2021新版北师大版必修第二册英语 Unit 5 Lesson3 Raceto the Pole Reading ppt课件(含教案).zip

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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题Unit 5 Humans And Nature (5)-Lesson3 Race to the Pole (1) 学科英语学段: 高中年级高一 教材书名: 英语必修第二册 出版社:北京师范大学出版 社 出版日期: 2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 在本课结束时, 学生能够: 1.在获取事实信息的基础上拓展对南极洲的认识; 2.依据文章的叙事逻辑,通过阅读活动梳理故事主线、主要活动,并在时间线索导引下复 述课文; 3.在初步理解文章含义的基础上,发表自己对探险者和人类探险精神的看法。 重点:在理解故事的叙事逻辑基础上,利用时间线索复述人类的首次南极探险历程。 难点:学生以复述的方式呈现文本的故事,并对人类探险精神发表自己的观点看法。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 Step 1: Activate and Share 1. The teacher asks students some questions about Antarctica by doing a short quiz. 2. The teacher asks Ss questions about what should be taken on the journey to Antarctica, then elicit the topic of the main text. 帮助学习建立对 南极洲的初步认 识,引起阅读兴 趣。 Step 2: Read and Explore 1. Ss read the first 5 paragraphs, answers questions. 2. Ss read the rest of the text and answer questions. 3. Ss read the whole passage and complete the chart on P38. 4. Ss retell the storyline based on the time sequence twice. 通过阅读活动梳 理出故事主线, 人物的经历。在 时间线索的引导 下完成复述。 Step 3: Think and Share Ss answer the following 2 questions: . Could you figure out the difficulties on their way back? . What did Scotts team achieve but Amundsen didnt? 通过问题的设计, 引发学生初步理 解文本的深层信 息。 Step 4: Express Yourself Ss answer the following 2 questions: 1. Do you think Scotts team lost the race? 以文本为依托, 引导学生对于探 险精神进行再认 2. What supported Scotts team to finish their journey?识。 Homework Write a passage to introduce Scott and his teams journey to Antarctica and how you feel after reading the story. 通过写作任务帮 助同学巩固课堂 所学。必修二 Unit 5 Humans And Nature (5) 高一年级 英语 Lesson 3 Race to the Pole (1) Reading Race to the Pole WhichPoletobeexactly? TheSouthPole . Antarctica . WhatdoweknowaboutAntarctica? Antarctica nlocation nclimate nwildlife n Antarctica nQuiz T(true)orF(false) ()thesouthernmostcontinentontheEarth; ()smallerthanAustralia; ()thecoldestanddriestcontinentontheEarth; ()hometomanywildanimals. Antarctica nQuiz T(true)orF(false) ( ) thesouthernmostcontinent ontheEarth; T Antarctica nQuiz T(true)orF(false) ( ) smallerthanAustralia; F 7.79millionsqkm 14millionsqkm Australia: Antarctica: ( ) thecoldestanddriestcontinent ontheEarth; Antarctica nQuiz T(true)orF(false) T Some95percentofAntarcticaiscoveredby anicecapaveraging1.6kminthickness. ( ) hometomanywildanimals. Antarctica nQuiz T(true)orF(false) T Canyouusesomeadjectivestodescribe Antarctica? freezingfantastic amazing beautifulmysterious IfyouhavethechancetogotoAntarctica,what shouldyoutake? l l Howwouldyoudresstodealwiththeweather? l Whatnecessitiesshouldbepreparedbeforehand? l WhatkindoftransportationdoyouneedinAntarctica? IfyouhavethechancetogotoAntarctica,what shouldyoutake? compasses tentsfood dogs warmclothes sledges IfyouhavethechancetogotoAntarctica,what shouldyoutake? compasses tentsfood dogs warmclothes sledges areindeersledgeasledge Antarcticaissofascinatingthatpeoplealways trytoexploreit.Butcanyouimaginehow dangerousitistogothere? RacetothePole acompetitionto seewhoisfaster On1June,1910,CaptainRobertFalconScottleftLondonto beginhisjourneytoAntarctica.Whilehewasonthewayto Antarctica,hereceivedamessagefromtheNorwegian explorerRoaldAmundsenwhichsaidhewasgoingtosouth, too.ThentheracetotheSouthPolebegan! Thecaptainofeachteam RoaldAmundsenScott RoaldAmundsen CaptainScottandhisteammembers Readthefirst5paragraphsandanswer questions. 1.Whataretheirwaysoftransportation? 2.Whatistheirdepartureandarrivaltime? 1.Whataretheirwaysoftransportation? A:Dogspullingthesledges;skis. A:RoaldAmundsenS:CaptainScott S:Horsespullingthesledges;skis. ScottsteamAmundsens team Departure time Arrival time 8September, 1911 1November, 1911 14December, 1911 17January, 1912 2.Whatistheirdepartureandarrivaltime? WhoreachedthePole first? RoaldAmundsenandhismen CaptainScottandhisteammembers Amundsenandhisteamarrivedbacktotheirstarting basesafelyaheadoftheirplan. WhendidScottandhisteamgetbacktotheir startingbase? l Readtherestofthetext,answerthequestion. Scottandhisteamdidntmakeit. Theydiedontheirreturnjourney. Readthewholetextandcompletetheinformation aboutthetwoexplorationteamsonP38. uYoucanuseablackpentounderlinetheactions ofAmundsensteam,aredpentohighlightthe actionsofScottsteam. RoaldAmundsen(A)CaptainScottandhisteam(S) ScottsteamAmundsensteam Beforethejourney Journeytothe destination Arrivalatthe destination Thereturnjourney ScottsteamAmundsensteam Beforethe journey Theyorganised foodbases. foodbaseaplaceusedtostorefood Theyorganised foodbases. ScottsteamAmundsensteam Journeytothe destination Twosledgesbrokedown,the horseshaddifficultieswiththe cold. Hehadteamsofdogs pullingthesledgesandall hismenwereonskis. Scottandhismenhadtopush thesledgesthemselves. Becauseofthis,hemade rapidprogress. ScottsteamAmundsensteam Arrivalatthe destination Amundsenreachedthe Poleon14December, 1911andputa Norwegianflagthere. ScottarrivedatthePolewith fourteammemberson17 January,1912,andwas disheartened. Thenhepreparedforthe returnjourney. dishearteneddisappointed ScottsteamAmundsensteam Thereturn journey Amundsenandhisteam arrivedsafelybacktotheir startingbaseon25 January,1912,tendays aheadoftheirplanned schedule. Menwereverytiredandwere runningoutoffood. Theweatherconditionswere terrible. Theybroughtrocksbackfor scientificevaluation. Allmembersdied. PeoplesreactiontoScottandhisteam: ThenewsofScottsdeathshockedtheworld.The greatcourageshownbyScottandhisteammade themheroes. ScottsteamAmundsensteam Beforethejourney Journeytothe destination Arrivalatthe destination Thereturnjourney Retellthejourneysbasedonyournotes. CouldyouretellScotts journeytoAntarctica? RetellScottsjourneytoAntarctica. u Beforethejourney u Journeytothedestination u Arrivalatthedestination u Thereturnjourney u Othersopinion u Beforethejourney organisewait Heorganisedfoodbasesinpreparationfor thejourneyandwaitedanxiouslyforspring. u Journeytothedestination breakdown havedifficultieswith Histwosledgesbrokedown,andthenthe horsesbegantohavedifficultieswiththe snowandthecold. u Arrivalatthedestination shocklose Hewasshockedandlostthegoal ofhisambition. somethingthatyouwanttoachieve u Thereturnjourney runoutof Theyweresoonverytiredand wererunningoutoffood. u Thereturnjourney carryon Heandtwoofhisteammemberscarried onandgotwithinelevenmilesofoneof theirfoodbases. continue u Othersopinion make(into) Theextraordinarycourageshown byCaptainScottandhismen madethemheroes. RetellScottsjourneytoAntarctica. u Beforethejourney u Journeytothedestination u Arrivalatthedestination u Thereturnjourney u Othersopinion Beforethejourney,Scottorganised foodbasesinpreparationforthe journeyandwaitedanxiouslyfor spring. Onhisway,histwosledges brokedown,andthenthehorses begantohavedifficultieswiththe snowandthecold. Whenheandhisteamarrivedatthe Pole,hewasshockedandlostthe goalofhisambitionwhenhesawthe Norwegianflag. Ontheirwayback, theyweresoonexhaustedandwere runningoutoffood.Besides,the weatherconditionswereterrible. WhenScottandhistwomembers sawtheirfriendsdie,theydidnt giveup.Theycarriedonandgot withinelevenmilesofoneoftheir foodbases.Atlast,allofthem died. ThenewsofScottsdeathshockedthe world.Theextraordinarycourage shownbyCaptainScottandhismen madethemheroes. ReadthetextonP37(Line20-Line45)again anddiscuss: 2.WhatdidScottsteamachieve butAmundsendidnt? 1. Couldyoufigureoutthedifficultieson theirwayback? 1.Couldyoufigureoutthe difficultiesontheirwayback? terribleweather food disease energy without help (storm) 2.WhatdidScottsteamachieve butAmundsendidnt? Therockstheycollectedprovedthatatonetime inthedistantpast,thecontinentofAntarctica wascoveredbyplants. farawayinspaceortime 1.DoyouthinkScottsteamlost therace? Yourvoice 2.WhatsupportedScottsteamto finishtheirjourney? 1.DoyouthinkScottsteamlost therace? No.AlthoughScottsteamwasnotthefirst toreachtheSouthPole,allthemeninthe teamhadstrongsenseofperseverance. thequalityofcontinuingtotrytoachievea particularaimdespitedifficulties 1.DoyouthinkScottsteamlost therace? Eveniftheyarrivedlate,they overcameallthedifficultiesand arrivedeventually. 1.DoyouthinkScottsteamlost therace? Facedwiththecomingdeath,they could“walk”totheirdeathwithout fear. 1.DoyouthinkScottsteamlost therace? No.Therockstheycarriedprovedthat inthepastthecontinentofAntarctica wascoveredbyplants.Theynever stoppeddoingscientificresearch. 2.WhatsupportedScottsteamto finishtheirjourney? u extraordinarycourage u bravery u thespiritofcontribution u strongwill u teamwork bearsufferingsandhardships staycalm Thespiritofexplorers keephealthy Explorersshould Thespiritofexplorers haveoutdoorsurvivalskills havewisdom Explorersshould Bytheendoftheclass,haveyou 1.foundouttheinformationoftwo teamsexplorationsto Antarctica? Bytheendoftheclass,haveyou 2.gottenthemeaningof“winor lose”intheexplorationand summarizedthespiritofexplorers? Homework WriteapassagetointroduceScottandhis teamsjourneytoAntarcticaandhowyou feelafterreadingthestory.Unit 5 Humans And Nature (5)-Lesson 3 Race to the Pole(1) 学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 1.在获取事实信息的基础上拓展对南极洲的认识; 2.依据文章的叙事逻辑,通过阅读活动梳理故事主线、主要活动,并在时间线 索导引下复述课文; 3.在初步理解文章含义的基础上,发表自己对探险者和人类探险精神的看法。 重点:在理解故事叙事逻辑基础上,利用时间线索复述人类的首次南极探险历 程。 难点:以复述的方式呈现文本故事,并对人类探险精神发表自己的观点看法。 【课上学习任务】 Lead-in Task 1 What do we know about Antarctica? location climate wildlife Task 2 Quiz. ( ) the southernmost continent on the Earth; ( ) smaller than Australia; ( ) the coldest and driest continent on the Earth; ( ) home to many wild animals. Task 3 If you have the chance to go to Antarctica, what should you take? 1. How would you dress to deal with the weather? 2. What necessities should be prepared beforehand? 3. What kind of transportation do you need in Antarctica? Reading Task 1 Read the first 5 paragraphs and answer questions. 1. What are their ways of transportation? 2. What is their departure and arrival time? Task 2 Read the whole text and complete the information about the two exploration teams on P38. Scotts teamAmundsens team Before the journey Journey to the destination Arrival at the destination The return journey Task 3 Could you retell Scotts journey to Antarctica? Before the journey Journey to the destination Arrival at the destination The return journey Others opinion Post-reading Task 1 Read the text on P37 (Line20-Line45) again and discuss: 1. Could you figure out the difficulties on their way back? 2. What did Scotts team achieve but Amundsen didnt? Task 2 Your voice 1. Do you think Scotts team lost the race? 2. What supported Scotts team to finish their journey? 【课后作业】 Write a passage to introduce Scott and his teams journey to Antarctica and how you feel after reading the story. 【课后作业参考答案】 The great expedition began in the polar summer of 1911, Captain Scott, the British explorer and his Norwegian counterpart (对手) Roald Amundsen set off for the race to the South Pole. Before the journey, both parties organised food based. On the way to the destination, Amundsen made rapid progress. Captain Scott, on the other hand, soon had problems. His two sledges broke down. They had to push the sledges themselves. Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole first. He left a letter to Scott and headed back. Scott came to the destination one month later. When he saw the letter and the Norwegian flag, he and his men were disheartened. On their way back, Scott and his men carried twenty kilos of rocks with them all the time. These rocks proved that the continent of Antarctica was covered by plants once. Both Amundsen and Scott were brave enough to conquer the South Pole. Their ambition and strong will made them heroes.
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