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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题Unit 9 Learning (9) - Reading Club 1 学科英语学段: 必修年级高一 教材书名:英语必修第三册 出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期: 2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标: 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 总结出国留学的优缺点,并根据自己的实际情况做出合理的选择 2. 准确说出“文化冲击”的内涵以及 3 个不同的阶段,明白这是一种正常现象 3. 总结中外文化的主要差异以及出国留学前的准备事项,从而更好地适应国外的生活 教学重点: 1. 总结出国留学的优缺点,并根据自己的实际情况做出合理的选择 2. 总结中外文化的主要差异以及出国留学前的准备事项,从而更好地适应国外的生活 教学难点: 有些同学的课外知识比较少,在理解文化差异方便会费力一些 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 1. 通过 4 个问题, 引入主题, 并且引发 学生的兴 趣 Step 1 1. Have you ever thought about studying abroad? And why? 2. Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of going abroad: 3. Which country do you want to study in? And Why? 4. What problems or difficulties will you meet when you study in foreign countries? 通过 4 个问题引入本 节课主题出国留 学,让学生先有自己 的一个思考过程,同 时激发他们的兴趣 2. 细读文 本,并完 成学习任 务 Step 2 1. What problems did they(Liu Bao, Li Ni and Chen Xin) meet in foreign countries? 2. Please draw a brief mind map to show the topic mentioned in each passage. 3. Lets read the three passages again and fill in the blanks. 4. What are the three phases of culture shock? 5. Lets read the passage again and find out adjectives to describe the features of each phase. 6. Which phase does Li Ni experience? 通过表格和思维导图 的方式,帮助学生细 读文本,并且把我篇 章结构;阅读课外资 料:文化冲击的 3 个 阶段,并回答问题, 判断本课中的留学生 所处的阶段,学以致 用 3.读后思 考,结合 自身实践, 谈谈中西 方的文化 差异以及 如何解决 文化冲击 step 3 1. How do you deal with the culture shock? 2. Do you know other cultural differences between China and western countries? Can you give us some examples? 通过结合自身实际, 谈谈对中西文化差异 的理解,让学生把自 身实践和课内所学相 结合,真正地学以致 用 4. 应用实 践,总结 出国前的 准备事项 以及原因 Step 4 1. What should you do before studying abroad? 2. Why should we do all these things before studying abroad? 把本课所学,应用到 实际生活中,增加学 生的生活技能,体现 学科素养 5. 课后作 业 Your friend Jack is coming to China from America. Please write down a list of Dos and Donts for him in China to help him better adapt to Chinese life. 给外国留学生提建议, 介绍中文文化传统, 进一步体会文化差异必修三 Unit 9 Learning (9) 高一年级 英语 Reading Club 1 Studying Abroad Lead in Have you ever thought about studying abroad? And why? Possible answer: Yes, I would like to study abroad. Firstly, I can brush up on my language skills.There, I can make friends with native speakers. Secondly, studying abroad gives me a chance to explore a new culture. It helps me to learn more about different traditions and customs. Possible answer: Well,Idontlikestudyingabroad.Firstly,Ithinkstudying inaforeigncountrywillbringmemoredifficultiesinboth lifeandstudy.Themostseriousproblemisthelanguage barrier.Besides,sincecostsandexpenditurearemuch higherthanthoseinournativecountry,mostoverseas studentshavetoworkforaliving,andwillfindit impossibleforthemtopayallattentiontostudying. advantages: improveoneslanguageskills developself-independence broadenoneshorizons enjoyagoodacademicenvironment sharpenonesedge haveabrighterfuture disadvantages: highcosts languagebarrier homesickness safetyproblems eatinghabits lackofself-control Whichcountrydoyouwanttostudyin?And Why? the United States the United Kingdom France Italy GermanyBrazil CanadaNew ZealandAustralia Possible answer: If I have a chance to study abroad, I will choose the UK. There are many prestigious universities in the UK, such as the University of Cambridge, the Universityof Oxfordandsoon.Icanimprovemyacademic performancethere.Besides,Iminterestedinthetourist attractionsintheUK,likeBigBen,theLondonEyeand TowerBridge. respectedandadmiredasveryimportantor ofveryhighquality What problems or difficulties will you meet when you study in foreign countries? Possible answer: Well, maybe I am not used to the food there. Chinese people prefer cooked food while Americans are fond of uncooked food which I dont like. Possible answer: As far as I am concerned, making friends is not very easy in western countries because we share different cultures and values. So it is difficult to have smooth conversations as we are not familiar with each others cultures. Thevaluesofapersonorgrouparethe moral principles and beliefs that they thinkareimportant. Now, lets read three passages about Chinese students studying abroad and find out what problems they met there. “Ivefounditdifficulttomakefriendshere.The Australianstudentsseemfriendly,buttheyonly talkaboutthingswhichIfindboring,likefootball andsurfing.IliketotalkaboutC-pop,butIhavent foundanyonelocal whosharesthatinterest. Actually,IvenoticedthatalotofChinesestudents seemtoonlyspendtimewiththeirChinese friends.” Liu Bao “IlikemanythingsaboutAmericanculture, butI dontlikeAmericanfood.Atfirst,Ihadcornflakes forbreakfast,ahamburgerforlunch,andpizzafor dinner.Thefoodtastedgood,butafteracoupleof days,Ifeltsick.NowIcookathomeorhave dinnerinalocalChineserestaurant.” Li Ni “TheteachershereintheUKaregreat.Mymaths teachersaysImhisbeststudentandImlearning alot.ButsomesubjectsareverydifficultbecauseI havetoreadandwriteinEnglish.Therearealsoa lotofdiscussionsanddebatesinclass,andour teachersexpect ustoaskquestionsaboutwhat werelearning.MyspokenEnglishisimproving, butIstillfeelquiteshysometimes.” Chen Xin What problems did they meet in foreigncountries? friendship food language Now, lets draw a brief mind map to show the topic mentioned in each passage. Chinese students studying abroad friendship food language Next,letsreadthethreepassagesagainand fillintheblanks. studentaspectdetails LiuBao in Australia friendship Itis_______tomakefriendshere becausetheAustralianstudentslike totalkabout________and_____ whileIprefer_______. difficult footballsurfing C-pop friendship The Australian students football surfing Liu Bao C-pop Chinese students studying abroad What do you like talking about with your friends in spare time? reading TV series movies studentaspectdetails LiNi inAmerica food Atfirst,Ihad_________for breakfast,___________forlunch, and_______fordinner.NowI ______athomeoreatina ________Chineserestaurant. cornflakes a hamburger pizza cook local Why does Li Ni cook at home or have dinner in a local Chinese restaurant? Because after a couple of days, Li Ni felt sick of American food. food American food cornflakes hamburgers Li Ni cook Chinese students studying abroad pizza restaurant studentaspectdetails ChenXin intheUK language Somesubjectsaredifficultbecause Ihavetoreadorwritein________. My_______Englishisimproving butIstillfeel_______totakepart in________and_______inclass. English spoken shy discussionsdebates language British students native speakers confident Chen Xin shy Chinese students studying abroad a foreigner Culture shock Cultureshock wasintroducedforthefirsttimein1958to describetheanxietyproducedwhenapersonmovestoa completelynewenvironment. Thistermexpressesthelackofdirection,thefeelingofnot knowingwhattodoorhowtodothingsinanew environment,andnotknowingwhatisproperorimproper. thestateoffeelingnervousorworried Culture shock Thefeelingofcultureshockgenerallysetsinafterthefirst fewweeksaftercomingtoanewplace. Wecandescribe cultureshockasthephysicalandemotionaldiscomfort whencomingtoliveinanothercountryoraplacedifferent fromyour hometown. appearuncomfortable feelings Now, we will read three more passages about foreign students culture shock in China. While your are reading, please fill in the table. “Ispentafewmonthsstudyingat alanguagecollegein Beijing.IwassurprisedbyhowmanypeopleImetin BeijingwhocouldspeakEnglish.Ireallywantedto practisespeakingPutonghua wheneverIhadachance, butthepeopleImetwereoftenmoreinterestedin practisingtheirEnglishthaninhelpingmepractisemy Chinese!” Martin, the UK studentaspectdetails Martin fromtheUK _______ I was ________ that so many people in Beijing could speak English. I wanted to practise __________but the people I met just wanted to talk with me in English. language surprised putonghua “AftermyvisittoaChinesefriendsfamily,myfriends grandfatherwalkedmetothebusstation.Ikepttellinghim thatIknewthewaymyself,but heinsistedontakingme there.Thatwasverykindofhim.Idontthinkthiswould happeninmanyothercultures.” Tom, the US studentaspectdetails Tom fromtheUS Myfriendsgrandfather__________ ________________________, althoughIknewtheway.Idontthink thiswouldhappeninmanyother cultures. insistedon hospitality walking me to the bus station “OnthefirstnightofmystudytourinChina,ourclasswent toabigseafoodrestaurant fordinner. Everyoneshared thefood,whichwasnice,butImusedtoorderingmyown meal.Also,attheendofthedinner,everyonewantedto paythebill!Inmycountry,weusuallysplitthebill and everyonepaystheirownshare.” Tina, New Zealand studentaspectdetails Tina from NewZealand ______ ______ InChina,my Chineseclassmates _____________butI am usedto ordering myownmeal.Andeveryone wantedtopaythebillinChinawhilein NewZealandwe__________andpay ourown______. shared the food split the bill share paying thebill Do you split the bill with your friends when you eat out? Well, not really. It seems embarrassing to split the bill in China. So mostly, one of us pays the bill for others and then next time, another person will pay it. We take turns to pay the bill. culture shock of foreign students language hospitality paying the bill language Thepeople Martinmet speaking English Martin culture shock of foreign students surprised putonghua hospitality thegrandfather ofTomsfriend walkinghim tothebusstation Tom culture shock of foreign students knowing theway paying thebill Tinas classmates sharedthe food Tina culture shock of foreign students splitthe bill everyonewantedto paythebill payour ownshare orderingher ownfood Culture shock Therearethreetypicalphasesofcultureshock.The “Honeymoon”PhaseDuringthisperiod,thedifferences betweentheoldandnewcultureareseeninaromantic light,assomethingwonderfulandnew.Forexample,in movingtoanewcountry,anindividualmightinitiallylove thenewfoods,thepaceofthelife,thepeopleshabits,the buildingsandsoon. Culture shock The“Everythingisawful”phaseAfterafewdays,afew weeks,orafewmonths,dependingontheindividual,minor differencesbetweentheoldandnewculturebegintoadd uptobecometiresomeandannoying.Onemaylongfor foodthewayitisprepared“backhome”,mayfindthepace oflifetoofastorslow,mayfindthepeopleshabits annoying,etc.Thismaylead to depression orintense homesickness. Culture shock TheEverythingisOKphaseAgain,afterafewdays, weeksormonths,onegrowsaccustomedtothenew culturesdifferencesanddevelopsroutines.Atthispoint, anindividualnolongerreactstothenewculturepositively ornegatively,becauseitnolongerfeelslikeanewculture becauseheorshefeelsmoreintegratedintothenew society.Anindividualusuallybecomesconcernedwith basiclivingagain,astheywereintheiroriginalculture. Whatarethethreephases? the“Honeymoon”Phase the“Everythingisawful”phase theEverythingisOKphase Letsreadthepassageagainandfindoutadjectivesto describethefeaturesofeachphase. Culture shock Therearethreetypicalphasesofcultureshock.The “Honeymoon”PhaseDuringthisperiod,thedifferences betweentheoldandnewcultureareseeninaromantic light,assomethingwonderfulandnew.Forexample,in movingtoanewcountry,anindividualmightinitiallylove thenewfoods,thepaceofthelife,thepeopleshabits,the buildingsandsoon. Culture shock The“Everythingisawful”phaseAfterafewdays,afew weeks,orafewmonths,dependingontheindividual,minor differencesbetweentheoldandnewculturebegintoadd uptobecometiresomeandannoying.Onemaylongfor foodthewayitisprepared“backhome”,mayfindthepace oflifetoofastorslow,mayfindthepeopleshabits annoying,etc.Thismayleadtodepression orintensehomesickness. Culture shock TheEverythingisOKphaseAgain,afterafewdays, weeksormonths,onegrowsaccustomedtothenew culturesdifferencesanddevelopsroutines.Atthispoint, anindividualnolongerreactstothenewculturepositively ornegatively,becauseitnolongerfeelslikeanewculture becauseheorshefeelsmoreintegratedintothenew society.Anindividualusuallybecomesconcernedwith basiclivingagain,astheywereintheiroriginalculture. WhichphasedoesLiNiexperience? “IlikemanythingsaboutAmericanculture, butI dontlikeAmericanfood.Atfirst,Ihadcornflakes forbreakfast,ahamburgerforlunch,andpizzafor dinner.Thefoodtastedgood,butafteracoupleof days,Ifeltsick.NowIcookathomeorhave dinnerinalocalChineserestaurant.” Li Ni Howtodealwiththecultureshock? Culture shockispartofthenormalprocessof adjustment.Itwilltakeabitoftimetofeelcomfortable inthisnewplace. Keepintouchwithhomethroughinternational magazines,newspapersandTV,Internet,etc. Callhomeregularlytotalktofriendsandfamily. Howtodealwiththecultureshock? Decoratetheroomwithfamiliarthingswithpersonal meaning,likephotosfromhome. Regularexercise,sleepingandeatingwellalwayshelp. Doyouknowotherculturaldifferences betweenChinaandwesterncountries? Canyougiveussomeexamples? Possible answer: For me, the biggest difference is tipping. In China, people seldom give tips while in America they often tip generously. If you dont give tips, you are considered impolite. Possible answer: In my opinion, one of the cultural differences is driving. In China, people drive on the right side of the road while in the UK they often on the left. What should you do before studying abroad? Search information on the Internet about local traditions and customs. Pay attention to some taboos. Know more about their daily habits. culturalorreligiouscustomthatdoes notallowpeopletodo,useortalkabout aparticularthing Why should we do all these things before studying abroad? Because we should respect cultural differences between China and western countries. Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to foreign life better. WheninRome,doastheRomansdo. Homework YourfriendJackiscomingtoChinafromAmerica. PleasewritedownalistofDosandDontsforhimin ChinatohelphimbetteradapttoChineselife.UnitUnit 9 9 LearningLearning (9)(9) - ReadingReading ClubClub 11 学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 总结出国留学的优缺点,并根据自己的实际情况做出合理的选择 2. 准确说出“文化冲击”的内涵以及 3 个不同的阶段,明白这是一种正常现象 3. 总结中外文化的主要差异以及出国留学前的准备事项,从而更好地适应国外的生活 【课上学习任务】 I. Warm-up 1. Have you ever thought about studying abroad? And why? 2. Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of going abroad: 3. Which country do you want to study in? And Why? 4. What problems or difficulties will you meet when you study in foreign countries? II. While-reading 1. What problems did they(Liu Bao, Li Ni and Chen Xin) meet in foreign countries? 2. Please draw a brief mind map to show the topic mentioned in each passage. 3. Lets read the three passages again and fill in the blanks. studentaspectdetails Liu Bao in Australia friendshipIt is _______ to make friends here because the Australian students like to talk about ________ and _____ while I prefer _______. What do you like talking about with your friends in spare time? studentaspectdetails Li Ni in America foodAt first, I had _________ for breakfast, ___________ for lunch, and _______ for dinner. Now I ______ at home or eat in a ________ Chinese restaurant. Why does Li Ni cook at home or have dinner in a local Chinese restaurant? studentaspectdetails Chen Xin in the UK language Some subjects are difficult because I have to read or write in ________. My _______ English is improving but I still feel _______ to take part in ________ and _______ in class. 4. Now, we will read three more passages about foreign students culture shock in Chi