教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these -Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:5175e).doc

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1、1 义务教育教科书英语三年级下册 Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these? Fun with language 教学设计 一、文本解读 Fun with language 1. Listen and match. 通过听 There be 句型描述宠物和 Whose 引导句型找出宠物主人, 训 练学生抓关键词能力。 2. Play the game. 学生 1 描述动物特征,学生 2 猜动物,引导学生灵活运用 has/ have 以 及两词的区别。 3. Look, read and write T or F. 通过阅读句子,判断句意与图片是否一致,训练学生在阅 读过程

2、中抓关键词能力,也是对学生语段的输入,同时感受宠物的可爱。 4. Do the project. 学生口头输出 Do you have any pets? 回答: Yes, I do. I have 数量+宠物. /No, I dont. 根据回答完成调查表。激发学生对拥有宠物的自豪感和责任感。 本课时主要操练巩固 mouse, mice, pig, horse 等动物、 宠物词汇, 以及描述其外貌的句型: They are They have Whoseare these? They ares.还有用 There be 句型表达某处有某 物。Unit12 语法知识和句型较多,本节课重点操练巩

3、固以上句型,通过听说读写训练,学 会询问和介绍小动物,提高学生语言综合运用能力。 二、学情分析 语言的学习讲究情境性,三年级学生对英语学习有浓厚兴趣。学生对 pets 名称、特征 等有一定的体验和感知。 在上一模块已熟练掌握 There be 句型的问答, 这些都有利于对新旧 知识的梳理和运用。课堂上,老师注重创设情境,引导学生在轻松环境中学习与自己实际生 活紧密相关的内容,学生会更乐于与同伴互动和运用语言。三、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1. 核心词汇:pets:mouse, mice, horses, pigs appearance:big, small, lovely colours:

4、 red, yellow, white parts of body: tail, ears, eyes 2. 在情景中运用以下句型: There is a / There are some 2 They are They have Whose are these? They are s. Whose is this? Itss. 3. 在语境中区分 these/ those, this/ that 意义与用法。 (二) 语言技能目标 1、能在实际情境中运用核心词汇和句型 They are / They have介绍宠物。 2. 能在实际情境中运用句型 Whose are these/ thos

5、e? They ares. Whose is this? Itss.进行询问和回答。 (三)学习策略目标 1、能联系宠物外貌特点、颜色等作介绍,形成知识网络; 2、能从听力中抓住主要内容,从阅读中寻找有用信息。 3、在课堂学习中,通过感受、体验、交流、合作方式培养语言技能。 (四)情感态度目标 1、关爱小动物,学会欣赏美好事物。 2、在学习中敢于开口,在与同伴的交流合作中感受英语学习的乐趣。 (五)文化意识目标 会区分 pets 与 animals. 四、教学重点和难点 教学重点:能在对话和语篇中复习核心词汇、运用句型。 教学难点:能在对话和语篇中复习核心词汇、运用句型。 五、资源准备 wor

6、ksheet,图片,照片,PPT,金太阳动画等。 六、教学策略 1、重构、整合文本资源,创设情境,让学生在交际中运用句型; 2、合理运用小组竞赛、游戏等活动,激发学生表达欲望。 七、教学过程 3 I. Greeting II. Warm up: 1. Act out the dialogue. 2. Free talk: P71.4 Do the project. A: Do you have any pets? What pets do you have? B: Yes, I do. I have / No, I dont. 3. Sing a song: Old Mc Donald had

7、 a farm. 过渡语: You have some pets. Look! Old Mc Donald had some pets, too. They are on his farm. III. Pre-task: 1. Show Mc Donalds farm. Ask students tell the petsnames. “There is a on the farm. There are on the farm.” (1) 过渡语:Where can we see the pets?In the pet shop, we can play with the pets in th

8、e pets Parks, too. (2) PPT 出示 Ex.1 中 pets,write the petsnames on the pets. (3) Listen and number (4) Check the answers. (5) Read the chant and think:如何区分以下 2 个问句意思及其答句? Are there any? How many ? 设计意图:通过用 There be 句型描述农场动物,及复习核心词汇动物,也复习重要 句型 There be 单复数形式的区别与用法。 2. Chant. (1) Read: Farm, farm, whats

9、 on the farm? Pigs, pigs, big and white pigs. Horses, horses, strong and brown horses. Mice, mice, small and grey mice. Whose animals are these? Theyre old Mc Donalds. (2) Fill in the blanks: Shop, shop, Whats in the shop? 4 Ducks, ducks, cute and yellow ducks. Fish, fish, lovely and red fish. Birds

10、, birds, pretty and blue birds. Whose pets are those? Theyre old Mc Donalds. 设计意图: 通过朗读第1段小诗, 复习pets, appearances和colour的联系, 也复习Whose? 句型问答。第 2 段小诗让学生填空,继续帮助学生复习和归纳本节课所需词汇,老师板书。 IV. While-task: 1. P70.1 Listen and match. 原听力文本:(1) There is a pig here. Whose is it? Its Ms Whites. (2) There are some w

11、hite mice here. Whose are they? They are Bens. (3) There is a little monkey here. Whose is it? Its Jiamins. (4) There are some yellow birds here. Whose are they? Theyre Xiaolings. (5) There is a big white horse here. Whose is it? Its Janets. 文本重构后:Mc Donald 朋友的宠物走丢了,你能帮他们找一找吗?请听短文,把宠物 和他们的主人连线。 (1)

12、There are some big pigs here. Whose are they? They are Ms Whites. (2) There are some mice here. They are white and small. Whose are they? They are Bens. (3) Whose are these little monkeys? They are so cute! Theyre Jiamins. (4) Whose are these yellow and pretty birds?Are they Janets? No, they arent.

13、They are Xiaolings. (5) This horse is white and strong. Is it Janets? Yes, it is. (6) Whose is this white and lovely rabbits? Is it Jiamins? No, it isnt. Its Mc. Donalds. 使用设计: 5 (1) 过渡语:Look!The fence is broken! The pets are all missing. Lets see whose pets are they? (2) Listen and match.(worksheet

14、) (3) Check the answers and ask questions: Whose are these/ those? Whose is this/ that? (4) Sum up the listening skill. 设计意图:通过文本重构呈现不同句型,先通过听 pets 的介绍短文,帮 Mc Donald 找回 pets,以此训练学生抓住关键词的听力技巧。 2. P71.3 Look, read and write T or F. 原文本: (1) There are two monkeys in the picture. They are brown and they

15、 have long tails. (2) There is a rabbit in the picture. It is black. It has two long ears and brown eyes. (3) There are three white pigs in the picture. They are very big. (4) There are two white mice in the picture. They have red eyes. (5) There is a black horse in the picture. It has two white ear

16、s and a white tail. 文本重构后:Read and choose. 我们一起出发帮 Mc Donald 的朋友找宠物吧! 请认真读句子, 在对应的宠物下面打 “” 。 (提示:请把关键词圈起来。) 1) Those brown and cute monkeys are Jiamins. They have long tails and big mouths. 2) These are lovely mice are Bens. Theyre white and small. They have long tails. 3)Those three pigs are Ms Whi

17、tes. Theyre black and very big. They have big ears and noses. 4)Xiaoling has five yellow and pretty birds. They can sing. 6 5)Its Janets horse. Its white and strong. It can run. 6) Mc Donald has a lovely and white rabbit. It has long ears and red eyes. It can jump. 使用设计: (1) Show the passage and ask

18、 students finish exercises. (2) Check answers key words. (3) Sum up the reading skill. (4) Read the passage. (5) Fill in the blanks. 设计意图:再次呈现短文,完成练习,强调找出关键词并标示出来,引导学生掌握完成 阅读练习技巧。朗读全文,区分 these/ those, this/ that 意义与用法尝试短文填空,加强口头 输入,为口头输出做铺垫。 V. Post-task: P70.2 Play the game 原文本: Do you have pet? Ye

19、s! What is it? Guess! It has a short tail. Is it a dog? Yes, it is. 文本重构后:短文填空,描述你喜欢的动物,让大家猜一猜。 My name is _. I am _years old. I want some pets. They are _and_.Theyhave_.Theycan _.Guess! What are they? 7 重构意图:学生在听、说和读的基础上,根据板书提示,口头描述最喜欢 pets,提高 语言综合运用能力,建立知识体系。 使用设计: 1. Mc Donald wants to give us pe

20、ts for helping. 2. Guide the students describe the pet and let others guess. 3. Feedback and sum up. VI评比,小结本课重点和难点。 八. Homework: 1. Fill in the passage to describe your favourite pets. 2. Tell your parents or friends and let them guess. 九. 板书设计: Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these? Fun with language Pe

21、tColourAppearanceParts of bodyAbility pigblackbignoseeat mouse/mice whitesmalltail horsebrownstronglegsrun duckyellowcutemouth chickenlovely birdgreenpretty parrot fishred orangelittleeyesswim rabbitearsjump 十. 教学设计重构意图: 本课谈论宠物及其外貌特点, 巩固 mouse, mice, pig, horse 等动物词汇, 描述其外貌的句 型:They are They have Wh

22、oseare these? They ares.还有用 There be 句型表达某处有 某物。 首先,通过多媒体呈现歌曲 Old McDonald had a farm,让学生在歌曲中复习部分动物词 8 汇。 用课件呈现在 Old McDonald 带领下, Ben 和好朋友们参观了农场, 边参观边用 There be 句型介绍农场的动物,复习句型 There is a on the farm. There are some s on the farm. 农场上的动物太可爱了,引导同学们自创 chant 来表达对动物的喜爱之情: Farm, farm, whats on the farm?

23、Pigs, pigs, big and white pigs. Horses, horses, strong and brown horses. Mice, mice, small and grey mice. 可是,不愉快的事情发生了:The fence of the farm is broken. The animals are missing. 引 导同学们通过完成听力题把动物和主人连线, 通过阅读小短文帮助小主人甄别动物。 在同学 们的帮助下,小动物们都回到农场了。 最后 Old McDonald 要给同学们送小动物以表感谢,引导同学用几句话描述自己喜欢的 动物。 My name is _. I like _. They are _ and _. They have _. 课堂情景呈现以课件为主, 通过创设情境引导学生在轻松有趣环境中学习与自己实际生 活紧密相关的内容, 进行听说读写训练提高学生语言综合运用能力。 学生会更乐于与同伴互 动和运用语言。 反思:


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