冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Unit 4 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:21360).zip

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冀教版六年级上册 Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming 一教学内容分析:一教学内容分析: 本课是义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)六年级上册第四 单元 19 课新授阅读课。本单元学习加拿大的圣诞节有关知识。本课重点介绍圣 诞节的知识和习俗。 二学情分析:二学情分析: 六年级学生已经有一定的基础知识和阅读技能,对自己喜欢的话题和知识 有好奇心和兴趣。本年级学生对圣诞节已经有一定生活经验为基础,有简单的 认识。在五年级下册中已经学习过春节的相关语篇及词汇,便于表述和书写相 关语句。三教学目标:三教学目标: 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1.能根据拼读规律及旧知迁移会认读、拼写,并能在图片、语境的帮助下 听懂、会说下列词汇:holiday, bring, give, song. 2.能运用略读、寻读、猜测词意等阅读方法阅读文本,通过圣诞节情景创 设及图片提示理解,并在情境中运用下列句子:Christmas is a western holiday. They bring gifts for us. We sing Christmas songs.谈论圣诞节。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1.积极与他人合作,完成阅读中任务。 2.积极运用所学词汇和句子介绍圣诞节。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 1.培养学生乐于了解圣诞节习俗的兴趣,感受圣诞节的文化氛围。 2.小组活动中能与同学积极配合与合作。 文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 了解加拿大圣诞节的文化,能注意到圣诞节和春节的异同。 四教学重点:四教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、认读和拼写词汇 holiday, bring, give, song. 2.运用阅读方法读懂句子和短文。 五教学难点:五教学难点: 运用所学词汇及句子介绍圣诞节,写关于圣诞节的句子。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1. Free talk: Hello, my friends. Nice to meet you. Im Emily, your new teacher. 2. Lead in: Im a teacher. So I love a holiday. Its on September 10. a. What is it? Teachers Day is a holiday. Try to remember the word “holiday”. These word is(hot,day).Pay attention to “li”. b. What about these? (Mid-Autumn Festival is a holiday. Spring Festival is a holiday.)Spring Festival is Chinese new year. 学生复习中秋节、春节节日,句子练习使用,引导用自然拼读识记 holiday. 【设计意图】:以师生自然的问候与交谈导入,很快拉近师生 距离,营造和谐、宽松的氛围,尽快消除陌生感。从教师节入手引 入 holiday。学生复习说出中秋节、春节也是中国的 holiday.以已有 的生活经验结合,激活学生已有的知识储备,使学生乐于用语言表 达。用自然拼读方法指导学生识记单词 holiday,记忆单词的学习策 略。 Step 2 Pre-reading a. Look,Jenny is from Canada. Their new year is Christmas.(板书 Christmas). It is not Chinese holiday. Christmas is a western holiday. 出 示并板书,领读. b. When is Christmas? (Its December 25) 板书。Now We are in Canada. Its December 25. Lets start our journey for Christmas. What do you see? 播放关于圣诞节的视频。 c. What do you see? Do people go to work? Do children go to school? 图片出示圣诞树、圣诞彩灯、圣诞贺卡及圣诞老人的图片及短语、句子,请学 生试着说,根据情况教读。 同时动作展示 bring 和 give ,复现展示,为之后阅读打基础。 【设计意图】由中国的春节自然引入 Christmas, 易于理解。创 设 Jenny 来自加拿大的情境,理解 western。创设我们去加拿大的 圣诞之旅的情境贯穿始终,由圣诞节视频入手整体感知圣诞节,并 由旅途中的所见认识圣诞节相关事物和人物。动词 bring 和 give 学 生在之前已有认读由老师本节课的礼物来复习,为学生阅读文本做 好基础。 Step 3 While-reading 1. The first reading. a. Read the test silently, answer the questions. (1.)What do they have at Christmas? (2)Who is Santa? b. They have Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa. 学生默读,寻找 答案。 c. Who is Santa? How does Santa feel? Whats in the red pocket? 由 happy 帮助理解 merry. 根据学生回答的程度,引导学生理解 merry, bring. Children say Santa bring gifts to them, what do you think? 启发学生求异 思维阅读的阅读习惯。 【设计意图】学生带着问题寻读,深度细读让学生更详尽地了 解课文内容,结合上下文及图片猜测词意,以问题引导和动作辅助 理解词汇,学生在阅读中得到阅读方法的指导。并启发学生在阅读 中思考的好习惯,体现阅读中求异思维的培养。 2. The second reading. a. Come on, lets follow Santa. Where is Santa? He climbs down from chimney. What does he see at Jennys home? Look at the pictures. What do they do on Christmas? What do they talk about? Merry Christmas. 教 读。旅行跟着圣诞老人一起来到 Jenny 家,从烟囱里跳下去看到了什么?读图 推测,引起兴趣。 b. Listen and read the text, answer the questions. What do they do on Christmas? Underline the key words in text. 学生圈出并回答,订正答案。 c. Try to write the words. 出示 spring 提示学生拼写出 bring. 此法教学 live-give ,long-song 帮助学生记忆单词。适时板书。 d. 跟读后四幅图分内容。 【设计意图】随着情境的发展,跟着圣诞老人来到 Jenny 家所 见所闻,引导学生细读图,预测短文后面内容,提高阅读兴趣,在 情境中学习 Merry Christmas.细读课文求证预测,圈出关键词给予阅 读方法指导。学生回答问题,教师引导学生由旧词记忆新词的策略, 根据学生情况跟读本段课文,正音巩固。 Step 4 Post-reading 1. Lets check. Read and match. 完成课文后面连线题,检查学生对课文的理 解程度。 (根据时间及学生反馈调整是否选做。 ) 2. Talk about Christmas ,then write the sentences. 先谈论圣诞节,之后写句子。体现重点句子在说和写技能中的运用。 _ is a western _. They have _. They _ _ _ _ _ We finish the journey, we know more about Christmas, but we still love Chinese Spring Festival. Compare them, please. 【设计意图】课堂检测从简单的根据课文内容连线检测基本理 解,到口语表达,最后写下句子,巩固句子在听说技能中的培养。 渗透文化意识的培养,我们了解了圣诞节,但春节仍然是我们中国 人最重要的节日。 Step 5 Class closing Homework: Please compare Spring Festival and Christmas, write some sentences. 【设计意图】作业中运用本课重点词汇和句子,并与中国春节 对比其中的异同。 Step 6 Blackboard design. Christmaswhen Christmas is December 25. What Christmas is a western holiday. have They have Christmas tree, Christmas lights and Santa. do They invite .to the house. bring gifts for them. They givegifts, too. They sing Christmas songs. have fun Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming!Christmas Is Coming! 冀教版(三年级起始版)六年级上册 Teachers Day is a holiday. Mid-Autumn Festival is a holiday. Spring Festival is a holiday. hotdayholiday ChChrisrist tmasmas Christmas is a Western holiday. The travel on Christmas. The travel on Christmas. The Christmas tree is beautiful. Christmas tree Christmas lights There are Christmas lights are on the house. Emily brings Christmas cards for you. Christmas card Emily will give Christmas card to you. This is Santa. Santa Pre-readingPre-reading Read the test silently and quickly(快读默读课文),answer the questions. What do they have at Christmas? 2. Who is Santa? They have Christmas tree Christmas lights Santa He is a mme errrry y man in red clothes He brings gifts. happy While-reading: skimmingWhile-reading: skimming On Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas While-reading: skippingWhile-reading: skipping While-reading: reading for details While-reading: reading for details Read the test carefully(细读), underline the key words(用下划线画出关键词 ). What do they do at Christmas? We invite our family and friends to our house. They _ gifts for us. Jenny says: They _ gifts for us. We sing Christmas _s . We have fun together. Please come for Christmas. Hello,Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Grandpa! Grandma! Thank you. springbring livegive longsong 1 12 2 While-reading: reading for details While-reading: reading for details _ is a _. We have _. They _. We invite our family and friends to the house. We _ “ChristmasWestern holiday Christmas tress, lights and Santa. bring gifts for us give our family and friends gifts, too. _.” Jenny loves Christmas. She talks about Christmas with Li Ming: We sing Christmas songs. Li Ming says:”You have fun together!” Fill in the blanks then discuss in your group. (先自己填空然后小组内讨论。) Post-readingPost-reading _.” holiday Christmas Spring Festival what when Please compare(比较) Spring Festival and Christmas. Western holidayChinese holiday December 25 January or February have do ConclusionConclusion 2.Please compare(比较) Spring Festival and Christmas, write some sentences about them. Please choose(选择) your homework: 1. Please read the text after class.
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