2021新版北师大版必修第二册英语Unit 4SectionⅡ 教学知识细解码 同步讲解.doc

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1、1/13 1power n权利,能力powerful adj.效能高的;强有力的;强壮的 2real adj.真实的;实际存在的;真的;真正的;确实的reality n真实; 现实realize vt.实现;意识 3sure adj.确信;确知;肯定;有把握;一定,必定ensure vt.确保,保证 4deliver vi.&vt.递送;传送delivery n递送;传送 5argue v争论;争吵;争辩;论证argument n论点;论据 6concentrate vi.专注,专心;集中注意力concentration n专心;专注; 集中 7reward n奖赏,回报 vt.奖赏;给予回报

2、;酬谢rewarding adj.有益的; 有意义的 Words And Phrases 知识要点1 subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 vt.(签署)文件;捐助 (教材 P12)to subscribe to newspapers and magazines 订阅报纸和杂志 例 1 What newspapers and magazines do you subscribe to? 你订了什么报纸和杂志? 例2 Ive personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other. 我

3、个人从来都不同意性别有优劣之分的观点。 造句 我订阅新科学家主要是为了了解科学的最新进展。 My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep informed of advances in science. 知识拓展 subscriber (杂志等)订购者,订阅者;(手机、电 话等)用户;捐助者,资助者 subscribe to 同意,赞成;订购 2/13 subscribe sth.to 捐助 subscribe for 认购(书籍等) 即学即练 I subscribed to a Womens Weekly magazin

4、e. The subscriber(subscribe)you dialed is powered off. He subscribes 10,000 yuan to the charity every year. 知识要点2 account n账目;账户;说明;理由;计算;报道 vi.& vt.认为; 说明;总计有 (教材 P13) .set up an account建立一个账户。 例 1 I paid the cheque into my savings account. 我把支票存入我的储蓄账户。 例 2 Some banks make it difficult to open an

5、account. 一些银行把开户弄得很麻烦。 造句 他详细描述了那个灾难性的夜晚所发生的事。 He gave a detailed account of what had happened on the fateful night. 知识拓展 (1)account for 解释;说明;占(比例) (2)on account of 由于;因为 on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) (3)take.into account/considerationtake account of. 考虑 即学即练 How do you account for all the accide

6、nts in series? On no account should you leave the baby alone in the house. We should take everything into account when we are thinking and doing. 名师点津 表示“决不”的短语还有:in no case,by no means,at no time,in no way, under no circumstances 等。 知识要点3 harm vt.& n伤害,损害 (教材 P14) Do you think the Internet helps or

7、 harms friendships? 3/13 你认为因特网对友谊有帮助还是有害? 例 1 The accident could have been much worse;luckily no harm was done. 这次事故本来可能糟糕得多;所幸没有造成任何的伤害。 例 2 I cant say I like Mark very much,but I dont wish him any harm. 我不能说我很喜欢马克,但我并不愿他受到任何的伤害。 造句 我如果伤到你我很抱歉,但是我就是这个脾气。 Im really sorry if I harmed you,but I have

8、such a temper. 知识拓展 (1)do/cause harm to 对造成伤害 do sb.harmdo harm to sb. 伤害某人;对某人有害 mean no harm 无恶意 There is no harm in doing sth. 做某事无害处。 (2)harmful adj. 有害的 be harmful to. 对有害 即学即练 If you want to solve the problem this way,there is no harm in calling(call) him. Working on the computer too much does

9、 harm to your eyes. Working on the computer too much harms your eyes. Working on the computer too much is harmful(harm) to your eyes. 知识要点4 argument n论点;论据;辩论;争吵 (教材 P14) Underline the general idea and the topic sentence of each argument 在其每个论点的中心思想和主题句下画线。 例 1 After some heated argument a decision

10、was finally taken. 激烈辩论以后终于作出了决定。 例 2 This argument sounds reasonable,but actually its incorrect. 这种论调貌似有道理,但实际上是错误的。 造句 但这个论证是关于未来的。 But this argument is about the future. 4/13 知识拓展 (1)beyond argument 无需争论 have an argument with.over/about 就和争论 get into an argument with. 和争论 (2)argue with sb.about/o

11、ver sth. 与某人争论某事 argue for/against sth. 为支持/反对某事而辩论 argue sb.into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 即学即练 They argued for the right to strike. Its no use arguing about the question with him for he wont change his opinion. The speaker argued that more foreigners should be admitted to the country. They argu

12、ed him into cycling(cycle) instead of driving there. 知识要点5 replace v取代,代替;接替;把 放回原位 (教材 P15) .images really cannot replace a real- life smile or hug. 虚拟形象真的无法取代现实生活中的微笑或拥抱。 例 1 Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。 例 2 He will be difficult to replace when he l

13、eaves. 他离开后,他的位置很难有人接替。 造句 你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出? Who do you suppose will replace her on the show? 知识拓展 replace sb./sth. 代替某人/某物 replace A with/by B 用 B 替换/代替 A replacement n. U代替;替换C替换的人/物 take the place ofreplace 取代 即学即练 I wish that sports day could be abandoned and replaced with some other less 5/13 com

14、petitive events. The factory replaces the labour work by machines. Nobody can take the place of you to do the work. 小片段填空 She didnt replace the cup after using it,and it fell to the ground and was broken,which made her very disappointed.Her husband suggested replacing it with a plastic one so that i

15、t wouldnt be so easy to break,but she said nothing could replace/take the place of this cup as it was made over 1,000 years ago. 知识要点6 concentrate vi.专注,专心;集中注意力 (教材 P15) .communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others. 通过屏幕进行交流,让孩子们更难集中

16、精力或对他人表示友好。 例 1 I cant concentrate with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。 例 2 I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. 我决定集中精力找个住的地方。 造句 假如你不更加专心地工作,你将被解雇。 If you dont concentrate more on your work,youll be dismissed. 知识拓展 (1)concentrate on (doing) sth. 专心(做)某事 c

17、oncentrate ones attention/effort/thoughts on/upon. 集中注意力/努力/思想于 (2)concentration n. 专心;专注 即学即练 They will concentrate on teaching(teach) the students reading and writing. He tried to concentrate his attention on his chemical experiment. I knew that concentration(concentrate) was the first requirement

18、 for learning. 知识要点7 rewarding adj.有益的;有意义的;报酬高的 (教材 P15) .though we know that the number of “likes” or followers cannot compare to having long- term and rewarding friendships. 6/13 尽管我们知道“赞”或追随者的数量无法与拥有长期而有益的友谊相 比。 例 1 It is a very rewarding experience to work this out oneself. 独自解决这个问题是一次受益匪浅的经历。

19、例 2 Their findings suggest that others opinions,when shared with your own,are rewarding. 他们的发现表明,与你分享他人观点就是一种回报。 造句 我真的要说这次旅行对我很有帮助。 I must say its been a very rewarding trip. 知识拓展 reward n 奖赏,回报 v. 奖赏,酬谢,报答 as a reward for 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 give/offer a reward to sb.for sth. 因为某事而给某人报酬 in reward of 为酬谢

20、;作为对的奖励 in rewardin return 作为回报/报答 reward sb.with.for sth. 为某事而以报答某人 即学即练 He was given a medal as a reward for his service. His effort was rewarded with remarkable success. She got nothing in reward for her kindness. 知识要点8 content n内容 vt.使满意,使满足 adj.满意的,满足的 (教材 P15) In addition,a lot of the content

21、posted on social media is shallow or trivial. 此外,在社交媒体上发布的很多内容都是浅薄或琐碎的。 例 1 She hadnt read the letter and so was unaware of its contents. 她没有看过那封信,所以对其内容一无所知。 例 2 My apology seemed to content him. 我的道歉好像使他感到满意。 造句 我满足于从山下观赏山峰。 7/13 I am content to admire the mountains from below 知识拓展 be content to d

22、o sth.be willing/ready to do sth. 乐意做某事;满足于做某事 be content with sth.be satisfied/pleased with sth. 对某事满意/满足 content oneself with sth. 满足于;对感到满意 即学即练 That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live(live) in the country. To be honest,Im very content with my life at present. We should never

23、 content ourselves (us)with book knowledge only. 图形助记 知识要点9 focus v集中;聚焦 n中心点;焦点 (教材 P15) In my opinion,friends should focus more on face- to- face communication,and less on online communication. 在我看来,朋友们应该更多地关注面对面的交流,更少地关注在线交流。 例 1 The discussion focused on three main problems. 讨论集中在三个主要问题上。 例 2 It

24、 was the main focus of attention at the meeting. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。 造句 孩子们是她生活的重心。 Her children are the main focus of her life. 知识拓展 focus.on/upon. 把集中于 bring.into focus 使成为焦点 in focus 对准焦点;清晰 8/13 out of focus 没对准焦点;不清晰 即学即练 They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever m

25、ade them famous in the first place. The childrens faces are badly out of focus in the photograph. The programme was intended to focus attention on global economy. 图形助记 知识要点 10 deliver vt.递送;发表;向交出,拯救;接生 (教材 P101) .your order was delivered last week. 你的订单是上周递送的。 例 1 We promise to deliver within 48 ho

26、urs. 我们承诺在 48 小时内送到。 例 2 She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. 她将发表一个关于基因工程的演讲。 造句 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。 The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia. 知识拓展 (1)deliver sth.(to sb.) 投递/传送某物(给某人) deliver sb./sth.over to sb. 把移交给某人 deliver goods/newspapers 送货/报纸 deliver

27、a speech 发表演说 be delivered of a babygive birth to a baby 生孩子 (2)delivery n. 递送,发言,接生 图形助记 9/13 即学即练 He delivered(deliver) one of the most wonderful speeches in history for the presidential election. Today,over thirty companies regularly donate food and other goods to the cause and the volunteers hel

28、p to deliver them to the homeless. To her joy,she was delivered(deliver) of a healthy boy. Thank you very much for your quick delivery(deliver) and support. 知识要点11 favour n恩惠;善意的行为;赞同;支持;偏袒;偏爱 (教材 P101)Can you do me a favour and find out whats going on? 你能帮我个忙看看发生了什么事吗? 例 1 I would never ask for any

29、 favour from her. 我再也不会请她帮任何忙了。 例 2 Thanks for helping me out.Ill return the favour some time. 多谢你帮了我个大忙。总有一天我会报答你的。 造句 近来这个节目已不受观众欢迎。 The programme has lost favour with viewers recently. 知识拓展 in favour of 支持;赞同;有利于 do sb. a favourdo a favour for sb. 帮某人的忙 ask sb. for a favourask a favour of sb. 请求某

30、人帮忙 in sb.s favour 对某人有利,有助于某人 即学即练 Can I ask you for a favour? Do me a favour to turn off the radio. 10/13 I wouldnt be in favour of income tax cuts. Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 强调句 (教材 P15) It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships. 正是这些技能使我们能够发展终生的友谊。 句式分析:本句是一个强调句,强调主语 these

31、skills。 例 1 It was the manager that/who asked his secretary to keep him informed of the progress. 是经理让他的秘书通知他进展情况。 例 2 It is coffee that they always drink in the afternoon. 他们经常在下午喝的是咖啡。 造句 是在体育馆他经常和他的同学周末打篮球。 It is in the gym that he often plays basketball with his classmates on weekends. 知识拓展 强调句型

32、是用来对句中某一成分加以强调的,其一般句型为“It is/was被 强调部分that/who.”。 需要注意的几点是: (1)强调句和其他句型最明显的区别是:强调句的判断标志是去掉 it is/was 和 that/who,适当调整后仍然是个完整的句子。 (2)此句型不可强调谓语动词,如要强调谓语动词,可在动词前加 do,does 或 did。 (3)not.until.的强调句式是:It is/was not until.that其他成分。 (4)该句型可以强调 because 引导的原因状语从句,但不能强调由 as,since 等引导的原因状语从句。 (5)如果强调的是主语或宾语且是指人时

33、,则可用 who 或 that;如果被强调 的部分是其他成分时,须用 that。 即学即练 It was yesterday that we had an English examination. It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued. It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for not only 11/13 its beauty but also its weather. 重点句

34、式2 make 复合结构 (教材 P15) Secondly,the Internet can make people self centred. 其次,互联网会使人们变得以自我为中心 句式分析:本句中 make people self- centred 是“make宾语宾补”结构; 本句用形容词作宾补。 例 1 The news made him very happy. 这消息使得他非常高兴。 例 2 The Internet makes our life easy and convenient. 因特网使我们的生活更加轻松方便。 造句 那可怕的气味使人们恶心。 The terrible s

35、mell makes people sick. 知识拓展 在“make宾语宾补”结构中除了形容词可以作宾语补足语外,不定式、 过去分词、介词短语、名词或名词短语都可以作宾语补足语。 即学即练 He tries to make his ideas known(know) Though he had often made his little sister cry,today he was made to cry(cry) by his little sister. 教材 高考 1.set up an account. (2019 天 津 卷 )The professor warned the s

36、tudents that on no account should they use mobile phones in his class. 2.Do you think the Internet helps or harms friendships? (2019 全国卷)While the suns rays can age and harm our skin , they also give us beneficial Vitamin D. 3.Underline the general idea and the topic sentence for each argument. (201

37、9 天津卷)I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument. 12/13 .单句语法填空 1He raised his voice in order to make himself heard(hear) 2Although having done(do) his best in maths these days,he still got no good marks. 3It was Tom that/who I found it difficult to get along with. 4Its the sort of

38、work that calls for a high level of concentration(concentrate) 5They have yet to find an excellent applicant(apply) 6Every eye at the conference was focused on the chairman. 7What do you want to replace it with? 8If they win the argument(argue),the next question will be how to spend it. 9The shopkee

39、per delivered some goods to me this morning. 10It is harmful(harm) to our health as we hardly have any time to go in for sports. .短语填空 in addition;be concerned with;focus on;in contact;give a brief response; compare to;on the basis of 1Statement should be made on the basis of fact. 2There is no mome

40、nt that compares to holding your baby for the first time. 3. In addition to my weekly wage,I got a lot of tips. 4People outside will be in contact with me. 5The book is concerned with political economics. 6Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point. 7The manager gave a brief response to the

41、proposal raised by the young man. .课文语法填空 The Internet can harm friendships.1.Communicating(communicate) online is no replacement for faceto- face contact.Denise Daniels thinks that communicating online makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others.2.Contacting (cont

42、act)with other people directly enables us 3.to develop(develop) lifelong friendships.The Internet can make people so self- centred 4.that they dont think of anyone or anything.Some people are 5.concerned(concern) 13/13 with how many “likes” they get and how many followers they have,6.which cannot co

43、mpare to long- term and 7.rewarding(reward) friendships.Online friendships may not be true.Friendships should be built on the 8.basis(base) of trust.You cant make sure the 9.honesty(honest) of the person you are chatting with.Going online can bring danger for people who are influenced easily.So we should focus more on face- to- face communication to maintain 10.healthy(health) relationships.


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