接力版(三起)六下-Lesson 5 Can I help you -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:207ac).zip

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Lesson 5 Can I help you? Part Two Enjoy reading A beautiful Carpet Lets chant. Can I help you? Can I help you? Can I help you? Four apples,please. Four apples,please. Here you are. Here you are. Tank you.Tank you. Thats OK. Thats OK. Sharp eyes carpet A: Whats your favourite animal? B: My favourite animal is . /I like best. A: Where do they live? B: They live in . A: What do they like? B: They like . A: What can they do? B: They can . A: What do they eat? B: They eat . Free talk What would you want to buy? Id like some What did Mr White want to buy?Lets learn the enjoy reading. 1.Who had the carpet many years ago? 2.What can the carpet do? 3.Did Mr White buy the carpet? Who had the carpet many years ago? A great man. What can the carpet? It can fly. Did Mr White buy the carpet? No,he didnt. expensive magic pound One sunny day,Mr White went shopping.He saw a beautiful carpet in the shop.He asked.”How much is it?” Its very old,Sir.A great man had it many years ago. Its very expensive.” “How much is it?”Mr White asked again. “five hundrd and fifty pounds,my dear Sir.A beautiful,old carpet,Sir.It is also a magic carpet.It can fly. “All right. I am going to take it. But I cant pay now.You can fly with me to my house on the carpet.Then I pay you.” How much is the carpet? Five hundrd and fifty pounds. How muchu is it?和How much are they.都是问多少钱。前者问单数和不 可数名词,后者问复数。 选词填空 (magic, money, on the carpet, carpet, take, expensive, fly to, fly, old, great) Mr White saw a beautiful_ in a shop. He wants to know its price. The salesperson said it was an_ carpet. Many years ago, a _man had it. It was very_ because it was_. It could _. It was five hundred and fifty pounds. Mr White said he was going to _it. But he had no_. He asked the salesperson to_ his house with him_. Can the carpet really fly? carpet old great magicexpensive fly take moneyfly on the carpet 阅读判断对(T)错(F) a. Mr White saw a carpet when he did some shopping . b. The carpet was very new. c. The carpet was expensive because it was really magic. d. Mr White was very clever. (T) (F) (F) (T) Try to act.( 同桌之间各扮演一个角色) Homework:写自己曾经买过什么物品,按下面的写自己曾经买过什么物品,按下面的 提示写出来。提示写出来。 One day,I_shopping.I saw a beatiful_in the shop.I wanted to_it.So I asked the boss:”_” The boss answered:“Ten yuan.”I took it . honest Thank you! 导学案导学案 教学材料 教学内容 Lesson 5 Can I help you?(第二课时)教学设计 授课人李艳青学校 苍梧县旺甫镇龙洞小学 所用教科书 接力版教材(具体内容: lesson5 Can I help you? 第二课时 Enjoy Reading. A beautiful carpet. ) 年级 小学六年级下册 授课课型 综合任务课 来源 教学内容分析 En joy reading.A beautiful carpet.本板块是一个趣味故事,改编自“一千零一夜”的小故事“飞毯” ,复现 了购物用语等语言知识,故事幽默风趣,体现了 Mr White 的聪明才智,具有很强的吸引力。 学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学六年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已经具备一定的听、说、读、写 英语的能力,有一定的英语知识储备,且具备逻辑思维能力。在学习本课时内容之前,学生已学生在四年级 下册第 14 课接触过句型 Can I help you? I want 谈论需要,在五年级上册第 7 课学习过 Can I have a Coke? 表示请求,本课是在此基础上学习句型 Can I have a Coke? Id like some How much is it? We also need. 来 谈论购物,为本课时的学习奠定了良好的基础。 学习目标 语言能力 (1)能够听懂、会说、认读句子 A great man had it many years ago It is very expensive. How much is it.? Five hundred fifty pounds. It is also a magic carpet. It can fly. You can fly with me to my house on the carpet. (2)能够在语境中理解新词 carpet, expensive, magic,pound 的语义及语用。 思维品质 能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下读懂故事,并能够回答下面的问题。 文化品格 培养学生从小能辨别真伪,做诚实之人的意识。 学习能力 能够模仿故事描述购物用语。 教学重点、难点 教学重点 能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下理解故事并能朗读故事。 教学难点 能够正确运用所学的语言描述购物用语。 教学设计理念 本板块是一个趣味故事,改编自“一千零一夜”的小故事“飞毯” ,复现了购物用语等语言知识,故事 幽默风趣,体现了 Mr White 的聪明才智,具有很强的吸引力。旨在使学生通过故事阅读进一步巩固本课的 核心语言及一般过去时的运用,并增加了新的语言 A great man had it many years ago It is very expensive. How much is it.? Five hundred fifty pounds. It is also a magic carpet. It can fly. You can fly with me to my house on the carpet.延伸了语言的应用范围。同时,读后活动的设计能够有效培养学生获取信息处理信息的能力。使 学生从故事中了解人物的性格特点,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 教学流程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Pre-task 1. Greetings 2.read“Lets chant.” 3.通过图片复习 Id like some 4. Show the PPT .A carpet.What is it? 1. Greetings 2.Ss read. 3.学生根据图片说 3.Let Ss know the topic today: A beautiful carpet. 学生和教师进行简单 的问答和热身,拉近 师生的距离。 让学生在 chant 中复 习已学知识。 复习购物句型,为学 习购物故事做准备。 引出本课时任务的话 题。 While-task 1.呈现故事的阅读问题。1.Who had the carpet many years ago?2.What can the carpet do?3.Did Mr White buy the carpet?。 3.梳理文本提出问题并呈现出来,让学 生根据文本解决问题。 3.了解了故事中购物语言,并学会 How much is it? 4.出示 PPT 练习。 (选词填空) 5.表演故事对话。 1. 学生带着问题听录音 和阅读课文。 阅读文章,解决问题。 3.学生通过与同桌问和答 的方式回答 Five hundred fifty pounds. 思考然后选择答案。 学生打开课本,看,听, 模仿录音。 学生小组合作朗读。 学生在图片的提示下,复 述故事的内容。 锻炼学生学会带着问 题阅读的方法。 提升学生的阅读能力, 思考能力。 通过同桌互问运用,达 到真实运用语言知识 的目的。 巩固和理解课文。 培养学生阅读能力, 满足不同层次学生的 需求。 Post-task Mr white 和 salesperson 是怎 么样的人? 探讨他们两个的性格特 点。 教育学生要学会辨别 真伪,同时要做诚实 之人的意识。 Homework 根据提示写一下自己的购物经历。巩固本课所学的内容, 并运用到生活中去。 板书设计 Lesson 5 Can I help you? (period 2) A beautiful carpet. old expensive magic fly
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