2021年春人教版英语八年级下册unit 5单元训练 (含音频).zip

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Unit 5综合水平测试 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.When you called me,I was hanging out with my friend. (A)1.A.B.C. 听力材料:2.At that time I was washing my clothes. (B)2.A. B. C. 听力材料:3.Jim,your alarm went off at 7:00 am. (B)3.A. B. C. 听力材料:4.I saw many students reading in the library. (A)4.A. B. C. 听力材料:5.The news reported that a plane hit that building. (B)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:What were you doing at the time of the accident? M:I was watching a basketball game on TV with my dad at home. (A)6.What was the boy doing at the time of the accident? AWatching TV. BPlaying basketball. CDoing homework. 听力材料:7.W:Why was Bill in hospital? M:He fell off his bike when he was riding it this morning. (B)7.What happened to Bill? AHe fell off a tree. BHe fell off a bike. CHe fell off a ladder. 听力材料:8.W:Why didnt you answer the door,Jack? M:Oh,I didnt hear that.I was dancing to music. (C)8.What was Jack doing? AHe was drawing. BHe was singing. CHe was dancing. 听力材料:9.W:David,are you listening to me? M:Sorry,Mom.I was watching the weather report.What were you trying to say? (C)9.Which program was David watching? AAnimal World. BRunning Man. CThe weather report. 听力材料:10.W:Andy,after you finish reading the newspaper,please let me have a look. M:Sure.Ill finish it in ten minutes. (C)10.What will the girl read? AA storybook. BA magazine. CA newspaper. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听第一段长对话,回答第 1112 小题。 听力材料:W:Jim,was your father exercising when you got to the park this morning? M:No,he was talking with Jills uncle Mr. Green. W:How long does your father exercise a day? M:Hmm,he exercises twice a day and every time he exercises for an hour. W:Oh,he exercises a lot every day. (B)11.What was Jims father doing when Jim got to the park? AExercising. BTalking with Mr. Green. CCalling a man. (C)12.How long does Jims father exercise a day? AHalf an hour. BAn hour. CTwo hours. 听第二段长对话,回答第 1315 小题。 听力材料:W:I heard that a fire broke out in the cinema. M:Yes.I was shopping in the supermarket behind the cinema at that time. W:Really?Tell me more about it. M:The fire was big and three people died in it. W:Thats terrible! M:The firemen did their best.They put out the fire in thirty minutes. W:What caused the fire exactly? M:I dont know.The police are working on it now. (A)13.Where is the cinema? AIn front of the supermarket. BAcross from the supermarket. CBehind the supermarket. (C)14.How many people died in the fire? AOne. BTwo. CThree. (C)15.How long did it take to put out (扑灭) the fire? ATen minutes. BTwenty minutes. CHalf an hour. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:It was a cold night.John was driving the taxi around the city.He was looking for the next passenger.When he went by the train station,he saw a young man standing there,with two bags in his hands.So he drove to him and asked, “Can I help you,sir?” “Yes.Im going to the Garden Hotel, ” answered the young man.At the same time,he got into the taxi.Half an hour later,they arrived at the hotel.The young man gave John fifty yuan and left. (C)16.How was the weather? AIt was warm. BIt was rainy. CIt was cold. (A)17.What does John do? AA taxi driver. BA bus driver. CA shop owner. (B)18.How many bag(s) did the young man have? AOne. BTwo. CThree. (A)19.Where did the young man want to go? ATo a hotel. BTo the police station. CTo the train station. (C)20.How much did the young man pay? A15 yuan. B30 yuan. C50 yuan. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) (D)21.Put the piano there,with its back ________ the wall. AfromBforConDagainst (B)22.Thats ________Im sure I put my glasses in my bag and yet theyre not there. Afair Bstrange Csimple Duseful (D)23.The newspaper ________ that more than 300 people were killed in the fire. Aguessed Bdiscussed Crealized Dreported (B)24.He was ________ ill ________ we had to send for a doctor. Atoo;to Bso;that Cenough;to Dsuch;that (A)25.My grandmother put on her glasses ________ she could see the words clearly. Aso that Beven if Cas Dsince (A)26.Do you remember much about the accident? No,it all happened so ________. Asuddenly Bcertainly Cclearly Dcompletely (D)27.________ I bought a newspaper,my sister was waiting for the train. AWhile BIf CAfter DWhen (B)28.While I was talking on the phone,Helen ________ The Little Prince. Awill watch Bwas watching Cwatches Dis watching (C)29.Is that Alice?I remember ________ her leave here ten minutes ago. Ato see Bto seeing Cseeing Dsee (C)30.I waited for the laughter to ________ before I spoke. Aclose down Bturn down Cdie down Dbreak down (C)31.The speech was so wonderful.When the expert spoke,all of us listened to him ________. Ain a way Bin surprise Cin silence Din a mess (A)32.Mom,someone is calling.Please ________ the phone. Apick up Bfix up Ctake up Dset up (A)33.When I ________ to school,it began to rain this morning. Amade my way Btook my place Ctried my best Ddid my part (D)34.Were you having breakfast at seven oclock this morning? ________.I was taking a shower. AYes,I did BYes,I was CNo,I didnt DNo,I wasnt (C)35.You won the first prize?________ Im serious.We played really well in that game. AWhats wrong? BIt doesnt matter. CYoure kidding! DIts up to you. 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Tom bought a car from a college friend.It was an old car and Toms brother __36__ that he should ask someone to check (检查) it,but Tom didnt do that.__37__,he got into his car and drove away. Tom drove out into the countryside.It was a beautiful summer day,hot and sunny.There were no other __38__ on the road and Tom was enjoying the drive.__39__,the car made a big sound and the engine (发动机) stopped.Tom tried to start the engine again,__40__ nothing happened.Now he was really in trouble.He was far away from home,in a car that didnt work,and there was __41__ around.He tried to phone his brother on his phone but it wasnt __42__ either. Tom walked for a very long time until two hours later,he came to a village.There,he was able to use phone to __43__ his brother,who came to pick him up and get somebody to take the car away.It wasnt worth (值得) __44__ it.After that,Tom promised himself that he would never make the same __45__ again. (B)36.A.heard Badvised Cwondered Dcelebrated (C)37.A.Almost BAgain CInstead DAlways (A)38.A.cars Bbikes Cbuses Dtaxis (D)39.A.Finally BLuckily CDifferently DSuddenly (D)40.A.if Bor Cso Dbut (C)41.A.somebody Banybody Cnobody Deverybody (B)42.A.shaking Bworking Cimproving Dbuilding (A)43.A.call Bcontrol Ctrain Dask (B)44.A.solving Brepairing Cborrowing Dthrowing (D)45.A.reason Bprogram Cquestion Dmistake 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Steve Jobs died on October 5th,2011.What were you doing when you heard of his death?We asked some people and here were their answers. Dave I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt sleep anymore.So I turned on my computer and surfed the Internet.On the Internet,I knew the news.I was really shocked. Sally I came back from the supermarket,ate supper and then checked my Facebook.I saw someone post (公布) the news that Steve Jobs died.I did a quick search (搜索) on the Internet to confirm it.A few minutes later I knew it was true. Leo I was playing the guitar when I got a text message (短信) from my friend.It simply said “Steve Jobs died”I put my guitar down and then googled it to see whether my friend was kidding.The results showed that what he said was true.I then walked into the living room and told my mother the news.She was very surprised. Alice Normally I dont have my TV on before I go to work,but on that day I did.Maybe I got up earlier than usual so I had some extra time to watch TV.The morning news reported that Steve Jobs died. (C)46.Where did Dave get the news that Steve Jobs died? AFrom the TV. BOn the radio. COn the Internet. DFrom the newspaper. (B)47.What does the underlined word “confirm” mean in Chinese? A分享 B证实 C询问 D报道 (C)48.What was Leo doing when he got his friends text message? AHe was watching TV. BHe was sleeping. CHe was playing the guitar. DHe was surfing the Internet. (B)49.Where was Leos mother when she heard of Steve Jobs death? AIn the bedroom. BIn the living room. CIn the bathroom. DIn the kitchen. (C)50.We can know from the above information that ________. ADave got the news while he was working Bafter Sally checked her Facebook,she went to the supermarket Cwhen Leo got the text message,he thought his friend was kidding DAlice didnt watch TV on that day B Tuesday,Jan. 6,9:50 pm. We were sitting in our warm living room.The TV was on,and everything was peaceful.Suddenly the light went on and off for a few times and then went out completely.Then the rain started,and everything went black.We found the flashlight and some candles and went to bed. Wednesday,Jan. 7,7:30 am. My first thought after waking up was that it was pretty cold in my bedroom.Clearly,the power (电力供应) didnt come back.After looking out of the window,I felt even sadder:it was still raining heavily.The room was becoming colder and colder.We had no idea when the power would come back,so my wife started a fire in the fireplace. Thursday,Jan. 8,12:30 pm. The snow started.The poor trees now had to carry the heavy snow.The storm seemed to last (持续) and we had nothing to do but stay at home. Friday,Jan. 9,6:00 pm. Still no power.Even though we lit (点燃) a few candles,it was still difficult to do anything in the weak light.I was sitting near several candles,but I had trouble reading. Saturday,Jan. 10,1:00 pm. The storm stopped this morning,and I drove my car to look for an open store.The trees along the roads were broken.I only bought the most necessary things:bread,some fruit,more drinking water and batteries (电池) for the flashlight.On my way home,the power came back and people were very happy. (B)51.How did the writer feel when he found it was still raining heavily? AAngry. BSad. CScared. DShocked. (D)52.Why did the writer say it was hard to do anything during the storm? AIt was too cold in the room. BThe flashlight had no batteries. CThe light kept going on and off. DThe light of candles was too weak. (A)53.What did NOT the writer buy when he drove out? ANewspapers. BWater. CBatteries. DFood. (D)54.How long did the storm last? ATwo days. BThree days. CLess than two days. DMore than three days. (B)55.The material is probably from a ________. Aguidebook Bdiary Cnotice Dscience magazine C 各地的记者正在街头调查上周五下午五点大家的活动。请根据下面五位被采访者的回 答,将与之对应的图片序号填在相应的横线上。 56__D__ Luke:My father and I were flying a kite in the garden.The wind was blowing gently.It was a perfect day. 57__B__ Mrs. Black:I was walking along the beach with my husband and our dog Claw.Suddenly the wind started to blow.It lifted an old plastic (塑料的) bag from the ground.Claw went to catch it. 58__E__ Ted:I was sitting on a float (浮板)I was scared because a shark was swimming around the float.Luckily some tourists saw me.They called the police and saved me. 59__A__ Sherlock:I was walking along the street and thinking about a case (案件) Something in it was wrong.A detail or two didnt match (相符合)I didnt notice that it started to rain. 60__C__ Nick:I was sleeping then.I moved around a lot in my sleep,so I fell off my chair.The people in the room got a terrible fright (惊吓)As I sat on the floor,however,they started to laugh. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 61There is a rainstorm (暴风雨) coming.Wed better get home. 62He looked out the window (窗户) to see if it was still raining. 63We can see the sun by its own light (光,光亮) 64Is there enough wind (风) to fly the kite today,Peter? 65I still cant understand the meaning of this passage (段落) B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 66Its difficult to buy a box of matches (match) in the supermarket now. 67There is a fallen (fall) tree in the middle of the road.Lets move it away. 68Cindy,why dont you ask your teacher for help? To tell you the truth (true),I was afraid to see him. 69Drive carefully,Dad.The roads are icy (ice) 70As it wasnt raining so heavily (heavy),we made our way home at once. 九、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 71出门前,她照了下镜子。 Before going out,she had a look at herself in the mirror. 72如果你很累的话,你很快就会睡着的。 If you are really tired,youll soon fall asleep 73我每天闹钟一响就起床了。 I get up as soon as the alarm goes off every day. 74最初他在班里有点害羞,但现在很开朗了。 At first he was a little shy in class,but now he is very outgoing. 75老师要我们把旧图片取下来挂上新的。 The teacher asked us to take down the old pictures and put up the new ones. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A:Eric,I was robbed (被抢劫) yesterday. B:What?76.__G__ A:When I was going to the ATM,I saw a man and a woman. B:77.__E__ A:No.They were looking in a shop window. B:What happened next? A:While I was waiting for my money,the woman said “Excuse me” B:78.__C__ A:I looked around but she was running away.While I wasnt looking at the ATM,the man took my money away! B:79.__A__ A:The woman was wearing a green coat and the man was wearing black jeans. B:Well.80.__D__ A:No,I didnt.But I called the police at once. AWhat were they wearing? BHow did you get your money back? CWhat did you do? DDid you get your money back? EWere they watching you? FThe man is tall and thin. GTell me how it happened. 十一、书面表达。(共计 15 分) 假设你是 Bob,警察为调查昨晚 6 点发生的一起案件,准备询问你们一家人案发时正 在干什么。请根据表格内容写一篇 80 词左右的短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Bobtake out the rubbish Bobs fatherread the newspaper Bobs mothercook dinner in the kitchen Bobs sisterlisten to music Bobs brother and his two friendswatch a film Yesterday evening,everyone was at home.It_was_6_oclock.I_was_taking_the_rubbish_out_of_our_house.My_father_was_readin g_the_newspaper_as_usual.My_mother_was_busy.She_was_cooking_dinner_for_us_in_the_k itchen.My_sister_was_listening_to_music_in_her_bedroom.She_likes_music_very_much.What _was_my_brother_doing?He_was_watching_a_film_on_his_computer_with_his_two_friend s.They_all_liked_it_very_much.
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