冀教版(三起)六下Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 22 Surprise!-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:9031a).doc

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1、小学英语冀教版六年级下册 课题课题 Lesson22: Surprise ! 隶属单元及主题隶属单元及主题 Unit4 LiMing Goes Home 主备人主备人课时课时 1 教学教学 目标目标 知识目标: 1.Four skills:cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream 2.Three skills: flour, oil, salt 3.学生能听懂并会运用句型 How many ? 能力目标:通过课本剧表演,培养学生在真实情境中运用语言的能力。 情感目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心他人,产生积极 的情感体验。 教学教学 重点重点

2、1掌握新授单词。 2掌握制作饼干所需要的原材料。 教学教学 难点难点 学习课文后进行课本剧的表演。 学习课文后联系生活做其他聚会的表演 教学教学 准备准备 教师教学资料储备教师教学资料储备(写作背景、作者信息、相关拓展(写作背景、作者信息、相关拓展): 区寒假小学英语一级备课之初备 实小六年级教师 提示学生编一个电话会话,复习电话用语;联系现实生活,编对话(生 日聚会或欢送同学或毕业聚会等) 教学资源教学资源(课件、视频、音频等(课件、视频、音频等): 电话,鸡蛋,面粉,油,盐,糖,碗,多媒体课件。 前置性作业前置性作业(预习导学卡(预习导学卡) (另附纸)(另附纸) 教学过程教学过程 教学环

3、节教学环节教师、学生活动教师、学生活动设计意图设计意图评价策略评价策略 课前热身 情境导入 小组合作 探究 1.Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello T: What day is today?Whats the date today?Hows the weather? 2.Students answer these questions. 3.Act out dialogues. T: Do you like a party? S: Yes. T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Lets

4、have a party for him. I think we can invite some friends for the party. Who do you want to invite? Please call them. Show their telephone conversations. Presentation. T: Today is Li Mings party. Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they?(出示课件,学生边看边回答。 ) S:Watermelon,pop,pizza,apple

5、s, banana T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need? S: We need (学生也许会给出很多不同 的答案,如“蛋糕,饼干,牛奶,水果 等” ) T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干) Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出 示实物 “cookies” ) They are cookies,and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将 图片出示给学生) T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make a ca

6、ke? Then teach and read these new words. T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies. 复习旧知识,学生们可 提前准备好道具,教师 要提醒学生正确使用 “打电话”用语。 为课文中的party做好铺 垫。 请学生以小组为单位给 出各自的回答,学生们 可以在黑板上写出单 词,或画出诶食物,通 过预习卡的复习,学生 在课堂上就可以熟练运 用以前学过的单词,从 而节约了复习中的机械 操练。 小组探究展示重点词汇 学生展示前置性作业: 正确使用“打电话”用 语。如 :Who s that speakin

7、g? This is Is thatspeaking? Yes, it is. 等。 ) 看看那组同学编的 好,而且电话用语正确。 通过预习卡检测同学的 学习情况,看一看哪位 同学得星星最多 通过学习卡检验学生对 重点单词的掌握情况 汇报交流 展示 4.归纳提 炼拓展延 伸 当 堂 检 测 布置作业 Listen and Say T: Now, Li Mings friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making cookies, theres someone at the door. Whos that? (

8、教师走到门口敲门, 用身势语解释 theres someone at the door.的意思。) They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What did she buy? (教师一边提问, 一边出示幻灯, 打出问题, )Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. Then show the picture of “ice-cream”, read and spell. Read and say Pla

9、y the tape again, students listen and repeat. Then read the text together. act T: Boys and girls, Li Ming is leaving soon. Lets have a party for him. How do you prepare the party and how to have the party for him, now I give you some sentences, you can accord to the sentences and the text, make a di

10、alogue with your friends. (教师根据课本提炼出主要句型出示给 学生:1. What do you need for the party? 2. How do you make cookies? 3. Who comes to the party? 4. How do you have the party?学生根据句型及课文,编排一 个课本剧。教师提示学生要联系生活实 际,想想如何开聚会。 ) Students show their play. Listen a song. T: Lets wish he and his friends “Auld Lang Syne”

11、 (友谊天长地久). Play the tape, students listen to the music and 以小组为单位做学习卡并布置课后作 业。 放录音,学生听后回答 问题。此环节培养学生 在短时间内捕捉英语信 息的能力以及锻炼他们 的听说能力。 学生以组为单位,角色 朗读课文或齐读。 拓展知识面,给孩子们 空间,以他们的生活为 背景,贴近生活,让生 活材料为课堂服务。基 础知识的外延是生活的 外延。 巩固本课所学知识,检 测学习效果。 看整组的参与情况 那组的编演能力强,有 创新性。 板书设计板书设计 Lesson29: Surprise ! cakemake sugarsu +

12、 gar cookiescook + ie + s someonesome + one ice creamice + cream 考点检测考点检测 一、单词:cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream 二、句型 1、Theybeginmakingcookies. 2、They make a beautiful cake and nine cookies. 3、Every cookie has letters. 4、There s someone at the door. 5、This one is mine. 6、 What name beginswithL? 三、名词的单复数 cookiecookieseggeggs 不可数名词:flouroilsugersalt


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