(精)人教版七年级下册英语《暑假作业推荐》暑假作业12:Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(解析版+试卷版) (2份打包).zip

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  • 《暑假作业推荐》人教版七年级英语下册暑假作业12:Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(解析版+试卷版) (2份打包)
    • 《暑假作业推荐》人教版七年级英语下册暑假作业12:Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(解析版+试卷版)
      • 《暑假作业推荐》人教版七年级英语下册暑假作业12:Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(解析版).docx--点击预览
      • 《暑假作业推荐》人教版七年级英语下册暑假作业12:Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(试卷版).docx--点击预览


暑假作业 12Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 【答案】1. took 2. worried 3. taught 4. was 5. Did 6. sheep 7. tired 8. read 9. were 10. to have 【解析】 【分析】 【1 题详解】 句意:Tom 上个月坐公交车去了动物园。 根据所给空后面的 last month 可知,时态是一般过去时,take the bus 意为“乘公交车” ,take 的过去式是 took,故填 took。 【2 题详解】 句意:我很担心我女儿的学习。 根据所给空前面的 am 可知,应该填的是形容词作表语,由固定搭配 be worried about 意为“对担忧” ,worry 的形容词形式是 worried,故填 worried。 【3 题详解】 句意:去年我的姑姑在我们学校教英语。 根据所给空后面的 last year 可知,时态是一般过去时,teach 意为“教”的过去式是 taught,故填 taught。 【4 题详解】 句意:我觉得昨天的学校旅行真的很糟糕。 根据所给空前面的 yesterdays school trip 是单数且时态是一般过去时,所以 be 动词用 was,故填 was。 【5 题详解】 句意:两年前他在第二中学学习吗? 根据 study 是实义动词,一般疑问句需要用助动词,由 two years ago 可知,时态是一般过去时,所以用助动词 did,故填 Did。 【6 题详解】 句意:我看到一些羊正在吃草。 根据所给空前面的 some 可知,应该填的是可数名词复数,sheep 意为“羊”复数形式是 sheep,故填 sheep。 【7 题详解】 句意:如果你累了,你应该休息。 根据所给空前面的 you are 可知,应该填的是可以修饰人的形容词,tiring“令人疲倦的” ,用来修饰物,主语一般是物,tired“累 的” ,用来修饰人,主语一般是人,故填 tired。 【8 题详解】 句意:玛丽昨天早上读英语了。 根据所给空后面的 yesterday morning 可知,时态是一般过去时,read 意为“读” ,过去式是 read,故填 read。 【9 题详解】 句意:为什么这两个男孩今天早上上学迟到了? 根据所给空后面的 this morning 可知,时态是一般过去时,the two boys 是复数,所以 be 动词用 were,故填 were。 【10 题详解】 句意:有一个好习惯很重要。 根据固定句型 its important to do sth“做某事很重要” ,have 意为“有” ,动词不定式形式是 to have,故填 to have。 二、用单词的正确形式完成短文 【答案】11. stay 12. lake 13. sheep 14. jump 15. helped 16. started 17. tired 18. camped 19. windy 20. kites 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者上周末和父母一起到舅舅农场上玩的经历。 【11 题详解】 句意:我父母很忙,但是他们周末总是尽量陪我。 句子成分分析,缺少动词;根据句意表示陪伴某人,用动词 stay;不定式 to 后跟动词原形。故答案填 stay。 【12 题详解】 句意:这个农场在一个湖边。 联系下文“I took some sheep to the side of the lake.”我带了一些羊到湖边,可知,是在湖边 lake,可数名词,冠词 a 后接单数形 式。故答案填 lake。 【13 题详解】 句意:在农场上,有很多像羊和牛这样的动物。 联系下文“I took some sheep to the side of the lake.”我带了一些羊到湖边,可知,是羊 sheep,可数名词,单复数同形。故答案填 sheep。 【14 题详解】 句意:我看着它们跑和跳而且和它们一起玩。 句子成分分析,缺少动词,根据句意表示跳 jump;and 连接的动词形式一致,run 用的是原形,所以动词 jump 也是用原形;看见 某人做某事,固定搭配 watch sb. do sth.。故答案填 jump。 【15 题详解】 句意:我父母帮着我舅舅做农场工作。 句子成分分析,主语后缺少动词作谓语,根据句意表示帮助,help;因为整个事情发生在上周末,所以动词用过去式。故答案填 helped。 【16 题详解】 句意:在农场上,我开始明白了谚语“不劳无获” 。 句子成分分析,主语后缺少动词作谓语,根据句意表示“开始” ,start;因为整个事情发生在上周末,所以动词用过去式。故答 案填 started。 【17 题详解】 句意:辛苦工作后,我们觉得又累又饿。 句子成分分析,缺少形容词;根据句意表示累的。故答案填 tired。 【18 题详解】 句意:晚饭后,我们在湖边野营,看漂亮的星星。 句子成分分析,主语后缺少动词作谓语,根据句意表示野营,camp;因为整个事情发生在上周末,所以动词用过去式。故答案 填 camped。 【19 题详解】 句意:第二天,天气多风,所以我舅舅带我们去放风筝。 句子成分分析,was 后缺少形容词表示天气多风的,所以方格中的名词 wind 要加后缀 y 变成形容词 windy 多风的。故答案填 windy。 【20 题详解】 句意:第二天,天气多风,所以我舅舅带我们去放风筝。 根据句意表示风筝,kite,可数名词用复数形式。故答案填 kites。 【点睛】 选词填空题的做题方法:先辨析句子意思,确定空格单词的词性,然后从方格里选词,最后一定要注意要不要变形。如第 4 题, 先浏览句子,可知所缺单词是个动词,再根据句意确定是跳的意思,再联系固定搭配 watch sb. do sth.最后确定单词不要变形。 三、阅读单选 【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 【解析】 【分析】 本文讲述了 Kate 给奶奶写信,讲述了自己和父母去长湾旅行的情况,并告诉奶奶周末会回去看她。 【21 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段“We got up at 6:00 a.m. We ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay.”可知他们 6 点起床,6:30 吃早餐,半小时后启程。也就是 7 点离开家的。故选 C。 【22 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already ten oclock!”当我们从车里出 来,由此可知 Kate 是乘车去的。故选 A。 【23 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already ten oclock!”可知他们是在 10 点 到达长湾。根据“We ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay.”可知他们是早上 7 点离开家的。从 7 点 到 10 点是三个小时。故选 D。 【24 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段“In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. My father went fishing.”可知 Kate 的 爸爸去钓鱼了。故选 B。 【25 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句话“My parents and I will go to see you this weekend.”可知,Kate 和父母在这周末回去探望 奶奶。故选 D。 四、完型填空 【答案】26. C 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. C 【解析】 【分析】 上个周末 Danny 带着 Jack 和他的同学们一起去宿营,Jack 跑得很快,他还让累的同学们都爬到他的背上。晚上睡觉时,Jack 的 床太小了,所以他去外边睡觉去了。 【26 题详解】 句意:上个周末,Danny 带着 Jack 和他的同学们一起去宿营。swim 游泳;sleep 睡觉;camp 宿营;jump 跳。根据下文的介绍可 知,Danny,Jack 和同学们赛跑、在湖边散步、还在外边睡觉,因此他们是去宿营了。故应选 C。 【27 题详解】 句意:Danny 说:“让我们开始赛跑吧!”talk 谈话;start 开始;finish 结束,完成;stay 待在某地,停留。根据句意可知,Danny 提议他们开始赛跑,故应选 B。 【28 题详解】 句意:Danny 大喊:“你赢了。 ”blew 吹;worried 担心;thanked 感谢;shouted 大喊。根据 Danny 说话的内容可知,他大喊说 Jack 赢了,故应选 D。 【29 题详解】 句意:午饭后,所有的学生们都去湖边散步。cook 做饭;sing 唱歌;dance 跳舞;walk 散步。根据空后 around the lake 和下文的 描述 Danny felt ___5___ and climbed onto Jacks back. “Wait for us! Were tired, too!” shouted the other children. “Okay, climb ___6___!” said Jack.可知,他们一起去湖边散步。故应选 D。 【30 题详解】 句意:Danny 感觉累了,爬到了 Jack 的背上。tired 累的;surprised 吃惊的;scared 害怕的;excited 兴奋的。根据下句话 Wait for us! Were tired, too!可知,Danny 感觉累了,故应选 A。 【31 题详解】 句意:Jack 说:“好的,爬上来吧。 ”up 向上;down 向下;into 到里面;out 外面。根据上文 Danny felt ___5___ and climbed onto Jacks back 可知,Danny 爬到了 Jack 的背上,所以这里也应该是爬上来,故应选 A。 【32 题详解】 句意:同学们生火来取暖。house 房子;fire 火;kite 风筝;boat 船。根据空后 to keep warm 可知,取暖的话应该是生火,故应选 B。 【33 题详解】 句意:然后他们准备睡觉。homework 家庭作业;class 班级,课;bed 床;work 工作。根据上文 It was dark 和下文 But Jacks bed was too ___9___ for him 可知,天黑了,他们准备睡觉,故应选 C。 【34 题详解】 句意:但是 Jack 的床对于他来说太小了,所以他拿着一个枕头出去了。big 大的;small 小的;high 高的;heavy 重的。根据短文 开头 Jack the Dinosaur 以及下文 said Jack, and he went to sleep on the ground 可知,Jack 是一只恐龙,他体型很大,下文说他睡到 了地上,因此我们可以推测床是太小了。故应选 B。 【35 题详解】 句意:Jack 说:“喊醒我吃早饭。 ”Dress 穿衣服;Help 帮助;Wake 喊醒;Call 打电话。根据上面第 8 题可知,他们准备要睡觉了。 而空后是 for breakfast,因此这里表示“叫醒,喊醒” ,wake sb. up 是固定短语,故应选 C。 【点睛】 这篇短文讲述的是 Danny 带着他的好朋友恐龙 Jack 一起去和同学们宿营。短文内容简单,比较容易理解。题型是完型填空,考 查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据是上下文语境的提示做题, 注意辨析选项中四个单词的意思和用法;最后应将答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查是否正确。例如第 5 小题,tired 累的; surprised 吃惊的;scared 害怕的;excited 兴奋的。根据下句话 Wait for us! Were tired, too!可知,Danny 感觉累了,故应选 A。 再如第 9 小题,考查形容词辨析,big 大的;small 小的;high 高的;heavy 重的。根据短文开头 Jack the Dinosaur 以及下文 said Jack, and he went to sleep on the ground 可知,Jack 是一只恐龙,他体型很大,下文说他睡到了地上,因此我们可以推测床是太小 了。故应选 B。暑假作业 12Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom__________ (take) the bus to the zoo last month. 2. I am_________(worry) about my daughters study. 3. My aunt ________(teach) English in our school last year. 4. I think yesterdays school trip ________(be)really terrible. 5. __________he study in No.2 middle school two years ago? 6. I saw some _________ (sheep) eating the grass. 7. If you are _________(tiring),you should have rest. 8. Mary ___________(read) English yesterday morning. 9. Why ___________(be) the two boys late for school this morning? 10. Its important __________(have) a good habit. 二、用单词的正确形式完成短文 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺意思完整(有两项多余) 。 jump kite shout lake tired stay move wind help camp sheep start My parents are very busy, but they always try to ___11___ with me on weekends. Last weekend, we went to the farm to visit my uncle. The farm is near a ___12___ . On the farm, there are many animals like ___13___ and cows. I took some sheep to the side of the lake. I watched them ___14___ and run and played with them. My parents ___15___ my uncle do the farm work. On the farm I ___16___ to understand the saying: No pain, no gain (不劳无获). After hard work, we felt ___17___ and hungry. My aunt cooked dinner for us. After dinner, we ___18___ by the lake and watched beautiful stars. The next day, it was ___19___ so my uncle took us to fly ____20____ . We had fun. It was really a great weekend. 三、阅读单选 Dear Grandma, How are you? Last Saturday I went to Long Bay with my parents. We got up at 6:00 a.m. We ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay. My father is a good driver and he drove very fast. But I have to say, the trip was a bit long. When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already ten oclock! First we swam in the water for an hour. Then we played cricket (板球) for an hour. It was time to have lunch. We ate a big lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. My father went fishing. He didnt get any fish, but it was very relaxing. Soon it was time to go home. My parents and I left Long Bay. We had a great day last Saturday. My parents and I will go to see you this weekend. I miss you very much. Yours, Kate 21. When did Kate leave home? A.At 6 a.m.B.At 6:30 a.m.C.At 7 a.m.D.At 7:30 a.m. 22. How did Kate go to Long Bay? A.By car.B.By bus.C.By train.D.By plane. 23. How long did it take Kate to get to Long Bay? A.Half an hour.B.An hour.C.Two hours.D.Three hours. 24. What did Kates father do in the afternoon? A.He went swimming.B.He went fishing. C.He played cricket.D.He enjoyed the sunshine. 25. Which of the following is TRUE? A.Kate didnt swim in the water.B.Kates father didnt have lunch. C.Kates mother was good at driving.D.Kate will see her grandma this weekend. 四、完型填空 Danny had a special friend, Jack the Dinosaur(恐龙). Last weekend, Danny took Jack to ___26___ together with his class. “Lets ___27___ a race, ” said Danny. Jack had big feet. He could run fast. “You win(获胜)!” Danny ___28___ After lunch, all the students went to ___29___ around the lake. Danny felt ___30___ and climbed onto Jacks back. “Wait for us! Were tired, too!” shouted the other children. “Okay, climb ___31___!” said Jack. It was dark. The class made a ___32___ to keep warm. Then they got ready for ___33___. But Jacks bed was too ___34___ for him, so he took a pillow(枕头) and went outside. “___35___ me up for breakfast, ” said Jack, and he went to sleep on the ground. “Good night, ” Danny said. 26. A.swimB.sleepC.campD.jump 27. A.talkB.startC.finishD.stay 28. A.blewB.worriedC.thankedD.shouted 29. A.cookB.singC.danceD.walk 30. A.tiredB.surprisedC.scaredD.excited 31. A.upB.downC.intoD.out 32. A.houseB.fireC.kiteD.boat 33. A.homeworkB.classC.bedD.work 34. A.bigB.smallC.highD.heavy 35. A.DressB.HelpC.WakeD.Call
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