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    • 苏教译林三年级英语下册Project2第2课时教案(市一等奖).doc--点击预览
    • 苏教译林三年级英语下册Project2第2课时课件(市一等奖).pptx--点击预览


1 ProjectProject 2 2 A A magicmagic clockclock(第一课时)(第一课时) 译林版译林版英语英语 (三年级下册)(三年级下册) 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说 78 单元的农场动物类、水果类的单词等。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说 78 单元日常用语: What are these/those? They are Are these ? Yes, they are. No, they are whos .? He/She is.。 3. 能初步运用 78 单元词汇和日常用语并进行游戏。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:能在老师的帮助下有序归纳 78 单元重点词汇与句型。 教学难点:能正确理解并运用日常用语内容,在老师的引导和帮助下尝试运 用语言进行交际、解决问题。 教学准备教学准备 教学准备: 课件、板贴、头饰图片等。 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upup T:Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,Miss Miao. T: Nice to see you again.Are you ready for class? Ss:Yes. T:Ok,lets go.Last class,Mr T showed us a wonderful trip,we went to Number School、Time Town,today,we will go to the third stop.Its Mr Ts farm. 2 StepStep 1 1 PresentationPresentation T:Its a magic farm.the first task is magic eyes,tell me what you can see on the farm. S1:I can see. T: What about you? S2:I can see. T: Great. Now lets work in pairs. Use the sentence patterns: Whats this /that? Its ./What are these/those? They are . S1:Whats this? S2: Its S1: What are these? S2: They are. (设计意图:创设英语课堂的氛围,用游戏的方法复习常用句型) T:Great, all of you did a good job.now introduce your favourite fruit in groups. T:Now lets play another game,its magic ears. Listen and find ,what animals do you hear? (生回答,师总结并板书) (设计意图:此处复习了 Unit7 询问水果和动物的句型,把机会留给学生去说、 操练句型,复习课的关键在于运用) T:Now lets go to the fourth stop.Mr Ts castle. T:Ok Its time for fun. T:There is a magic mirror in the castle,if you want to pass the 3 castle ,please say a sentence.Mirror/Mirror whos that boy/girl? S1:Mirror/Mirror whos that boy/girl? S2:He is (设计意图:让学生观察图片中人物,用第八单元的句型进行问答) T: Now lets work in pairs.use the sentence patterns:A:Whos that boy/girl? B: Hes / Shes.A: How old is he /she? B: He /She is. S1: Whos that boy/girl? S2:Hes / Shes. S1: How old is he /she? S2: He /She is. T: Excellent. All of you pass the castle,congratulations. StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice T:Now its time for Mr T s questions. (出示练习题,进一步巩固第七和第八单元的重点句型) Step 4 Homework 1.Recite the words of Unit 7-8 2.Make the word cards. 3.Make a magic clock. 板书设计板书设计A magic clockA magic clock Period 2Period 2 一只魔法钟一只魔法钟 Mr. T Number School 数字学校 Time Town 时光小镇 Mr Ts Farm 时间先生的农场 Mr. T Mr. T 说说你能看到什么? I can see . Mr Ts Farm 时间先生的农场 A: Whats this/that? B: Its a A: What are these/those? B: Theyre Look! These areLook! These areLook! These are They areThey areThey are ThThThoseoseose are are are I likeI likeI like Do you like .?Do you like .?Do you like .? Would you like Would you like Would you like some.?some.?some.? 把你喜欢的水果放在自 己的果篮里并在组内介 绍它们。 chickens cow pig 听一听,猜猜会是什么动物呢? Excellent! 棒极了! Mr. T Time Town 时光小镇 Mr Ts Castle 时间先生的城堡 Number School 数字学校 Mr Ts Farm 时间先生的农场 Mr. T Welcome to my castle! 欢迎来我的城堡做客! Mr. T Mirror, mirror, Whos that girl? 通关密语: 小朋友们对着魔镜中人物的 影子大声念咒语,他们就会 出现啦! Shes Yang Ling. Mirror, mirror, Whos that boy? Hes Mike. Mirror, mirror, Whos that woman? Shes Yang Lings aunt. Mirror, mirror, Whos that man? Hes Mikes uncle. 两人一组互相问答,说一说魔镜中的人。 A: Whos that / this? B: Hes / Shes. Mr. T的提问时间 : 1 1 1、 想知道远处的那些东西是什么时,你可以问:想知道远处的那些东西是什么时,你可以问:想知道远处的那些东西是什么时,你可以问:( )( )( ) A.:Whats that ? B: What are these ? C: What are those?A.:Whats that ? B: What are these ? C: What are those? 2 2 2、想告诉别人桌子上的这些东西是苹果时,你可以说:、想告诉别人桌子上的这些东西是苹果时,你可以说:、想告诉别人桌子上的这些东西是苹果时,你可以说:( )( )( ) A A:This is an apple. BThis is an apple. B:These are apples. C: Those are apples.These are apples. C: Those are apples. 3 3 3、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你可以问:、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你可以问:、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你可以问:( )( )( ) A A:Whos that girl.? B: Whos that boy? C: Whos that woman?Whos that girl.? B: Whos that boy? C: Whos that woman? 4 4 4、你想知道哪位男士是不是你同学的叔叔时,你可以这样问同学、你想知道哪位男士是不是你同学的叔叔时,你可以这样问同学、你想知道哪位男士是不是你同学的叔叔时,你可以这样问同学 : A A: Hes my uncle. B: Is he your uncle? C: He isnt your uncle.Hes my uncle. B: Is he your uncle? C: He isnt your uncle.( )( )( ) C B B B Homework:Homework:Homework: ame with your family or friends. 1.1.识记识记7-87-8单元四会单词和句单元四会单词和句 型。型。 2.2.制作四会单词的单词卡片。制作四会单词的单词卡片。 3.3.制作一个魔法钟。制作一个魔法钟。
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