教科EEC版三下-Unit1 I'm Hungry-Class 2Textbook p.5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:056f5).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册_小学英语_Unit1 I'm Hungry_Class 2 Textbook p.5_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:056f5)
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Im hungry O O欣赏图片欣赏图片 学单学单 词词 O O学课文学课文 分析句分析句 型型 OActionOAction 活动活动 OHomeworkOHomework 作业作业 Bread 面包 Food words 食品类单词食品类单词 hothot dogdog 热热 狗狗 sandwichsandwicheses 三明治三明治 hamburgerhamburgers s 汉堡包汉堡包 HotHot dogdogs s 热狗热狗 DrinkDrink wordwords s 饮料类单词饮料类单词 waterwater 水水 somesome waterwater 一些一些 水水 milkmilk 牛奶牛奶 FeelFeel wordwords s 感觉状态类感觉状态类 fullfull 饱了饱了 hungryhungry 饿了饿了 thirstythirsty 渴了渴了 Sick 生病了 课文 仔细看书,认真跟读哦! 课文 Jack: Hi, Mom. Im home. Mom: Hi, Jack. Are you sick? Jack: No, Im not. Im hungry. Mom: We have sandwiches and hot dogs. Jack: Thats great! I like sandwiches. Tutu: Me too. Jack: Mom, milk, please. Im thirsty. Mom: All right. Here you are. Jack: Thanks, Mom. Lisa: Im thirsty, too. I want some water. Mom: Have some more. Tutu: No, thanks. Im full. Jack: Me too. Now, lets clean up. Tutu; All right, Jack. B.B.学会提出建议并应答学会提出建议并应答 I I wantwant ___.(some___.(some water/sandwich)water/sandwich) LetsLets ___.(clean___.(clean up/run)up/run) A.A.如何表达感觉状态如何表达感觉状态 ImIm ___.___. (sick/hungry/full/thirsty(sick/hungry/full/thirsty) ) 学习内容学习内容 I I am you are hungry she/he/it is 人称人称 be动词动词 感觉状态感觉状态 如何表达感情状态如何表达感情状态 ActionAction 活动活动1 1 2.2. I I wantwant__________ ( ( somesome water/somewater/some milkmilk /a/a sandwich/asandwich/a hothot dogdog ) ) 1.1.Im____Im____ ( (thirstythirsty / / hungry)hungry) 2 .Lets clean up 咱们来收拾一下咱们来收拾一下 同意同意:AllAll right/right/ Sure/Sure/ OkOk 学会提出建议并应学会提出建议并应 答答 1. Have some more.再来些再来些 婉拒婉拒:NoNo,thanks.thanks. I I mm fullfull. . 肯定肯定:Milk,pleaseMilk,please . . ImIm thirstythirsty 同意同意:Me,too. I I wantwant some milk. ActionAction 活动活动2 2 1.Have1.Have somesome moremore. . 2.Lets2.Lets cleanclean up.up. 同意同意:AllAll right/right/ Sure/Sure/ OkOk 婉拒婉拒:NoNo,thanks.thanks. I I mm fullfull. . 想一想 今天你都学到了什么? 听:听:一遍课文。一遍课文。 读:读:三遍课文三遍课文. .背课文。背课文。 写:写:单词一行,每行六个。单词一行,每行六个。 默写课文一遍。默写课文一遍。 Homework 作业作业 Thank you!Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words:sandwich,hot dog, Sentences: We have sandwiches and hot dogs. I like sandwiches. Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of introduce snack. Teaching Aims (教学目标) Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Ask S to know the snack and the harm of snack. Important Points (教学重点) Words: sandwich ,hot dog, Sentences: We have sandwich and hot dogs. I like sandwiches. Difficult Points (教学难点) 1. The pronouciation of “sandwich”and “sandwiches” 2.可数名词复数:sandwich(es),hot dog(s) Teaching Methods (教学方法) The method of pictures 情境教学 Instruments(教具) recorder, Teaching Stepts(教学步骤教学步骤) .The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1. Greetings(打招呼打招呼): T:Hello,boys and girls. Are you OK? S: T:Good job! Now ,please chant after me.”Are you hungry? Are you hungry?” 2.Have a revision(复习复习): To show word cards: hungry thirsty home sick 3.The Leading Words(导语导语): T: Who is hungry or thirsty?(S:.) T:OK,lets continue to staudy some snack and drink. .The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Open your books to page 5 and listen to the tape. Please find out some food. OK? S:. 2.T: Youre very careful.Now lets study them. To study”sandwich” and “hot dog” 3.T: Who can say their plural?(S:.) T teaches”sandwiches” and “hot dogs” 4.T: Do you know another snack?(S:) To show the pictures of pizza and bread” To study them together. 5.T: Do you know their plural?(S:.) T: Oh ,no. To show two pieces of pizza ,then to explein :pizza 的复数也是 pizza. To think”bread” 6.To show these snack, and say,” What do we have?” S:. T:Youre smart! To write” We have ” on the blackboard. To read the sentence one by one.(教师注意纠正读音。) 7.To practice the style: We have( pizza, bread ,sandwiches ,hot dogs) 教师注意强调“and”的位置。 8.T: We have so more food.Which do you like? S:.(启发学生用“like”来回答。 ) 9.To write the table.(每人发一张。) Sandwich Hot dog Pizza Bread 10. Ask S to say out his or her answers. I like .,.,(and) I dont like . , . (and). 11.T: Youre flying. Now ,Im Mom, * is Jack, * is Tutu.You two come here. J: Mom ,I;m hungry. M:We have sandwiches and hot dogs. J: Thats great! I like sandwiches. T: Me ,too. 12.Role play.(仿照教师的示范。) 13.Read after the tape.(p5) 14.Do the workbook:page two-, .The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:. 2.Homework:a.To recite the new words:sandwich,hot dog,pizza,bread b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书板书) Lesson 1 Im Hungry. We have sandwiches and hot dogs. Thats great. I like I dont like Thinking After Class(课后反思课后反思)
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