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1、高中英语北师大版(2019)必修全三册课文目录U 1 Lesson 1 Im a . digital native!2U 1 Lesson 1 Im a . go-getter!3U 1 Lesson 3 Your Life Is What You Make It4U 2 Lesson 1 The Underdog Part 16U 2 Lesson 1 The Underdog Part 27U 2 Lesson 3 Running and Fitness8U 2 Lesson 3 Three Principles of Running9U 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festiva

2、l10U 3 Lesson 3 Memories of Christmas12U 4 Lesson 3 The Internet Harms Friendships16U 4 Lesson 3 The Internet Helps Friendships17U 5 Lesson 1 A Sea Story18U 5 Lesson 3 Race to The Pole20U 6 Lesson 1 A Medical Pioneer21U 6 Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman23U 7 Lesson 1 Masterpieces26U 7 Lesson

3、3 A Musical Genius28U 8 Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots28U 8 Lesson 3 “White Bikes” on the Road32U 9 Lesson 1 Active Learning34U 9 Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory36U 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles Im a . digital native!The online world is a big part of my life. Im a “digital native”Ive been using the computer

4、since I was a kid. I do a wide range of things online. Besides doing all my school work, I chat with my friends, watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles; I also shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware and other necessities. Its so convenient to be

5、able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. I also play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room!My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict”. They think Im playing computer games all the t

6、ime and I chat too much with online friends. According to them, there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. Maybe shes right. Its important to meet friends in person from time to time, not

7、just on social media. Actually, I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because real life can be just as interesting.U 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles Im a . go-getter!Senior secondary school is a new start. Studying is definitely a big part of my life. I tend to set a

8、 goal for every subject at the beginning of each term. My aim is to do well in every subject this term. Biology is my favourite subject, and my target is to prepare myself for my degree in biology at university. I am always attentive in all classes and think actively, so that I can have more free ti

9、me to do other things that Im interested in after school.I like reading books of all kinds. I have a top 10 reading list and I try to keep it updated. Meanwhile, Im an active member of my schools long-distance running team and volunteering club. It always makes me excited to work hard and achieve a

10、team goal together.To achieve all I want to, I must use my time well. At school, I do my homework when I have spare time. After school, I try to use any possible time to revise the things I have learnt during the day. For example, it usually takes me 20 minutes to get home by bus. I often use the ti

11、me to review English words. As the popular saying goes, every minute counts!” Set a goal and get ahead!U 1 Lesson 3 Your Life Is What You Make It After a long day, Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room, feeling tired. He had started working at seven in the morning and it was eight in the eve

12、ning now. He had to prepare his lessons for the following day. This is a typical day for Zhang Tian. Coming to Guizhou Province to teach has been quite an experience for him.Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teachers certificate last year. His parents, like most, hope he would go to a b

13、ig city to find a teaching job. Likewise, his friends all left his hometown for work in Shanghai or Beijing. Zhang Tian felt differently, however. He wanted to start a new lifestyle. He had met wonderful teachers from small villages during his early school years and he was inspired by them to go and

14、 teach where he was needed the most. For that reason he applied for and became a volunteer teacher in a village school. Bringing with him lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Zhang Tian travelled to the village with an eager heart. He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living

15、independently and teaching in a village.However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tians hopes. The school was much smaller than he had expected, with only three classrooms. In front of the classrooms, there was a playground which got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy days. Living in the village

16、 was also more challenging than he had thought. The power and water supplies were unstable, so he could only shower every three or four days, and he had to learn how to cook. The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave up on the idea and found ways to deal with the chal

17、lenges.The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the only English teacher. The other two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese. To make school life healthier and livelier for his students, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the schoolmusic, art and PE. It is not surpr

18、ising that PE is the kids favourite subject! Their school lives are now more attractive and interesting, and they enjoy playing football in the playground, as well as singing songs theyve learnt. The school is now full of laughter and music. Zhang Tian is planning to organise the first-ever school c

19、oncert! Everyone is very excited.Zhang Tians first year is almost over. It has been a tough year, but he has enjoyed working with the children. What made him feel satisfied was that his students were able to read, speak and write in English, and they became more confident in learning. Besides teachi

20、ng, Zhang Tian also brought changes to the village. He contacted charity organisations about rebuilding the playground and setting up a library, and helped the villagers sell local products online. The contribution he made to the village was great, so he became very popular among the villagers and t

21、hey treated him as one of them. The village is like his second home now. Although he had only intended to stay for one year, he now feels ready to stay for another year. He feels so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life, even though it may not be what others expecte

22、d of him.U 2 Lesson 1 The Underdog Part 1Paul and I were on our school basketball team, The Lions. We loved basketball and were both huge fans of the NBA. When we werent playing on the court which was next to our building, we were watching a game on TV. My favourite player was LeBron James. Pauls fa

23、vourite player was Tyrone Bogues, a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets, although we actually agree that they are both champions.Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall, which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. Guess what? Paul was only 1.6 metres tall, too! Paul knew that being shorter than

24、 other players meant that he had to practise more. During all those hours of doing jump shots on his own, he used Bogues as his inspiration. Paul once said, “If Bogues could make it, why not me?”Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to try out many times just for making the team. He was still usually

25、on the bench, being just a replacement, which was really tough on him. Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team. However, Paul didnt get a chance.This week, The Lions were playing our main competitors, The Bears, a team w

26、hose record this season had been perfect. They hadnt lost a single game. It would be a tough one. Paul didnt know hed soon get the chance that hed been waiting for.U 2 Lesson 1 The Underdog Part 2Suddenly, a player and I crashed into each other. Pain raced through my body. My knee hurt badly. The te

27、am gathered around, looking worried. The last quarter was about to begin, and my team was behind by 10 points.“I dont think I can play anymore, coach,” I said quietly as the doctor put an ice pack on my knee.“No way,” the coach replied sharply. “Weve got no more players!”“What about Paul?” someone s

28、uggested.“Paul?” said the coach. “He cant play!”“Give him a shot, coach!” I said. “What have we got to lose?”“Thats right,” another player said. “Were losing anyway. Let Paul play!”“Let me try, coach! I wont let you down!” Paul said.“OK, OK!” the coach finally agreed. “Dont let us down, Paul. Its yo

29、ur time to shine.”Paul jumped up and rushed onto the court. And clearly, all the extra hours that hed spent practising alone paid off. The other team just couldnt keep up with his energy and speed. He made shot after shot, and the crowd couldnt stop clapping and cheering.When the game ended, our tea

30、m had won by two points.“Well,” said the coach as he hit Paul on the shoulder, “youve just earned your place on the team, big guy!”U 2 Lesson 3 Running and FitnessHi Jeremy,Thanks for your question. As people often say, any exercise is better than none, but long-distance running in particular has a

31、lot of benefits.It is a great sport for beginnersyou do not need a gym membership or any special equipment. Just a pair of good running shoes will do. Then, keep it up. There is also no better way to know yourself and to see what you are capable of.You are also somebody who worries about getting sic

32、k. Running will help you get fit and prevent diseases. It will give you good upper and lower body strength. Like any exercise, running increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. It makes your heart stronger and allows more blood to flow around your body. It also strengthens your immune sy

33、stem and reduces the risk of serious health problems, as well as more common illnesses like colds. Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go for a run to cheer themselves up. Even a thirty-minute run will provide relief from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress.If you are new t

34、o running, here is some advice for youit is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running, so you do not hurt yourself. A warm-up gets your blood flowing and prepares your body before you exercise. After a long run, you should jog slowly for ten minutes, then walk for five min

35、utes. Such kind of warm-down relaxes your body after exercise.For more guidelines on running, click here. I hope this will help!Best Regards,Dr. MartinU 2 Lesson 3 Three Principles of RunningDo the right amount.Draw up a training plan that is right for you. There are no shortcutsno one can become a

36、long-distance runner overnight! Set achievable goals. For example, jogging for only twenty minutes to start with. Make sure you are running the right amount that your heart, muscles and bones can take without getting hurt.Keep running.Running trains your mind as well as your body. There will be time

37、s when you want to give up. But hang in there and tell yourself that it will get easier with time. Nothing gives one more satisfaction than realising that all the sweat and hard work were worth it in the end.Dont overdo it.Do not forget to take breaks. Training too much can be bad for your health, s

38、o make sure you do not overdo it.U 3 Lesson 1 Spring FestivalTom Jenkinsa 16-year-old exchange student living in NanjingIt was my first time spending Spring Festival in China with my host family. Spring Festival is highly valued by every Chinese family. Preparations began a week before the festival.

39、 First, the house was cleaned from top to bottom. My host mother Mrs Chen said this was to sweep away the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.Next, the Chinese character Fu was attached upside down to our front door. It is believed that when Fu is put upside down, happiness arrives.

40、 The character looked really cool.The greatest excitement began the night before Spring Festival. Fireworks were being let off across the city, suddenly lighting up the night sky. Children were covering their ears but with an expectant look on their faces. Mrs Chen said that it was to scare away the

41、 monster Nian. The fireworks were a lot of fun! We then sat together to enjoy a big dinner,wishing everyone a happy new year.Xu Ganga 28-year-old computer engineer working in ShanghaiI usually start planning my trip home to Shanxi weeks before Spring Festival, as train tickets or flights have to be

42、booked as early as possible. I take great care in choosing gifts for my parents. This year, I bought a bottle of wine for my father and a beautiful sweater for my mother.Every year, the moment I get on the train, I am surrounded by Shanxi accentsI know that I am heading home to my family. I dont get

43、 to travel back to Shanxi very often, so when I get home, my parents will fill me in on whats been happeningwho has got married or had children or gone away to university. Its great to hear what everyones been up to.We usually have hotpotits so tasty! However, what we eat isnt the most important thi

44、ng. Whats important is who we eat it with. Its a wonderful thing to be back together with my family and talk of old times. When I was a kid, Spring Festival was all about firecrackers, sweets and decorations. As I get older, coming home and being with my entire family is the most important part of i

45、t.Li Yana 70-year-old grandmother from HeilongjiangSpring Festival is family time for us. My husband and I are both retired. We do not see our children and grandchildren very often and we miss them a lot. Weeks before Spring Festival, we start getting ready for their homecoming. Things start to get

46、really busy. We think about what the children would like to eat, what we need to buy and what dishes need to be prepared.Our house buzzes with activities when everyone comes home. Our grandchildren run around shouting and playing, and the adults gather around the table to talk about the past year. G

47、reat fun is also enjoyed in the kitchen as jiaozi are being made. We always have jiaozi during this time, as they mean something special on this occasionthey are a sign of our wishes for health and happiness in the coming year. To me, this is Spring Festivalthe joy of a family gathering.Throughout h

48、istory, some of the original customs have changed, but the spirit of the festivalthe spirit of familyhas largely been kept. Most of the important Spring Festival traditions are still being practised by people across the country.U 3 Lesson 3 Memories of ChristmasI still remember the last Christmas Granny spent with us. It began in the middle of November on a cold, windy day. I remember the wind because Grannys grey hair was a mess when she arrived. That was also the day Granny moved in. Somehow, at the time, I didnt kno


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