(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语unit3 The world online 词汇基础讲练(教师版).docx

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1、1 新牛津高一下第三册新牛津高一下第三册 unit3 The world online unit3 The world online 词汇基础讲练词汇基础讲练 一、重点单词重点单词 webcam n. 网络摄像头 pot n. 壶,罐,瓶 emoji n. 表情符号 comic n. 连环漫画 adj。滑稽的 far-reaching adj. 影响深远的 frontier n.边界,国界 obviously adv. 明显地 access n. 机会,权利,路径 click v./n. 点击 button n. 按钮,纽扣 majority n. 大部分,大多数 goods n. 商品,货品

2、 r-commerce 电子商务 deliver v. 运输 boot n. 靴子 hopelessly adv. 绝望地 arrangement n. 安排 cash n. 现金,资金 establish v. 建立 comment v./n. 评论,议论 instant adj. 立刻的,立即的 aware adj. 意识到的 immeasurable adj. 不可估量的 guideline n。 准则,指导方针 file n. 文件 ballet n. 芭蕾 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的 haircut n. 发型 upload v. 上传 entertainment n.

3、 娱乐,招待 2 device n. 设备 caption n. 说明文字 addict n. 对.入迷的人 battery n. 电池 quit v. 放弃,停止 disconnected adj. 分离的,断开的 reveal v. 展示,显出 appreciate v. 欣赏,赏识 wide-ranging adj. 覆盖面广的 company n. 伙伴,公司 specific adj. 明确的,具体的 二、二、重点短语重点短语 3 take off 突然大受欢迎 bring about 引起,造成 get in touch with 与.取得联系 a huge amount of 大

4、量的(后跟不可数名词) medical insurance 医疗保险 military affairs 军事事务 bring up 调出,提出 to a certain extent 在某种程度上 at ones fingertips 熟悉,精通 above all else 最重要的是 get in ones / the way 阻挡,阻碍 bring .great convenience 给.带来巨大便利 surf the Internet 上网 in that case 既然那样 cut off 停止,中断 have a positive effect on 对. 有积极的影响 take

5、 advantage of 充分利用 4 on a regular basis 定期地 share.on social media 在社交媒体上分析. be glued to sth. 全神贯注地看着某物 shoot past 飞驰而过 slow down 慢下来 make up ones mind to do 下定决心去做. be lost in 全神贯注 cut back on 减少,削减 bring together 把.汇聚起来 in terms of 就.而言 三三、词汇拓展词汇拓展 1obvious adj.明显的 adv.明显地 2access n. 途径,机会 adj. 可接近

6、的 有接近.途径 3major adj.主要的/ n.专业/v.主攻.专业 n. 多数 4deliver v. 运输 n. 运输 5hope v./n.希望 adj.有希望的 adj.无希望的 6arrange v. 安排 n. 安排 5 7establish v. 建立 n.建立 establish social ties 8aware adj.意识到的 n.意识 be aware of raise awareness of 9. measure v.衡量/n. 措施 adj.无法估量的 take measures 10. inspire v.鼓舞,激励 adj. 鼓舞人的 adj.感到鼓舞

7、的 n. 鼓舞,灵感 11. entertain v.娱乐 adj.使人愉快的 n. 娱乐,消遣 12. addict n.对.入迷的人 adj.上瘾的 n. 入迷,上瘾 be addicted to 13. connect v. 连接 n.连接 adj.连接的 adj.断开的 14. appreciate v.欣赏,感激 n.欣赏,感激 15. commerce n. 商业 adj.商业的 【参考答案】【参考答案】 1. obvious adj.明显的 obviously adv.明显地 2. access n. 途径,机会 accessible adj. 可接近的 have access

8、to 有接近. 途径 3. major adj.主要的/ n.专业/v.主攻.专业 majority n. 多数 4. deliver v. 运输 delivery n. 运输 6 5. hope v./n.希望 hopeful adj.有希望的 hopeless adj.无希望的 6. arrange v. 安排 arrangement n. 安排 7. establish v. 建立 establishment n.建立 established adj. 已确立的,公认 的 8. establish social ties 建立社会联系 9. aware adj.意识到的 awarenes

9、s n.意识 be aware of 意识到 10. raise awareness of 提升.的意识 11. 9. measure v.衡量/n. 措施 immeasurable adj.无法估量的 take measures 采 取措施 12. 10. inspire v.鼓舞,激励 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人的 inspired adj.感到鼓 舞的 13. inspiration n. 鼓舞,灵感 14. 11. entertain v.娱乐 entertaining adj.使人愉快的 entertainment n. 娱乐, 消遣 15. 12. addict n.对.

10、入迷的人 addicted adj.上瘾的 addiction n. 入迷, 上瘾 16. be addicted to 对.入迷 17. connect v. 连接 connection n.连接 connected adj.连接的 unconnected adj.断开 的 18. appreciate v.欣赏,感激 appreciation n.欣赏,感激 7 19. commerce n. 商业 commercial adj.商业的 一、一、单词拼写(用本部分所学单词)单词拼写(用本部分所学单词) 1.All children should have a to high-quality

11、 education regardless of their race or family income. 2.The m of students,accounting for 78 percent, are in favour of this idea. 3. The president d a speech for hours without referring to his note 4.Most of us are (意识到)that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us take steps to s

12、ave energy and reduce waste and pollution 5.The hall had no spare seats left last night. (显然), the performance achieved a great success . 6. Thanks to the waiters excellent_(安排),Im feeling so good. 7.On leaving school,Jane (设立)an organization to offer help to homeless people. 8.Users can (下载)their m

13、aterial to a desktop PC back in the office . 9. All you need to do is (上传) the files on to your web space . 10. In his spare time, he loves playing basketball for (娱乐). 二、二、用方框内短语的适当形式填空用方框内短语的适当形式填空 1 . Your suggestion will be at the next meeting . B set up; bring up; get in touch with ;turn to; ab

14、ove all else take off; at ones fingertips; no wonder; care about ;be aware of 8 2. Lindas father was very happy when he saw her career(事业)started . 3 . Children need many things , but they need love. 4. the children are excited-this is the first time theyve come to China. 5. Im trying to Jane. Do yo

15、u have her number? 6. Because the Internet is so easy to access these days, we have every resource ! 7. Go about your own business in your own way. Dont what others think or say . 8.Without anyone to in such a terrifying situation, she felt frightened. 9. We must the potential danger and take necess

16、ary steps in advance. 10. The company many branch offices all around the country. 三、单句语法填空三、单句语法填空 1.All the passengers are worried about whether the flight will take on time. 2. The residents living in the city have easy access the public library. 3. Parents put the books on the bottom shelf so tha

17、t they were (access)to their kids. 4.The boy,though brought in the countryside, soon adapted himself to the way of life in this big city 5. Forty percent of the land in the village has been flooded and the majority of the villagers (move) to safe places so far . 6. Most nurses are women, but in the

18、higher ranks of the medical profession men are the majority. 7. Thanks to the waiters excellent (arrange),Im feeling so good. 8.When visiting another country,you should be aware those differences and respect them. 9.Rachel Carsons popular book Silent Spring raised (aware)of the dangers of pollution

19、and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans 10. When the singer finished singing , the audience burst int cheers to show their ( appreciate ) . 11 . Word came a new teaching building would be built in our school the next year . 9 12.Im worried that if students are addicted snacks and soft drinks,

20、 it will do great harm to their health. 13. Little Bob has a terrible holiday because doing homework has taken most of his time. 14 . He determined to quit ( smoke ) because he had coughed for months 15.She was not used to (work)at night and it took her a few months to get used to it. 16.I would app

21、reciate if goods could be delivered soon as possible . 四、四、课文语法填空课文语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (一一) The Internet 1 (have) the power to connect people across the world to 2 single shared community . We can gain almost anything online-with access to the Internet comes some truly life-chang

22、ing convenience. One of the greatest 3 ( advantage ) of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to a huge amount of information. The Internet has now become the first place 4 the majority of people turn to for information. Meanwhile, it has also made our lives unbelievably 5 (convenience),wit

23、h e-commerce 6 (provide) all sorts of goods and services. Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties. However,while the Internet brings many valuable advantages , being connected has its problems . We must be aware 7 these problems and be careful to use the Internet 8 (

24、proper).Only in that way can we enjoy the immeasurable benefits of the Internet. When 9 (use) safely, the Internet can be a place of 10 (discover),wonder and inspiration for everyone. (二二) I was a smartphone addict. The first thing 1 I did when I woke up in the morning was reach for my phone. The sm

25、artphone took up too much of my time, and I could have done something more 2 ( meaning ) than just looking at a tiny screen all day , but 3 was not easy to quit the habit . One day, I looked down at my smartphone when 4 (cross) the road, and I was nearly knocked off my feet. At that very moment , I

26、made up my mind 5 ( spend ) a whole week without my smartphone . The first day was 6 hardest . Very soon , time slowed down . The empty hours stretched out in front of me , and I felt disconnected from everyone and 10 everything . It was scary at first. Then somehow I began to feel free. Most 7 ( im

27、portant ) , I began to appreciate the 8 (beautiful) in life with my own eyes, instead of through my smartphone camera . My offline relationships 9 ( benefit ) as well . By the end of the week , I almost did not want to turn my phone back on. I cannot escape from the modern world, but I can cut back

28、10 the amount of time I spend on my smartphone every day , and I do . Life beyond smartphones is richer and more beautiful, and I am going to make full use of it. 一、 【参考答案】access; majority; deliver; aware; Obviously arrangement; established; download; upload; entertainment 二、 【参考答案】 brought up; taki

29、ng off; above all else; No wonder; get in touch with at our fingertips; care about; turn to; be aware of; set up 三、 【参考答案】off; to; accessible; up; have moved; in; arrangement; of; awareness; appreciation; that; to; up; smoking; working; it 四、 (一) 【参考答案】has; a; advantages; that; convenient providing; of; properly; used; discovery 四、 (二) 【参考答案】that; meaningful; it; crossing; to spend; the; importantly; beauty; benefited; on; 11


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