1、 紧扣高一教材 设计读写训练 一:写作考什么? 普通高中英语课程标准(2017版2020年修订): 二: 分学段写作教学思路 高一 抓基础,塑语感,勤仿写; 高二 重积累,顺逻辑,成体系; 高三 常梳理,精打磨,冲高分。 三:高一学生写作面临问题及改进思路 1. 语体意识缺乏 无法使用恰当的词汇、句型、修辞、语气 2. 词汇广度、深度积累不够 只会用简单词、口语词,换词频率不高 3. 母语影响严重 由于积累不够,语感缺乏,只能用母语翻译形式表达 4. 写作训练热情不高 抵触写作训练,基础好的学生更不愿训练 抓基础,塑语感,勤仿写: 通过阅读等训练输入大量词块、语法知识、修辞手法,以仿 写、复述
2、、改写、概要写、角色带入、创造性写作等方式进行短、 频、快、趣的读写复合训练,初步塑造语感。 高一模仿性写作 (imitative writing) 高二创造性写作 (creative writing) 高三备考最终产出 四:紧扣教材,挖掘素材,设计训练 五:写作训练设计案例 Conduct an imitative writing task according to “A precious family dinner”, you can describe a festival of your choice, either Chinese or western; you should writ
3、e about 80 words. 仿写: Latest example: Example 1: Conduct an imitative writing task according to “School life in the UK”, describing one part of your school life in SDFZ: study, classmates, teachers, after-school events, food, etc.; you should write about 80 words. 仿写: 概要写: Example: Make a summary of
4、 the passage, a keyword guideline is given for you to refer to, and you need to use the linking words on P33 B3 or more to make your sentences more structured; you should write about 60 words. Amy and her friend are like sisters Last Saturday, something bad happened See a film She could not come Amy
5、 found that she lied Amy felt mad Amy comforted her What to do? Example 1: Your friend Toby is now unhappy, the reason could be pressure, lack of sleep, friendship, parents, etc.; choose one reason and write him a letter to give him advise by using parallel structures; you should write about 50 word
6、s. 短、频、快: Example given regarding to “pressure”: Remember pressure is there where you think it is, it begones when you go out to the nature; it begones when you do workouts in the gym; it begones when you listen to music; it begones when you chat with your friends. 短、频、快: Example 2: You are starting
7、 a school club, try your best to attract as many students as you can by asking a group of questions that may imply your club could help them make friends, solve problems, improve skills or gain knowledge; You should write about 40 words 短、频、快: Latest Example: Imagine you are a character mentioned or
8、 that can be possibly involved in the story, and write what is going to happen next; you should write no less than 150 words. 尝试续写(creative writing): My further thoughts Being looked down from the CEE, year 10 students writing skill may be in its “infancy”. Yet in three years, with adequate, appropriate and evolving training, they are believed to develop “maturity” to get even more than expected in writing! 紧扣教材,细心发掘;以小见大,积少成多! Thank you all!