2021新版北师大版必修第二册英语 Unit 5 Humans And Nature (8)Viewing Workshop How Big is the Universe- ppt课件(含教案).zip

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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 5 Humans And Nature (8) Viewing Workshop-How Big is the Universe? 学科英语学段: 高中年级高一 教材书名: 英语必修第二册 出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期: 2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 在本课结束时, 学生能够: 1. 获取整段视频所谈论的关于宇宙大小的基本观点。 2. 通过数字信息和对比,能判断可观宇宙和整个宇宙在四个方面的区别。 3. 在观看视频对于宇宙形象生动的介绍后,能总结并概括可观测宇宙和整个宇宙的相 关信息。 重点: 从视频中获取宇宙有多大的基本信息。 难点: 准确找出可观宇宙和整个宇宙的区别及视频中数字所代表的意义。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 Step 1 Lead-in Task 1 Brainstorm. The teacher shows the word “universe”. Students think of the universe and add words related to it to create a word web. Question: When it comes to universe, what do you know about it? Task 2 Quiz about the universe. Students complete the quiz with the right numbers on their own. 话题导入 激活学生现有知识 并使学生对即将观 看的视频产生兴趣。 Step 2 View and learn (1) Task 1 Watch part 1. Watch the first part of the video. Make sure that the students understand two different meanings of the universe. Task 2 Watch the first part of the video again. Students check their predictions from Lead-in. The teacher provides text related to the answer to help students understand. Task 3 Watch the first part of the video again. Students review the information of the universe. 分层、分段观看视 频,获取有关宇宙 有多大的相关数字 信息。 Step 3 View and learn (2) Task 1 Watch part 2. Watch the rest of the video. Task 2 Watch the rest of the video again. Students complete the table using the information 分段观看视频,通 过视频了解可观宇 宙和整个宇宙的区 别。 mentioned in the video. The teacher provides text related to the answer to help students understand. Questions: 1. How big is it? 2. Is there an edge? 3. Is there a center? 4. Is it getting bigger? Step 4 Pair work Task Watch the whole video. Students answer the questions in full sentences. Questions: 1. What is the Earth compared to? Is the comparison useful in understanding the infiniteness of the universe? 2. What methods does the presenter use to enable viewers to understand this piece of knowledge in physics? 学生通过观看完整 视频对本课话题有 完整的理解并获取 信息。同时对视频 中的比较方法进行 思考。 Step 5 Express Yourself Task Explore more about the universe. Students review the information they learned from the video. Questions: What have you learnt about the size of the universe? Find more information online and share 就所观看和所学内 容进行回顾,发表 自己观点。 with the class. Homewor k Find more information about the universe online and share with the class. 拓展学习内容,对 自然科学知识和宇 宙进行更多探索和 了解。必修二 Unit 5 Humans And Nature (8) 高一年级 英语 Viewing Workshop How Big is the Universe? How Big is the Universe? Brainstorming stars galaxy solar system black holes planets When it comes to universe, what do you know about it? infinite UNIVERSE vast huge / giant How Big is the Universe? Quiz about the universe. Complete the quiz with the right numbers. 13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion 1. The universe is about _______ years old. 2. The observable universe is about _______ light years across in diameter. 3. Today the distant objects like stars that we can observe are a bit more than _______ light years away. diameter 直径 Watch the first part of the video. Check your predictions from Activity 1. View and learn This video provides the answer to the frequently-asked question about the universe. How big is the universe? 13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion 13.8 billion 1. The universe is about _________ years old. View and learn More specifically, the observable universe is the region of space visible to us from Earth. And since the universe is only about 13.8 billion years old that can be seen or noticed in a detailed and exact way View and learn , then regardless of what direction we look, we see light that has been travelling at most 13.8 billion years, so it is logical to think of the observable universe must then be two times 13.77 equals 27.5 billion light years across. to be the same in size, quantity or value paying no attention even if there are difficulties View and learn 13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion 93 billion 2. The observable universe is about _________ light years across in diameter. View and learn But it is not. That is because over time, space has been expanding, so the distant objects that gave off that light 13.8 billion years ago have since moved even farther away from us. View and learn to become larger or greater Today those distant objects are a bit more than 46 billion light years away. Multiply times two and you get 93 billion light years一the diameter of the observable universe. 2 multiplied by 4 is 8. ( 2X4=8 ) View and learn 13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion 46 billion View and learn 3. Today the distant objects like stars that we can observe are a bit more than _________ light years away. Watch the rest of the video. Complete the table. View and learn Observable Universe Whole Universe 1. How big is it? 2. Is there an edge? 3. Is there a center? 4. Is it getting bigger? Questions Watch the video again. Complete the table. View and learn Observable Universe Whole Universe Questions 1. How big is it? About 93 billion light years across in diameter. Infinite. View and learn , the size of the Earth within the observable universe is roughly equivalent to the size of a virus within the solar system. equal in value, amount, meaning or importance View and learn That does not help much, because we cannot really appreciate the incomprehensible smallness of a virus nor the bewildering bigness of our solar system either. very confusing and difficult to understand difficult or impossible to understand View and learn So lets just say that the observable universe is stupendously big. But the whole universe, as far as we can tell, is a lot bigger. Space is most likely infinite, or at least it doesnt have an edge. having no limit, end or edge surprisingly impressive or large View and learn the observable universe is currently 93 billion light years across. The whole universe is probably infinite. View and learn Questions 2. Is there an edge? Yes. No. Observable Universe Whole Universe View and learn The observable universe does. , and the whole universe has a temporal edge or what we call a beginning, but almost certainly not a spatial one. being used to describe things relating to areas connected with or limited by time View and learn Questions 3. Is there a center? Yes. Earth / You. No. View and learn Observable Universe Whole Universe The observable universe has a center us. We are at the center of the observable universe because the observable universe is just a region of space visible from Earth. Again, the observable universe does you! The universe as a whole almost certainly not. View and learn In fact, if you want to be more precise, each one of us is the center of our own observable universe, but that does not mean we are at the center of the whole universe. exact and accurate View and learn Questions 4. Is it getting bigger? Yes. Yes. Observable Universe Whole Universe View and learn Yes, space is expanding, which makes both the observable universe and the whole universe bigger. View and learn Pair Work Watch the whole video. Discuss the questions. 1. What is the Earth compared to? Is the comparison useful in understanding the infiniteness of the universe? 2. What methods does the presenter use to enable viewers to understand this piece of knowledge in physics? Pair Work 1. What is the Earth compared to? Is the comparison useful in understanding the infiniteness of the universe? Pair Work The size of the Earth within the observable universe is roughly equivalent to the size of a virus within the solar system. That does not help much, because we cannot really appreciate the incomprehensible smallness of a virus nor the bewildering bigness of our solar system either. Pair Work 2. What methods does the presenter use to enable viewers to understand this piece of knowledge in physics? Pair Work The presenter provides comparisons that are relative to our knowledge. Pair Work What have you learnt about the size of the universe? Find more information online and share with the class. Express Yourself 1. The universe is huge. Express Yourself 2. The observable universe is about 93 billion light years across in diameter. 3. The observable universe has a center. 4. Space has been expanding. Express Yourself 5. In the observable universe, the earth is roughly the size of a virus in the solar system. 6. Both the observable universe and the whole universe are becoming bigger. 7. The observable universe has an edge. Express Yourself 8. The whole universe does not has an edge. Find more information about the universe online and share with the class. HomeworkUnit 5 Humans And Nature (8)-Viewing Workshop How Big is the Universe? 学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 1. 获取整段视频所谈论的关于宇宙大小的基本观点。 2. 通过数字信息和对比,能判断可观宇宙和整个宇宙在四个方面的区别。 3. 在观看视频对于宇宙形象生动的介绍后,能总结并概括可观测宇宙和整个宇 宙的相关信息。 重点: 从视频中获取宇宙有多大的基本信息。 难点: 准确找出可观宇宙和整个宇宙的区别及视频中数字所代表的意义。 【课上学习任务】 Lead-in 1. Brainstorming Question: When it comes to universe, what do you know about it? stars 2. Quiz about the universe. Complete the quiz with the right numbers. 13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion 1) The universe is about _______ years old. 2) The observable universe is about _______ light years across in diameter. 3) Today the distant objects like stars that we can observe are a bit more than _______ light years away. View and learn Watch the rest of the video. Complete the table. QuestionsObservable UniverseWhole Universe How big is it? Is there an edge? Universe Pair Work Watch the whole video and answer the questions in full sentences. 1) What is the Earth compared to? Is the comparison useful in understanding the infiniteness of the universe? 2) What methods does the presenter use to enable viewers to understand this piece of knowledge in physics? Express Yourself What have you learnt about the size of the universe? Find more information online and share with the class. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. - 【课后作业】 Find more information about the universe online and share with the class. Is there a center? Is it getting bigger
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