教科EEC版三下-Unit6 What Time Is It -Class 2Textbook p.45-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:20122).doc

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1、Lesson6 Can You Play Baseball 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识与技能:能听懂和运用“Can”句型,并且能准确作出肯 定和否定回答。 2.过程与方法:通过真实的情境和体验,设计生活化的学生感兴 趣的活动,使学生高效快乐的学习。 3.情感态度与价值观: 使学生在学习 Can 的用法中,培养学生的 做事情的能力。让学生在游戏中进行语言交际运用,充分挖掘他们以 往的知识储备量进行游戏活动,使学生体会英语学习的乐趣。 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点: 教学重点: 1、Words: bat, gloves, baseball. 2、Can you play b

2、aseball? Yes, I can. /No, I cant. 教学难点: 灵活使用句型: Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 教学准备:教学准备: PPT,图片,自制卡片、笑脸。 教学过程教学过程: 一、课前热身、师生问候 1. T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Mrs Sun! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. T: Lets sing a song Can you sing ?OK? Ss: OK. (设计理念:通过播放与本节课相关的歌曲,既使课堂气氛轻松 又呈现了学习目标。)

3、2. Please read these verb phrases. With rising tone. 二、设计情境,导入新知 T: Boys and girls, do you like cartoons? S: Yes, I do. T: Now lets watch a cartoon “Backkom”. T: Is it funny? S: Yes, it is. T: What is the bear doing? Ss: Playing baseball. T: Today were going to learn Lesson 6Can You Play Baseball?.

4、The bear cant play baseball well. And can Robo play baseball? Lets listen to the story.(Play the tape) (设计理念:小学生喜欢看动画片,通过观看日本动画倒霉熊 打棒球的片段,导入新课,使学生在快乐的情绪中进入了本节课的学 习。) 三、新知传授,操练语言 1. T: Answer my questions. “Whats that? What are they? Can Robo play baseball? ”(The students answer questions.) T: OK. Lo

5、ok at me, “one glove” “two gloves” Girls: Gloves. Boys: Gloves. 把手套举起。 T: What are these? Theyre gloves. 2.T:Look at my hand. Can you touch my hand? S: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. (设计理念:通过让学生 touch my hand 自然的操练了肯定和否 定的回答。) 3. Work in pairs. Ask “Can you? 4. Can you do this? Liu Yuhang Can you? Yes ,

6、I can.表演。Now, please ask like me. Ask together. Great !You can do many things. (TPR 全身反应教学法) 四升华提高,语言输出 1. Give the student an animal. Choose a card ask: Can you ? Answer Yes or No. T: I have some cards. Choose one . Ask the animals。Can you ? Have a try? Give the card to him. S: Im a parrot. I can f

7、ly and talk (设计理念: 根据实际生活中小动物会做的事情回答问题,培养综 合语言运用能力.) 2. Look at the picture. Work in groups. Choose a picture. Make up dialogues. S1:(Point to the bikes)What are they? S2: Theyre bikes. S1: Can you ride a bike? S2:Yes, I can. (设计理念:这一环节是让学生通过一个图片创编对话,让学生 运用语言,根据一个简单的信息,把本课的知识升华提高。) 3.Now ,Lets have

8、a competition .We have two groups. Choose the number. Answer the questions. (设计理念:采用竞赛选题号的方式,课件做成题号被选后消失 的效果,共有 8 道题,每题的分值不一样,累计分数高的组获胜。) 4. Tongue twister Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? (设计理念: 这是一个由很多个 can 组成的绕口令, 给本课画上了 一个圆满的句号。 ) 五Rounding off hat have we learned today


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