2021版外研版必修一英语Unit4 developing ideas ppt课件.pptx

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1、After Twenty Years Developing Ideas Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Reading for plot Part 3 Reading for analyzing characters and role play Part 4 Reading for writing Part 5 Reading for writing Part 6 Writing and sharing Learning aims: 1.理解课文内容,明确故事中的人物形象和特点,评价人物的行为; 2.初步掌握小说类文体的基本特征和常见阅读方法,了解O. Henry小说的 主题和“欧

2、.亨利式”结尾的特点, 使学生能够运用所学为小说续写结尾; 3.联系自身实际,进一步深入理解友谊的意义和内涵,辩证地思考情与 法之间的关系,树立正确的友情观。 Have you read any stories by O. Henry? Lets share one or two of the famous stories written by O. Henry. Do you like stories with surprise endings? Why or why not? Task1. Read the story and summarize it in your own words.

3、 Reading for plot Bob and Jimmy were close friends twenty years ago when they were young. Before their separation, they made an appointment to meet again at exactly the same place and the same hour twenty years later. Now, Bob is waiting for his friend. Task2. Work in groups. Think of a possible end

4、ing to “after twenty years” and find evidence to support your ideas. Use the following questions to help you. 1) Did Jimmy come to meet his friend? 2) What have the two experienced over the past twenty years? 3) What might happen between the policeman and the man? Task3. Now read the note from the o

5、riginal ending and find out what actually happened. 1).What does the note tell you about the ending of the story? 2). How do you think Bob would react when he read the note? Reading for plot Lets summarize the story! Reading for analyzing characters and role play Task1: Read the story again and try

6、to find words and expressions that describe the characteristics of Jimmy and Bob. Bobs personalities Jimmys personalities Para.1: I was to start for the West to make my fortune. Para.3: “The West is a pretty big place, and I kept hustling around over it pretty lively.” Para.3: I came a thousand mile

7、s to stand in this door tonight, and its worth if my old partner turns up. Para.3 Jimmy will meet me here if hes alive for he always was the truest, staunchest old chap in the world. Para.1 my best chum,and the finest chap in the world. Para.1“you couldnt have dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thoug

8、ht it was the only place on earth.” Activity 3: Somehow I couldnt arrest you myself.” not so adventurous honest, truthful, responsible and devoted He was obviously a good police officer. Task2:Work in groups and think about what happened in each of the three scenes . Task3: Do role play in groups. R

9、eading for analyzing characters and role play Think and share 1. Do you think Jimmy did the right thing in the end? Why? 2. Have you ever experienced any hard moments between personal feelings and sense of righteousness / sense of duty? 3.Are you happy with the ending to the story? What would happen

10、 if Bob was released from jail? Task1: Read Bobs story after he was released from jail and answer the questions. 1. What kind of ending is this? 2. Find words and expressions that describe the settings, characters and actions. 3.Whats the secret of how to write an impressive ending. Reading for writ

11、ing Settings: characters: actions: Reading for writing out of jail, cold wind, Bob, now 58, lost and helpless, a familiar-looking young man in his thirties stepping out of, smiled bitterly, heard, turned around, was surprised to find, replied, unfolded, shaking, finished reading, shouted in surprise

12、, smiled To bring your story to life, describe the settings and characters. Settings: time, location and descriptions of the environment or surroundings help your readers picture the scene. For example, The street was long and dark, and there was no one around. Characters: introducing characters mea

13、ns describing both appearance and personality. For example, He was a tall man with curly-brown hair. She always seemed happy and friendly. Characters actions, or their behaviour, not only tell your readers what kind of people they are, but also drive the plot forward and create a particular atmosphe

14、re. 3. Whats the secret to write good story? Learning to learn 1. What type of ending will it be? 2. Do you want to introduce other characters in the ending? If so, who are they? 3. Where will the ending take place? 4. What has happened to Bob and Jimmy over the past twenty years? 5. How will the st

15、ory end? Task2:Come up with your own ending to Jimmy and Bobs story, twenty years after Bob was arrested. Answer the questions to help you. Task1 : Write your own ending to the story. Task2: Share your story with the classmates. Writing and sharing Reading for difficult points 1. He and I were raise

16、d here in New York 我们在纽约被抚养长大我们在纽约被抚养长大. 【知识链接】 raise v. 【一词多义】 (1)collect , obtain :筹措 (金钱)筹集; (2)bring up :养育,饲养; (3)move upward , increase :举起,提高; (4)cause to appear :引起,唤起,提出 【实战演练】 1.1.上周我们学校举办了一个大型义卖会为残疾人筹款。上周我们学校举办了一个大型义卖会为残疾人筹款。 2.2.他年轻时在西部养过牛。他年轻时在西部养过牛。 3.3.他提出了一个重要的问题。他提出了一个重要的问题。 Last we

17、ek our school had a big fair in order to raise money for the disabled. He raised cattle in the west when he was young. He raised an important question. 2. I was to start for the West to make my fortune. 我打算前往西部去我打算前往西部去谋生。谋生。 【知识链接】【知识链接】 【实战演练】【实战演练】 fortune (n) :luck,chance,wealth 运气;命运;大笔财产 fortu

18、nate adj 运气好的,幸运的 fortunately adv 幸运地 try ones fortune 碰运气 bring good fortune 带来好运 seek ones fortune 寻找出路 make a fortune 发财,挣大钱 1.These two brothers decided to go to America to _ 这两兄弟决定去美国碰碰运气 2. _ (fortune), a young man who was just passing by came up to the injured 幸运的是,一个刚好路过的年轻人前来帮助伤者 try their

19、fortune Fortunately 3. each of us ought to have our destiny worked out . 我们每个人命运我们每个人命运已然已然 【知识链接】 【知识链接】 【实战演练】【实战演练】 work out :(1)develop in a specified way; turn out成功发展 (2)train the body by heavy physical exercise锻炼 (3)be capable of being solved; find the answer to sth. 能够解决 1.我经常锻炼保持健康. 2. 我花了很

20、多时间才找到导致这种状况的原因. I work out regularly to keep fit. It took me some time to work out what was causing this. 4、When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face . 当我看到你擦亮火柴,点燃香烟,我看到了当我看到你擦亮火柴,点燃香烟,我看到了. strike : v 【一词多义】 (1)to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface (2) t

21、o hit sb/sth hard or with force (3)to happen suddenly and have a harmful effect on sb/sth (4)to come into sbs mind suddenly (5)to give sb a particular impression 【知识链接】【知识链接】 点燃点燃 击打,打击打,打 袭击袭击 突然想起突然想起 打动打动 【实战演练】 1. 被他鼓舞 人心的话所打动,我决定和他合作. 2. 在我眼里,她是一个非常干练的人. I was struck by his inspiring words, so

22、I decided to cooperate with him. She strikes me as a very efficient person. 1.聚焦普通人的日常生活 2.因惊讶的结尾最为人们熟知 3.对有更深的理解 4.以为背景 5.在一个寒冷昏暗的夜晚 6.下班回家 7.检查巡逻这一区域 8.抚养,养育 9.发财 10.过去不可能干 11.无论我们的境况怎样 12.命运已有了结果 13.失去联系 14.一切都是值得的 15.出现 16.从节选 P44-45 1.focus on the everyday life of ordinary people 2.be best know

23、n for the surprise ending 3.get a deeper understanding of 4.be set in 5.on a cold, dark night 6.leave work to go home 7.check the area 8.raise / bring up eg: He was born and raised in Linzi. 9.make ones fortune 10.couldnt have done 11. No matter what our conditions might to 12.have ones destiny work

24、ed out 13.lose track of 14.It is worth it. 15. turn up 16.excerpts from 1.在约定的地点 2.划火柴 3.受通缉的人 4.便衣警察 5.感到迷茫无助 6.苦笑 7.因为感到羞愧 8.渴望,盼望 9.在某人三十多岁时 10.感到怀疑地 11.他的手在颤抖。 12.惊讶地大喊 13.让你的故事生动起来 14.想像场景 15.推动情节向前发展 16.营造特殊的氛围 1.at the appointed place 2.strike the match 3.the man wanted in Chicago 4.a plain clothes 5.feel lost and helpless 6.smile bitterly 7.be ashamed of 8. long for 9.in ones thirties 10. doubtfully 11.His hands were shaking/trembling. 12.shout in surprise 13.bring your story to life 14.picture the scene 15.drive the plot forward 16. create a particular atmosphere P46-47


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