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1、U 2 Making a difference 必修三 习作 一一 Contribution(n):贡献;捐款;捐助;文稿贡献;捐款;捐助;文稿 contribute(v):捐献;造成;投稿捐献;造成;投稿 Contributor(n):投稿人;捐款人;促成者投稿人;捐款人;促成者 1. He is one of the authors ( ) to the book.(contribute) 二二 Make a difference 有影响,有作用有影响,有作用 1. Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are( )(有影响)

2、in the world . 2. The twins are so alike; its difficult to ( )(辨别不同)between them. 3. -Can you see the building clearly on the foggy day? -( )(对我来说没影响)whether its foggy or not, because Im blind. 三三 Relief(un):(焦虑,痛苦等的)减轻,缓和,消除;宽慰,解脱,轻松(焦虑,痛苦等的)减轻,缓和,消除;宽慰,解脱,轻松 Relieve(vt):减轻,缓和减轻,缓和 relieved(adj):宽慰

3、的,不再忧虑的宽慰的,不再忧虑的 1. It came as a great (relieve) to the parents that their son finally cane back safe and sound. 2. We all sighed relief when the plane finally landed safely. 3. 尽可能多给你母亲打电话,以减轻你母亲的忧虑。 4. 使我们感到宽慰的是,大部分孩子有机会接受良好的教育。 四四 Under control:被控制住,处于控制之下被控制住,处于控制之下 1. 大伙持续了 24 个小时才被控制住。 2. 父亲死后

4、,他的公司由儿子掌管。 3. 汽车失去了控制,撞上了迎面开来的卡车。 五五 Solution(n):解决办法,处理手段;答案,谜底解决办法,处理手段;答案,谜底 solve(vt):解决;解答,破解解决;解答,破解 1. Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to (work) things out. 2. Most people hold the view that the key keeping fit is to work out regularly. 3. 试

5、图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。 六六 Effective(Adj):有效的,产生预期效果的有效的,产生预期效果的 Effect(n):效应,结果,影响效应,结果,影响 effectively(adv):有效地,实际上有效地,实际上 1. Keeping a diary in English is one of the most (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability. 2. Although modern medicine (effective) controls many diseases, it remains dif

6、ficult to against flu. 3. Experts also point out that types of coffee beans have different effects our health. 4. The law of celebrating the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival has come effect all over the country. 七七 Set up:安装好,装配好;开办,建立,创建;安排;安装好,装配好;开办,建立,创建;安排; 1. Does anyone know how to set up thi

7、s printer? 2. Alice Moore is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者) , who in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy. 3. His secretary has set up a meeting for Friday to discuss the quality problems of their new products. up 相关短语 4. Now Mr Anderson has an online campaign to raise money for Mr.Smith and other

8、homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received $ 8,000. 5. We all hope that you can a better plan than this one. 6. He should have at the airport on time but his flight was delayed as a result of the heavy cloud. 八八 Reach(vt):达到,实现;到达,抵达;增加到,提升到;达到,进入; (尤指用电话练达到,实现;到达,抵达;增加到,提升到;达到,进入;

9、 (尤指用电话练 习)联系,与习)联系,与.取得联系;伸手,够得着;取得联系;伸手,够得着;(n):手臂展开的长度;涉及范围,影响范围手臂展开的长度;涉及范围,影响范围 1. When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. 2. From the above we can (得出结论)that the harder you work, the happier and healthier you will be. 3. Alway

10、s remember to put such dangerous things like knives (在孩子们够不到的 地方) 。 4. I dreamed of my grandmother who had passed away. She was so real and so close to me that I felt I could (伸出手) and touch her. 5. Do you know where is Max? I cant (通过电话与他取得联系). 九九 Raise(vt):筹募,征集;饲养,终止;抚养,培养;举起,提起; (使)直立,站立;筹募,征集;饲

11、养,终止;抚养,培养;举起,提起; (使)直立,站立; 增加,提高(数量,水平,认识等)增加,提高(数量,水平,认识等) Arise(vi):(尤指问题或困难)出现,发生(尤指问题或困难)出现,发生 rise(vi):上升,升起;起立;增加,提高上升,升起;起立;增加,提高 选择选择 raise/rise/arise 1. I have to my voice to make myself heard over the noise. 2. Misunderstanding is likely if people fail to communicate with each other. 3. H

12、er temperature is still . she must be sent to hospital immediately. 十十 Delighted(adj):快乐的,高兴的快乐的,高兴的 delightful:令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的 Delight(cn):令人高兴的事,乐事,乐趣;令人高兴的事,乐事,乐趣; (un):高兴,快乐高兴,快乐(vt):使高兴,愉快使高兴,愉快 1. Much (delight) with his sons performances at school, Mr Green decided to take him to Beiji

13、ng for a holiday. 2. Im delighted (know) that youre coming to China, the country that you have always dreamed of visiting. 3. It is a truly (delight) place, which looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages. 4. Much her delight, some neighbours show

14、ed up and several of them even brought to her some candies and cookies. 5. 零我们非常高兴的是,我母亲正慢慢地从病中康复。 十一十一 Turn out(vi)出席,在场出席,在场;结果是,证明是,原来是;结果结果是,证明是,原来是;结果.;(vt)生产,制造生产,制造 1. Thousands of people turned out to watch yesterdays match against Ireland. 2. Surprisingly, the man always in a worn suit turn

15、ed out to be a millionaire. 3. Millions of cars are turned out in America every year. 4. 我原以为她只是个陌生人,结果她却是我姐姐的朋友。 十二十二 Earn(v):挣(钱) ;赚得;获得;赢得挣(钱) ;赚得;获得;赢得 Earn money=make money:挣钱挣钱 earn ones /a living=making a living:谋生谋生 Earn ones own living:自食其力自食其力 earn (ones) respect/reputation:赢得(某人的)赢得(某人的)

16、尊敬尊敬/名誉名誉 1. He soon the respect of the players. 十三十三 Donate(v):捐赠,捐献,献(血)捐赠,捐献,献(血) donation(n):捐赠物;捐助(尤指金钱)捐赠物;捐助(尤指金钱) Donate sth to.:把某物捐给把某物捐给. make a donation to.:向向.捐赠捐赠 1. Whatever you do ,always give 100% -unless youre blood. 十四十四 Extend(v):持续;延申;延长;扩大,舒展(手臂或腿等) ;给予,提供持续;延申;延长;扩大,舒展(手臂或腿等)

17、;给予,提供 Extended(adj):长期的;延长了的;扩展了的长期的;延长了的;扩展了的 Extension(n):扩建部分;扩大;延申扩建部分;扩大;延申 1. Im sure you will join me in (extend) a very warm welcome to our visitors. 十五十五 Break into a smile 突然笑起来突然笑起来 1. Researchers in Spain and England recently found that the worms of the greater wax moth(大蜡 螟) can polyet

18、hylene(聚乙烯),which accounts for 40% of plastics. 2. How the big forest fire has remains to be a mystery. 3. My house was yesterday. Fortunately, nothing was stolen. 4. Because my uncle had too much pressure of work, his health finally . 5. While I was explaining my point of view,he to argue with me.

19、十六十六 Support(n/vt):支持,鼓励,拥护;抚养,赡养,养活;支撑支持,鼓励,拥护;抚养,赡养,养活;支撑 supporter 支持者支持者 1. There are football matches on Saturday afternoon in most towns and the (support) of a certain team will travel from one end of the country to the other to watch their team play. 2. My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one y

20、ear and raise $ 50,000 support of a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. 十七十七 Real(adj):真的,真正的,真实的真的,真正的,真实的 reality(un):现实,实际情况现实,实际情况 (cn):事实事实 really 事实上,真正地事实上,真正地 not really 不完全是(不太强烈的否定)不完全是(不太强烈的否定) realistic(adj):现实的,实事求是的现实的,实事求是的 unrealistic:不现实的不现实的 1. The doctor can assess(评定) yo

21、ur condition to help you set (real) goals. 2. Smokers have to face the (real) that a great number of people are dying of lung cancer. 3. Reality,different students have different learning habits, which I thinkd have a great influence on their learning efficiency. 十八十八 After several months, Ryan had

22、raised $ 2,000 , with which a well was built near a primary school in Uganda. 定语从句中的定语从句中的“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”的介词确定要遵循的介词确定要遵循“一先(先行词) ,而动(从句中动词或形一先(先行词) ,而动(从句中动词或形 容词) ,三意义(从句意义)容词) ,三意义(从句意义)”的原则;有时在情景需要的情况下可同关系副词替换。的原则;有时在情景需要的情况下可同关系副词替换。 1. Many young people, most of were well-educated,headed for r

23、emote regions to chase their dreams. 2. Oprahs programme about literature,in she reviews books, is very popular. 3. They also had a small pond which they raised fish. 4. He was educated at a local grammar school, which he went to University of Cambridge. 5. The reason which he was late was that some

24、thing was wrong with his bike on the way. 6. The house which he paid 200,000 yuan is now worth 350,000 yuan. 7. Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill which school education depends. 十九十九 Sensitive(adj)神经过敏的,易生气神经过敏的,易生气 的;体贴的;善解人意的;敏感,过敏的的;体贴的;善解人意的;敏感,过敏的+to Sense(n):感官;感觉;理解力;见识;感官;感

25、觉;理解力;见识;(vt):感觉到,意识到感觉到,意识到 Sensible(adj):明智的;合理的明智的;合理的 1. Throughout her career she remained sensitive to criticism. 2. She just lost the game yesterday. Make sure that you are sensitive to her feelings. 3. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are very sensitive to the sudden changes

26、in the weather. 二十二十 Generous(adj):慷慨,大方的慷慨,大方的 generosity(un):慷慨,大方慷慨,大方 1. She is mean money but generous kids. 2. If you dont want to lose your friends, you must practise honesty, (generous) and understanding. 3. We would like to thank all the judges (法官) who (generous) spent their spare time dea

27、ling with this affair. 4. Its generous him to give away these precious books to the library. 二十一二十一 Hesitate(vi):顾虑,疑虑;顾虑,疑虑;(vi/vt)犹豫犹豫 hesitant(adj):忧郁的忧郁的 Hesitation(n):犹豫,踌躇犹豫,踌躇 without hesitation:毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地 1. The help you give to others will be paid back,so never hesitate (offer) a helping ha

28、nd whenever someone needs help. 2. When someone asks me what my dream is, I will tell him” to be a good doctor” without any 3. 露西对是否去巴黎犹豫不决。 二十二二十二 Confident(adj):自信的,有信心的自信的,有信心的 ;肯定的,确信的,有把握的;肯定的,确信的,有把握的 Confidence(n):信心,自信信心,自信 confidently(adv):自信地;确信地自信地;确信地 1. Anyone who wants to be successful

29、 mustnt give up in any circumstances, and should always be full of (confident). 2. At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave in as she was so confident her skills. 3. There is little doubt that you will be able to judge the truth and error if you have confidence your

30、self. 4. 老师的话使我确信我会成功。 二十三二十三 Come up with 提出或想出(主意提出或想出(主意/计划等)计划等)=put forward come up 被提及被提及 Put up with 容忍容忍 catch up with 赶上,追上赶上,追上 End up with 以以.结束结束 keep up with 跟上;保持同步跟上;保持同步 Make up with 与与.和好和好 动词动词+up with 短语短语 1. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to advances in scienc

31、e. 2. Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just sweet dreams. 3. After looking over my plan, the manger hoped I could a better and more practical one. 4. I cant her any loner-she never stops complaining. 二十四二十四 Volunteer(cn):自告奋勇者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;志愿者;(v):自愿做,无偿做自愿做,无偿做 Voluntary(adj):资源的,

32、主动的;志愿的资源的,主动的;志愿的 voluntarily(adv):自愿,主动地自愿,主动地 1. My neighbours volunteered (take) care of my pet dog while I was on vacation last summer. 2. Over the last 30 years, the number of people taking part in (volunteer) work has increased sharply. 3. In front of a large supermarket, five (volunteer) wor

33、e white plastic bags and walked through the crowd. 4. 去年我联系琳达时,她正作为一名志愿者在农村支教。 二十五二十五 Assistance(n):帮助,支持,援助帮助,支持,援助 assist(v):帮助,协助帮助,协助 Assistant(n):助手,助理助手,助理 (adj):助理的,副的助理的,副的 1. Mary, a shop (assist) in a clothes shop, is a nice person and usually (assist) her neighbours lots of things. So the

34、y like her very much. Several days ago, Mary fell off a ladder and injured her right leg badly. Fortunately ,her neighbour Lucy,who is a nurse,came to her (assist) when she heard the bad news. the assistance of Lucy, Mary is recovering quickly now. 二十六二十六 Suitable(adj):合适的,适宜合适的,适宜的的 suit(v):适合;合(某人

35、)心意适合;合(某人)心意 (n):套装套装 unsuitable 不合适的,不适当的不合适的,不适当的 1. There is no doubt that it is not suitable (?grow) cash crops(经济作物)here. 2. There will be displays taking place throughout the festival, which are (suit) for anyone aged ten and over. 3. This story is (suitable) for children. For one thing, its

36、too long; for another,its too dull. 二十七二十七 Board(v):上船(或火车,飞机,公共汽车等)上船(或火车,飞机,公共汽车等)(vi):让乘客登机(或上船等)让乘客登机(或上船等)(n): 板,木板板,木板(un):(旅馆或招待所提供的)伙食,膳食,膳食费用(旅馆或招待所提供的)伙食,膳食,膳食费用 On board:在船上(火车或飞机上)在船上(火车或飞机上) 1. I saw there were two instructors board and a man lying across the middle. 2. Passengers check

37、ed their baggage before (board) the plane. 3. 乘客必须在下午六点钟以前上船。 4. 飞机起飞和降落时, 机上所有乘客都要系好安全带。 二十八二十八 Aid(v/n):帮助,援助;帮助,援助; 1. Because the rain is around the corner,I suggest we aid the farmers the harvest. 2. We students can read these messages and print them the aid of computers. 3. Through the Monthly

38、 Donation, Touchmedia has provided the general public a means of making regular contributions aid of the poor and needy. 4. Youll find out how to manage an incident and learn some of the most commonly needed (aid) skills. 5. She believes the story might have had a different ending if those good peop

39、le had not (来帮助她) 。 二十九二十九 Condition(n.pl):环境,境况,条件;环境,境况,条件;(cn):条款,条件条款,条件 (un)健康状况,状态健康状况,状态 1. 动物园里的大熊猫由于营养更好,生活条件更好,往往寿命更长。 2. 琳达没有准时到达那里,因为路况不好。 3. 她身体不好,这使她的父母很担心。 4. 在任何情况下你都不应该灰心。 5. 他们同意把汽车借给我们,条件是我们必须在周末之前归还。 三十三十 Rise to ones feet 站起身来站起身来=get to ones feet=stand up Stand on ones own feet

40、 自立,独立自立,独立 Struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来 Set foot on/in 进入,访问,参观(某地)进入,访问,参观(某地) 用用 foot 相关短语完成句子相关短语完成句子 1. As we are grown-ups, we should learn to . 2. The child fell down,but he didnt ,waiting for his mother to help him. 3. The young man to fight against the robber. 4. In 1895, a Norwegian

41、called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to the Antarctic mainland. 三十一三十一 Achieve(v):达到,完成;成功达到,完成;成功 achievement(un):达到,完成达到,完成(c)成就,功绩成就,功绩 Achievable(adj):可实现的可实现的 1. He noted that being able to achieve 7 percent growth in economy during the first half year was no small , and the goal o

42、f stable growth was according to the prediction of economists. 2. 为了实现他的目标,戴维把他大部分时间都倾注在了他的生意上。 In order to ,David devoted most of his time to his business. 3. 在过去的几年里,中国在环境保护方面已经取得了巨大的成就。 In the last few years, China in environmental protection. 三十二三十二 In honour of.:为纪念,为向为纪念,为向.表示敬意表示敬意 1. While i

43、n London,we paid a visit to the hospital founded (为了纪念)the nurse Florence Nightingale. 2. (就大小和人口而言) ,how big is the European Union compared with China? 3. 我很荣幸来到这里,与你们分享这一刻。 (1) (honour) (2) (honoured) 三十三三十三 Major(adj)大的,主要的,重要的(一般只做定语,无比较级)大的,主要的,重要的(一般只做定语,无比较级) (cn):主修课程,专业课,主修某科目的学生主修课程,专业课,主修

44、某科目的学生 (vi)主修(主修(+in) 1. I wanted to major English at first, but later I changed my mind and now I am a writer. 2. There are more than 42 countries where the (major) of the people speak English. 3. In the nursing profession, women are the majority. 4. 这次事故的主要原因是什么? 三十四三十四 As 引导非限制性定语从句时的常用结构引导非限制性定语

45、从句时的常用结构 1. Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, she opened with her late husband Les. 2. is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived. 3. Hes more of a talker than a doer, is why he achieves nothing. 4. The old saying goes

46、 among the northerners in China,” Chinese cabbage is better than any other vegetables.” 5. (众所周知) , eating at home is a much healthier and less costly way of life than eating in a restaurant. 6. (正如图表显示的那样) ,70% of them are opposed to the experts view. grammar 过去分词过去分词 1. Many (inspire) people gave

47、him their support. 2. Ryan had trouble believing the words (speak) by his teacher. 3. In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the (finish) well with his own eyes. 4. Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially (design) to help them succeed academically and personally. 5. When we got a call (s

48、ay) she was short-listed(入围)(入围),we thought it was a joke. 6. Earth Day, (mark) on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. 7. He stood by the piano, eyes closed, listening for the first time to his won work (play) by someone else. 8. Jim has reti

49、red, but he still remembers the happy time (spend) with his students. 9. The airport (complete) next year will help promoter tourism in this area. U 2 Making a difference 必修三 习作 答案 一Contributing to 二1.making a difference 2.tell the difference 3.It makes no difference to me 三1.relief 2.in/with 3. Cal

50、l your mother as often as possible so as to relieve your mothers anxiety. 4. To our great relief,most children have access to good education. 四1.The big fire lasted as long as 24 hours before it was (brought/got/kept) under control. 2. After the father died,his son took/got control of his company. 3


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