2021版外研版必修三英语:Unit 1 Knowing me, Knowing you (4份打包)ppt课件.zip

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Unit 1 Knowing me, Knowing you Period 1 Starting out 言多必失言多必失 一定做某事一定做某事 和某人聊聊和某人聊聊 因为某事向某人道歉因为某事向某人道歉 做好分内事,尽责做好分内事,尽责 Part 2 Understanding ideas Part 2 Understanding ideas Step 5 Try to translate the following sentences from the passage. Tell your friend you are angry with him for repeating what you said and making the situation worse, but that you want to move on. Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired. 告诉你的朋友,你对他生气是因为他向别人转述了你说过的话,使情况变告诉你的朋友,你对他生气是因为他向别人转述了你说过的话,使情况变 得更糟,但你向继续保持友谊。通过这种方法处理,你们的友谊很快就会得更糟,但你向继续保持友谊。通过这种方法处理,你们的友谊很快就会 修复。修复。 If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weights, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得某个队友没有尽职尽责,那你要以更加专业的方式向教练提出如果你觉得某个队友没有尽职尽责,那你要以更加专业的方式向教练提出 你的担忧。你的担忧。 Part 2 Understanding ideas Part 2 Understanding ideas Step 6 Think & ShareThink & Share Think about what other advice they would give to Ben? If you feel awkward to communicate in person, you can write a letter. Next time do think before you speak though its your best friend. Why not hold a party for his teammates to express his gratitude to play basketball with them and apologise to his teamate in the relaxed atmosphere. Part 2 Understanding ideas Part 2 Understanding ideas Part 3 ConclusionPart 3 Conclusion 1.Learn to put forward problems and raise some suggestions. 2.Accumulate some new words and phrases. 3.Please read the whole passage fluently. 4.Have a dictation of phrases . 1)be in a mess 2) be crazy about 3) let sb down 4)be on the court 5) let off steam 6) loose ships sink ships 7) be sure to do sth 8 have a chat with sb. 9) apologize to sb for sth 10) pull ones weightUnit 1 Knowing me,knowing you Period 3 Developing ideas Learning Aims: 1. Comprehend the passage and learn about white lies. 2. Summarize the writing structure of an essay; 3. Tranalate some long sentences and accumulate important phrases; Part 1 Developing ideas Step 1 Activity 1 Look at the pictures. What would you say if you were students B. Possible answers: Oh, sorry to hear that. But I did no better than you. Come on. Actually you have made great progress. Well, I did just so-so. Step 2 Activity 2 Read the passage and find out the meaning of “white lies”. And find out the reasons to tell a white lie. White lies are little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth. There are three reasons for telling a white lie. to make others feel better to give encouragememnt to protect others from bad news Part 1 Developing ideas Part 1 Developing ideas Step 3 Activity 3 Complete the diagram with information from the passage. (Page10) Part 1 Developing ideas Step 3 Activity 3 Complete the diagram with information from the passage. (Page10) E s s a y Introduction The aims and an overview of the essay. A series of paragraphs that explore and develop the argument. A summary of the ideas without any new material here. Main body Conclusion Part 1 Developing ideas Step 4 Learnning to learn-Writing tips Part 1 Developing ideas Step 5 Think introduction ; main body; conclusion 2.Review some language points and learn to guess meanings of the sentences according to the context. 3.Accumulate some new phrases; Thank YouUnit 1 Knowing me,knowing you Period 2 Using language Learning Aims: 1. Comprehend the usage of -ed as adverbial and can apply it into different contexts correctly. 2. Learn how to build happy and healthy interpersonal relationships; 3. Make requests and refusals in a proper way in daily life through imitating the dialogue. Part 1 -ed as adverbial step 1 Original sentence: Disappointed by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend. Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired. 过去分词(短语)作状语,表示动作发生的背景或情况,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语且与逻 辑主语为被动关系。过去分词(短语)在句中作状语可以表示时间,原因,条件,让步,方 式或伴随等。 Exercise: 1. __________ (see) from the window, the mountain looks very beautiful. 2.____________(Know) that you will leave for your country, I am writing to express my sincere thanks. 3.Seriously __________(injure), he had to be taken to the hospital. 4.The boy slid out of his room, ___________(follow) by his pet dog. Seen Knowing injured followed Step 2 Activity 2: Rewrite the underlined sentences with the ed form.(Page5) Part 1 -ed as adverbial Last week, attracted by a particular article in a magazine, Anne bought it. Praised in class, Anne felt happy as well as ashamed. Shocked by the decision, Anne did not know what to do. Step 2 Activity 3 Read the plot summary and choose the correct form of the words.(Page5) 知识拓展: take the lead 带头,为首 have a hard time (in) doing sth 做某事有困难 by accident 偶然,意外地 beloved adj.心爱的,挚爱的 settle down 安居,安定下来,专心于 Part 1 -ed as adverbial Keys: Influenced; Believing; Prevented; separated; realising Activity 4: Read the tips and underline the words that describe behaviour towards others. forgive, apologise, criticise, lie, judge, complain Activity 5: Describe the sutuations with the words you underlined in Activity 4 1.apologise 2.criticise 3.forgive 4.judge plain 6.lie Part 2 Interpersonal relationships Step 1 Leading in quotient /kwnt/ a number which is the result when one number is divided by another 商(除法所得的 结果) Part 3 Saying no politely Part 3 Saying no politely Step 2 Activity 7 Listen to three conversations and match them to the pictures. Picture a :Conversation 2 Picture b: Conversation 3 Picture c: Conversation 1 Part 3 Saying no politely Step 3 Activity 8 Listen and complete the table. 1. next week 2. one month 3. a few days 4. come to the party 5. Saturday 6. prepare for the trip 7. project 8. do her project by herself Step 4 Talk about how the speakers make requests and refusals. Could I ?/ May I ? I was just wondering if you could Im afraid Oh Id love to, but Im Oh no thats too bad. Im sorry, it just doesnt feel right. But maybe we can If possible, how about? Part 3 Saying no politely Part 3 Conclusion 1.Review -ed as adverbial 2.Tips for happy and healthy interpersonal relationships 3.Learn to make requests and refusals in a proper way in daily life. 4.Sentences you need to recite. 1) 从窗户看,这座山很漂亮。 2)知道你要回国,我写信表达谢谢意。 3)在其他人面前批评某个人是不是个好主意,这可能会引起尴 尬。 4)不要太快评价一个人,了解一个人是需要时间的。 5)不要总是抱怨别人。要往好的一面看。 6) 有个艰难的时期做某事: 7) by accident 8) settle down Thank YouUnit 1 Knowing meUnit 1 Knowing me,knowing youknowing you Period 4 Wriring 2. Write an essay according to the “introduction -main body - conclusion” structure; Part 1 Writing an essayPart 1 Writing an essay Step 1 Read the fable with the following questions in mind.Read the fable with the following questions in mind. What is a fable? What is the “Dilemma” mentioned in the story? Activity 5 Activity 5 Choose the message you think the fable Choose the message you think the fable conveys.conveys. 1. Porcupines are not social animals. 2. The more independent you are, the better your life will be. 3. There should be boudaries in interpersonal relationships. Part 1 Writing an essayPart 1 Writing an essay Step 2 Undersatnd the fable and get prepared for the Undersatnd the fable and get prepared for the coming ing writing. Introduction Main Body Conclusion -The summary of the fable(its main message) -Supporting examples in your real life -What we can learn from it. Introduction: Original author: Schopenhaver Summary of the fable: The fable is about a group of porcupines gathering together to keep warm. If they get too close, their quills hurt each other, while if they move apart, they feel cold. After trying several times, they find the ideal distance. The fable tells us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relationships. Introduction: Original author: Schopenhaver Summary of the fable: The fable is about a group of porcupines gathering together to keep warm. If they get too close, their quills hurt each other, while if they move apart, they feel cold. After trying several times, they find the ideal distance. The fable tells us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relationships. Main body: Viewpoint:We need boundaries with our friends. Supporting examples in your real life: Li Hua is the first friend I made at senior high. At first I thought since we were friends, she had to share the same ideas as mine. So I always followed her, wanted to know her opinion on everything and tried to persuade her when she had a different idea. Soon, we started quarrelling. “you are so annoying”, she shouted angrily after a quarrel. How could I become annoying? I felt hurt and talked with another friend. Then I realized it was my problem.I had been getting too close to her and leaving her no room for herself. since then I stopped following her so much and I found our friendship repaired. Conclusion: We have to find the proper distance between us and our friends, close enough to understand each other, far enough to respect each other. A possible version: The Porcupine Dilemma is written by German philosopher Schopenhauer. The fable describes a group of porcupines gathering together to keep warm. If they get too close, their quills hurt each other, while if they move apart they feel cold. After trying several times, they find the ideal distance. The fable teaches us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relationships. Though it is an old fable, it casts a light on us even today. We all value friendship, but have you considered that we need boundaries with our friends? One example from real life is like this. Once I thought friends should get close to each other, the closer the better. Ma Jing is the first friend I made at senior high. At first, I thought since we were friends, she had to share the same ideas as mine. So I always followed her, wanted to know her opinion on everything and tried to persuade her when she had a different idea. Soon, we started quarrelling. You re so annoying! she shouted angrily after a quarrel. How could I become annoying? I felt hurt and discussed it with another friend. Then I realised it was my problem.l had been getting too close to her and leaving her no room for herself. Since then, I stopped following her so much and I found our friendship repaired. Now I have realised that friends need to have boundaries and respect each other, no matter how close we are. In conclusion, in order to make our friendship last long, we have to find the proper distance between us and our friends, close enough to understand each other, far enough to respect each other. Part 2 Presenting ideasPart 2 Presenting ideas Step 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Read the quotations and discuss their manings.Read the quotations and discuss their manings. Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Confucius Good fences make good neighbours. Proverb The most basic of all human needs is the need to undersatnd and be understood. Ralph G. Nichols 己所不欲,勿施于人。(孔子)己所不欲,勿施于人。(孔子) 好篱笆造就好邻居。好篱笆造就好邻居。(谚语)(谚语) 人类最基本的需要就是理解和被理解。人类最基本的需要就是理解和被理解。 (拉尔夫(拉尔夫尼科尔斯)尼科尔斯) Part 2 Presenting ideasPart 2 Presenting ideas Step 2 Backgrounds about one of the quotatios:Backgrounds about one of the quotatios: Mending Wall is a poem written in 1914 by Robert Frost. In the poem, every spring, two men go out and repair the wall on the boundary between their farms. The purpose of the wall is to keep conflicts from happening between the two men, for example, if one of their cows went to the other side. They believe that “Good fences make good neighbours”. In our daily lives, there are other examples. Boundaries between people can sometimes be a good thing. conclusionconclusion 1.Students rewiew the fable and comprehend it. 2. Review how to write an essay refer to a fable or a quotation. The summary of the fable(its main message) Supporting examples in your real life What we can learn from it. 3.Try to recite the essay and remember important points in the essay.
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