(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语unit 3 单元词汇 学案.docx

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1、2020 新版牛津英语第三册新版牛津英语第三册 unit3 词汇详细讲解词汇详细讲解 1. comic 喜剧演员 连环漫画 喜剧的 滑稽的 comedy 喜剧-comedian 喜剧演员 tragedy 悲剧tragedian 悲剧演员 2. take off 脱下 起飞 飞黄腾达 大受欢迎迅速流行 1. take off 起飞;脱掉;(短时内)成功 (1)take to 喜欢上;适应;养成的习惯 (2)take in 吸收;接纳;欺骗 (3)take on 呈现;雇用;承担 (4)take off(飞机)起飞;突然开始成功;开始走红;脱(衣服等);休假 (5)take up 占据;开始从事;

2、接受(建议或挑战) (6)take apart 拆开 选用 take 短语合适的形式填空 We by his innocent, boyish looks. It was investigated that he his fathers company last year. Since then, the company . he can perfectly balance his work and entertainment. For example, he going to the gym after work. In a word, he is a determined man who

3、is willing to any challenge. 【参考答案】were taken in; took over; has taken off; takes to; take up 3. front frontier 国界 边界 极端 边缘 4. obviousobviously 显然 5.access n. 入口,通道,利用/接近的权利或机会 get/have/gain access to 得以接近/进入/使用 accessible adj. 可使用的;可接触的;可到达的;易理解的;平易近人的 be accessible to.容易为理解的;容易为接近的 access vt 进入,使用

4、 Youve illegally accessed and misused confidential security files. 你已经非法获取并盗用了机密文件。 【即时训练】 完成句子 (1)TOKNOW 会使复杂的思想对孩子们具有吸引力和易得性,他们可以参与先进的概念 甚至哲学。 TOKNOW makes complex ideas , who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy. (2)这真的很烦人,我无法进入你推荐的数据库。 It was really annoying; I couldnt th

5、e data bank you had recommended. 【参考答案】 (1)attractive and accessible to children(3)get access to 6. to a certain extent 在一定的程度上=to a certain degree=to some extent/degree To a certain extent, the worlds knowledge is all at our fingertips. They examined the extent to which age affected language-learni

6、ng ability. 7. at ones fingertips 精通 熟练 对 了如指掌 8. click the button 点击 敲打这个按键 9. recipe 食谱 方法 秘诀 for 的食谱 的方法秘诀 10. bring up 使显示在电视机屏幕上 调出 提出 养育 抚养 呕吐 bring out 生产 出版推出 使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现出来 激发 bring in 引入 请来 赚钱 挣得 Bring about=lead to /result in/ give rise to 1) Born into a family with three brothers,

7、 David was _ to value the sense of sharing. 2) All the drivers have been warned that driving after drinking shall _ serious accidents. 3) Scholars maintain that social development can easily_ language changes. 4) The sales of the house only _ about 45, 000. 5) Alcohol just _ the worst in him. 11. ma

8、jor 主要的 大多数的 主修专业minor 次要的 较小的 辅修课程 majority 大多数 大部分minority 少数 少数民族 majority n. 多数,大多数major adj. 主要的;n. 专业;v. 主修minority n. 少数民族;少 数 in a/the majority占大多数 a/the majority of大多数 by/with a majority of以大多数 major adj. 主要的; v. 主修; n. 专业 major in.主修 minority n. 少数 in the minority占少数 【温馨贴士】 majority 通常与定冠词

9、连用, 后接“of复数名词/代词”, 表示“的大多数”, 即 the majority ofn. (pl.)/pron.,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。the majority 可单独使用,作 主语时,谓语动词用单数形式或复数形式。 The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking. 大多数人支持禁烟。 【即时训练】 . 语法填空 (1)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members against it. (2)In the nu

10、rsing profession, women are in majority. (3)The (major)of his patients come to him from out of town. (4)The majority strongly _(support) the plan to build a playground for children. . 句型转换 (5)Im a history major. 1 (major n.) 2 (major v.) 【参考答案】 1. are 2. the/a 3. majority 4. support/supports (5)1 My

11、 major is history. 2I major in history. 12. commerce 商业 商务- commercial 商业的 commercially merchant 商人 批发商 13. deliver vt 传送 发表 宣布 交出 履行诺言 不负众望 to 把 传送给 on 履行诺言 不负众望 delivery n 传送 交付 分娩 演讲方式 表演风格 deliver vt. 递送, 传送; 发表; 宣布; 交出 *You can have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites. 你可以使

12、用送餐应用 程序和网站把食物送到你身边。 *I feel very honored to deliver a speech here. 我很荣幸能在这里发表演讲。 *His husband had to deliver the baby himself. 她丈夫不得不亲自接生。 【词块积累】 deliver a letter /message 送信/带信; 传话 deliver a speech /lecture 发表演讲/授课 deliver a baby 接生 【即学活用】 语法填空 We packed up our old computer and delivered it to my

13、parents home. Please ask at the Middle Ward shop about our home delivery (deliver) service. (2)Your lunch will be delivered to (被送到)the front gate of the center at 12: 30. (3)The president will deliver a speech(发表演讲) about schools. (4)写出下列句子中的画线部分的汉语释义。 When delivering any bad news, they will share

14、the feeling of the receiver. 传递 The baby was delivered safely on Tuesday night.接生 He was employed at the store as a delivery man. 送货员 14. arrange 安排 布置 约定 排列arrangement n sth 安排 to do sth 安排做某事 归纳拓展 arrange sth. for sb.为某人安排某事 arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事 arrange to do sth. 安排做某事 arrange for s

15、b. to do sth. 安排某人做某事 arrange+that sb./sth. (should) do.安排某人或 某物做 make arrangements for.为做安排 自测默写 【温馨贴士】 表示“安排某人做某事”时一般不能用 arrange sb. to do sth.结构,应该使用 arrange for sb. to do sth.。 【即时训练】 单句语法填空 1. The secretary arranged a convenient time and place _ the applicants to have an interview. 2. He arrang

16、ed that the meeting _ (put) off for a week. 3. I have arranged _ Tom to meet you at the airport. 4. (2019 天津卷)Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that _ is more stable over the long term. 【参考答案】 1. for 2. be put 3. for 4. arrangement 15. above all else= above all 首要的是 16. establish

17、 建立(机构组织) 建立(关系) 设立 确立稳住 使得到认可 查实 确定 The committee was established/set up in 1912. a successful relationship By then she was established as a film star. They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall. 17. instant - instantly 立刻马上 一 就 =immediately 6. instant adj. 即食的,方便的;立刻的instantly a

18、dv. 立刻地【同】immediately adv. 立 即;直接地 conj. 一 (就)directly adv. 立即;直接地 conj. 一 (就) for an instant 一瞬间 in an instant 一会儿,马上,立刻 at that instant 当时,那一刻 instantly/immediately/the instant/moment/minute(that) 一 就 conj. 引导时间状语从句 自测默写 【温馨贴士】表示“一就”的连词或短语还有: as soon as,the moment/minute/second,hardly.when,no soon

19、er.than,directly,immediately 等。 【即时训练】 I. 语法填空 (1)I recognized him_ instant I saw him. (2)_ an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water. (3)The driver was killed _ (instant) II. 完成句子 (4)(2019 北京高考书面表达)一听到你要来中国旅行,我高兴地跳起来。 _ I heard you were coming to China for a trip, I jumped up with

20、joy. (5)He stayed at his friends (一会儿) and left there (马上). (一就) he got home, he closed the door and was lost in thought. 7. 【参考答案】 (1)the (2)in (3)instantly (4)Instantly/Directly/Immediately (5)for an instant; in an instant; Instantly/Immediately/The instant/moment/minute 18. comment v 表达意见 on /upo

21、n 对 表达意见 n 评论 批评 指责 on 对 的评论 批评指责 aware adj. 意识到的,知道的;察觉到的awareness n. 意识unaware adj. 未意识到的,不知 道的 (1) be/become aware of 知道/意识到 be aware that.意识到 make sb. aware of.使某人注意到 as/so far as Im aware 据我所知 (2) awareness n. 认识;意识 raise/increase/strengthen ones awareness of.提高/增强某人的意识 【即时训练】 语境串词 (1) 据我所知,这是他

22、第一次赢得比赛,这次比赛也让他意识到了自己的优点和不足。 , this is the first time that he has won the competition, which his strengths and weaknesses. (2) 你不知道我多么担心你的安全。以后你一定要提高自我防范意识。 You how worried I felt about your safety. You have to self-defence. 【参考答案】 (1)As far as Im aware; makes him aware of (2) are not aware of raise

23、 your awareness of 19. sth belong to sb 某物属于 20. request v/n 要求 请求 v sth from 从 要 be requested (not) to do 被要求做 n for sth/that 的要求 请求 表示建议、要求、命令等的名词如 advice,order,demand,proposal,suggestion,request 等后跟表语从句,从句中的谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”。 My suggestion is that you should finance some programmes to make peo

24、ple aware of the serious situation of the finless porpoise and protect them. 我的建议是,你应该资助一些项目,让人们 意识到江豚的严重状况,并保护它们。 21. technical 技术的 机能的 technology 技术 泛指生产工艺以及科学或工业技术。 technique 多指某一领域(艺术 体育等)的专门技术或技巧。 22. upload download 上传 下载 from 23. entertainment n. 娱乐活动; 招待, 娱乐 entertain 使快乐 娱乐 【词块积累】 (1)entert

25、ain vt. 款待 entertain sb. with sth. 用某物使某人娱乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用某物招待某人 (2)entertaining adj. 愉快的; 有趣的 【巧学助记】 语境串记 entertain As entertainers, they entertained their guests with a performance, which made the entertainment quite entertaining. 作为招待人员, 他们为客人提供了一场表演, 使得招待活 动变得非常有趣。 【熟词生义】 *I wouldnt ent

26、ertain the idea of such an unsociable job. 我不会考虑从事这种不跟人打交道的工作。(vt. 考虑) 【即学活用】 (1)用 entertain 的适当形式填空 Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night. During the time Bob told us many jokes for entertainment, making it an entertaining night. (2)He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.

27、他给我们讲故事、说笑话, 让我们高兴了好几小时。 (3)To my great entertainment/Much to my entertainment, he promised to entertain us to ice cream. 令我非常高兴的是, 他答应请我们吃冰淇淋。 24. addict n. 对入迷的人; 瘾君子 vt. 使入迷; 使上瘾 *The TV addict benefited a lot from the out-door activity. 这个电视上瘾者从这次户外活动中受益很多。 *He admits that recently he has become

28、 addicted to playing online games. 他承认 最近他迷上了玩网络游戏。 *Addicted to playing the violin, he didnt notice a thief walk into his house. 他沉迷于拉小提琴, 没有注意到有个小偷走进了他的房子。 【词块积累】 (1)addict oneself to 沉溺于; 醉心于 (2)addicted adj. 入了迷的; 上了瘾的; 成瘾的 be/become/get addicted to (doing) sth. 沉迷于; 热爱; 迷上 addictive adj. (药物等)使

29、人上瘾的 (3)addiction n. 上瘾; 入迷; 嗜好 have addiction to 对上瘾 【名师点津】 addict“家族成员”之异同 addicted, addiction 常与介词 to 连用, 后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 addicted 常修饰人; addictive 意为“使人上瘾的”, 常修饰物。 【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 Addicting themselves to surfing (surf) the Internet, many kids have lost interest in study. I discovered an addiction

30、 (addict) to housework which I had never felt before. (2)Learning you are addicted to Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. 得知你迷上了中国文化, 我建议你申请中国最好的大学之一北京大学。 25. be glued to sth: to look at sth with all your attention 全神贯注看着某物,离某物很近 =keeps

31、ones eyes glued to sth He was glued to the TV when the Olympics were on. 电视上一有奥运会赛事他就会盯着看。 We were glued to the television watching the election results come in. 我们目不转睛地盯着电视,等待大选结果揭晓。 be glued to sth(由于感兴趣、惊讶、害怕等而)像钉在某物上似的一动不动 We were glued to our chairs, listening intently to every word. 我们像钉在椅子上似的

32、,专心地听每一句话。 26. quit 离开, 离校, 离任; 停止, 戒掉 ; 退出 关闭(quit, quit, ;quitted, quitted;quitting) quit (doing) sth / sth 戒掉 离开 Hes been given six months to live if he doesnt quit drinking. 他不戒酒的话,只能活六个月。 The majority of smokers say that they would like to quit the habit. 大多数吸烟者都说他们是想戒烟的。 quit 辞职;离开 Would you q

33、uit your job if you inherited lots of money? 假如继承了一大笔钱,你会辞掉工作吗? Police were called when he refused to quit the building. 他拒绝离开那座大楼,于是人们叫来了警察。 be quit of sb / sth: be rid of sb / sth 摆脱;脱离 Id like to be quit of the responsibility. 我很想摆脱这个责任。 quitter n. 遇到困难就放弃的人,半途而废的人 Ive asked you to do this for me

34、 because I know youre not a quitter. 我要你为我做这件事,因为我知道你不是半途而废的人。 He wont resign because hes not a quitter. 他不会辞职的,因为他不是一个轻言放弃的人。 27. shoot past 飞驰而过 28. knock sb off ones feet 撞倒 Head down, eyes on my smart phone, I stepped into the road and a car shot past, nearly knocking me off my feet! 【拓展】与 knock

35、 相关的其他短语 knock down 撞倒;拆除;拆掉(建筑物等);使降价 knock over 打翻;打倒;去除;消除 knock out 打昏;使失去知觉; 歼灭; 震惊 knock off 下班;击倒;减(价);匆忙做完 knock up 敲门叫醒;迅速做好;使疲惫不堪 【语境应用】用 knock 短语的适当形式填空。 1. 汤姆不小心把那个贵重的花瓶撞翻了。 Tom _ the valuable vase accidentally. 2. 为修一条新路,他们家的房子正被拆毁。 Their house _ to make way for a new road. 3. 他同意把价钱减去

36、10 美元。 He agreed to _ $10 _ the price. 4. 进屋之前请先敲门。 Please _ the door before you enter the room. 29. scare 害怕 scared 害怕的 (人) scary 恐怖的 吓人的(物) 30.somehow 莫名其妙地 不知怎么地 用某种方法 somewhat 有一点 少许 anyhow 不管怎样 无论如何 =anyway 31. lose oneself in= be lost in 沉浸于 全神贯注于 devote oneself to=be devoted to 致力于 She was si

37、lent for a while, lost in thought, staring at the books littering the room. 一时间她默不作声,直想得入了神,盯着房间里扔得到处都是的书 *Lost in her study, she didnt notice me come in. =Losing herself in her study, she didnt notice me come in. 由于专心学习, 她没有注意到我走了进来。 *Dont lose heart, whatever happens. 不管发生什么都不要气馁。 【拓展】 lose heart

38、灰心;泄气 lost ones temper 发脾气;发火 lose ones way 迷路 lose sight of 看不见;忘记;忽略 lose touch with 和失去联系 lose weight 减轻体重 【链接】 loser n. (比赛的)输者;败者 loss n. 丧失;损失;丢失 32. reveal v 展示,显出;揭示,透露 sth to 向 揭露 33. appreciate 欣赏 His talents are not ed by the company . 感激 (sb) doing 感激某人做某事 理解 +句子 【词块积累】 (1)appreciate (on

39、es) doing sth. 欣赏/感激(某人)做某事 I would appreciate it if 如果, 我将不胜感激 (2)appreciation n. 欣赏; 感激 【名师点津】 appreciate 用法点睛 appreciate 后不能用不定式, 而要用动名词作宾语。 作“感激; 感谢”讲时, 其 宾语不能是人, 只能是事或物。 appreciate 之后不能直接跟 if 引导的从句, 要先接 it 再跟 if 从句。 like, hate, dislike, love, depend/rely on 等动词(词组)之后接 if/when 从句有类似用法。 【即学活用】 (1

40、)语法填空。 I dont appreciate being treated (treat) like a second-class citizen. (2017 北京高考) In order to leave some impressive memories on all of us before graduation, our class made a special video to express our appreciation (appreciate) to our school. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to

41、 you for your help. That is to say, I really appreciate your coming over to help me with my maths. But I would appreciate it if you could help me finish my homework. (appreciate) (2)句型转换。 I would be grateful to you if you could accept my application. (用 appreciate 改写) I would appreciate it if you co

42、uld accept my application. 34. cut back on 消减 减少 缩减 =cut back down It is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy. 尽量削减生产,减少制造和购买物品的数量是我们的责任。 cut off 切断(供应);中断(电话通话等);隔绝 cut down 砍倒;削减 cut out 剪掉;删除;裁剪;停止 cut up 切碎;突然超车;使伤心 cut in 插嘴 cut across 抄近路穿过

43、【即时训练】 语法填空 (1)How can you cut the risk of cancer? (2)He also supplied the north when America cut energy aid. (3)He was badly cut by the death of his father. (4)He kept cutting on our conversation, which made us very angry. (5)Education spending cannot back any further. 【参考答案】 (1)down (2)off (3)up (4)in (5)be cut


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