教科EEC版六下Unit4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays-Class 2 Textbook p.35-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:71055).doc

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1、 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays 教学内容: 我作课的内容是义务教育课程标准实验教科书 EEC 小学英语六 年级下册第四单元, 根据 新课标的要求,本着培养学生创新意识和运用英语实践能力的原则, 确立如下教学分析。 教材分析: 本课以 Xiaoxiao 订餐为主线,开展了针对地址和电话号码的问 答练习。以故事为主线,使学生真切地感受到真实的生活场景。以学 生“能做某事”的描述方式设定学习内容,为任务型教学的开展提供 了最直接的活动素材。在听、说预先的前提下,进一步发展学生听、 说技能,加强读、写技能。四项技能综合安排,促进学生全面发展。 学情分析: 根据以上对教

2、材的分析, 同时针对小学生外语存在一定困难的实 际情况, 首先给学生创造学习语言的气氛, 同时激发学生学习的兴趣, 运用情景教学使学生掌握新知识。 教学目标: 1.知识与技能:能听懂并会问答电话号码和地址,学会用英语定 餐,能在适当的情景中运用。 2.过程与方法:通过图片,实物和多媒体辅助将所学内容生动的 展现给学生。再通过创设情境法,TPR 教学法,游戏法,小组 合作等多种多样的教学方法巩固加深所学新知。 3.情感态度与价值观:注重孩子的综合发展,致力于培养学生礼 貌待人,合作互助等品质。并鼓励学生养成良好的日常饮食习 惯。学会相互交流、沟通及用委婉的语气询问他人。 Main and Dif

3、ficult Points: Can understand、say and use the sentences “Could you tell me your address / phone number ? Whats your address / phone number,please ?” Teaching Aids: Flash,all kinds of food,pictures. Teaching Methods: Situational communicative approach,listening,speaking, reading,writing,TPR,group wor

4、k. Teaching Procedures: Step I:Lead-in 1.Greeting: T: Hi!Hi!Everyone! Ss: Hi!Hi!Miss Fan! T: There are so many leaders and teachers here.Lets say “hello”to them.Ok? Ss: Ok! T: Hello!Hello! Ss: Hello!Hello! 2.Warm up: T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes. T: Now lets sing a song “If Youre Happy”. Ss: The

5、teacher and students sing the song together. 3.Ask students to look at a movie, give them a question,then ask them to answer the question.At last,the teacher say something to lead in this lesson. Step II:New words and phrases Learn the new words and phrases, then practice them. The teacher says Chin

6、ese or English,then students say English or Chinese.Who is the first one,who will speak first? Step III:Phone numbers and addresses T: This is my house .My address:Room 501,Unit 1,Building 22. My phone number:8197044. Can you say the other phone numbers and addresses in the picture? Ss: Yes. Learn t

7、he phone numbers and addresses, then practice them. Make students say their own phone numbers and addresses. Write “Could you tell me your address / phone number? Whats your address / phone number,please ?” on the blackboard. Step IV:Learn the text Listen to the text,learn this part. Ask students to

8、 read the sentences,then translate them into Chinese.The teacher explains the language points to students. Step V:Act out T: Im hungry now.Are you hungry? Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to order some food? Ss: Yes. T: Now Lets look at a flash,listen to the music,practice the dialogue in pairs.You may order

9、 another food or other things. Step Summary T: Now,lets sum up.What do you learn ? Step VII:Homework Continue to practice the dialogue. Do the exercise book. Blackboard Design: Lesson 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays I. Happy Day Pizza order address avenue Maple Avenue phone number Sunshine Street II. Could you tell me your address/phone number? Whats your phone number/address,please ?


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