教科EEC版三下-Unit3 How Much Is It -Class 1 Textbook p.20-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:601a5).doc

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1、1 EEC 三年级下册三年级下册 Unit3 : How Much Is It ? 1、本单元设计意图:学生通过学习购买水果,了解,习得英语国家购物方式及表达,并 认知美元的货币单位。 2、本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能用英语问答物品的价格、数量,能从听、说、读、写四方面掌握 一部分水果的名称并区分单复数名词。 语言技能目标:学生能运用所学语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养孩子乐于与人 合作的意识,通过学习和交流,促进学生对西方国家购物环节的了解。 学习策略目标:培养学生的注意力,观察力,激发学生积极思维,通过创设情境,培养 学生学习英

2、语的兴趣,引导学生在任务中积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。 3、学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生,它们已经对英语有了一定的感知和初步的思维能 力,同时对于新鲜事物充满了好奇和求知的欲望,乐于用英语表达所见、所闻、所学,并积 极参与到学习活动中来。本课设计了体验性教学活动,结合学生的生活经历,使学生能够自 主完成既定的学习任务,逐步巩固已学习的教学内容,培养他们英语思维能力,拓展外语国 家的人文知识。 4、单元具体设计 根据课时安排我把本单元分 3 课时来完成教学。 The first period P 20 The second period P21 The third period

3、 P22, P26 学习字母分类 Aa, ,Ee 以及第三单元听力练习部分 Lesson 3 : How Much Is It ? Period 1 2 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: pineapple , watermelon , orange , pear , apple ,banana Three-skill words: dollar , help, What are these ? They are . . How many _s do you want ? _ , please . By the end

4、of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. get to know the meaning of “What are these ? They are . How many _s do you want ? _ , please .” and pronounce it clearly; 2. guess the meaning of the word “dollar” and “ How much?” from the dialogue; 3. use the words “pineapple , watermelon , orange

5、, pear , apple ,banana” both in speaking and writing; 4. use structures “How much are they? They aredollar/dollars”to talk about the price in English. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence

6、stress. “How much? ” 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1.Students can distinguish “How much?” and “How many?” 2. The pronunciation of “pineapple , watermelon , orange , pear , apple ,banana”; 3. The meaning and usage of some expressions “What are these ? They are . How many _s do you want ? _ , please

7、 .” 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching , 三、Teaching aids: pictures, cards, objects, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Revision 1. Help the letters about Aa , Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee ,Gg ,Hh ,Jj , Kk , Pp , Tt , Vv ,find their home . 2. Read the words and fi

8、nd the same sound about “a”.and learn the new word “apple”. 设计意图:通过字母归类过渡到语音的学习,归纳 A 的短音,培养学生自己拼读单词的能力。 由语音自然的过渡到本课的新授单词苹果。 StepII : Presentation 1.Learn the new words . (ppt) What is this ? Its an apple ? 3 What are these ? They are apples . (ppt) pine+apple=pineapple bear-pear water+melon=watermel

9、on Students read them one by one, and spell them . 2. Learn the words about “ banana and orange “ with the structure “Do you like ? Yes, I do . /No, I dont ” . 3. Read and match to review these words . 4. Play a missing game with these words. 设计意图:针对本课的内容,利用已学知识进行铺垫,以旧带新,运用各种方法学习新单词。 由词到句型,滚动操练。 Ste

10、pIII: Production Play a guessing game to learn a new structure “ How many do you want ?” Tr: What are these ? Ss: Bananas./ Apples ./Pears Tr: How many_ s ? Ss :_. Tr: How many _ do you want ? Ss : _ , please . Practice the dialogue with the things like above. 设计意图: 通过游戏学习新句型,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,利用身边的事物对句型进

11、行巩 固操练。 StepIV: Consolidation Listen to the tape and answer the questions Tutu : What are these ? Salesperson : Theyre pineapples. How many do you want ? Tutu : Seven , please. How much are they ? Salesperson : Fourteen dollars. 1. What are these? _(They/This) are pineapples. 2.How many do you want?

12、 _,please. (Seven/seven) 设计意图:让学生跟读磁带让学生学以致用。 4 .Exercise 1.Read and choose. Its an _ .( pineapple /orange) Theyre _ . (pears/pear) _ are these ?(what/What) I like _ . (watermelons/banana) (2.Choose the best answer. 3. Make the sentences in order .)(2,3,两部分内容已被删) StepV: Homework. 1.Copy the words:wa

13、termelon,pear pineapple,orange,apple,banana,four times. 2. A:Make a dialogue with the text. B:Read the text P21. 五、Blackboard design What are these ? apples . / watermelons They are pineapples. /pears bananas. /oranges . 六、Teaching reflection 语音教学教学环节,学生能够根据固定字母的发音拼读单词并且学习兴趣很高,新授环节 由词引句,操练扎实,课堂气氛活跃,

14、学生明显能够积极地加入到课堂中来,但是在练习环 节,忽略了本班的学情,题型,题量有些偏多, (这一部分已被我删掉, )如果把这部分内容 放到复习课上效果可能会比现在练习得到位。效果一定会比现在好。 Lesson 3 : How Much Is It ? Period 2 5 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: they , these, How much are they? Three-skill words: want ,How many do you want? Key structures:What is this

15、? What are these? 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. get to know the meaning of “How many do you want?”“What are these?” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly; 2. guess the meaning of the word “these” from the dialogue; 3. use the wor

16、ds “they , these,” both in speaking and writing; 4. use structures “What is this ? It is a What are these? They are ”to talk in English. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. “What

17、is this ? It is a What are these? They are How many do you want?” 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1.Students can distinguish “they” and “these”watermelon” and “watermelons ” 2. The pronunciation of “these, this”; 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching ,

18、三、Teaching aids: pictures, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Revision 6 1.Look and say. Show the fruit pictures (an apple, a banana, an orange , a pineapple ,a watermelon, a pear ) and ask students to say the sentences with these words just like this : A : Whats this ? B : Its a/an _ . 2.Chant tog

19、ether . Show the fruit pictures and the words to chant together. 3. Review the structure with the pictures. “ What are these ? They are _s ”. 设计意图:从句型 whats this? Its a/ an复习水果的单数入手, 通过Chant together .进而引出复数形式, 并进行 what are these? Theyre. 的问答练习。最后一个orange 的出现为下一个环节语音做铺垫。 StepII : Presentation 1. Rev

20、iew the pronounce of “o” : orange , fox , hot , ox , box, mom , top, dog, doll, dollar 2. Learn the new word of “dollar” 3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions 1. Jack wants _ apples. ( twenty / twelve) 2. How much are they ? They are _ _. ( three dollars/three dollar) 设计意图:本课的重点内容 A : How m

21、uch are they ? B : _ dollars . 在第一课时时就 提到了,学生应该有印象,所以这一环节就直奔文本,同时也培养学生的阅读能力。 StepIII: Practice Have a dialogue just like this : A : How much are they ? B : _ dollars . (ppt) Let the students practice in pairs . pencils / 13 books /20 erasers /2 rulers/ 6 cars/ 19 Practice more. 1. A : How much are t

22、hey ? B : _ dollars . 2. A: How much is it ? B : _ dollar (s). 设计意图:通过大量的单复数事物的操练,让学生们更加明白 How much的不同用法。同 时对美元 dollar 这一词的用法。 StepIV: Consolidation .Play a game . Choose the numbers that has a question, and answer it . StepV: Homework.(任选一项来完成) a.背会并默写“pineapple,banana, orange, pear, watermelon”。 (

23、4+1+1) b. 根据今天所学内容编辑一个小对话。 五、五、Blackboard design A : How much are they? A: How much is it ? B: _ dollar(s). B: _ dollar (s) . 7 六、Teaching reflection 本节课我注重了重点句型的操练,但忽略了 RMB 的单位名称 yuan 的练习,有点和我们的生活实际脱 节。在回归文本时忽略了 Can I help you ? 的设计,讲课时我把它处理成猜句意的形式,学生们根据图片和 下文的对话猜出了这句话的意思,这让我有点小意外,也让我更加相信学生们的潜力无限。

24、Lesson 3: How Much Is It ? Period 3 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: nice,chair,字母分类 Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee Three-skill words: dont Key structures:Dont sit down. How many do you want? 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. get to know the meaning o

25、f “Dont sit down.” and “Touch the chair.” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly; 2. guess the meaning of the word “touch” from the exercise; 3. use the words “nice” both in speaking and writing; 4. use structures like “Dont sit down.” and “Touch the chair.” to order . 3. Focus

26、 of the lesson: 1. understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. “Dont sit down.” 8 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1.The pronunciation of “nice”; 2.the structure of “Dont sit down.” 二、Teaching methods: Task-based te

27、aching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching 三、Teaching aids: pictures, cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Revision (ppt1) Ask and answer: A: What are these /they/ those? B: They are. StepII : Presentation Ask and answer: A:Whats this/that? B:Its a/an -. A: What are these ? B: They ar

28、e. ( 把对话的顺序换了一下) 设计意图:先从单数开始,再过渡到复数,新旧知识练习。 1.(ppt2) T:Who can describe the dog in English? For example :Its a nice dog . (Ss describe it .) S1: Its a big dog. S2: Its a small dog. 9 S3: Its a cute dog . S4: Its a smart dog . 2. Learn to read the new word. 设计意图:让学生通过新的方式来熟悉形容词,掌握形容词。 StepIII: Practi

29、ce 1. T: What are these ? S1:They are watermelons . T: Nice watermelons . S1:How many do you want? T: I want three watermelons. 设计意图:对 I want + 名词进行练习。 How much? S1:Thirty dollars . 2.Ss practice the dialogue in pairs . A: What are these ? B:They are watermelons . A: Nice watermelons . B:How many do

30、 you want? A: I want three watermelons. How much? B:Thirty dollars . 设计意图:对本课重点句型进行了巩固练习。 3.T: Look at PPT. Give you something to practice. (ppt3) Check some students. A: What are these ? B: They are A: Nice I want How much? B: dollars 设计意图:对以上的句型进行整体练习,起到巩固练习的作用。 StepIV: Production 1.Play a game :

31、“Simon says” T: Sit down ./ Dont stand up ./ Touch the chair ./ Dont open the book. 设计意图:通过游戏让学生掌握祈使句,但给学生充分的时间自己总结出祈使句变否定句的 规则。 T: Ss act . 10 2. Ss practice the orders like this. Then check some students to say and act . 3.Show the letters of Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee. Let students to find the same point. 设计意图:通过对比发现相同点,教师给与音标/i:/, 只做为理解。 StepV: Consolidation 1.Play the tape. Listen and read the text on p31. Then practice reading in groups. 2. Exercise 由执教者本人填写 StepVI: Homework. 由执教者本人填写 五、Blackboard design 由执教者本人填写 六、六、Teaching reflection


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