教科EEC版三下-Unit3 How Much Is It -Class 1 Textbook p.20-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:91048).doc

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1、How much is it? 【教材分析】 : 本课是小学 EEC 英语教材下册的第三课第一课时。本课以学生掌握的数字 以及单数和复数的知识为基础,以购物为故事主线安排了课文的内容,课 文承接了第二课的数字学习,更有利于学生表达购物的花费,安排非常合 理。学生能通过课文掌握购物的简单用语,使英语交际能力有所提高。 【学情分析】 :学生在学习本课时,首先掌握了一些数字的说法,这对于理 解和表达钱数很有帮助,而且学生对英语中单数和复数有一定的了解,在 “购物”时,便于理解物品的数量。在本课中,学生要了解一些购物的简 单知识,例如:要买多少东西,要付多少钱等。 【教学目标】 :学生能听懂会说水果的

2、名称和单、复数的表达。学会询问价 格及应答。通过课堂买水果的活动培养学生独立自主的能力,学会买东西, 并能用英语进行买卖交际。 教学重点、难点:Word : help much dollar Sentences:Can I help you? twelve apples. How much are they? three dollars. How much? 和复数的理解;水果的名称。 【教学过程】 : Step one Greeting and warm up T: Good morning ,everyone. S:Good morning,Miss Zhang. T:The season

3、 is spring.The weather is Sunny and warm.Now Lets warm up. Do you agree? Lets sing and dance.If you are happy S: Ok. Step two Review T: Now,Lets review numbers. Listen carefully. Whatsand? (复习之前学习的数词) 1. Whats four and five? 2. Whats three and seven? 3. Whats one and six? 4. Whats four and four? 5.

4、Whats two and ten? Step three New lesson T: Today we learn new lesson,Unit 3 How much is it?( ppt 出示课文内容) Look at the pictrue and listen to the tape. T:杰克和兔兔是我们熟悉的朋友,图中的杰克和兔兔在做什么? S:买水果 T:图片中的叔叔是谁? S:售货员 T:我们去买东西售货员通常说什么? S:你想买些什么? T:Can I help you? help 拼读 h-e-l-p 帮助(板书,read one by one) T:他们想买什么水果?

5、ppt 出示苹果图片 S:苹果 T:Jack 想买多少个苹果? S:12 个 T:twelve apples.12 个苹果要在词末尾加复数“S”.同学们要做有礼貌的好孩 子所以买东西是要说 please. twelve apples,please. (read one by one) T:杰克买了 12 苹果,可在水果店还有其他的水果,now,lets have a look. whatsthis? S:orange, T:How many? S:nine oranges. (ppt 出示九个桔子,六个香蕉。五个梨,四个柠檬,三个芒果) How to say? S1:nine oranges

6、S2:six bananas S3:five pears S4:four lemons S5:three mangos T:买东西我们要询问价钱 How much ,muc 拼读 ,m-u-c-h,“多少”我们之前 学过多少的短语是 How many 对可数名词复数进行询问 How much 在本课 询问价格 How much are they ?(板书,read one by one) T:Jack 买十二个苹果得付美元,美元用英语怎么说呢?dollar(拼读) d-o-l-l-a-r,do/ do/ llar/la/(拼写单词,板书,课件出示 1 美元,2 美元,3 美 元,5 美元) S

7、:one dollar ,two dollars,three dollars ,five dollars T: Jack 买 12 个苹果多少钱? S: Three dollars(板书,read one by one) T:Lets listen and repeat.(听课文录音,跟读课文) T:Now ,you can read text.by yourself. begin(读课文结束后) girls read,please. boys read,please. T:you read salesperson, you read Jack. (分角色读课文) Step four Cons

8、olidation (one) lets chant T:同学们还记得小时候玩过的“你拍一,我拍一”的游戏吗?老师用“你拍 一,我拍一”的形式,把这篇课文编成了一个小 chant ,同学们想不想学呢? I want a student to help me? Who can? T:come here. “你拍一,我拍一”Please look me Can I,Can I,Can I help me? twelve apples, twelve apples,twelve apples ,please. How much, How much ,How much are they? Three

9、,three, three dollars , three dollars. T: lets practice with you partner T: I want to find some students to show the chant. Who can try?(找三组同学到 前面和同学们一起拍手有节奏的说唱课文) (Two) 创设情景 A fruit shop T:创设情景对话,food shop 里有同学们熟悉的水果,apple, pear ,orange, banana,lemon,mango.你喜欢什么水果呢?让我们水果店去看看吧。I am salesperson. Who

10、want to be costomer?(黑板上展示学生们熟悉的水果图片, 课件出示价格表,老师先当售货员,找一名学生当顾客展示对话) Salesperson: Can I help you ? Costomer:Two apples and three pears. Salesperson: Here you are . Costomer:How much are they ? Salesperson:two dollars. Costomer:Here you are .Salesperson:thank you . Costomer:youre welcome./ Thats ok. T:now,老师给你们时间和你的同桌,一个当售货员,一个当顾客,练习对话 看谁能但当起这样的角色。 (老师给时间学生们同桌之间,一个当售货员, 一个当顾客练习对话,然后找同学到前面展示对话。 ) Step five Homework Read the text three times. 板书设计: Uint 3 How much is it? Salesperson: Can I help you ? Jack: twelve apples, please. How much is it? Salesperson:Three dollars.


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