2021新版人教版选修一英语UNIT4 BODY LANGUAGE课时作业十.docx

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1、课时作业十课时作业十 Reading and Thinking by comparison; make inferences; break down; be appropriate to; get through; feel down; apart from 1. Ive finished _ the last question. 2. Select the one that _ your requirement. 3. We _ that he cant distinguish the twins. 4. It is hard to see how people will _ the win

2、ter. 5. Optimism, _, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 6. Those places are modern _ with Tresillian. 7. She had been waiting for Simon to _ the barrier between them. 8. When you _ or lonely, you can ask your friends for help. 答案 1. apart from 2. is appropriate to 3. make inferences 4. get

3、through 5. by contrast 6. by comparison 7. break down 8. feel down .完成句子 1. 他受到如此对待让我气愤。(the way) Im angry with _ _ _ he was treated. 2. 当你遛狗时,不小心让它挣脱了,结果它被汽车撞了。(状语从句 的省略) While _ _ _, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 3. 直到那时我突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。(否定词形容词的 比较级) It was not until then

4、 that I suddenly realized _ _ _ than I was. 4. (2019 课标全国)我们必须要有信心,因为这是赢得比赛的关键。 (as 引导的原因状语) We must have confidence, _ _ _ the key to winning the match. 5. (2017 北京)到那里旅行会使你对中国文化有一个很好的了解。(动 名词作主语) _ _ _ _ will give you a good understanding of Chinese culture. 6. 设想你在一个没人信任你的环境中。(situation) Imagine

5、that you are in _ _ _ no one believes in you. 答案 1. the way that 2. walking the dog 3. nobody was happier 4. as it is 5. Having a trip there 6. a situation where .单句语法填空 1. He should have observed a change in your _ (interact) with him. 2. These data have been collected from _ (vary) sources. 3. I a

6、pprove of your _ (earn) some money, but dont give up your studies. 4. The journalist was _ (employ) in interviewing this medical worker. 5. (2019 江苏)_ (favour) policies are to encourage employees professional development. 6. I was _ (anxiety) to get him here, away from family and friends. 7. Our inf

7、ormation comes from a _ (rely) source. 8. (2019 课标全国)Everybody uses a keyboard and everybody types _ (differ) 9. After months of being in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by _ (compare) 10. (2020 新高考卷)You should avoid _ (eat) with heavier people who order large portions. 答案 1. interaction 2. va

8、rious 3. earning 4. employed 5. Favourable 6. anxious 7. reliable 8. differently 9. comparison 10. eating .课文语法填空 LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our _1_ (interact) with other people. Body language can make us learn a lot about

9、 _2_ people are thinking. Just like _3_ (speak) language, body language _4_ (vary) from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate _5_ the culture you are in. For example, the gesture for “OK” has _6_ (differ) meanings in different cultures. Even the ge

10、stures we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world. Some gestures seem to have _7_same meaning everywhere. _8_ (place) your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”. Some body language has many different uses. Perhaps the best example is sm

11、iling. A smile can break down _9_ (barrier). If we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing _10_ (good) than seeing the smiling face of a good friend. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 答案 1. interactions 2. what 3. spoken 4. varies 5. to 6. different 7. the 8. Placing 9. barrier

12、s 10. better .阅读理解 Body language is a part of nonverbal language. It includes things like the way you stand, gestures, facial expressions, and even small things like a nod of the head. We frequently communicate both bodily and verbally and about 70% of what we communicate may be nonverbal. There are

13、 many ways to learn to understand body language but we must be aware that it is frequently connected to a culture. Still, since most of us live in one area where body language may be similar among people, its important to know that you can communicate a lot by how you gesture. A person in much of th

14、e US who sits with hands crossed over the chest, and with legs crossed, may be sending a message that hes really not open to talking. Eye contact is another key element of nonverbal contact in much of the Western world. Looking someone in the eyes enough but not too much may indicate that youre dire

15、ct and frank. How we gesture can tell people the level of confidence we have, or if were a little too insistent on our opinions. Huge gestures may mean we have something to prove. Moderate gestures may simply suggest were involved and confident in what we have to say. Even the way you turn your head

16、, shrug, yawn, look at your watch may all be forms of nonverbal communication that send clear signals to other people. Looking at your watch when youre in a meeting with your boss can send the message that youre bored. If you really think your body language is improper or needs improvement, opening

17、this book on nonverbal communication can help. You can also compare your gestures with those in the video to see if you are sending right messages. Confident body language common to a culture can be learned and may make you appear more confident or direct. 1. Which of the following is not included i

18、n body language? A. Eye movement. B. Facial expressions. C. Gestures. D. Accent. 2. What should you do in a job interview? A. Crossing your arms while standing. B. Looking at your watch frequently. C. Using moderate gestures. D. Always staring at the interviewers. 3. What can we know about body lang

19、uage? A. Body language is cultural. B. Body language is equal to nonverbal language. C. People from different places have the same meaning of a gesture. D. Body language plays a slightly important role in our communication. 4. Whats the purpose of this passage? A. To give some suggestions on body la

20、nguage. B. To advertise a book on body language. C. To list some body language types. D. To introduce something about body language. 答案与解析 【文章大意】 本文是说明文。本文主要介绍了肢体语言及其 重要性。 1. 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。 根据第一段第二句“It includes things like the way you stand, gestures, facial expressions, and even small things like a

21、 nod of the head. (它包括你的站姿,手势,面部表情和甚至点头这样的小 事)”和第三段第一句“Eye contact is another key element of non verbal contact in much of the Western world.(在许多西方国家,眼神交 流是非语言接触的另一个关键因素。)”可知,D 项“口音”不是肢 体语言。故选 D 项。 2. 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Moderate gestures may simply suggest were involved and confident in what we

22、 have to say. (适 度的手势可能仅仅表明我们参与其中,并且对于我们说的话很自信)” 可知,在工作面试中,应表现出自信,可以使用适度的手势。故选 C 项。 3. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中“but we must be aware that it is frequently connected to a culture. (但是我们要意识到肢体语言通 常和一种文化相关)”可知,肢体语言是有文化属性的。故选 A 项。 4. 答案 B 解析 写作目的题。 根据最后一段第一句 “If you really think your body language is imp

23、roper or needs improvement, opening this book on non verbal communication can help. (如果你真的认为你的肢体语言不恰当 或者需要改进,打开这本关于非语言交流的书可以帮助你)”可知, 本文的目的是宣传一本关于肢体语言的书。故选 B 项。 .阅读填句 (2020 浙江绍兴高二上学期期末) Thanks to TV shows like Lie to Me and socalled body language experts commenting on the candidates during the Americ

24、an election season, a number of misunderstandings about body language have become part of modern culture. Its time to clear the decks. So here goes some surprising truths about body language. Much of what the experts tell you about body language is wrong. _1_ Actually, gestures can mean many things.

25、 If I cross my arms, I may be signaling my defensiveness, but I may also feel cold, tired or just get comfortable. Whats more, I could be signaling all those things at once. _2_ First, the pressure on experts. They have to sound definitive and give instant analyses for TV in an impatient world more

26、interested in sound bites than truth. Second, the history of the study of body language. So its natural for someone in this field to look at all the rest of gesturing with a bias (偏见) toward specific meanings. _3_ By the time most of us are adults, weve learned to mask our true feelings because we h

27、ave to get along at work, at home, and in social settings. So we pretend to be interested, we pretend to smile, we assume a calm expression when were actually delighted. But the face does sometimes give away our strongest feelings. You can learn to read what are called micro expressionssudden appear

28、ances of true emotion through the mask of the facewith some training. _4_ To read body language accurately, don t think about it. We humans have mirror neurons (神经元) in our brains that fire when our unconscious (无意识的) minds register an emotion in someone else, then we can share it and understand it.

29、 _5_ When we see fear, we react instantly, and unconsciously, in order to be ready to take quick action if necessary. That unconscious expertise is your best support in reading other peoples body language, because you already know whats going on. So just turn to your unconscious mind for reliable in

30、formation about other peoples emotional intention. Lets start paying attention to your own expertise; thats where the real body language insights will come from. A. The misunderstanding comes from two sources. B. The face is a poor place to start reading body language. C. This special skill is an im

31、portant part of our ability to survive as a species. D. And they typically show up when were trying to hide a very strong feeling. E. The biggest misunderstanding is that specific gestures have specific meanings. F. Youre much better at reading the body language of people you know than any expert. G

32、. Your body constantly scans your surroundings and other people with your unconscious mind. 答案与解析 【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要说明了专家给出 的很多关于肢体语言的信息都是错误的, 建议要准确地解读肢体语言, 获得关于他人情感意图的可靠信息。 1. 答案 E 解析 根据上文“Much of what the experts tell you about body language is wrong.”可知专家告诉你的很多关于肢体语言的信息都是错误的。 由此可知, 本句承接上文继续说明这些

33、错误信息有哪些。 故 E 项“最 大的误解是,特定的手势有特定的含义”符合上下文语境,故选 E 项。 2. 答案 A 解析 根据后文“First, the pressure on experts.”(首先,专家的压力) 以及“Second, the history of the study of body language.”(第二,肢体语 言研究的历史) 可知是在说明误解产生的两个方面。 故 A 项“这个误 解来自两个方面”符合上下文语境,故选 A 项。 3. 答案 B 解析 根据后文“So we pretend to be interested, we pretend to smile,

34、we assume a calm expression when were actually delighted.”可知所以 我们假装感兴趣,假装微笑,当我们真正高兴的时候,我们装出一副 平静的表情。由此可知,从面部表情来解读肢体语言并不准确,因为 人们的表情可以假装出来。故 B 选项“从面部表情开始解读肢体语 言是不合适的”符合上下文语境,故选 B 项。 4. 答案 D 解析 根据上文“But the face does sometimes give away our strongest feelings.”可知但有时候,面部表情确实会泄露我们最强烈的感情。故 D 项“当我们试图隐藏一种强烈的感觉时, 它们通常会表现出来”符 合上下文语境,故选 D 项。 5. 答案 C 解 析 根 据 后 文 “When we see fear, we react instantly, and unconsciously, in order to be ready to take quick action if necessary.”可 知当我们看到恐惧时,我们会立即和无意识地做出反应,以便在必要 时能迅速采取行动。故 C 项“这种特殊的技能是我们作为一个物种 生存能力的重要组成部分”符合上下文语境,故选 C 项。


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