72. awkward 73. truly 74.q

31、uarrelling 75. credit/acknowledgement 76. were to blame 77.ends up 78. to be operated on 79. Basing on 80. Regardless of 81. Being admitted to/into 82. focusing on 83. got through 84. at the mercy of 85.thanks to 第三套题 66. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the i of destroyi

32、ng them shows no respect for human life. 67. She felt b when she found out he let out her secrets to others. 68. There is a great need to be p about breakfast, which decides how healthy one is. 69. The law requires equal treatment fbr all, r of race, religion, or sex. 6 70. Friendships between girls

33、 are usually a in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. 71. It s the first time students have been given 许可)to broadcast outside campus 72. Two people were arrested yesterday for bringing animals into Europe from South American i( )(非法

34、地) 73. I deeply (感激)your kindness in coming so far to meet me. 74. The ( )(多数)of the workers find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they earn. 75. Shanghai Disneyland fantasy fairy-tale castle,( )(测量)about 60 meters high, is the highest of the kind in the world. 第三套题答案 66.intention 67.bet

35、rayed 68. particular 69. regardless 70.anchored 71 .permission 72.illegally 73. appreciate 74. majority 75.measuring 第四套题 66. When seeing the beautiful butterfly, I a ( ) put my hand out to catch it. 67. As students, we might as well focus on the a( ) of time, so that our time can be made the best o

36、f. 68. Dont leave your belongings on the back of your carits an open i( ) to a thief. 69 More than 70% of college freshmen have difficulty a( ) to a new environment, according to a recent research report 70. It is reported that the UN will try its best to g( ) all people have access to COVDD-19 vacc

37、ines. 71. Pleasure only a temporary feeling that comes from the world ( )(surround) us. 72. You have to be very careful with books of this old because the pap er ( )(撕)very easily. 73. Research suggested that people can ( )(生动)recall events that never happened. 74. The trip will offer students an op

38、portunity to ( )(力口 强)their understanding of 7 different cultures. 75. The textbooks are ( )(伴随)by four CDs. 8 第四套题答案 66. automatically 67. allocation 68.invitation 69.adjusting /adapting 70.guarantee/ensure 71. surrounding 72. tears 73.vividly 74. deepen 75. accompanied 第五套 66. ( )(尽心尽力的)to the cau

39、se of education, she spares little time for her family members and sacrifices part of her private life. 67. The pond,( )(测量)about 2 meters across, is a good place to swim in. 68. Her abilities are not fully ( ) (赏识)by her employers, which is why Jane isnt so happy in the company. 69. Mr. Dickie is o

40、ne of the marketing ( )(顾问),advising farming companies on risk management. 70. The greedy businessman is only concerned about making ( )(利润)rather than ensuring his workers safety. 71. They had to change the o( ) plan so as to meet new situation. 72. Scientists warning that unless carbon emissions a

41、re cut, we could be heading for an environmental c( ). 73. Some behavior, such as swearing at others in public, will never be f( ) even if you apologize. 74. Having been married for years without a child, the couple are considering a( ) a child. 75. Your information is not a( ) and your conclusion i

42、s therefore wrong. 第五套题答案 66. Committed 67.measuring 68.appreciated 69.consultants 70. profits 71.original 72. catastrophe 73. forgiven 74.adopting 75. accurate 第六套题 1. The salesman g( ) that the TV would not break in the first five years in normal use. 2. The goal, which they are unlikely to live t

43、o a( ), is to cure, prevent or manage all diseases, in the next 80 or so years. 3. More employers now offer fresh college graduate t( )jobs, hoping to seek out experienced candidates. 4. An effective global response to climate change will require the active p( ) of 9 all major countries. 5. By posti

44、ng your resume online, you can make yourself i( ) accessible to thousands of schools nationwide. 6. The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty,( )(围 绕)by criminals and violence, had written a new chapter in the history of sports. 7. -Chinese arts have won the ( )(赏识)

45、of a lot of people outside China. No wonder a lot of foreign students come to China to learn every year. 8. To improve the quality of education, the government needs to maintain an ( )(足 够的)supply of qualified teachers. 9. So, smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers, and ( )(自动地) some of

46、 your awkwardness will disappear completely! 10. The publication of The Necklace, which was both widely reviewed and highly praised, ( )(i 强)Maupassanfs status an outstanding novelist. 第六套题答案 1. guaranteed 2.accomplished 3. temp or ary 4. participation 5. instantly 6. surrounded 7.appreciation 8.ade

47、quate 9. automatically 10. strengthened 第七套题 66. We will take your recent illness into c when marking your exams. 67. With cloning, if your pet dies, you can have a new one that looks the same as the o one. 68. The movie t her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a super star. 69. Since

48、no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give p for the production of GM foods. 70. Two people were arrested yesterday at a Paris airport for bringing animals into Europe from South America i 71. The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect the muc

49、h-loved river will be a (赞赏)for years to come. 72. There are strict (安全)checks on everyone entering the railway station. 73. Many people think that economic development and environmental protection (冲突)with each other. 10 74. They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their (责任)for the polluted environment. 75. There is growing (焦虑)over levels of air pollution in our cities. 第六部分:短语填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列各小题,并根据上下文语境,从方框中选择适当的短语(有两个多余选项), 并 以其正确的形式填空使语义完整。注意:请将答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应题号的横 线上。 keep pace with; use up; clean up; pick out; bef


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