2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 1 Lesson 1第1课时ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Life Choices Lesson 1 Lifestyles Period 1 Warming-up What comes into your mind when you see the word “lifestyles”? Different lifestyles healthy diet healthy habit reduce stress good-quality sleep maintain proper weight exercise regularly Healthy lifestyles Unhealthy lifestyles Warming-up Brai

2、nstorm some verb phrases related to activities. to chat with friends online, to do schoolwork, to play sports, to surf the Internet, to go running, to play computer games, to read books, to do voluntary work, to go to a cinema, to go exploring, to go sightseeing, to fly kites, to find information on

3、 a search engine Warming-up What activities do you enjoy? Why? Examples: Surfing the Internet is definitely a big part of my life because Im crazy about world news and gossip. Reading books is the most relaxing part of my life because it can enrich my life and reduce pressure. Predicting Look at the

4、 photos. What kind of lifestyles do you think the two students have? The boy is addicted to surfing the Internet while the girl devotes herself to studying. Lead-in Its September, a new start for every student. Teens has invited two students to write about their daily life in senior secondary school

5、. Joe Li Ying Lead-in Li Ying Joe Im Joe, a student from London. Youll often find me sitting in front of my laptop. Im Li Ying. I like to set goals for myself. Im a “go-getter” when I set out to do something, I do my best to achieve it. While-reading Read the two texts and describe Joes online activ

6、ities and Li Yings study habits with your books closed. 1) do his homework 2) chat with his friends 3) watch films 4) read the daily news and other interesting articles 5) shop for various things online 6) play computer games 7) play tennis on his television screen Joes online activities: While-read

7、ing Li Yings study habits: 1) study with a clear goal 2) be attentive in all classes and think actively (high efficiency in class) 3) do well in every subject 4) like reading books 5) organize /manage/make good use of her time While-reading Explain the following expressions. digital native go-getter

8、 someone who is likely to be successful because they are ambitious mbs and diligent dld()nt 非常积极能干的人 a person who has grown up using technology like the Internet, computers and mobile devices 数码原住民;数字原生 代(儿时起便使用因特 网和手机的人) digital native go-getter What does a digital native or a go-getter do? have sp

9、ecific goals use time well do homework in spare time revise new things learnt during the day after school watch films online read news and articles online shop online play computer games online post status updates While-reading List the positive and negative aspects of their lifestyles. Joe Li Ying

10、P N Internet addict, danger, leak information does a wide range of things, helps study, compares prices, updates information has a definite goal and determines to achieve it take study too seriously, not an all-rounded student, may develop more potentials Work in pairs to make suggestions to help Jo

11、e and Li Ying improve their lifestyles. Post-reading Post-reading Suggested answers: I would tell Joe that he should spend more time offline and in the real world. He might want to consider playing sports or reading more in his free time. I would tell Li Ying that she should have more fun. Life does

12、nt only mean “goals” but also many other enjoyable things. Post-reading How has he organized his introduction? What do you think of this structure? Are there other ways to introduce oneself? Read Joes introduction again. Structure of Text a Para.1 General and brief introduction Para. 2 Online activi

13、ties Para.3 Worries about online activities The online world is a big part of my life. I do a wide range of things online. My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict”. Topic sentence Key words digital native Internet addict? online activities Post-reading Post-reading What do you t

14、hink of this structure? Are there other ways to introduce oneself? I think this structure is well organized and coherent. Post-reading Retell Text b with the help of the following expressions. Para. 1 definitely, tend to set a goal, do well in, target, prepare myself for, attentive, have more free t

15、ime Para. 2 keep it updated, meanwhile, achieve a team goal Para. 3 have spare time, revise, it takes me review, get ahead Discussion What is your ideal lifestyle? Compared with your current lifestyle, how is it different? Note: Try to use the newly-learnt expressions from the texts. the start of a

16、new chapter, differ from, previous/previously, develop confidence in, a variety of, stressful, have no regrets, on the plus side, all in all Assignment Organize your discussion into a short passage and then share it with other classmates. Notes 1 I also shop for _ things online, such as books, compu

17、ter hardware and other necessities. various various adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的 variety n. 多样性;多样化 Various problems have delayed production. 各种各样的问题耽搁了生产进度。 vary v. 变化;使多样化 a variety of 各种各样的;多种多样的 Notes 2 My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet _”. addict addict (n.): fan, lover, junkie 瘾君子;入迷的人

18、 Once you touch heroin, you will be addicted to it. 一旦接触海洛因,你就会上瘾的。 be addicted to: be hooked on 迷上;对入了迷;对上瘾 Notes 3 I _ set a goal for every subject at the beginning of each term. tend to tend to do sth. 倾向于做某事;倾向去做某事 have the tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事 After all, we tend to do what we like doing, what we delight in. 毕竟,我们都倾向于做我们喜欢做的事,做我们认为快乐的事。 Notes 4 _, “Every minute counts!” 常言道 As the popular saying goes You cant judge a book by its cover, as the old saying goes. 俗话说,不能以貌取人。 Goodbye!


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