2021版外研版必修二英语Unit 5 On the Road 知识点全方位操练操练有答案.docx

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1、必修二 Unit 5 知识点全方面操练 Section 1 Starting out -Understanding ideas I.根据语境及括号内的汉语提示,补全句子。 1. The first time I saw my friends pet dog, I_ (爱 上了它);it s so cute and funny. 2. Linda likes sharing personal experiences on her blog, and she often_ (在上 面发照片) 3. Last night, I _(决定完成阅读报告 so I stayed up late . 4.

2、I have just met Tina three times up to now. so its hard for me _(对做出评 论) what kind of per son she 5. Online education does provide a good chance for people who _(全职 工作) and want to keep on learning .分析例句中的划线部分,并根据汉 语意思进行句子仿写。 1. In less than 18 months, there were over 200,000 people reading my blog!

3、(P50) _ 放学后,有许多学生在操场上打篮球。 2. As a photographer, I love the bright light and amazing colours.(P51) _作为一名经验丰富 的教师, Mr Brown 深知如何激发学生的学习兴趣。 3. I force myself into the natural world by waking early each day.(P51) _Linda 每天早上慢 跑一小时来保持 健康。 4. I use my photography to make an impact on people, especially wh

4、en it comes to environmental issues. (P51) _说到朋友, 我更喜欢 那些和我有共 同爱好的人。 5. If I can do something to make others aware of the problem, then thats part of the solution(P51) _妈妈让我做一些家 务,使房子干净 整洁。 III.从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式补全对话, 其中有两项多 余。 gallery; quest; destination ;kangaroo; previous; indigenous; quit L=Lind

5、a S=Selina S: Linda, hows your weekend? L: Quite wonderful. Compared with(1)_ones , I really had agreat time with my little daughter Judy last weekend. S: Well, where did you and Judy go? L: On Saturday, I took Judy to a zoo near our community and spent half a day there because she likes animals ver

6、y much elephants and (2)_ in particular. S: Sounds great! So what was your next (3)_? L: An art(4)_ set up by my uncle. S: Is your uncle a painter? L: No. He was an engineer before Being crazy about painting, he (5)_his job and set up the gallery last year. S: Wow, thats cool. And you did have a mea

7、ningful weekend. Section 2 Using Language I. 结合括号内的提示,写出下列汉语句子的英文表达。 1.参加这次活动的学生将有机会分享他们对全球变暖的看法。( have the chance to do) _ 2.毫无疑问,Lisa 会通过期末考试的,因为她做了很多准备。( there is no doubt that) _ 3. 你是那种喜欢看恐怖片的人吗? (one of.) _ 4. 我的手机不用修理,因为我打算买个新的。(don t need to do) _ 5. 我想要的就是和我的家人过一种平凡而快乐的生活。(allis) _ .根据括号内的提

8、示,用含有 V-ing 作定语的句子回答问题。 1. Could you tell me who the man under the tree is? (wear a black jacket/my cousin Jim) _ 2. Listen! Whats that sound?(someone shout for help) _ 3.What s on the bed?( my elder brothers pet cat/lie) _ 4. Is the song popular among your classmates?(there be/more than half of my

9、classmates/listen to) _ III.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In cultures where you cant understand or speak the language, simple tasks can become much more complicated- like taking the subway and ordering food at a restaurant .Imagine being in a country like Japan, where the language is (1)_(entir

10、e) different. You jump on the subway or bus, but you cant read the signs, and no one speaks your language. You could take a taxi, (2)_ how would you tell the driver where (3)_ (go) if you dont speak Japanese? This is what happened to me in my (4)_ (one) three months in Japan. I remember feeling (5)_

11、 (help) and finding it hard to understand anything. I felt anxious about asking for(6)_ (direction), because I couldnt understand other persons words. At times I didnt want to go out because it took too much effort Over time, I spent extra time(7)_(memorise) the words for the places I wanted to go t

12、o. I(8) _(begin) earning Japanese, made some friends and adjusted myself (9) _their culture .Gradually, I was able to speak a little Japanese, (10)_ gave me the confidence to explore the country fearlessly and helped me enjoy my stay in Japan. Section 3 Developing ideas-Presenting ideas I.从方框中选择合适的词

13、汇并用其适当形式补全句子,其中有两项多余。 continent: keep in touch; pick up; vehicle, mass: cant wait to: sense of direction ;fall asleep 1. According to the traffic rules, motor_drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking, or they would be punished. 2. I_visit my grandparents in the countryside, for I havent seen

14、them for a long time. 3. After a long days hard work, my father _immediately he lay down on the bed. 4. In my opinion, its important _with your friends even though you dont work in the same city. 5. Maria is always getting lost outdoors because of her terrible_;her parents are worried about her when

15、 she goes out alone. 6. I m going to _my cousin at the airport this afternoon, so Im afraid that I cant go shopping with you today. .根据语境及括号内的汉语提示,补全对话。 1. A: Good morning, Mrs. Smith. Did you find your wallet last night? B: Yes, (1)_(我是在车里找到了我的钱包)。 I just forgot to put it in my bag before getting o

16、ff. A: Well, you should be more careful next time. B: Okay, I will. Lets get down to work 2. A: What are you going to do tonight? B: Im going to the gym near your company .Would you like to go with me? A: Id love to, but (2)_ (我是如此忙以至于没有足够的空闲时间)。 I have to work overtime for a research project tonigh

17、t. B: What a pity 3. A: Whats wrong with your computer? B: Last night,( 3)_(我刚做完阅读报告,这时) it broke down. And I cant get it powered again. Could you please help me repair it? A: No problem.(4)_ (当我在修你的电脑时), you can have a rest on the sofa. It takes at least half an hour. B: Okay, thank you very much.

18、参考答案:Section 1 . 1. fell in love with it 2. posts pictures on It 3. was determined to finish the reading report 4. to make a comment about 5. work full time I. 1. After school, there were many students playing basketball on the playground 2. As an experienced teacher, Mr. Brown knows well how to aro

19、use students interest in learning 3. Linda keeps fit by jogging for an hour every morning. 4. When it comes to friends, I prefer those who share the same interests with me 5. Mom asked me to do some housework to make the house clean and tidy. III 1. previous 2. kangaroos 3. destination 4. gallery 5.

20、 quit Section 2 I.1.Students who take part in the activity will have the chance to share their opinions on global warming 2. There is no doubt that Lisa will pass the final exam, because she has made a lot of preparation. 3. Are you one of those people who like watching horror movies? 4. My mobile p

21、hone doesnt need to be repaired because Im going to buy a new one. 5. All I want is to live an ordinary and happy life with my family II. 1. The man wearing a black jacket under the tree is my cousin Jim. 2. There is someone shouting for help 3.That s my elder brother s pet cat lying on the bed 4. Y

22、es, there are more than half of my class mates listening to it. III. 1. entirely 2. but 3. to go 4. first 5. helpless 6. directions 7. memorising 8 began 9to 10. which Section 3 1. vehicle 2. cant wait to 3. fell asleep 4. to keep in touch 5. sense of direction 6. pick up Il. 1. it was in my car that I found my wallet . 2. Im so busy that I dont have enough free time. 3. I had just finished my reading report when. 4. While I am repairing your computer


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