人教版九年级全册英语 Unit10知识点+练习(无答案).doc

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1、1 Unit 10 You re supposed to shake hands 重点重点 1. be supposed to do sth. 结构的用法。 2. 对不同国家的见面礼仪,生活习俗的认识和理解。 难点难点 1.通过“应该”或“不应该”进一步了解一些国家的礼仪和对时间的看法。 2.掌握重点词汇和句型的运用。 易错点易错点 辨一辨:used to do 与 be used to 高 频高 频 考考 点点 be supposed to do sth. be not supposed to do sth. kiss v. 吻,亲吻 land n.国家,国土 bow v. 鞠躬 chops

2、tick n. 筷子 fork n.餐叉 napkin n.餐巾 greet v.问候 rude adj.无礼的 wipe v.擦去 point v.指向 stick v. 刺,戳 crowd v. 拥挤 spoon n. 匙 pick up 捡起 be supposed to 应该 table manners 餐桌礼仪 shake hands 握手 cut up 切开 drop by 访问 after all 毕竟 2 第一部分第一部分:词汇词汇精讲精讲 1. custom 习惯;风俗;惯例习惯;风俗;惯例 adj.定做的;定制的定做的;定制的 The custom has now beco

3、me a rule. 那种习惯现已变为成规。 It is my custom to go for a walk before breakfast. 早餐前出去散散步是我的习惯。 Please enter a name for the custom controller. 请输入自定义控制器的名称。 【拓展】 Customs: 海关;关税海关;关税 【联想】 break a custom 打破风俗习惯 collect customs 收缴关税 destroy a custom 破坏惯例 become a custom 成为习惯 develop a custom 发扬一种风俗 2. drop v.

4、 落下;跌倒;落下;跌倒; n. 滴;微量;滴;微量; He dropped off from his bike. 他从自行车上跌下来。 Unconsciously, a drop of tear drips on his lips. 不知不觉,一滴泪水滴在他唇上。 【拓展】 drop by 顺便拜访 Drop by my place whenever you like. 如果你愿意,随时可来。 drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人 I just decided to drop in on you one hour ago.我一小时前才决定来看看你。 drop in at+地点 He dr

5、opped in at the factory on his way home. 在回家的路上,他顺便去了你那家工厂。 3. occur v. 发生;存在;出现;想到发生;存在;出现;想到 Misprints occur on every page. 每页都有印刷错误。 A connection error might occur. 可能会出现连接错误。 【拓展】 occur, happen, take place 这三者均可作“发生”解。它们的区别是: 3 happen 和 occur 往往表示事情的发生带有偶然性, happen 是一般用语, occur 是较正式用语; take plac

6、e 常指按计划“发生”。例如: The explosion happenedoccurred during an exercise near the town.在离市镇不远的地方演习时发生了 爆炸。 The talk is scheduled to take place tomorrow morning at eight oclock.预定明早 8 时举行会谈。 4. pick 拾;捡;挑选;采摘;拾;捡;挑选;采摘; That sentimental girl likes to pick up the fallen petals on the ground in autumn 那个多愁善感的

7、女孩喜欢在秋天里拾起地上的落英。 You should not pick any of the flowers in the park. 你不应该采摘这个公园里的任何一朵花。 【联想】 pick a hole 找出破绽 pick ones way 慎择道路 pick ones words 谨慎措辞 pick cotton 摘棉花 pick flower 采花 pick fruit 摘果子 5. point v. 指;指向;朝向;瞄准指;指向;朝向;瞄准 Dont point your pistol at me. 别用枪指着我。 The hands of the clock point to f

8、ive oclock. 时钟的针指向五点钟。 短语:短语:point at 指着;侧重所指的对象,通常表示指着近处的人或物。常用于 point sth. at sb.的结构, 意为“用.指着.” point to 指向;侧重所指的方向,通常表示指着较远处的人或物。 一言辩异:一言辩异:The girl is pointing at the boy who is pointing to the high mountain far away. 这个女孩正指着一个指着远处的高山的男孩。 【联想】 point 作为名词使用时,通常用短语“point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见”; 当

9、表达“这是.的观点”时,通常用“from.point of view”,例如 from my point of view.我的观点是. 6. shake v. 摇动;震动;握手摇动;震动;握手 He shook his head in disapproval. 他摇了摇头表示反对。 【拓展】 形容形容词词+shake fair shake 公平交易 hearty shake 亲切的握手 impressive shake 难忘的握手 respectful shake 尊敬的握手 strong shake 有力的握手 4 7. mark n. 记号;分数;商标记号;分数;商标 A recorder

10、 pen makes a mark on a chart. 记录器的笔在记录卡上划一个记号。 The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise. 商标是企业的一项无形资产。 【联想】 make a mark 做标记 leave mark 留下痕迹 earn high marks 得高 8. experiment n.试验;实验;尝试试验;实验;尝试 The students will have an experiment in the laboratory tomorrow. 学生们明天要在实验室里做实验。 Some scien

11、tists experiment on animals. 有些科学家用动物做试验。 【联想】 误 Experiment is carried out daily in the laboratory. 正 Experiments are carried out daily in the laboratory. 析 表示具体的“实验”时, experiment 通常用复数,不用单数。 9. wipe v. 擦;揩;抹;拭去;擦;揩;抹;拭去; I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in. 我在进门前把鞋在垫子上擦了擦。 When you have wa

12、shed the car , wipe it down well . 你把汽车冲洗过后,要好好用布揩拭一下。 【联想】 wipe a bike 擦自行车 wipe a car 擦汽车 wipe a dish 擦碟子 wipe a glass 擦杯子 10bow v.鞠躬;致敬;压弯鞠躬;致敬;压弯 (1) bow 作名词,意为“弓,弓形物,蝴蝶结”。例如: He raised his bow slowly and let the arrow fly. 他慢慢地举起弓,让箭飞出去。 The boy made a deep bow to the teacher and ran away. 那个孩子

13、向老师深深地鞠了一个躬然后跑掉了。 (2) bow 作动词,意为“鞠躬,低下头”。例如: He bowed his head in shame. 他惭愧地低下头来。 She bowed her thanks. 她鞠躬致谢。 Age had bowed his once straight back. 他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。 【拓展】 bow ones head 低头 bow politely 彬彬有礼地行礼 【联想】 作为名词,意为“弓,鞠躬礼”等 5 He moved aside for her with a polite bow. 他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。 11. rela

14、x relax 是动词,可以作不及物动词或及物动词,作及物动词时,宾语是人,表示“使某人放松;使某人 休息;使某人轻松”。例如: Now I want to rest and relax. (作不及物动词)现在我得休息一下,放松放松。 I need a cup of tea to relax myself. (作及物动词)我需要喝杯茶使自己轻松一下。 【拓展】relaxed;relaxing (1) relaxed 是形容词,意为“某人感到轻松、放松、不受拘束的”。指某人“感到”轻松。通常用来 形容人。有类似用法的词有 interestedexcitedsurprisedboredtired。

15、例如: He is feeling relaxed. = He is relaxed. 他感到很轻松。 The song can make me relaxed. 这首歌让我感到轻松。 (2) relaxing 是形容词,意为“某事情令人轻松的”,指某事或者某物“令人”轻松。通常用来修饰物 或事。有类似用法的词有 interestingexcitingsurprisingboringtiring。例如: The song is relaxing. 这首歌真使人轻松。 You can listen to relaxing music in the bath! 你可以边洗澡边听(令人)轻松的音乐。

16、 12. effort (1)effort 作名词,基本含意为“力气;努力”,作此解时只用作单数形式;effort 还可以引申表示 “努力;奋斗”,作此解时是可数名词;effort 还可表示“作品;成就”,为可数名词。例如: It doesnt need much effort. 那不需要太多的努力。 A great deal of effort has gone into this exhibition. 为了这次展览投入了很大力量。 His efforts were wasted. 他的努力都白费了。 Finishing the work in one day was a very goo

17、d effort. 在一天内完成这项工作是努力的结果。 (2)effort 常用于以下短语 make efforts/ make an effort/ make every effort 中,意为“做出努力”,后 面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”。例如: The workers are making efforts to fulfill this years plan. 工人们正在努力完成今年的生产计划。 The prisoner made an effort to escape, but he couldnt climb the prison wall. 囚犯企图越狱,但是爬不上监狱的墙

18、。 I will make every effort to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。 13. knock (1)knock 作动词,意为“敲,击打”。其后通常跟介词on或at,然后接宾语。例如: Someone is knocking at/ on the door. 有人敲门。 6 She knocked at / on the window. 她敲了敲窗户。 (2)knock 作名词,意为“敲击声,敲击”。例如: I heard a knock at the door. 我听到了敲门声。 14. take off (1)take off 可作“脱下”讲,反义

19、词组为 put on,意为“穿上”。例如: Put on your clothes. Dont take them off. 把衣服穿上,别脱下。 (2)take off 可作“起飞”讲,反义词为 land,意为“着陆”。例如: When will the plane take off? 飞机什么时候起飞? 【拓展】 常见的含有 take 的词组: take turns 轮流 take away 拿走 take out 拿出,取出 take over 接手,接管 take notes 做笔记 take care 当心,注意 take care of 照顾 take photos 照相 take

20、 it easy 别紧张 15. manner (1)作名词,表示“做事的方法, 事情发生的方式”。例如: Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? (2)作名词,表示“态度, 举止”。例如: His manner was slightly rude, but you mustnt mind. 他的态度有点粗鲁,但是你千万别介意。 (3)作名词,表示“礼貌, 礼节”,常用复数形式。例如: Its bad manners to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。 You s

21、hould have good manners all the time. 任何时候都应该有礼貌。 (4)作名词,表示“风俗, 习俗”,常用复数形式。例如: It is interesting to learn the manners and customs of other countries. 了解其他国家的风俗习惯是很有趣的。 16. exchange (1)作动词,意为“交换”,引申可表示“交流”经验、思想等。例如: The two girls always exchanged Christmas gifts. 两个女孩经常交换圣诞礼物。 The two armies exchange

22、d prisoners.作战双方交换战俘。 We shall have opportunity to exchange views tomorrow. 我们明天有机会交换看法。 They exchanged experiences at the meeting. 他们在会上交流经验。 (2)exchange 作及物动词时,其宾语后常接介词 for,表示“以换取”;接介词 with 表示“与某 7 人交换(某物)/与某人交流(想法等)”。 例如: Id like to exchange a watch for a camera. 我想用表换相机。 Would you like to exchan

23、ge places with me? 你愿意跟我换一下地方吗? He likes to exchange ideas with others. 他喜欢与别人交流思想。 【拓展】 (1)exchange 作名词,意为“交换”。例如: There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments. 两国政府间曾多次交换意见。 (2)exchange 作名词,意为“兑换,兑换率”。例如: Id like to know the exchange rate for German marks. 我想知道德国马克的兑换率。

24、(3)exchange 作名词,意为“交易所”。例如: She works at the Stock Exchange. 她在证券交易所工作。 17. behave (1)作动词,意为“表现,行为举止”。 例如: The young lady behaved courageously in the face of danger. 那位年轻女士面对危险表现得十分勇敢。 She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother. 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲. Its hard to train children to beha

25、ve well at the table. 培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。 (2)作动词,意为“(机器等)开动,运转”。例如: How is the new machine behaving? 新机器运行地怎么样? 【拓展】 (1)behavior 作名词,意为“行为,举止;态度”。例如: He was on his best behavior. 他表现极好。 (2)behavior 作名词,意为“(机器等的)运转状态,性能”。例如: The aircrafts behavior was satisfactory on its first test flight. 那架飞机在第一次试飞时运

26、转情况令人满意。 18. except except 作介词,意为“除之外”,其后跟名词、代词、介词短语、that 从句或 what 从句。 8 例如: I go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. 除了周六和周日,我每天都上学。 【拓展】except; except for 和 but 的辨析: 这三个短语都有“除之外”的意思,但具体用法不同: except 表示“除之外(没有)”,着重强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个人 或物。表示一种排除关系。有“减除”之意。 but 和 except 的用法基本相同。 但着重强调整句的内容, 且

27、习惯上用于 every; all; any; nothing;who 等词后。 except for 表示“除之外”,常对某种基本情况进行具体的、细节方面的修正,其后所 接的词同句子的主语不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面。 例如: We are all here except/but Tom. 除了 Tom 外,我们都到齐了。(不包括 Tom) She could do nothing but cry. 除了哭,她没有别的办法。 He is a good man except for hot temper. 他是个好人,除了脾气暴躁。 19. suggestion (1)sugge

28、stion 作可数名词,表示“建议;提议”。例如: He has given me a helpful suggestion. 他给我提了一项有益的建议 (2)suggestion 作不可数名词,表示“联想;暗示”。例如: The power of suggestion is very strong. 暗示的力量是无比强大的。 【拓展】 suggestion 的动词形式是 suggest ,意为“建议”,有以下用法: (1)可接名词做宾语。例如: We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议明天去参观博物馆。 (2)可接动名词做宾语

29、。例如: I suggested putting off the sports meet. 我建议将运动会延期。 They suggested waiting until the proper time. 他们建议(我们)等到恰当的时机才行动。 (3)可接 that 宾语从句,that 从句用 should+动词原形,should 可以省略。例如: She suggested that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. 她建议班会不要在星期六举行。 We suggested that he (should) go and m

30、ake an apology to his teacher. 9 我们建议他去向老师道歉。 【词汇精练词汇精练】 I.根据根据汉语汉语及首字母提示补全单词。及首字母提示补全单词。 1The bottle is _(空的) and theres nothing in it 2She wants to be an _(交换) student 3The old man loves his _(孙女) very much and he often buys presents for her 4I am busy _(除之外) FridayWe can go to the movies on that

31、day 5Its not _(礼貌的) to say that you are full 6Beijing is the c_ of China 7We usually have lunch at n_ 8Lisa will make her e_ to study English well because she wants to be an international guide 9The teacher is using a piece of white c_ to write 10In the front of the classroom,you can see a b_ on the

32、 wall 11There are four s_ in a yearThey are spring,summer,autumn and winter 12Who is k_ at the door? Maybe its the postman II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1“Good morning”is a _(greet) 2My hometown is in the _(north) part of the country 3He put something _(value) into the drawer and locked it 4The boo

33、k is very interesting and it is worth _(read) 5She gave me so many good _(suggest) and I said thanks to her 6There arent any _(different) between the two pictures 7I got used to _(live) in the countryside 8David was punished for his bad _(behave) III. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。用方框中所给单词的适

34、当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 eat,much,left,polite,start,put,drink,somebody,rule,quiet If youre going to a formal western dinner party for the first time, youd better know about western table mannersIts 1 to follow them When you sit down at the table,take your napkin and 2 it on your lapThe dinner al

35、ways 3 with a small dishWhen you start eating,you should keep the fork in your 4 handIts polite to finish 10 5_everything on your plate,so dont take 6 food than you needMaybe you dont know whether its polite or not to speak loudly at the tableThe answer is that you should speak 7 and smile a lotWhen

36、 you drink to 8 , youd better raise your glass and take only a sip Remember not 9 too much If you cant remember these 10 ,just do as other people do 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 第二部分:重点句型第二部分:重点句型 1. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. 你应该早问一下该穿什么。你应该早问一下该穿什么。 【拓展】 should have do

37、ne这是虚拟语气的一种表达方式, 虚拟语气表示所说的话只是一种主观的愿望、 假象、 建议等。 如: It is strange that she should have done it. 真奇怪,她竟干出这种事来。 2. Where Im from,were pretty relaxed about time. 我所在的地方,对时间是相当宽松的。我所在的地方,对时间是相当宽松的。 【拓展】 Where Im from. Where是副词,此处用法没有先行词,“在,于,或至的地方”。例: Where theres no rain,farming is difficult or impossibl

38、e. 在不下雨的地方,农业是困难的或根本不可能的。 (2)where 经常引导以place为先行词的定语从句。如: She would like to live in a country where it never snows. 她喜欢住在不下雪的国家。 (3)pretty 副词 相当地,颇 如: He did pretty well. 他做的相当好。 (4)relaxed 形容词 松弛的,缓和的,松懈的,通常用来修饰人。 如: Hes feeling relaxed now. 他现在感觉轻松多了。 relaxing 则往往修饰物。 如:Reading is relaxing. 读书让人放松

39、。 3. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us. 和家人及朋友一起度过对我们来说是很重要的。和家人及朋友一起度过对我们来说是很重要的。 【拓展】 (1)spending 是动名词作主语,此时谓语动词应用单数。 如:Feeding pigs is her job. 她的工作是喂猪。 11 (2)to 是介词,意为“对来说” 如: Its not important to us. 这对我们来说不重要。 4. Often we just walk around the town center,seeing as m

40、any as of our friends as we can. 我们经常走遍市中心,看尽可能多的朋友。我们经常走遍市中心,看尽可能多的朋友。 asas 用于平等的比较,中间用形容词、副词的原级。 如: Please come here as quickly as possible. 请尽可能快点过来。 当 asas用于否定句中时,则习惯用 soas 如: It isnt so big as you think it is. 它并没有你所想象的那么大。 5. In Switzerland, its very important to be on time. 在瑞士,准时是很重要的。在瑞士,准时

41、是很重要的。 it 用作形式主语,代替了真正的主语 to be这一不定式,不定式可以做主语,但是又往往用 it 作形 式主语来代替。如: To invent new things is his job. = Its his job to invent new things. 发明新东西是他的工作。 To help others is good when they are in trouble. = Its good to help others when they are in trouble. 帮助那些处于麻烦当中的人是好事。 6. We usually make plans to see

42、friends. 通常我们都是做好去看朋友的计划。通常我们都是做好去看朋友的计划。 (1) make plans for the holidays 作好度假计划。 (2) plan 在此短语中为名词,另外,plan 还可以作为动词来用。 如:plan to do sth. 计划做某事。 We are planning to visit Europe this summer. 我们正计划今年夏天去欧洲旅行。 (3) We usually plan to go somewhere interesting,or go somewhere together. (4) 我们通常计划好做些有趣的事,或一起

43、去某个地方。 (5) Something interesting,something 是不定代词,其修饰语要放后面。 7. Its politeto do/Its rudeto do 做是礼貌的/粗鲁的 这一句型真正的主语是不定式,it 只是形式主语。 如: Its rude to point your chopstick at others. 用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的。 8. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他们花尽心血让我感觉不到拘束。他们花尽心血让我感觉不到拘束。 (1)go out of ones way to do

44、特意(花心血、时间)做某事;故意做某事。 如:He went out of his way to help me. 他特意帮助我。 (2)make sb./oneself feel/be at home 感觉如在自己家中,无拘束 12 9.I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to them, and dont find them so strange any more. 不得不承认,我发现记住一切东西是很困难的,但我渐渐习惯了,并且发现他们也不再那么奇怪

45、了不得不承认,我发现记住一切东西是很困难的,但我渐渐习惯了,并且发现他们也不再那么奇怪了 Find it difficult to do 发现做某事很困难。 如: He finds it difficult to stop smoking. 他觉得戒烟是件难事。 find it dangerous to do 发现做危险 find it strange to do 发现做奇怪 10. I find it difficult to remember everything, but 当不定式用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语it,而将真正的宾 语移至句末,其基本结构为

46、“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式短语”。例如: I find it difficult to do the job well. 我发现做好这个工作不容易。 I find it easy to get on with her. 我发现她很容易相处。 Find it difficult to do 发现做某事很困难。 find it dangerous to do 发现做危险 find it strange to do 发现做奇怪 【拓展】 当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主语it,而把真正的 主语放在句子末尾。例如: Its a pity to refuse

47、. 拒绝是令人遗憾的。 Its no use saying any more about it. 再谈这事没有用。 Its not known where she went. 她到哪里去了没人知道。 【注意】 It is said / reported / believed / understood that 这类结构中的 it 也是形式主语。 Its reported that two people were injured in the accident. 据报道这次事故中有两人受伤。 11. Was I supposed to start at the outside and work

48、in or the inside and work out? 我是应该先从外面开始,依次向里用还是从里面开始,依我是应该先从外面开始,依次向里用还是从里面开始,依次向外用呢?次向外用呢? 此处所讲的是在西方国家用正餐时往往配备几套刀叉,刀叉从里到外,是从小到大 的次序,左手处放叉,右手处放刀,使用顺序则从外到里,分别为正餐所用刀叉,及甜点用。 12. But Westley still kept slipping. 但是但是 Westley 依然下滑,没有改善。依然下滑,没有改善。 keep + doing 不断,一直做某事,中间未有间隔 13 keep on doing 继续做某事,中间有间

49、隔 如: We must keep on doing so. 我们今后还要这样做。 The headmaster kept on talking for nearly an hour. 校长持续谈了近一小时。 13. She said that even though my father wasnt there,he was looking down at me and wanted to be proud. 她说即使父亲不在,也从上天看着我,并会以我为骄傲。她说即使父亲不在,也从上天看着我,并会以我为骄傲。 (1) even though/if 即使,纵然,用以使人注意下文之极端性质。如: (2) She wont leave the TV set even though her supper is on the table. 即使她的晚饭摆在了桌子上,她也不离开电视。 (4)be proud of 以为自豪


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