2021新版人教版选修一英语Unit 4 词汇学习ppt课件(含文档).zip

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人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Body Language 身势语/肢体语言 Words and Expressions 1.interaction ntrkn: n. 交流; 相互影响 inter-: 构词法, 表示 “相互的;之间” action kn: n. 行动; 活动; 动作 1)We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions with other people. 2)The more interaction the robot has with humans, the more it learns. 3)It requires no action and little interaction between students and teachers. 2. vary veri: vi. (根据情况)变化; 改变 various vers: adj. 不同的; 各种各样的; 多姿多彩的 variety vrat: n. 变化; 种类; 多样化 vary with.: 随.变化/改变 vary in.: 在.方面不同/有差异 vary from.to.: 从.到.变化; 在.与.之间变化; 从.到.不等 differ df: v. 不同; 相异 different dfrnt: adj. 不同的 difference dfrns: n. 不同; 差异 vary : vi. 变化; 改变 (指根据某一情况的变化而变化,也指更改某事物) change: v. 改变; 变更 (普通用词, 可指任何变化, 强调与原先的情况 有明显的不同) 1)Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. 2)The temperature varies from 20 degrees to minus 45. 3)The prices of some goods vary with the season. 4)Old people dont like to vary/change their habits. 3. appropriate prprit: adj. 合适的; 恰当的 (指适合某一时间、情况、目的等) appropriately : adv. 适当地; 合适地 proper: adj. 合适的; 恰当的; 正确的 suitable: adj. 合适的; 恰当的 fit: adj. 合适的; 恰当的 Sth be appropriate for/to sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人 Sth be suitable for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人 Sb be suitable for sth: 某人适合什么 Sb be fit for sth: 某人适合什么 Sth be fit for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人 Sth be proper for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人 4. by contrast: 相比之下; 相反 by contrast with.: 和.比 compared to/with: 和比 1)She is slimmer by contrast with her sister. 2)She almost failed the exam, but her brother, by contrast, did very well. 3)China, by contrast, reacted calmly to the incidents on the border of China and India. 4)By contrast, China maintained steady economic growth in 2020. 5. approve pruv: vi./vt. 赞成; 同意; 批准; 通过 approve of: 赞成; 同意; 批准 approval pruvl: n. 赞成; 同意; 批准 prove pruv: v. 证明; 证实; 证明是; 表明是 1)For example, making eye contactlooking into someones eyesin some countries is a way to display interest. In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approved of. 2) I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didnt approve. 3)Her parents did not approve of her decision. 4)My father doesnt approve of me/my leaving the job this year. 5)The committee has approved the plan. 6)The law was approved by a large majority. 6. demonstrate demnstret: vt. 表现; 表达; 说明; 证明 1)In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person. 2)It has been demonstrated that this drug/ medicine is effective. 3)His theory was demonstrated to be false. 4)The teacher demonstrated how we should do the experiment. gesture gesture gesture 7. gesture dest(r): n. 手势; 姿势; 姿态 guest est: n. 客人; 旅客; 房客; 嘉宾 guess es:v. 猜测; 估计; 认为 1)The gesture for “OK” has different meanings in different cultures. 2)He made a rude gesture at the driver of the white car. 3)The two disabled persons communicated entirely by gesture. 4) It is a nice gesture to invite your workmates to have a meal together. 8. witness wtns: n. 目击者; 证人 vt. 当场看到; 目击; 见证 1)The headmaster was one of the witnesses at our wedding. 2)The police have appealed for witnesses to the accident/killing. 3)Anyone who witnessed the attack/ accident/killing should call the police. 4) She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed. 9. employ mpl: vt. 使用; 应用; 雇用 employer: n. 雇主; 老板 employee: n. 雇员; 打工仔 employment: n. 就业; 雇用 unemployment: n. 失业; 失业人数 employ sb to do.: 雇用某人做什么 employ sb as.: 雇用某人当什么 be employed in doing sth: 从事于; 忙于做什么 hire: v. 雇用(短期、长期) employ: v. 雇用 (较正式用词,一般指正规机构、 大公司等聘用职员) rent: v. 租用(东西); 出租 fire: v. 解雇; 开除; 射击; 开火 dismiss: v. 解雇; 开除 1)In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money. 2)How many people does the company employ every year? 3)You should think twice before employing someone youve never met. 4)My uncle was employed as a cook in a grand hotel. 5)Every possible means has been used/ employed to solve the problem. 6)If nuclear weapons are employed/used, the world will be destroyed. 10. identical adentkl: adj. 相同的 be identical to/with.: 与.相同/一样 the sameas: 和相同的 be similar to:与类似/相似 1) His glasses are identical to/with mine. 2)The two pictures are similar, although not identical. 3)This is the identica/same hotel that we stayed at last year. 4)In the new village nearly all the houses are identical. 5) Our views/opinions are identical. interpreter 11. interpret ntprt: vt. 把理解(解释)为;口译 interpret.into.: 把翻译成. interpreter ntprt: n. 口译人员 translate trnslet trnzlet: v. 翻译; 转变; 变成 translateinto: 把翻译成/变成 translation trnslen trnzlen: n. 翻译; 译文; 转变 translator trnsleittrnzleit : n. 翻译家; 译者 1)In France, a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero. 2)Can you interpret the poem for me? 3)The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 4)She couldnt speak much English so her children had to interpret for her. 5)I tried to interpret what she said into Russian. 12. differ df(r): vi. 相异; 不同于 different dfrnt: adj. 不同的 difference dfrns: n. 不同; 差异 differ from: 不同于 be different from/than/to: 不同于 1)Even the gestures we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world. 2) The story he told the police differed from the one he told his mother. 3)British English differs from American English in many ways. 4) I beg to differ. 很抱歉,我不敢苟同。 13. by comparison (with.): (与)相比较 = in comparison (with.) by contrast (with.): 相比之下; 相反 compared to/with: 和比 1)In many countries, shaking ones head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. By comparison, in Bulgaria and southern Albania, the gestures have the opposite meaning. 2)By comparison with Canada, Germany is small. 3)This jacket is really cheaper by comparison. 4)By contrast/comparison, China maintained steady economic growth in 2020. cheek 14. cheek tik: n. 面颊; 脸颊 face fes: v. 面对; 面向; 面临 n. 脸; 面孔; 表情 check tek: v. 检查; 核实; 核对 1)In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet. 2)He kissed her on both cheeks. 3)Tears were running down her cheeks. 4)The people are dancing cheek to cheek. 15. favour/favor fev(r): n. 帮助; 恩惠; 赞同 vt. 较喜欢; 选择; 有利于 in favour of:支持; 赞成 in ones favour: 有利于某人; 有助于某人 do sb a favour:帮助某人 do a favor for sb:帮助某人 do sb the favor to do : 帮助某人做什么 do the/a favor to do : 帮助做什么 1)Most students favour the plan, while their teachers are not in favour of it. 2)The warm climate favours many types of plants. 3)The poor people didnt receive any special favours from the country. 4)I would never ask for any favours from her. 5)Many parents always favour their youngest children. 6)The student favoured the major according to his interest. 7)The emperor favoured his fourteenth son as successor(继承人). bow bow bow arrow 16. bow ba: vi. 鞠躬; 点头 vt. 低(头) b: n. 弓; 蝴蝶结 nod nd: v./n. 点头; 点头致意; 打盹; 打瞌睡 bow (down) to: 向鞠躬 bow before: 在前鞠躬 1)The owner, the hostess and the waiter all bow as Henry leaves. 2)The president bowed to the people for what he had said. 3) The deer seemed to understand that she had saved its life, because as it left, it kept bowing its head to her. 4)A man without money is a bow without an arrow(箭). 17. waist west: n. 腰; 腰部 1)Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someone else. 2)He put his arms around her waist. 3)Her long hair falls to her waist. 18. make inferences: 推理; 推断 infer nf(r): v. 推断; 推论; 推理; 暗示 inference nfrns: n. 结论; 推断; 推理; 推论 make sense: 讲得通; 有意义 make no sense: 讲不通; 无意义 1)Its impossible to make inferences from so little information. 2)You can sometimes make inferences based on previous knowledge. 3)I inferred from the report that the pilot was responsible for the accident. 4)What can you infer from the passage? 19. break down: 消除; 分解; 打破; 毁掉; 坏掉; 抛锚; 身体垮掉 break out: (战争/火灾/疾病等)爆发 break away from.: 脱离;与断绝来往 break with.: 与断绝关系 break into: 闯入 break in: 闯入; 插话 break up: 分解(物理); 拆开; 驱散 1)After many years, rocks break down into dirt. 2)Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances. 3)My car broke down on the way to the airport yesterday. 4)Your health will break down if you work too hard. 20. barrier bri(r): n. 隔阂; 障碍 break down the barrier: 消除障碍 1)A smile can break down barriers. 2)Were trying to break down barriers between between young and old. 3)They fell in love in spite of the language barrier. 21. fake fek: adj. 假装的; 假的; 冒充的 (指伪造的、冒充的) fake news/fur/leather/diamond/pearl/ silk/laugh/smile/eyes/product: 假新闻/皮毛/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝/笑/眼睛/产品 real: adj. 真的(not artificial/false ) real flower/gold/leather/diamond/ pearl/silk: 真花/金/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝 (指物品是真的而非假冒或人造的时,常可与 genuine 换用) artificial flower/emotion/smile: 假花/情感/笑 artificial light/material/product/fur/ leather/diamond /pearl/silk: 人造的光/材料/产品/皮毛/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝 false: 假的(指非天然的、非天生的) false tooth/ beard/diamond /pearl/silk/ door/passport/friend: 假牙/胡子/钻石/珠宝/丝/门/护照/朋友 man-made: 人造的(非天然的) man-made satellite/material/product: 人造卫星/材料/产品 true: adj. 真实的; 符合事实的 (指信息等与事实相符的,而非妄言或虚假的) true - false 1)Apart from fake smiles, is there any other kind of body language that can sometimes be fake? 2)Some people say his eyes are fake. 3)In my opinion, the government should take strong measures to fight against fake products. anger 22. anger (r): n. 愤怒; 怒气 vt. 使生气; 激怒 angry: adj. 愤怒的; 发怒的; 生气的 angrily: adv. 愤怒地; 生气地 to ones anger: 使某人气愤的是 annoy n: v. 使生气/烦恼/恼怒; 惹恼; 打扰 annoyed: adj. 生气的; 恼怒的; 烦闷的 annoying: adj. 使人烦恼的/心烦的/生气的 1)Smiles can be used to hide feelings like anger, fear, or worry. 2)The teacher made a visible effort to control her anger. 3)He felt anger rising inside him. 4)His words clearly angered the Chinese people. 5)The manager was angered by his lies. 23. reliable rlabl: adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的 rely rla: v. 依靠; 依赖; 信任 rely on/upon: 依靠; 信赖 depend on/upon.: 信赖;依靠; 取决于 1)Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someones feelings, their body language or the words they speak? 2)We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working. 3)Our information comes from a reliable source. incident incident incident incident 24. incident nsdnt: n. 发生的事情; 严重事件; 冲突 (可指小事件,也可指严重的、重要的或暴力的事件) accident ksdnt: n. (意外)事故; 意外的事 (指导致某人受伤或某物受损的事故,也可指并非 有意造成的意外事件) event: n. 事情; 重要事情; 大事; 比赛项目 (尤指重要的事件或大事,也可指有意思或不寻常的事件) 1)There was a shooting incident near the border last night. 2)We want to know the exact time the incident happened. 3)This latest incident could affect the peace process. The Tokyo Trial The Tokyo Trial Trial 25. trial tral: n./v. 审讯; 审判; 试验; 试用 try: v. 尝试; 努力; 审讯; 审判; 审理 trial and error: 不断摸索; 反复试验 by trial and error: 通过不断摸索/反复试验 for trial and error: 为了不断摸索/反复试验 1)Jeremy witnessed the whole incident and was expected to be the key witness at the trial. 2)The former president did not receive a fair trial. 3)The mueder trial lasted for three years. 4)The new helicopter performed very well in its trials. 4)You will learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 26. slight slat: adj. 轻微的; 略微的; 细小的 1)This morning I woke up with a slight headache. 2)The damage that the earthquake caused is slight. 3)There has been a slight change in his studies. 27. slightly slatli: adv. 略微; 稍微 rain slightly/lightly: 下小雨 light/heavy rain: 小雨/大雨 rain hard/heavily/cats and dogs: 下大雨 snow hard/heavily: 下大雪 snow slightly/lightly: 下小雪 light/heavy snow: 小雪/大雪 1)His family then moved to a slightly larger apartment. 2)I knew the boss slightly. 3)You are slightly taller than she/her. 28. twin twn: adj. 双胞胎之一的; 孪生之一的 n. 孪生之一; 双胞胎之一 twin boys/girls : 孪生男孩/女孩 a twin brother/sister : 孪生兄弟/姐妹中的一个 twins twins twins twins twins twins 1)When he noticed a slight frown on his twin sisters face, he frowned as well. 2)Alice is looking after the twins. 3)I can never tell the difference between the twins. 4) She has a twin brother and a younger brother. 29. nonverbal nnvb()l: adj. 不涉及言语的; 非言语的 1)When we think about nonverbal behaviour, or body language, we think about communication. 2)Culture plays a large part in nonverbal communication. 3)Body language is one form of nonverbal expression. 30. assessment sesmnt: n. 评价; 评定 1)She is now focusing on assessment and development. 2)His assessment of the situation proved right. 3)Whats your assessment of our chances of winning the war? 31. assess ses: vt. 评估; 评价 evaluate vljet: v. 评价; 评估; 估值 1)We are trying to assess how well the system works. 2)Its difficult to assess the effects of the reform. 3)Damage to the building was assessed at $80,000. 4)They assess his house at 1,000 pounds. 32. internal ntnl: adj. 内部的; 里面的 (指位于身体、公司、组织、国家等内部的, 也可指内心的, 通常作定语) inner: adj. 内部的; 靠近中心的; 内心的 (指位于某物内部或靠近其中心位置的,也可指想法、 情感等藏于内心之中而未表达出来的,只作定语) inside: adj. 内部的; 里面的 (指在某物内部的, 只作定语) 1)The medicine/drug is not for internal use. 2)We do not want to comment on the internal affairs of another country. 3)Some of the internal walls of my house are made of wood. 33. straighten up: 直起来; 整理; 收拾整齐 stretn: v. 变直; 变正; 挺直; 端正(身体) straight stret: adj. 直(接)的; 平直; 整齐的 adv. 笔直地; 直接地 put away: 收拾好; 保管好 1)Straighten up slowly, and then repeat the exercise twenty times. 2)Straighten up your bedrooms after school. 3)We hurried to straighten up the classroom before they arrived. 34. slump slmp: v. 垂头弯腰地走(或坐等) 1)I slumped at the desk and felt terrible. 2)We saw the driver slumping over the wheel(方向盘). 3)Sit up straight. Dont slump! pose The students are posing for a photo. pose 35. pose pz: n. 故作姿态; (为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势 v. 摆好姿势; 造成(威胁、问题等) cause kz: n. 原因; 理由; 事业 v. 造成; 导致; 引起 lead to.: 造成; 导致; 引起 result in.: 导致; 引起 result from: 由导致 strike/adopt a pose : 摆姿势 pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk : 构成威胁/挑战/危险/风险 1)He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera. 2)She knows how to strike a beautiful pose. 3)He sat in a relaxed pose. 4)The students posed for a group photo. 5)She posed for a photo with a friend. 6)Drugs pose a major threat to our society. 36. bend bend (bent, bent): vt./v. (使)弯曲; 倾斜; 偏向 1)She bent forward to pick up the newspaper. 2)He bent (his head) and kissed his girlfriend. 3)The branch bent but didnt break. 4)The road bends sharply to the left. 37. reveal rvil: vt. 揭示; 显示; 露出 1)She laughed, revealing her white teeth. 2)He will never reveal his friends secrets. 3)Details of the murder were revealed by a local newspaper. 4)Blood tests reveal that the old woman is in good health. 38. clarify klrfa: vt. 使更清晰易懂; 阐明; 澄清 1)We asked him to clarify what he meant. 2)She came to clarify the situation to you. 3)Now I do want to clarify a few things. 39. in other words: 换句话说; 也就是说 That is (to say). 也就是说; 即 have a word with.: 和说句话 have words with.: 和吵架 in a/one word: 总之; 简言之 keep ones word: 遵守诺言 break ones word: 不守诺言 1)They asked him to leave - in other words he was fired 2)In other words, we make our own happiness. 3)In other words, she does not actually have the disease. 40. educator eduket(r): n. 教师; 教育工作者; 教育家 teacher tit: n. 老师; 教师 educate edjket/edket: v. 教育; 培养; 训练 education edjken edken: n. 教育 get a (good) education: 获得(好的)教育 1)As an educator, people often ask me how I know what is going on in the minds of my students. 2)That educator published many articles in these magazines. 3)The writer and educator has visited our school
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