2021新版北师大版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 How Do We Like Teachers’ Feedback & Lesson 3 So Close, ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Relationships Section Lesson 2 How Do We Like Teachers Feedback? 打算打算 要求严格的要求严格的;费力的费力的 标出标出;突出显示突出显示 敏感的敏感的;善解人意的善解人意的 7.reserved /rIzvd/ adj. 8.wired /waI d/ adj. 9.dominate /d m neIt/ vi.应付应付(局面局面) 12. /pset/ vt.使生气使生气,使心烦意乱使心烦意乱 adj.烦恼的烦恼的,心心 烦意乱的烦意乱的 13. / eImd/ adj.羞愧的羞愧的;内疚的内疚的;惭愧的惭愧的

2、14. /IfektIv/ adj.有效的有效的 含蓄的含蓄的;内敛的内敛的 联网的联网的;极其兴奋的极其兴奋的 主宰主宰,支配支配,控制控制 拼命的拼命的;绝望的绝望的 handle upset ashamed effective 15. /reIz/ vt.提出提出,提起提起 16. /m n / n.方法方法,方式方式 17. /k nst ntli/ adv.持续不断地持续不断地 18. /be li/ adv.几乎不几乎不 19. /dedlaIn/ n.截止日期截止日期,最后期限最后期限 20. /Intens/ adj.紧张的紧张的,激烈的激烈的;剧烈的剧烈的 21. /dIpr

3、est/ adj.沮丧的沮丧的,忧愁的忧愁的 22. /dIleI/ vi.不满不满;发牢骚发牢骚 25. / p Intm nt/ n.约定约定;约会约会 extraordinary complain appointment 二、短语英汉互译二、短语英汉互译 1.social networking 2.chatter away 3.be desperate to do 4.connect with 5.go cold turkey 社交网络社交网络 喋喋不休喋喋不休 渴望做某事渴望做某事 与与联系联系 快速戒掉坏习惯快速戒掉坏习惯 6. 与某人交往与某人交往 7. 以做以做告终告终 8. 放

4、弃放弃 9. 毕竟毕竟 associate with end up doing give up after all 阅读理解 一一、阅读课文、阅读课文“SO CLOSE,YET SO FAR”,判断正误判断正误(T/F) 1.The author always keeps his phone and computer within reach.( ) 2.The author frequently posts his life on social media.( ) 3.The author lacks contact with people so he is lonely.( ) 4.Ove

5、r two-thirds of people find making friends online is easier than in real life.( ) 5.The author is very shy and reserved.( ) T T F F F 二、阅读课文二、阅读课文“SO CLOSE,YET SO FAR”,选择正确选择正确答案答案 1.Which of the following expressions can best replace “wired up” in Paragraph 3? A.Shy. B.Reserved. C.Connected to the

6、Internet. D.Distracted. C 2.What does the author mean when he mentions that he cant remember his oldest friends birthdays? A.He is not considerate. B.He is busy socialising with online followers. C.Phones make people more distant. D.He doesnt really care about his friends. C 3.How does the author pr

7、ove that his life is controlled by social networking? A.By making comparison. B.By giving examples. C.By providing statistics. D.By drawing a conclusion. B 4.What can we learn from Paragraph 6? A.Everyone is obsessed with phones. B.It is hard to live without phones. C.Some people are losing control

8、with their phones. D.People nowadays are rude. C 5.What does the last paragraph mean? A.Social networking makes people addicted to bad things. B.It is social networking that should be responsible for peoples problems. C.It is hard for people to get away from social networking. D.People have connecti

9、on through social networking but rarely communicate any more. D 三、仔细阅读课文三、仔细阅读课文“SO CLOSE,YET SO FAR”,并根据课文并根据课文 内容将短文补充完整内容将短文补充完整 Since I am constantly posting 1. (update) on social media,as long as you are my 500 friends online,you will be the first to know what I am doing.However,the 2. (true) i

10、s that I feel lonely and I am not the only one. updates truth On the surface,I am not reserved at all and take 3. active part in social life.But deep down inside,I am distracted by social networking.I am so obsessed with the online world 4. it has a negative effect on my daily life,from failing to c

11、omplete schoolwork 5. having trouble connecting with my friends and family.My friends try to drag me away from my phone,but I am desperate 6. (get) back to the online world. an that to to get The other day,I 7. (see) my friends spend the dinner bent over their phones,totally 8. (ignore) the real wor

12、ld.So many others seem to be unable to go on living without phones.9. worries me most is that none of us could go cold turkey.I cannot help but wonder,is social networking making us closer or 10. (far) away? saw ignoring What further 1.I really wish she could be less direct and more encouraging.(Pag

13、e 105) 我真希望她能不那么直接我真希望她能不那么直接,多些鼓励。多些鼓励。 剖析剖析 wish 后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气,所以情态动词用所以情态动词用could。 encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的 There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival. 有了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴的迹象。有了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴的迹象。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中与写出句中与 encourage相关的词组、词性和相关的词组、词性和 含义含义 The stude

14、nts act of kindness encouraged the whole community to get involved. 词组词组 encourage sb to do 含义含义 鼓励某人做某鼓励某人做某事事 The students act of kindness was encouraging. 词性词性 形容词形容词 含义含义 鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的 看一看看一看 助记忆助记忆 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 Cooder was encouraged (begin) playing the guitar by his fath

15、er. In the United States parents are actively_ (encourage) to play a full and responsible part in their childrens school district. to begin encouraged 完成句子完成句子 当事情不顺利的时候当事情不顺利的时候,他鼓励我不要放弃。他鼓励我不要放弃。 When things arent going well,_ _. 潮湿的环境促进了真菌的生长。潮湿的环境促进了真菌的生长。 Damp conditions the fungus. he encourag

16、es me not to give up encourage the growth of 2.My phone and laptop are never out of touching distance,so Im constantly posting updates on social mediawhether Im having a coffee,on my way to school,watching TV.even when Im in the shower.(Page 14) 我的手机和笔记本电脑永远不会超出我能触碰的距离我的手机和笔记本电脑永远不会超出我能触碰的距离,因此因此 我总

17、是不断地在社交媒体上更新我的状态我总是不断地在社交媒体上更新我的状态无论是在喝咖无论是在喝咖 啡、去上学的路上、看电视啡、去上学的路上、看电视甚至是洗澡的时候。甚至是洗澡的时候。 剖析剖析 whether Im having a coffee,on my way to school,watching TV.为让步状语从句为让步状语从句,even when Im in the shower 为时间状语从句。本句描述了在各种情况下为时间状语从句。本句描述了在各种情况下,作者都作者都 沉迷于社交媒体的画面。沉迷于社交媒体的画面。 update n.更新更新(最新状态最新状态) Every minut

18、e,there are hundreds and thousands of updates on social media,which makes it impossible to focus. 每一分钟每一分钟,社交媒体上有成百上千的更新社交媒体上有成百上千的更新,让人无法集中注意让人无法集中注意 力。力。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中与写出句中与 update相关的词性和含义相关的词性和含义 He updates his daily life on WeChat so that his family and friends kno

19、w what he has been doing. 词性词性 动词动词 含义含义 更新更新 Try to search for the most updated news. 词性词性 形容词形容词 含义含义 最新的最新的 看一看看一看 助记忆助记忆 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 The files need (update). Let me give you update on how the project is going. 翻译句子翻译句子 Can you update me on whats been happening? The report is an upd

20、ate of a 1995 survey. updating/to be updated an 你能告诉我最新情况吗你能告诉我最新情况吗? 这这是一份是一份1995年调查的最新报告。年调查的最新报告。 3.I attend parties and play sports but Im always distracted. (Page 15) 我参加聚会我参加聚会,参与运动参与运动,但我总是分心。但我总是分心。 attend vt.参加参加 Employees are expected and required to attend team meetings. 员工被希望和要求参加团队会议。员工

21、被希望和要求参加团队会议。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中与写出句中与 attend 相关的词组、词性和含义相关的词组、词性和含义 I am the first child in my family to attend college. 词组词组 attend college 含义含义 上大学上大学 On his deathbed the General was attended by several doctors. 词性词性 动词动词 含义含义 照顾照顾 I may be lateI have got one or two thin

22、gs to attend to. 词组词组 attend to 含义含义 解决解决,处理处理 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 Among those (attend) the cremation ceremony was Dr.Smith. (attend) please!Flight CA211 is taking off! 完成句子完成句子 卡尔服完兵役后去上大学了。卡尔服完兵役后去上大学了。 Karl after military service. attending Attention attended college 翻译翻译句子句子

23、你上课的时候你上课的时候,应该专心。应该专心。 You should be attentive when you attend classes. 4.Sometimes I set deadlines for myself.(Page 15) 有时有时,我为自己设定最后期限我为自己设定最后期限 set vt.设定设定 I set two alarm clocks every morning to make sure I wont be late for work. 我每天早上设两个闹钟我每天早上设两个闹钟,确保上班不会迟到。确保上班不会迟到。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观

24、察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中与写出句中与set 相关的词组和含义相关的词组和含义 Can you help set the table while I am preparing the dinner? 词组词组 set the table 含义含义 摆桌子摆桌子 They are planning to set up another hospital to admit more patients. 词组词组 set up 含义含义 建立建立 To be sure to catch the flight,they will set off early in the morning. 词

25、组词组 set off 含义含义 出发出发 If he sets out to do something,he will make it. 词组词组 set out to do 含义含义 着手做某事着手做某事 That evening he set about writing a report on pollution. 词组词组 set about doing 含义含义 着手做某事着手做某事 Doing this can set you apart from other candidates. 词组词组 set sb apart 含义含义 使与众不同使与众不同 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 【

26、即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 The beard on his face sets him from the rest of the people. It is time to set a special organisation to protect these people. How do senior managers set making these decisions? Any movement could have set the bomb. apart up about off 翻译句子翻译句子 It is important that parents set

27、 an example. 重要的是父母亲要树立榜样重要的是父母亲要树立榜样。 5.Since I spend so much time socialising online,I keep delaying things that are important in my real life:homework, tasks,connecting with my friends and family members in a meaningful way.(Page 15) 由于我花了很多时间在网上社交由于我花了很多时间在网上社交,我总是拖延一些在我的现我总是拖延一些在我的现 实生活中很重要的事情实

28、生活中很重要的事情:家庭作业、任务以及用有意义的方家庭作业、任务以及用有意义的方 式与朋友和家人联系。式与朋友和家人联系。 剖析剖析 这个句子中含有多个这个句子中含有多个doing作宾语的结构作宾语的结构,spend+ time/money (in) doing以及以及 keep+doing。 动词后面可加动词后面可加doing及及to do两种形式两种形式(及可能的变形如及可能的变形如being done),是加是加doing,还是加还是加to do,或两种形式都可或两种形式都可,要看具体的动要看具体的动 词。词。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句

29、子,写出句中写出句中“动词动词+to do/doing”的形式的形式 I can hardly imagine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. 形式形式 imagine+doing We regret to tell you that your application has not been accepted. 形式形式 regret+to do Now I really regret telling you the truth. 形式形式 regret+doing After much discussion,the

30、y decided to drop the plan. 形式形式 decide+to do 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 v.+doing v.+to do v.+doing/to do(意思相同意思相同) v.+doing/to do(意思不同意思不同) appreciate,avoid, spend,escape, encourage,imagin e,mention,risk, suggest,enjoy, finish. afford,ask ,intend,pl an,decide, refuse, pretend. hate,start,be gin. cant help, mean

31、,prefer,fo rget,remember ,regret,need,st op,try. 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 My sister spent all her time (complain) that she needed to charge her phone. I cant even imagine (go) without social networking for a week. None of the criminals escaped _ (punish). complaining going punishment/being punished

32、 When passing me he pretended not (see) me. I would love (go) to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. Rather than (sit) on a crowded bus,he always prefers (ride) a bicycle. to see to go sit to ride 6.Its funny that my friends and I chatter away online so much,but we

33、 end up having nothing to say when we meet. (Page 15) 有趣的是有趣的是,我和我的朋友们经常在网上聊天我和我的朋友们经常在网上聊天,但我们见面时却但我们见面时却 无话可说。无话可说。 end up doing 以做以做告终告终 If you try to remember everything,you will end up remembering nothing. 如果你什么都想尽量记住如果你什么都想尽量记住,你最终会什么都记不住。你最终会什么都记不住。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句

34、中与写出句中与end 相关的词组和含义相关的词组和含义 If you dont study hard,you will end up failing the exam. 词组词组 end up doing 含义含义 以做以做结束结束 Their relationship ended up in failure. 词组词组 end up in 含义含义 结束于结束于(状态状态) All parties end up with a song sung together,which is boring. 词组词组 end up with 含义含义 以以结束结束 Joining the firm as

35、 a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and ended up as a manager. 词组词组 end up as 含义含义 最终成为最终成为 说一说说一说 勤归纳勤归纳 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 If you continue doing all these awful things,you will end up prison. He searched long for a job and ended up (work) on a small farm. in working 完成句子完成句子 人们扔到海里的垃圾最后都到了岸上。人们扔到海里的垃圾最后都到了岸上。 The rubbish people throw into the ocean ends up . 临睡前闻闻花香临睡前闻闻花香,你可能会做个好梦。你可能会做个好梦。 Smell the flowers before you go to sleep,and you may just end up . on the shore with sweet dreams


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