(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx

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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx_第1页
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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx_第2页
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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx_第3页
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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx_第4页
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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 单元检测(含完型阅读词汇检测句子翻译) (含答案).docx_第5页
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1、牛津译林牛津译林 20202020 版必修三版必修三 Unit3 单元单元练习练习 一、完形填空一、完形填空 John Perry stood up and looked around again. The island had been a good place to find shells. But now how could he make the 1 move out to sea? If they swam out to sea he could jump in and get to shore 2 they saw him. He saw the sharks rolling an

2、d playing. Their 3 was now gone and they were killing for fun. How could he make them move away? He drew his knife from his belt. Sharks can 4 blood, he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the 5 . The blood ran out and he caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red a

3、nd wet he tied some cloth around his leg to 6 the flow of blood. He then tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, threw it into the water and 7 it with the piece of cloth. The sharks smelled the blood and came 8 toward the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt and the sharks raced after

4、 it. He was 9 them away from shore. Suddenly he dropped the cloth, turned toward the 10 and ran as fast as he could. He jumped in the water and swam. He was halfway across 11 he turned to look back. A high bony fin (鳍) was 12 through the water toward him. He put his face in the water and kicked and

5、splashed himself 13 as fast as he could. The shore was near now. He lifted his head again to 14 and he saw the shore very near. From behind he left the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. And then a great gray body hit him and almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the s

6、hore with 15 and he pulled himself up the stones. The shark, 16 by the smell of blood and the chase (追逐), went wildly after him. Its great body crashed against 17 . The end came quickly and the water was covered with the sharks blood. The injured shark was eaten up 18 by others as it tried to escape

7、. Perry slowly struggled 19 his feet. “So,” he said, “you did not get me.” And he looked down at the sharks still eating 20 they werent hungry. He climbed up the stones and walked toward the village. 1. A. boats B. sharks C. soldiers D. shells 2. A. until B. before C. after D. when 3. A. food B. wis

8、h C. anger D. hunger 4. A. smell B. fear C. taste D. drink 5. A. flesh B. shark C. sand D. mat 6. A. keep B. stop C. join D. cause 7. A. caught B. pulled C. connected D. wrapped 8. A. racing B. jumping C. swimming D. running 9. A. driving B. keeping C. leading D. preventing 10. A. sea B. island C. s

9、and D. shore 11. A. before B. while C. when D. unless 12. A. cutting B. going C. running D. swimming 13. A. backward B. forward C. upward D. downward 14. A. breathe B. swim C. escape D. cry 15. A. the shirt B. his feet C. a stick D. his fingers 16. A. interested B. frightened C. excited D. disappoin

10、ted 17. A. the shore B. the stones C. Perry D. the shells 18. A. alive B. dead C. friendly D. lively 19. A. with B. on C. by D. to 20. A. as if B. as soon as C. even if D. as long as 二、阅读理解二、阅读理解 A Duke Ellington is known as one of the most important composers of his time, and his work has been enjo

11、yed for more than 80 years by music lovers all over the world. During his lifetime Ellington turned musical sounds into many compositions, mostly in the style known as jazz. The Early Years Edward Kennedy Ellington was born in 1899 in Washington, D. C. It wasnt until Ellington was a teenager that hi

12、s interest in music grew. He taught himself to play the piano by listening to local piano players. Sometime around 1916 Ellington began playing the piano at high school parties. Ellington realized that he enjoyed entertaining people with his music. He soon became a very popular musician, playing at

13、parties and other events in the Washington area. Young adults seemed especially delighted by the modern pieces he composed. Success in New York In 1923, when Ellington was almost 24 years old, he joined The Washingtonians, a five-piece group of musicians in Washington, and became the groups leader i

14、n early 1924. In 1927 Ellington and his orchestra won an engagement(雇佣期)at Harlems famous Cotton Club. For the next three years, his orchestra played at the Cotton Club nearly every night. The Influence of the Cotton Club Working at the Cotton Club encouraged Ellingtons creativity. Since the shows c

15、hanged every six months, he was challenged by the need to continually develop new material. He had to compose a wide variety of music to accompany the various acts in the Cotton Club shows and to adapt that music to the strengths and weaknesses of the players in his orchestra. By 1928 the popular ni

16、ghtspot began radio broadcasts. From the broadcasts Ellington and his orchestra gained a national reputation. On the Road As Ellingtons popularity increased, he realized that his orchestra could do well on concert tours. They left the Cotton Club in 1931 and toured America and Europe almost continua

17、lly for the next 43 years. In addition to touring, Ellington made recordings and continued to compose music. Duke Ellington played the piano, composed music, and led his famous orchestra for more than 50 years, until his death in 1974. Music lovers all over the world agree that the large quantity of

18、 music he created will be enjoyed for many years to come. 1. From the second paragraph, we know that Ellington _. A. could sing as well as he played the piano B. had a natural talent for musical composition C. preferred mature audiences to young adults D. learnt to play musical instrument from very

19、young age 2. Which of the following can show us Ellingtons leadership ability? A. Ellington was very popular at parties in the Washington area. B. Ellington did live radio broadcasts in New York City. C. Ellington continually developed new material. D. Ellington took the responsibility for a band fo

20、r a long time. 3. We may infer from the passage that _. A. Ellingtons career took off overnight B. Ellington loves touring around the world C. Ellington had a great effect on the world of music D. Ellington could compose a wide variety of songs 4. Which of the following shows the order in which the

21、events happened in the story? a. Ellington joined a five-piece group of musicians in Washington. b. Ellingtons orchestra played at the Cotton Club. c. Ellington and his orchestra gained a national reputation. d. Ellington began playing the piano at high school parties. e. Ellingtons orchestra went o

22、n concert tours. A. d-a-b-c-e B. a-d-b-c-e C. a-d-b-e-c D. d-b-a-e-c B Everyone knows you must exercise regularly to keep good health. Indeed, staying physically fit is a big part of our culture. We consider (or rightly so) that healthy people are attractive people. Since most of us want to be attra

23、ctive, there is no shortage of exercise clubs, training videos, magazines and books offering to help us stay physically fit. Unfortunately, however, our culture doesnt place the same emphasis (重视) on mental fitness. Although we tend to like men and women with strong, healthy-looking bodies, we dont

24、have the same degree of respect or attraction for smart, educated, mentally healthy people. This is a pity, because there are great rewards for people who have developed the ability to think well. If your mind is well trained and flexible (灵活的), you will be able to understand a great deal of what ha

25、ppens around you. And if you are also well educatedthat is, if you understand basic science, mathematics, music, art, literature, history and so onyou will find it much easier to make good decisions throughout your life. Over the long run, this leads to a sense of control over your destiny (命运) and

26、a much better life than otherwise. People who are poorly educated or who dont think wellthat is, people who are not mentally fitsee things differently. Their world is controlled by mysterious, often malevolent (恶意的) forces. Such people live within a system they will never master, forced to follow ru

27、les they will never understand. Although it may not be obvious, most spend their lives being controlled by others. They are told what to do, what to think, how to spend their money, and what they should and should not hope to achieve in life. In my opinion, if you want to live well, you must be able

28、 to use your mind well. For this reason, I want you to be able to concentrate, to solve problems, to understand complex ideas, and to think clearly and quickly. Such skills will make it easier for you to make informed decisions, understand current events, choose good friends, manage your money well,

29、 make wise long-term decisions and appreciate music, art and literature. The key to developing such skills is to enjoy learning, and to have the ability and motivation to teach yourself. 5. The writer of the passage feels disappointed that _. A. physically healthy people are not as popular as mental

30、ly healthy people B. mentally healthy people are not as popular as physically healthy people C. too little has been done to help people to keep physically fit D. too much has been done to help people to keep physically fit 6. The underlined word “this” in the 3rd paragraph means _. A. the understand

31、ing of a great deal of what goes on around you B. good training in body and mind C. being able to make good decisions in life D. the understanding of basic science and mathematics 7. The best title of the passage will most probably be _. A. Train Your Body B. Make Informed Decisions C. Think Hard an

32、d Work Hard D. Train Your Mind C An apology tells someone that were sorry for the hurt we causedeven if we didnt do it on purpose. Why apologize? Apologies are one of the tools we use to build good friendships and relationships.When you say “Im sorry”(and really mean it), its because you probably fe

33、el bad that something you did or said hurt another person. 8 Youre also saying that you respect the other person and you care about his or her feelings.After apologizing,you might feel a little better. 9 When you apologize in a caring way, you can feel good because you are trying to make things righ

34、t again. Does apologizing fix everything? 10 Other times, it might take a while for someone to get past feeling upset.You may need to give the other person some time.Even after you say youre sorry,you might still feel bad about what you said or did. 11 You are making up your mind to do better. What

35、if youve been hurt? When someone apologizes to you,you may welcome it.But if a person keeps hurting you and apologizing without making an effort to change,you may not want to make friends with him. 12 Its polite to accept an apology,but anything more is up to you! ASaying youre sorry is more than ju

36、st words. BThe other person will probably feel better,too. CIts always easy to get along with other people. DSometimes a heartfelt “Im sorry” fixes everything right away. EEveryone needs to apologize when they do something wrong. FBut you can feel good about apologizing or fixing the mistake. GJust

37、because someone apologizes,it doesnt mean you have to be friends. 三、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示填写单词三、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示填写单词 1. As far as Im (意识到;知道), nobody has done anything about it . 2. I looked after my fathers financial (私人业务). 3. Shes happy with her unusual living (安排方式;布置). 4. The government has drawn up (指

38、导方针;准则) on the treatment of the mentally ill. 5. (显然), theyve had sponsorship from some big companies. 6. Youve illeagally (获取) and misused confidential security files. 7. Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the (占多数). 8. You really cant (评论) until you know the facts. 9. He i

39、s only 24 years old and a drug (瘾君子). 10. There will be live (文娱节目;表演会) at the party. 11. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is near the (边界,边境) between China and Vietnam. 12. The president is sending in almost 20,000 (军事的) personnel to help with the relief efforts. 13. She has had the tumor (去除,使

40、消失). 14. We offer free (技术的) support for those buying our software. 15. The Internet puts an unprecedented range of information right at our f . 16. They have made their fortunes from industry and c . 17. The handwriting b to a male. 18. Her eyes were totally g to the screen. 19. The new magazine ha

41、s really t off. 20. The police gained a through a broken window. 21. He had changed to such an e that I no longer recognized him. 22. He was b up in a remote village. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空四、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I know you dont like her but try not to make it so (obviously). 2. Cultures give us a sense of (belong)

42、 in society. 3. They are an (establish) company with a good reputation. 4. When can you take (deliver) of the car? 5. Her voice is (instant) recognizable. 6. Local authority child-care provision covers only a tiny (majority) of working mothers. 7. Clearance of the site required the (remove) of a num

43、ber of trees. 8. It is still (technical) possible for them to win. 9. Many of the women are (addict) to heroin and cocaine. 10. It is an investigation into childrens understanding and (appreciate) of art. 11. The 1980s brought an (aware) of green issues. 12. The movie was not a (commerce) success. 1

44、3. The aim of the series is both to (entertainment) and inform. 14. Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social (mobile). 五、单句语法填空五、单句语法填空 1. The hotel is a comfortable and well-run (establish). 2. that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness . 3. She is due (

45、deliver) a lecture on genetic engineering. 4. We met at six, as (arrange). 5. It was this campaign established the papers reputation. 6. You are requested not (smoke) in the restaurant. 7. She helped him fight his drug (addict). 8. I dont appreciate (treat) like a second-class citizen. 9. He made hi

46、s (comment) at a news conference in Amsterdam. 10. Drug abuse has long been a (majority) problem for the authorities there. 11. This is a kitchen especially (design) for the elderly. 12. To generate new money the sport needs to be more (entertain). 13. It was (reveal) that important evidence had bee

47、n suppressed. 14. Journalists were denied access the President. 六、根据要求翻译句子六、根据要求翻译句子 1. 本书论述了近 50 年来家庭生活的变化程度。 (to.extent) 2. 双方同意成立一个委员会,调查索赔问题。 (set up) 3. 她要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。 (request that.(should) do) 4. 他听见他们刚才在教室里唱歌。 (动名词做宾语补足语) 5. 你看见那条河上正被建的那座桥了吗?(动名词作定语) 6. 期末考试考完后,学生们想休息一下。 (动名词做时间状语) 7.

48、 闪电击中了那个村子,使一幢房子着了火。 (动名词做结果状语) 8. 这些图片源于上层社会占据主流的时代。 (belong to) 答案答案 一一 BBDAA BBACD CABAD CBADC 二二 BDCA BCD ABDFG 三三1.aware 2.affairs 3.arrangements 4.guidelines 5.Obviously 6.accessed 7.majority ment 9.addict 10.entertainment 11.frontier 12.military 13.removed 14.technical 15.fingertips merce 17.

49、belongs/belonged 18.taken 19.access 20.brought 四四 1.obvious 2.belonging 3.established 4.delivery 5.instantly 6.minority 7.removal 8.technically 9.addicted 10.appreciation 11.awareness mercial 13.entertain 14.mobility 五五 1.establishment 2.At 3.to deliver 4.arranged 5.that 6.to smoke 7.addiction 8.being treated ments 10.major 11.designed 12.entertaining 13.revealed 14.to 六六 1.The book discusses the extent to which family life has changed over the past 50 years. 2. The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims. 3. She requested that no one (s


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