2021版外研版必修一英语Unit 3词汇讲解 .docx

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1、1 Unit 3 Family matters character n 单词释义 1 常用单数性格: She has a cheerful but quiet character Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. 2 U 特色;特性 The whole character of the school has changed since he became the president. The city invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the character of the old t

2、own. 3 U (好的) 品性;道德品质: a man of character Sports can be good for character building. 4 C 人物;角色: a famous character in history a leading character in a film 5 C 符号;文字: 派生词 characterize vt An elephant is characterized by a long trunk. 高考链接 1、 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for ones health. It m

3、ay also be good for _ (良好品格的 培养). 2、 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ (性格) was seen at its best when he worked with others. approach v 单词释义 1vt & vi (距离上) 靠近 (near); (时间上) 临近; (数量上) 接近: Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken windo

4、w. As Teachers Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. The population of our province is now approaching 74 million. 2 vt 与接洽 The staff soon found the new manager easy to approach. The students approach their teacher for advice. 3 vt 处理 Whats the best w

5、ay of approaching this problem / matter / task? 2 approach n 1 靠近;接近: U the approach of autumn The students stopped talking at the teachers approach. 2 通道;道路 C All approaches to the town were blocked. 3 (处理.的) 方法;(达到.的) 途径 C The job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as

6、well. 高考链接 1、 At the meeting they discussed three different approaches _ the study of mathematics. 一、根据句意选出 approach 的最佳释义。 1. A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and approached our table. 2. It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way. 3. I always approach my parent

7、s for help. 4. The temperatures are approaching 37 C. assume vt 单词释义 1 正式用语 担任;承担 (take): assume office I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. 2 假定;设想 We think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. It is generally assumed (that) stress is ca

8、used by too much work. Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former. 派生词 assuming conj 假设;假定: Assuming (that) youre chosen to be the leader, what will you do? issue n 单词释义 1 议题;争论的问题 (尤指社会或政治方面) The environmental issue is a worldwide problem. Food saf

9、ety is an important issue involving the public health. 2(令人担忧的) 问题 Money is not an issue. 3 (报刊的) 号;版次 3 the January issue of Newsweek Im reading the last issue of the paper. observe v 单词释义 1 vt & vi 正式用语 观察;观测 observe + wh- 从句: The teacher required the students to observe how the people in the grou

10、p interacted. observe the behaviour of birds Observe carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. 2 vt 不用于进行时 正式用语 察觉到; 注意到 observe doing / do sth: The police officer observed him driving at 100 miles per hour. The police observed the man enter the bank. observe + that 从句: It wa

11、s observed that successful people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching TV. 3 vt 正式用语 说;评论 4 vt 遵守 / 奉行 (法律、习俗等): observe the law observe the local customs Rules of online voting should be worked out and strictly observed. 5 vt 正式用语 举行 (仪式); 庆祝 (节日): Do you observe Christmas in your c

12、ountry? 派生词 observation n observatory n observer n 高考链接 1、 Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ (奉 行 ) the traditional customs. 根据所给提示完成句子。 1._(仔细观察) if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. 2. I wondered if I would have the time to tell Sam_ (我所观察到的情况). 3. It is

13、 everybodys duty _(遵守规则) to keep our society in order and going on the right track. 4. With a joyful heart we_(庆祝国庆 节) last month. range n 单词释义 1 一系列 C 常用单数 4 a range of services / products our new range of hair products College students come from a wide range of social, cultural and economic backgr

14、ounds. 2 范围;界限: C & U 常用单数 Most of the students are in the 16-19 age range. The price was beyond our range, so we declined. 3 距离: C & U Do not miss this opportunity to see whales at close range (= very close) on their annual migration south to the Antarctic. 4 山脉: C Between Italy and France, there i

15、s a mountain range called the Alps. 固定搭配 in / within range (of) out of range (of) 高考链接 1、 This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ (一系列) of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. 一、根据句意写出 range 的中文释义。 _1. Our funds were limited, and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory

16、. _2. In recent years, stress has been regarded as a cause of a whole range of medical problems. _3. These missiles (导弹) have a range of 300 miles. 二、完成句子。 1. In addition to these traditional activities, we have _ (还有更多不同的选择) such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends. event n 单词释义 1 重

17、大事件;(发生的) 事情 It is easy to be wise after the event. Years ago, an important event occurred in my life that would change it forever. 辨 accident, incident, event accident _ a traffic accident incident _ He could remember every incident in great detail. the Lugouqiao Incident event _ 5 the chief events

18、 of 2020 The 800 metres is not his best event. 辨 matter, affair, event matter _。 It is a matter of time. We have several important matters to deal with at our next meeting. affair _ foreign affairs We are friends, but I dont know much about their private affairs. event _ The election was the main ev

19、ent of 2020 2 公开活动;比赛项目;体育比赛: We supported each other financially and by showing up at events. a team event track and field events 固定搭配 at all events / in any event in the event in the event of / (that) 选词填空。 accident, incident, event, matter, affair 1. During my first quarter at University of Calif

20、ornia, Riverside (UCR), I thought that I wanted to study Political Science with its focus on International _, so thats what I applied for (申请). 2. A boy fell down while riding a shared bike and died in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Witnesses (目 击者) said he and other boys were riding ofo bicycles on a s

21、teep ( 陡 的 ) road, when the _ happened on Sunday. 3. Some 10,000 Baotou residents (居民) gathered at Baotou Olympic Center for a weekly walking and cycling _on July 1, reports Baotou Daily. 4. Pictures taken of both Trumps inauguration (就 职典礼) and Obamas in 2009, seem to show the crowd was much smalle

22、r for Mr Trumps _. So Trump has accused (指责) the media of not being truthful about the number of people that attended his inauguration. 5. Police said she had been in the hospital since the July 15 _. 6. Alia Baker is a librarian in Iraq. Her library used to be a meeting place for all who loved book

23、s and liked to share knowledge. They discussed various (各种各样的)_ all over the world. settle v 单词释义 6 1 vi & vt 坐下;(使) 处于舒适的位置 The dog settled on the grass to enjoy its bone. She settled herself into her chair and started to read. 2 vi & vt (移民、殖民) 定居 (于) We settled happily into our new life in the to

24、wn. This region was settled by the Dutch in the 19th century. 3 vi & vt 对某事达成一致意见;解决 settle an argument Most of the problems have been settled satisfactorily. 4 vt 常用于被动语态 确定;决定 When do you go to America? Nothings settled yet. It was settled that they would get married in June. 5 vi & vt (使) 平静;(使)

25、安定 She breathed deeply to settle her nerves. 6 vi 降落;停留: A butterfly settled on a red flower. 7 vi 围绕;充满: Depression settled over her like a heavy black cloud. 固定搭配 settle back settle down They put up the tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches. When are you going to get married and settle down

26、? She didnt start the lesson until the pupils settled down. settle (down) to settle for settle in / into Hows your new home? Are you settling in OK? She soon settled into her new college life. settle on We must settle on a place to meet. 一、根据汉语提示,用 settle 的相关短语完成句 子。 1. 去年她从城里来就定居在这个村子里。 She came do

27、wn last year and _. 2. 虽然他跳得非常好,可是没有取得第一名,只好 屈居第二了。 7 Although he was jumping so well, he failed to win the first prize and had to_. 3. 经过长时间讨论以后,他们选定了修建电站的 地点。 After a long discussion they _ for the power station. 4. 我讨厌经常外出,我想结婚然后安顿下来。 I hate all this travel. I want to _. 二、根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。 _1. Th

28、e man let his eyes settle upon Peters face. _ 2. An uneasy silence settled over the room. _ 3. She didnt start the lesson until the pupils settled down. _4. We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. _5.He alo raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement. respect vt 单

29、词释义 1 尊重;尊敬;遵守: The media should respect famous peoples privacy. She has always been honest with me, and I respect her for that. In practice, few drivers respect the rules. 派生词 respectable adj respectful adj respective adj respectively adv talent n 单词释义 1 天资;才能 talent for (doing) sth: He has a natur

30、al talent for music. She showed a talent for acting at an early age. a talent show / competition 2 人才;有才能的人: Theres a wealth of talent in English football. 派生词 talented adj 根据提示完成句子。 1. He is a _ (了不起的人才). 2. He _(很有天赋), and his work is fresh and interesting. 3. She _答案 (展示出了表演天赋) at an early stage.

31、 8 4. She discovered her daughters _ (跳舞天赋). 5. The job will provide me with a good chance to _(展示我的才能). strength n 单词释义 1 体力;力气 tU The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living. Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up ones strength, but also develop ones char

32、acter. 辨 force, energy, strength, power force _。 The force of the explosion blew out all the windows. energy _。 Where does the little girl get her energy? the worlds energy resources strength _。 She didnt even have the strength to stand up. The boy lifted the stone with all his strength. power _。物理学

33、中指 “_”、“_”。 The party came to power at the last election. I will do everything in my power to help you. 2 意志 U inner strength / strength of will I hope you have / find the strength to start all over again. 3 实力 U Political power depends upon economic strength. 4 优点;长处 C 反义词:weakness : 5 强度;浓度 C & U

34、固定搭配 go from strength to strength 高考链接 1、 Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my _ (强项). So it is my best choice. 2、 To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ (强项和弱项). judge v 单词释义 1 vi & vt 判断 9 Judging

35、 from her accent, she must be from Sichuan. Judging by his last letter, they are having a wonderful time. 2 估计 vt Its difficult to judge how long the journey will take. 3 评价 vt & vi Ive learnt a good lesson: not to judge people. Im in no position to judge whether what she is doing is right or wrong.

36、 4 vt & vi 裁判;评判: She was asked to judge the English speech competition. 5 vt 审判;判决: judge a case / judge sb guilty feature n 单词释义 1 特征;特点 : the main geographical features a common feature of modern life An important feature of Van Goghs paintings is their bright colors. 2 面貌的一部分 (指眼、口、鼻等);面貌 (特 征)

37、have nice features Her eyes are her best feature. 3 (报纸、杂志等的) 特写;专题节目 She showed great interest in a special feature on education in todays newspaper. style n 单词释义 1 (文学艺术音乐建筑等的) 风格;文 体: C & U Hemingways direct style Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs. The new houses have been

38、built in a traditional style. 2 方式;作风 C & U a management style / a style of management Children have different styles of learning: some learn by seeing, some by hearing, some by doing. I dont hold big parties its not my style. 3 款式;流行式样: C & U The computer is modern in style and convenient to carry,

39、 so it is very popular with youngsters. 10 Long skirts are back in style. 4 风度;气派 U You may not like her, but she certainly has style. Lets rent a big car and go there in style. The professional basketball team played with style. track n 单词释义 1 足迹;轨迹;车辙: 常用复数 follow sbs tracks We saw wild animals tr

40、acks near the cave. 2 小路;小径: It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a muddy track. 3 轨道;滑轨: a single / double track 4 跑道;径赛运动: track events They ran five times round the track. 固定搭配 keep track of They read the newspapers every day to keep track of current events. lose track of The pol

41、ice have lost track of the criminals. I had so much fun that I lost track of time. 答案: character 高考链接 character building character approach 高考链接 to 根据句意选出 approach 的最佳释义。 1 vt & vi (距离上) 靠近;(数量上) 接近 2 vt 处理 3 vt 与接洽 4 vt & vi (距离上) 靠近;(数量上) 接近 observe 高考链接 observe 11 根据所给提示完成句子。 1.Observe carefully

42、2.what I had observed 3. observe the rules 4. observed our National Day range 高考链接 range 根据句意写出 range 的中文释义。 范围 一系列 射程 完成句子。 a wider range of choices (还有更多不同的选择) event 选词填空 1 affairs 2 accident 3 event 4 event 5 incident 6 matters settle 根据汉语提示,用 settle 的相关短语完成句子。 1 settled down in the village 2 set

43、tle for the second 3 settled on the second 4 get married and settle down 根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。 1 落在/停留 2 弥漫/充满 3 安静下来 4 解决 5 和平协议 talent 根据提示完成句子 1. a great talent 2. has a lot of talent 3. showed a talent for acting 4. talent for / of dancing 5. show my talent strength 高 考 链 接 strength strengths and weaknesses


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