冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:70524).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip _Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:70524)
    • Lesson 19 LiMing comes home.ppt--点击预览
    • Lesson 19 Liming comes home.doc--点击预览
    • 教案70524.doc--点击预览


Unit 4 Did you have a nice trip? Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home ListenListen to to thethe tape.tape. Did Li Ming have a nice/good/great trip? What did Li Ming buy for his father? Where did he buy? What did Li Ming buy for himself? Mr. Li: Hello Li Ming! I missed you! Li Ming: I missed you, too. Mr. Li: Did you have a nice trip? Li Ming: yes! I had a great trip! Mr. Li: What did you do? Li Ming: I walked to Wangfujing Street. We shopped there. I bought a gift for you. Mr. Li: Did you? Li Ming: Yes! I looked in many shops. I liked this! Here, its for you! Mr. Li: Oh! Thank you! Its a T-shirt! Li Ming: I have one, too! LetsLets findfind thethe differencesdifferences I often walk to school I walked to the park yesterday I often watch TV at home I watched a film last night I often walk to school. I walked to the park yesterday. I often talk to Miss Zhang. I talked to my cousin yesterday. I often play chess with my parents. I played computer with my friends yesterday. I often walk to school. I walked to the park yesterday. I often talk to Miss Zhang. I talked to my cousin yesterday. I often play chess with my parents. I played computer with my friends yesterday. walk talk play walked talked played often yesterday What can you find? 一般闭 去闭 表示闭 去存在的状闭 或闭 去的 闭 作,要用一般闭 去闭 ,在句中常常出闭闭 去的闭 。如:just now, right now, a moment ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last month, last year等。 一般一般过 去去过 的运用的运用 (1) be闭闭闭成was,were,其中 am, is was are were (2) 行闭闭闭一般加-ed,没有人 称、闭 复数之分。 行行过过过的的过 去式去式过 构:构: (1)一般情况下在闭 尾加-ed。 在元音和闭闭 音后闭 /d/。如 : staystayed climbclimbed 在清闭 音后闭 /t/。如: workworked looklooked helphelped (2)以e闭 尾的闭闭 加d,闭 音同上。 likeliked livelived hope hoped (3)以闭 音字母加y闭 尾的闭 闭 去y加 ied,闭 /id/。如: studystudied trytried carrycarried (4)以重音闭 音闭闭 尾,末尾 只有一个闭 音字母的闭闭 , 要双写末尾的闭 音字母,再 加ed。 闭 音同上。如:jogjogged stopstopped begbegged Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home 习题习题 一、单词连线一、单词连线 1. yesterday a.观看 2. gift, b. 衣服,衣物 3. watch c.礼物 4. difference d.昨天 5. clothes e. 差别,差异 二、对话连线二、对话连线 1. Did you have a nice trip? a. We walked to Wangfujing Street. 2. What did you do yesterday? b. Thank you 3. Here is for you! c. Yes, I have a nice trip. 4. You are back. I missed you! d. Oh, they are different in many places. 5.Lets find the differences. e. I missed you,too. 三、选词填空三、选词填空 1. ( ) What did you do _? A. yesterday B. tomorrow 2. ( ) You are back. I _you! A. miss B. missed 3. ( ) Lets find the_. A. differences B. different 4. ( ) Did you have_nice trip? A B. a 5. ( ) We walked _ Wangfujing Street. A. to B. 四、填上单词所缺字母。四、填上单词所缺字母。 1. yesterda _ 2._ ift 3. wat_h 4. diffe _ence 5. clot _es 教学目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: story 、did 、yesterday 、night 。 2.学生能理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念。 3.学生能理解并会运用:walkwalked 。 教学重点1、使学生掌握过去式的变化规则。 2、一般过去时的基本用法 教学难点1、使学生掌握过去式的变化规则。 2、一般过去时的基本用法 教具准备录音机,磁带 个性化建议教学过程1、greetings 当学生到达教室时,问候他们: welcome back ,boys and girls 。today we begin the last unit in our English studies for this term 。 当所有学就座后,花几分钟讨论关于中国的旅行 。看学生能回忆起多少前几个单元所学的内容。当 他们讲述时,在黑板上记录下他们所说的内容。一 定说:good work !yes ,we learn that 。yes that is what they did when they were in Beijing 。 2、presentation 课文导入: 告诉学生,今天他们将阅读一个故事,故事的 内容是关于李明和他旅行归来所做的事情。他们还 将学习如何谈论现在发生的事情和过去发生的事情 。 (1)Limings story 从谈论现在和过去开始,向学生解释,如果某 件事正在发生,表示事情多发生在现在。我们用动 词的现在时态表示事情正在发生。如果你在过去做 过某事,则表示这件事情已经发生。 把often 、today 、yesterday 、last night 写在黑板上。向学生解释,他们将在本课学习一般 过去时。在英语中,表示动作发生在过去,需要在 某些动词后面加后缀ed来构成一般过去时形式。 演示: 在黑板上画一个表格,形式如下。在造句的时 候,用下列动词过去式填空。例如: Today I _. Yesterday I _ed . I often _. Last night ,I _ed . 选择容易用动作表演出来的动词。把表格留在 黑板上。 TodayoftenYesterdaylast night playplayed walkwalked talktalked jumpjumped looklooked pointpointed laughlaughed 讨论李明回家的情况。他见到了爸爸。他向爸 爸讲述了旅游中发生的事情他讲述的不是现在发生 的,也不是将来发生的事情。他用动词的过去式来 说明事情发生过了。 看课本P56 part 1 ,浏览课文,挑出所有动词并写在练习本上。 are、have现在时,发生在现在。 missed 、did 、had 、walked 、shopped 、wanted 、looked 、liked 过去时,已经发生过。 在动词过去式的ed下面加下划线。向学生解释 ,当他们看到英语动词后面有ed的时候,通常说明 这个动作发生在过去。并说明有些动词词尾不加ed 仍然可以表示过去式。用did和had举例说明。 现在,播放第一部分录音,学生看书跟读。播 放两遍,需要时暂停。 练习: 两人一组,让他们各组一起阅读课文,并练习 朗读单词。他们要在全班同学面前朗读。 (2)walk and walked 学生看课本P56 ,part 2 ,向学生解释,左边两幅图里面的句子谈论的是我 们经常做的事情。李明现在经常步行上学。这个女 人经常在家里看电视。 右面两幅图谈论的是过去发生的事情。什么时 候发生的?昨天昨晚。 现在指着图1朗读句子。一定要重读这两个句子 中的动词。在黑板山写下walk和walked 。读出这两个动词,并让学生跟读。一定要在walke d中的ed下面加下划线或者标注着重号。指着图2 重复同样的步骤。Watch是指我们现在经常做的动作 ,而watched 是指我们昨晚做的动作。我们过去看了一场电影。 播放part 2 录音,学生跟读。 (3)lets do it 。 看课本P57,part 3 。 A、tell limings story 学生要构思出黎明的故事,叙述给班上的其他 同学。谈论这五幅图。朗读每幅图下方的词汇。确 保着重强调过去式单词。 给学生做示范。教师讲述李明的故事。讲述的 时候,把句子写在黑板上并着重标出动词的过去式 : Liming had fun at the Great Wall 。 He missed his father very much 。 He wanted to buy a t-shirt for his father 。 He walked to Wangfujing 。 He looked in many shops 。 给学生足够的时间来构思故事。当所有人准备 完毕,邀请学生到前面展示。 B、ask and answer ,then write 。 两人一组完成练习。首先带领学生浏览整个练 习。这里他们会看到四幅图,阅读每幅图下方的句 子。指出每个句子中的现在时:call 、help 、watch 、wash 。看是否有人说出它们的过去式。(在词尾加ed )。 当教师感觉所有的学生都理解了如何完成练习 时,给每个小组时间,练习谈论过去的事情。然后 让他们把问题和答语写在横线上。 答案: -what did you do yesterday ? -I called my friend 。 -what did you do yesterday ? -I helped my parents 。 -what did you do yesterday ? -I watched TV 。 -what did you do yesterday ? -I washed the clothes 。 (4)巩固检验。 花几分钟时间复习本课常见动词的现在时和过 去式形式。教师可以在黑板上写出动词,然后找学 生说出该动词是现在时形式还是过去时形式。 Had 、missed 、walked 、play 、want 、wanted 、like 、liked 。 找学生用汉语解释:often 、today 、yesterday 、last night 的含义。 在黑板上写出这些句子,大声朗读每个句子, 并让学生判断教师在谈论的是现在的事情还是过去 的事情。 I had an English class yesterday 。 I am very happy to see my friend 。 It rained last night 。 I often do my homework in the evening 。 I talked to my grandfather on the telephone last night 。 She often walks to the supermarket 。 找学生到前面,在现在时的动词下面画下划线 。 找学生到前面,在过去时的动词下面画下划线 。 (5)课堂作业: 随堂练习册 (6)结束课堂教学。 板书设计Lesson19 Li Ming Comes Home Yesterday 、often 、walk 、look 、play 、picture 、miss 、shop I missed you ! Did you have a nice trip ? What did you do ? I walked to the park yesterday 。 教学反思
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