2021新版北师大版必修第三册英语Unit 8 Green Living -Grammarppt课件(含教案).zip

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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题Unit 8 Green Living (3)-Grammar 学科英语学段:高中年级高一 教材书名: 英语必修第三册 出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期: 2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标: 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1.填写出关于珍古道尔教授及其创立的“根与芽”环保组织内容的总结性文段。 2.正确使用动词的-ing 形式和-ed 形式完成各项任务。 教学重点: 归纳语言规律,总结出动词的-ing 形式和-ed 形式的语法功能。并在具体的语境中使用动 词的-ing 形式和-ed 形式。 教学难点: 理解并掌握动词的-ing 形式和-ed 形式的语法功能和区别,在具体的语境中正确使用动词 的-ing 形式和-ed 形式。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 1. 用总结 的形式回 顾珍古 道尔教授 及其创立 的“根与 芽”环保 组织。 Step 1 Recall Dr. Jane Goodall and Roots & Shoots (1) Make a summary of Dr. Jane Goodall. (2) Complete the summary of the text on page 32, Exercises 8 to review the information about Roots & Shoots. 复习。引导学生基于 上节课所学,概括总 结文章内容,运用所 学语言主动表达。 2. 正确理 解并使用 动词的 v- ing 形式和 v-ed 形式 完成各项 任务。 Step 2 Learn and analyze the functions of v-ing and v-ed forms in a sentence. (1) Study the sentences which contain v-ing and v-ed forms and analyze the functions of v-ing and v-ed forms in these sentences. (2) Make a summary of the functions of v-ing and v-ed forms in a sentence. 引导学生归纳语言规 律,总结出动词的- ing 形式和-ed 形式 的语法功能。并在具 体的语境中识别动词 的-ing 形式和-ed 形 式的语法功能。 Step 3 1. Study v-ing forms and v-ed forms respectively and focus on their functions and differences in specific situation. (1) Focus on v-ing forms. (2) Focus on v-ed forms. (3) Guide students to make a brief summary about the functions and differences between v-ing forms and v-ed forms. 2. Identify the functions and differences of the v-ing and v-ed forms in the texts. (1) Students finish Exercise 9 on Page 33. (2) Students finish Exercise 4 on Page 84. (3) Students finish Exercise 10 on Page 33. 检验学生是否理解并 掌握 v-ing and v-ed forms 的语法功能和 区别。 3. 在情景 中通过角 色扮演的 形式内化 与运用语 言。 Step 4 Read the monologues from the three persons illustrated. Make preparations to persuade one of the persons to change his or her belief using the ideas and examples from the lesson. 调动学生参与角色扮 演活动,内化运用语 言。 4. 作业布 置 Finish Exercise 11 on Page 33. Write down your persuasion using the ideas and examples from this lesson, and try using the V-ing & V-ed forms when necessary. 巩固所学内容,运用 内化语言。必修三 Unit 8 Green Living (3) 高一年级 英语 Grammar Verb-ing & Verb-ed Forms Dr. Jane Goodall is a scientist who is the worlds best-known expert on wild chimpanzees. She is also the founder of Roots & Shoots. Roots & Shoots is an institute established in the early 1990s by Dr. Jane Goodall. institute: an organization that has a particular purpose such as scientific or educational work A summary of Dr. Jane Goodall Dr. Jane Goodall has worked to protect wildlife for over 50 years and is the worlds best-known expert on wild chimpanzees. In addition to her research, she also contributes greatly to green living. She has said that many people suffer from what is known as “Just-me-ism”. A summary of Dr. Jane Goodall In the early 1990s, Dr. Jane Goodall established Roots & Shoots. It is an organization that promotes environmental protection and empowers young people to take positive action for the environment, animals and their community. A summary of Roots & Shoots Finish Exercise 8 on Page 32. Complete the summary with the correct form of the words and phrases below. harmful individual institute just-me-ism live in peace involve take action a firm foundation leave the tap running break open brick walls A summary of Roots & Shoots Roots & Shoots is a / an 1________ established in the early 1990s by Dr. Jane Goodall. It is called Roots & Shoots because roots move slowly under the ground making 2______________ and although shoots seem small and weak, they can 3___________________. institute a firm foundation break open brick walls A summary of Roots & Shoots The purpose of Roots and Shoots is to educate young people who suffer from 4__________. Those people dont think their actions such as 5___________________ while brushing their teeth can have negative effects on the environment. In fact, these actions are very 6________. just-me-ism leaving the tap running harmful A summary of Roots & Shoots Therefore, Roots & Shoots hopes to 7________ millions of young people in building a secure future so that we can 8__________ with nature. Dr. Jane Goodall believes every 9_________ matters. What we need to do is 10__________ and act together to make the world a better place. involve live in peace individual take action Study these sentences 1. Dr. Jane Goodall is the worlds best-known expert on wild chimpanzees. attributive 定语 Study these sentences 2. Roots & Shoots is an institute established in the early 1990s by Dr. Jane Goodall. attributive 定语 Study these sentences 3. Dont leave the tap running while you brush your teeth. object complement 宾语补 足语 Focus on language Verb-ing & Verb-ed Forms Verb-ing Form The crying child had a cut on his knee. attributive 定语 Verb-ing Form As I walked past the room, I heard two people arguing. object complement 宾语补 足语 Verb-ing Form Those students came into the room, singing and laughing. adverbial 状语 Verb-ing Form Functions: attributive (定语) object complement(宾语补足语) adverbial(状语) Verb-ed Form 1. Do you want to be a part of a community for a shared future? attributive 定语 Verb-ed Form 2. When he entered the room, he found the window broken. object complement 宾语补 足语 Verb-ed Form 3. Built in 1760, the house is over 200 years old. adverbial 状语 Verb-ed Form Functions: attributive (定语) object complement(宾语补足语) adverbial(状语) Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsattributive 定语 attributive 定语 The crying child had a cut on his knee. 与被修饰词之间是主动关系 V-ing 与被修饰词之间是被动关系V-ed Do you want to be a part of a community for a shared future? Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsattributive 定语 Last night, there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV. Have you read the novel written by Lu Xun? 有时,V-ing & V-ed 形式作定语可以代替定语从句。 Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsattributive 定语 Have you met the boss who manages the company? Have you met the boss managing the company? Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsattributive 定语 attributive 定语 与被修饰词之间是主动关系V-ing 与被修饰词之间是被动关系 V-ed 有时,V-ing & V-ed 形式作定语可以代替定语从句。 Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsobject complement (宾语补足语) As I walked past the room, I heard two people arguing. WhenWhen he entered the room, he he entered the room, he found the window broken. the window broken. object complement 宾语补 足语 与宾语之间是主动关系V-ing 与宾语之间是被动关系V-ed Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsobject complement (宾语补足语) object complement 宾语补 足语 与宾语之间是主动关系V-ing 与宾语之间是被动关系V-ed V-ing & V-ed 形式作宾语补足语通常放在see, watch, hear, find 等感官动词和have, get, make等使役动词之后作宾语补足语。 V-ing & V-ed 形式作宾语补足语还可以放在leave后,意为“使 处于某种状态”。 Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsadverbial 状语 Those students came into the room, singing and laughing. Built in 1760, the house is over 200 years old. adverbial 状语 与逻辑主语之间是主动关系 与逻辑主语之间是被动关系 V-ing V-ed Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsadverbial 状语 Arriving at the school, the children found it was closed. Seen from this point, the problem is hard to solve. Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsadverbial 状语 If you play all day, you will waste your valuable time. Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsadverbial 状语 有时,状语从句可以替换成V-ing & V-ed 形式作状语。 adverbial 状语 与逻辑主语之间是主动关系V-ing 与逻辑主语之间是被动关系V-ed Verb-ing & Verb-ed Formsadverbial 状语 True or False Carrying a large and heavy box, her foot tripped on a step and fell. Carrying a large and heavy box, she tripped on a step and fell. V-ing & V-ed 形式做状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致。 A summary of Verb-ing & Verb-ed Forms attributive 定语 object complement 宾语补 足语 adverbial 状语 与被修饰词之间是主动关系时用V-ing 与被修饰词之间是被动关系时用V-ed 有时可以 代替定从 与宾语之间是主动关系时用V-ing 与宾语之间是被动关系时用V-ed 有时可以 代替状从 与逻辑主语之间是主动关系时用V-ing 与逻辑主语之间是被动关系时用V-ed see, hear, have, find, leave Grammar practice Task 1 Finish Exercise 9 on Page 33. Match the V-ing & V-ed with their functions (a-c). 1. one flowering plant 2. leave one little tap running 3. the worlds best-known expert 4. Inspired by her example, he began to work harder. a. attributive b. adverbial c. object complement Grammar practice Finish Exercise 9 on Page 33. Match the V-ing & V-ed with their functions (a-c). a. attributive b. adverbial c. object complement 1. one flowering plant 3. the worlds best-known expert 4. Inspired by her example, he began to work harder. 2. leave one little tap running Grammar practice Task 2 Choose the correct option of the V-ing and V-ed forms. 1. The police are examining the evidence collecting / collected during the investigation. 2. Some kids discovered the stolen money hiding / hidden in a garden shed. 3. The police are busy working on this motorway, fining / fined people for speeding. 4. Ive often met people collecting / collected shells on the beach. Grammar practice Grammar practice 5. The escaped prisoner hiding / hidden in a forest near Nottingham was seen yesterday in a village shop. 6. Fining / Fined for speeding, some drivers risk losing their licences. More practice Task 3 Finish Exercise 10 on Page 33. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. What is the function of each verb form? More practice Last Tuesday, a Roots & Shoots project was set up in my community. As I walked down No. 1 Street, I saw volunteers 1__________ (encourage) people to join in. encouraging More practice 2__________ (inspire) by the message of the project, many people felt that we should act now, as we have seen an 3__________ (increase) number of highly 4__________ (pollute) days this year. Inspired increasingpolluted More practice While recently, many have become more concerned about environmental protection, there are still some who havent, 5__________ (think) that someone else will deal with the problem. thinking More practice However, if everybody had that attitude, we would never see any environmental problems 6__________ (solve) in our society. We should remember its not just “me”! solved Express yourself Imagine you are a volunteer of Roots & Shoots. Use what you have learnt to persuade one of the following people. Im just a student. When I become a powerful person I can do more. I know its important, but Im too busy and dont have time for small things like this. Im doing what I can, but I dont know how to make my friends do the same. Im just a student. When I become a powerful person I can do more. Use what we learnt in this lesson to persuade her. Homework Write down your persuasion using the ideas and examples from this lesson, and try using the V-ing & V-ed forms when necessary.Unit 8 Green Living(3)-Grammar 学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 在本课结束时, 学生能够: 1.填写出关于珍古道尔教授及其创立的“根与芽”环保组织内容的总结性文 段。 2.正确理解并使用动词的-ing 形式和-ed 形式完成各项任务。 【课上学习任务】 1. Finish Exercises 8 on Page 32. 2. Finish Exercise 9 on Page 33. 3. Finish Exercise 4 on Page 84. 4. Finish Exercise 10 on Page 33. 【课后作业】 Finish Exercise 11 on Page 33. Write down your persuasion using the ideas and examples from this lesson, and try using the V-ing & V-ed forms when necessary. 【课后作业参考答案】 Im afraid I dont agree with you. Being a student, we can also do various things to make the world a better place to live in, such as not leaving the tap running while we brush our teeth, not leaving a light on when we go out, or picking up litter whenever possible. Inspired by the message of Roots & Shoots, many young people just like us have taken action to help to build a secure future. One cheered-up person, one happy dog, one flowering plant and you. Thats what Roots & Shoots is all about. The roots and shoots are you and me, our friends and young people all around the world. Please keep it in mind that every individual matters. If we work together, we will see more environmental problems solved in our society. You get to choose: Do you want to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment? Do you want to make Root & Shoots rooted in everyones heart? Do you want to be a part of a community for a shared future? You cant be absent.
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