教科EEC版三下-Unit1 I'm Hungry-Class 4 Textbook p.9-10-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:20148).doc

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1、教 学 目 标 知识 技能 1)使学生掌握并能熟练运用句型: what does a . eat? A.eat.2)使学生能听懂、会 说、会读、会写以下单词:banana grass ,meat . 过程 方法 通过创设一个小猴子过生日的情境,展开教学,环环 相扣,其中讲、练、演紧密结合。 情感 态度 价值观 通过本课的学习让学生认识动物的生活环境,培养 他们爱惜动物,保护环境的感情意识。 教学 重、 难点 重点: 1)使学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下单词:banana grass ,meat . 2)学生能听懂、会说和描述动物居住地点的句型: Where does a .live? InO

2、n a . 难点:学生能在日常交际中熟练运用以上句型。 教学 方法 情境教学法,任务教学法,小组合作法,游戏教学法 教学辅 助手段 教学课件,单词图片、卡片,小动物头饰,小黑板,奖状,贴纸 板书 设计 Lesson11 What Do They Eat? What does a tiger eat? A tiger eats meat. What does a cow eat? A cow eats grass. forest river tree grass farm 教 学 流 程 与 互 动 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教学 反思 1 1、优点:、优点: 1) 、利用声、色、画激发了

3、学生的学习欲望。 2) 、英语课堂生活化,学生学习轻松化。 3) 、整堂课贯穿故事情景,培养了学生的听说能力。 4) 、师生互动、生生互动比较多,活动形式多样。 5) 、课上基本是全英教学,板书比较工整。 2 2、缺点:、缺点: 1) 、英语口语不具有感染力,讲课教态不够自然。 2) 、各个环节的时间安排不够合理。 Step One: Class Opening 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you! 2. WarmingUp T: Are you

4、 ready for class? Okay. Lets enjoy a song. “Happy birthday” We can sing together. Step Two: Presentation 1.Lead in (播放猴子的图片) T: Whats this? Yes, today is the monkeys birthday, too. He invites many friends. They are T: They have a big birthday party. Now its dark. They will go home. But where do they

5、 live? (板书课题,并且领读) Ss: Good morning, teacher. Im fine, thanks. And you? Nice to meet you, too! Ss: Yes. One, two, three, go, go, go. Ss: Sing this song together. Happy birthday to you Ss: Its a monkey. Ss: The bird, the panda, the cow, the fish, the tiger and the chicken. 学生跟读 2. Forest, river, tree

6、, grass T: Where do they live? Yeah, you are clever. Today well learn them one by one. T: Whats this? forest (贴图片和卡片) 方法 1) 大小声读法 2) 一条龙读法 3) 小手枪读法 4) 个别读法 5) 口头拼写 The same way to teach: river, tree, grass, farm. T: We have learned forest, river, tree, grass. Do you remember? T: Lets play a game. I

7、say, you guess. (教师说出一个单词,但是没有 声音。 ) 3、Where doe a live? In/On a Ss: 森林,河流,树上 Ss: 森林 Ss: forest Ss 大小声读 一条龙读 小手枪读法 个别读 口头拼写 Ss: Yes. 学生个别猜单词,猜对有 Sticker 奖励。 (教师头戴小猴子的头饰) T: Now Im a monkey. I want to know: Where does a bird live? (拿出小鸟图片) In a tree.(贴在黑板相应的图 片位置上) T: Can you?(把猴子头饰戴在一个 学生头上, 引导他说Whe

8、re does a bird live?) T: 板书句子(学生说的同时) Where does a bird live? T: Now you are a bird, can you answer? (给一个同学戴小鸟 的头饰,并引导他说 In a tree.) T: 板书句子 In a tree.(学生说的 同时) T: (再给其他两位学生佩戴猴子和 小鸟的头饰) T: (再给两位学生佩戴猴子和鱼的 头饰,上台表演) Now you are a monkey, and S1:Where does a bird live? S2:In a tree. S3:Where does a bird

9、 live? S4:In a tree. S5: Where does a fish live? you are a fish. Ask and answer. T: The same way to teach other sentences T:讲到奶牛的图片板书: Where does a cow live? On a farm. 4、Where do they live? Step Three: Practice and Consolidation T: When the animals go home, they were caught by a hunter. Do you want

10、 to save them? T: You have to complete four challenges. Are you ready? (在完成挑战的过程中,给学生 stickers 奖励) Step Four: Homework(二选一)(二选一) 1、写下你今天所学到的内容。 2、画一幅动物快乐生活的图片, 并和你的朋友交 S6: In a river. S7: Where does a panda live? S8: In a forest. S9: Where does a cow live? S10: On a farm. Ss: In a forest. Ss: Yes. Ss: Yes.


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