2021新版北师大版必修第三册英语 Unit 9 Learning (10) ppt课件(含教案+学习任务单).zip

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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 9 Learning (10) - Vocabulary (2) 学科英语学段: 必修年级高一 教材书名:英语必修第三册 出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期: 2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标: 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 提取与单元话题“学习”相关的词块; 2. 通过词性和话题对所学词块进行分类整理; 3. 运用所学与话题相关的词块进行阅读练习。 教学重点: 1 根据意思在文章中准确找到可用词块; 2 根据词性和话题对词块进行归纳、总结。 教学难点: 1.对词块进行分类整理后如何积极记忆所学词块; 2.对已掌握词块如何在不同语言情境中灵活运用。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 1. 激活关 于“词块” 的相关话 题内容。 Step 1 1. Think about and answer the two questions. (1) Do you still remember the advice which the expert gave on how to learn English words? (2) What does “chunks” mean? 2. Read the first part of a summary and explain what a chunk is and how to find it. 通过复习,让学生回 忆起学习英文单词的 方法,并引出本课讲 授内容:在词块中学 习单词。 2.分类进 行总结关 于“主动 学习”和 “记忆训 练”的词 块。 Step 2 1. Read summary and find out some useful chunks. 2. Summarize the approaches to classifying chunks according to the part-of-speech and topics. 3. Write down some chunks about how to train our memory according to what we have learnt. 通过对文本的回顾, 让学生掌握如何按词 性和话题对词块进行 分类;同时按话题对 相关词块进行复习和 总结。 3.阅读关 于“终身 学习”的 短文,补 充有关单 元话题内 容,并复 习相关词 块。 Step 3 Read and Think 1. Read the text and complete the table with the correct information. 2. Use the proper chunks to describe the information. 3. Underline useful chunks about life-long learning in the text. 4. What do you think of Grandpa Chens idea of learning? 通过对文章信息的提 取和回顾,让学生知 道终身学习的重要性; 同时引导学生反思, 并结合自身的实际情 况,对自己的学习进 行积极思考和规划; 自己划分文章中可用 词块。 4.回顾本 节课所学 相关知识 和技能。 Step 4 1. Summary. 强化学生做作业时可 能用到的知识与技能。 5家庭作 业 Underline useful chunks of Reading Club 2 by using the approaches we have learnt. 夯实关于运用词块学 习词汇的方法,让学 生根据意思在文章中 准确找到可用词块。必修三 Unit 9 Learning (10) 高一年级 英语 Vocabulary (2) Learning Words in Chunks Revision (I) How to learn English words to learn words in context and in chunks Revision (I) How to learn English words to learn words in context and in chunks Chunks are groups of words that can be found together in language. They are words that always go together. Word Study A summary of how to become active learners There are many things we can do to become better learners. We all have two voices. Our inner voice tells us personal opinions and our outer voice deals with others opinions and things we have heard. Word Study A summary of how to become active learners There are many things we can do to become better learners. We all have two voices. Our inner voice tells us personal opinions and our outer voice deals with others opinions and things we have heard. almost complete meaning Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary If we listen to our inner voice too much, it can get in the way of learning. If your inner voice is difficult to control, you can argue with it. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary If we listen to our inner voice too much, it can get in the way of learning. If your inner voice is difficult to control, you can argue with it. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary One of the best ways to promote active learning is to ask questions. This helps you achieve a higher level of understanding a topic. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary One of the best ways to promote active learning is to ask questions. This helps you achieve a higher level of understanding a topic. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary In short, we should never stop being curious. Active learners also attempt to question the world around them and understand the truth at the heart of each idea. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary In short, we should never stop being curious. Active learners also attempt to question the world around them and understand the truth at the heart of each idea. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary Finally, as active learners, we should never form opinions about people based on first impressions. Word Study Find out the chunks in the summary Finally, as active learners, we should never form opinions about people based on first impressions. Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks noun chunks adjective chunks prepositional chunks Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks to deal with others opinion / never to form opinions noun chunks adjective chunks prepositional chunks Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks to deal with others opinion / never to form opinions noun chunks the best way to promote adjective chunks prepositional chunks Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks to deal with others opinion / never to form opinions noun chunks the best way to promote adjective chunks (be) based on prepositional chunks Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks to deal with others opinion / never to form opinions noun chunks the best way to promote adjective chunks (be) based on prepositional chunks at the heart of almost complete meaning Word Study How to find out useful chunks verb chunks to deal with others opinion / never to form opinions noun chunks the best ways to promote adjective chunks (be) based on first impressions prepositional chunks at the heart of each idea Word Study Verb chunks about learning to deal with others opinions to argue with your inner voice to question the world around you to attempt to find the truth Word Study Verb chunks about learning to deal with others opinions to argue with your inner voice process to question the world around you to attempt to find the truth Word Study Verb chunks about learning to understand the truth at the heart of each idea to listen to a different point of view never to form opinions based on first impressions never to stop being curious about the world Word Study Verb chunks about learning to understand the truth at the heart of each idea to listen to a different point of view attitude never to form opinions based on first impressions never to stop being curious about the world Word Study Verb chunks about learning to brush up on language points to reflect on what you have learnt to review to think deeply about sth. Word Study Verb chunks about learning to brush up on language points to reflect on what you have learnt to review the material periodically to achieve a higher level of knowledge Word Study Verb chunks about learning to brush up on language points to reflect on what you have learnt revision to review the material periodically to achieve a higher level of knowledge Chunks about learning verb chunks noun chunks adjective chucks prepositional chunks Chunks about learning process attitude revision A Summary There are many things we can do to become active learners. One of the best ways to is to ask questions. The other is to find the truth at the heart of each idea. In a word, we should never stop the world around us and never form opinions first impressions. promote active learning attempt to being curious about based on Revision (II) Do you still remember how to train our memory? Please write down some chunks about how to train your memory according to what you have learnt. Word Study How to train our memory to build a stronger memory to remember particular things for a limited time to strengthen our memory to fix experiences in our memory Word Study How to train our memory to build a stronger memory to remember particular things for a limited time to strengthen our memory purpose to fix experiences in our memory Word Study How to train our memory to draw a detailed picture of sth. from memory to make connections with all that has been learnt to memorise detailed learning materials to group similar ideas or information together Word Study How to train our memory to draw a detailed picture of sth. from memory to make connections with all that has been learnt to memorise detailed learning materials approach to group similar ideas or information together Word Study How to train our memory to connect sth. new to our emotions to remember sth. with enthusiasm to review the material periodically to make the best use of our memory Word Study How to train our memory to connect sth. new to our emotions to remember sth. with enthusiasm to review the material periodically attitude to make the best use of our memory Chunks about training memory purpose approach attitude A Summary When I want to for a limited time, I will all that has been learnt. Besides, I know that one of the golden rules to is to review the material periodically. Last, I will try every possible means to my memory. remember particular things make connections with strengthen our memory make the best use of Check our progress How to promote learning How to strengthen memory How to learn words in chunks ? Reading Nowadays, more and more people of various ages and backgrounds are continuing to study to improve themselves. The most famous saying about life-long learning: Never too old to learn. Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun Wen Ms Tang Grandpa Chen Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun WenMs TangGrandpa Chen What did they study? How did they study? Result of their study Why did they study? Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun Wen What did they study? Computer Engineering Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun Wen Why did they study? to give herself a second chance Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun Wen How did they study? by distance learning Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Sun Wen Result of their study about to graduate from university with a bachelors degree has a new job offer Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Ms Tang What did they study? Business Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Ms Tang Why did they study? to improve herself and follow her dreams Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Ms Tang How did they study? by enrolling in a business course to register Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Ms Tang Result of their study has learnt so many new skills and has already prepared a business plan for setting up her own export company Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Grandpa Chen What did they study? using the Internet Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Grandpa Chen Why did they study? to keep in touch with his family Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Grandpa Chen How did they study? by getting his grandson to teach him Reading The Importance of Life-Long Learning (P91) Grandpa Chen Result of their study able to email, search the web and video chat with his grandchildren A Summary of Grandpa Chen What do you think of Grandpa Chens idea of learning? Its never too late to learn. Do you want to learn something new when you are 75 years old? Why or why not? to improve myself and follow my dreams to keep in touch with the world never to switch off my brain Word Study Underline useful chunks about life-long learning in the stories. Word Study “Its never too late to learn.” That was the advice I got after I failed my college entrance exam. Now Im about to graduate from university with a bachelors degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning. I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends, while keeping a secure full-time job. Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard, but its been worth it as I have a new job offer! Word Study “Its never too late to learn.” That was the advice I got after I failed my college entrance exam. Now Im about to graduate from university with a bachelors degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning. I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends, while keeping a secure full-time job. Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard, but its been worth it as I have a new job offer! Word Study Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger. I then decided to focus on improving myself and following my dreams, so I enrolled in a business course, which I have nearly finished now. I have learnt so many new skills and have already prepared a business plan for setting up my own export company! I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Word Study Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger. I then decided to focus on improving myself and following my dreams, so I enrolled in a business course, which I have nearly finished now. I have learnt so many new skills and have already prepared a business plan for setting up my own export company! I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Word Study Last year, my daughter moved to the US with her family, so I decided that it was time I became an Internet user in order to keep in touch with them. I got my grandson to show me how to send an email and search the web, which I now love. Its also wonderful to be able to video chat with my grandchildren. So many people think that after you retire, all you can do is to switch off your brain and bury everything youve ever learnt, but that doesnt have to be the case. Word Study Last year, my daughter moved to the US with her family, so I decided that it was time I became an Internet user in order to keep in touch with them. I got my grandson to show me how to send an email and search the web, which I now love. Its also wonderful to be able to video chat with my grandchildren. So many people think that after you retire, all you can do is to switch off your brain and bury everything youve ever learnt, but that doesnt have to be the case. Check your progress How to improve learning How to strengthen memory How to learn words in chunks How important life-long learning is Homework Underline useful chunks of Reading Club 2 by using the approaches we have learnt.UnitUnit 9 9 LearningLearning (10)(10) - VocabularyVocabulary (2)(2) 学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 提取与单元话题“学习”相关的词块; 2. 通过词性和话题对所学词块进行分类整理; 3. 运用所学与话题相关的词块进行阅读练习。 【课上学习任务】 IA summary of how to become active learners (Underline the chunks) There are many things we can do to become better learners. We all have two voices. Our inner voice tells us personal opinions and our outer voice deals with others opinions and things we have heard. If we listen to our inner voice too much, it can get in the way of learning. If your inner voice is difficult to control, you can argue with it. One of the best ways to promote active learning is to ask questions. This helps you achieve a higher level of understanding a topic. In short, we should never stop being curious. Active learners also attempt to question the world around them and understand the truth at the heart of every idea. Finally, as active learners, we should never form opinions about people based on the first impression. IIPractice: a summary 1. There are many things we can do to become active learners. One of the best ways to _________
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