教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 9 Who is this cute baby -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:433ab).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Relatives_Unit 9 Who is this cute baby _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:433ab)
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Unit 9 Who is this Unit 9 Who is this cute baby?cute baby? Period 2 Period 2 Fun with languageFun with language 义务教育教科书小学英语(三年级起点) 三年级上册Module 5 Relatives Lets chant Fathertall, mothershort. Sisterthin, brotherstrong. Cousin cute, cousin lovely. Its my happy !family Tim of Tims family. This is a photo He is Tims. grandfather. Tims grandfather is old. Tims _ is _. This is a photo of my family. My grandfather is . My grandmother is . My father is . My mother is . My uncle is . My aunt is . MY brother is . My sister is . And there is my little cousin. Oh! He is so ! This is my family! old short tall young strong thin cute lovely happy This is. heavy P52 EX.1 There is(有) an _ man in the photo.old There is a _ man in the photo.strong There is a _ woman in the photo.tall There is a _ _ in the photo.lovelygirl There is _ _ _ in the photo.cutebabya There is _ _ _ in the photo.heavy mana There is _ _ _ in the photo.thinawoman old strongtall lovelycute heavy thin Litsen and match. P52 EX.2 ? There is an _ and _ man in the photo. He is _s _. old Janetgrandfather short ? There is an _ and _ in the photo. She is _s _. old Jiamingrandmother heavy ? There is a _ and _ man in the photo. He is _s _.Xiaolingfather tall strong ? There is a _ and _ lady in the photo. She is _s _. tall Tommother thin ? There is a _ and _ boy in the photo. _(He/She) is _s _. cute Ben Hecousin short ? There is a _ and _ girl in the photo. _ (He/She) is _s _. short Li Jun lovely cousinShe A C B D Read and match, then underline the reason. This is Picture _. ( ) 1. This is a photo of my family. There are(有) three people(人) in my family. Look! There is a tall and heavy man in the photo. He is my father. The young and pretty lady is my mother. I love my family. C This is Picture _. ( ) 2. This is a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. Look! There is a tall and strong man beside me. He is my father. My mother and my sister are pretty. And I have two dogs. I love my family. A This is Picture _. ( ) 3. This is a photo of my family. Look! There is a cute baby in the photo. He is my little brother. He is lovely and happy. I love my brother. B This is Picture _. ( ) 4. This is a photo of my family. Look! My grandfather and grandmother are old and happy . There is a short and lovely girl in the photo. She is my sister. I love them all. D _ _ Task A(必做) This is a p_ of my family. There are(有) _ people(人) in my family .Look! There is _ _ _ in the photo. _ (He/ She) is my _. I love (爱) my _. Task B (选做) hoto six atallboy Hebrother brother _ _ photo 描写人物的形容词;tall, short, thin, heavy, pretty, old, young, cute, lovely, strong 人物词;man, lady, boy, girl, baby, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister Task A(必做) This is a p_ of my family. There are _ people(人) in my family .Look! There is _ _ _ in the photo. _ (He/ She) is my _. I love (爱) my _. Task B(选做) Family is warm(温暖的). We love our family! Family is full of love. Family is happy. Homework: 1.继续完善写话练习,有能力的同 学可以补充更多的句子。 2.完成family card,送给你的家 人。 Unit9 Who is this cute baby ? Period 2 Fun with language Class_ Name_ NO._ 1、请把图片编号匹配到对应文段的括号里,并尝试划出原因。 ( ) 1. This is a photo of my family. There are(有有) three people(人人) in my family. Look! There is a tall and heavy man in the photo. He is my father. The young and pretty lady is my mother. I love my family. ( ) 2. This is a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. Look! There is a tall and strong man beside me. He is my father. My mother and my sister are pretty. And I have two dogs. I love my family. ( ) 3. This is a photo of my family. Look! There is a cute baby in the photo. He is my little brother. He is lovely and happy. I love my brother. ( ) 4. This is a photo of my family. Look! My grandfather and grandmother are old and happy .There is a short and lovely girl in the photo. She is my sister. I love them all. AB CD 二、介绍你喜欢的一个家人(Task A 必做,Task B 选做) 。 My family Card Hello! My name is _. Task A (必做)(必做) This is a p_ of my family. There are _ people(人人) in my family. Look! There is _ _ _ in the photo. _(He/ She) is my _ . I love (爱爱) my _ . Task B (选做)(选做) _ _ _ Tips: 描写人物的形容词:描写人物的形容词:tall, short, thin, heavy, pretty, old, young, cute , lovely , strong 人物词:人物词:man, lady, woman, boy, girl, baby, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, Photo cousin 1 义务教育教科书小学英语 (三年级起点) 三年级下册 Module 5 Relatives Unit 9 Who is this cute baby?(Fun with language) 教学设计教学设计 1、本节课整体设计思路本节课整体设计思路 本模块学习的话题是 Relatives, 本课时是 Unit9 的第二课时,属于巩固课 型,学生运用已学的语言知识复习巩固与亲戚家庭相关的表达,通过观察描述 人物特征,介绍自己的家人亲戚,表达自己对家人的喜爱之情。本课设计思路 围绕 family 一词展开,选取贴近学生实际生活的文本素材,激发起已有的生活 体验进行语言运用;本课以设计层层深入,逐步递进的任务型教学方式去实现 教学目标,整个设计过程有梯度地递进。 2、教学内容教学内容 本课时是 Unit9 的第二课时,授课内容是 Fun with language,根据本课复习 巩固课的实际教学需要,对蝴蝶页、part1、part2、part4 的内容进行文本重构 以及二次处理,以便更加全面滚动复习前面已学与本课重要词汇与句型。 3、教学对象分析教学对象分析 本节课的授课对象是三年级学生,他们具备两年半的学习,具备简单的口语 表达能力。学生保持着对应于学习的好奇心和兴趣,在教师的引导和任务的带 领下,能积极尝试参与交流。 1.学生已学的知识有: 第九单元第一课时中关于家人亲戚的名称与相关形容词表达: grandfather, grandmother, cousin, heavy, short, lovely 2.已学的可以在本课重现的句型: This is a photo of my family. There is a/an (old, tall, short.)man in the photo. He is my uncle. 3.三年级上册关于家人亲戚的名称与相关形容词表达: Father, mother, sister, brother, baby, tall, pretty, cute, strong, young, old. 4.一年级相关口语表达: Father, mother, sister, brother, tall short, big, small. 4、教学目标教学目标 英语学科核心素养主要包括:语言能力、学习能力、思维品质、以及文化意识 四个维度,在本课中,主要围绕这几个目标设计教学活动。 (1)语言能力目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)学生复习巩固单词:cousin, grandfather, grandmother, heavy, short, lovely. (2)学生复习巩固短语:an old man, a strong man, a thin lady, a lovely girl, a cute boy (3)学生复习巩固句型:This is a photo of my family. There is a/an (old, tall, short.)man in the photo. He is my uncle. Who is he? He is .s . (4)拓展句型: There are . People in my family. 2 2.语言技能目标 学生能用包含英语形容词句子概括描述人物基本特征 学生能用英语介绍自己家庭照 学生能参考所给文本补充完成小短文 (2)学习能力目标 学生能运用所学语言完成语言表达任务 学生能在游戏和活动中主动参与学习 学生能在英语对话和语段中正确运用所学的知识 (3)思维品质目标 学生通过分组观察讨论照片中人物的整体特征,训练观察发现、分析判断、归 纳的思维能力。 (4)情感态度目标 1.学生通过观察和欣赏他人与自己家庭照片,感受家庭都温暖与爱。 2.学生通过小组活动,培养合作意识,学会与人交往。 五、教学重点、难点五、教学重点、难点 (一)教学重点 1.学生学会描述人物整体特征 2.学生能介绍自己家庭照片的人物 (二)教学难点 1.There be 句型的上口及运用 2.补充完成小短文,介绍自己的家庭照片的人物 六、教学策略六、教学策略 1.通过滚动、复习已学的语言知识,调动学生相关的知识储备,为后面知识拓 展与运用做好铺垫。 2.利用任务与情感驱动学生的学习兴趣,巩固新知识,让学生在情境中正确理 解语言。 3.通过 song 和 chant 激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,也便于学生理解和运 用语言。 4.设计逐层递进的活动,让学生在活动中开拓思维,扩大输入,有利于输出。 七、教学媒体七、教学媒体 投影仪、课件、卡纸展示板书、worksheet,希沃一体机,手机拍照。 8、教学设计亮点 1.根据教学需要深挖练习之间的联系,进行二次处理。 2.贴合学生实际生活选材,进行文本重构。 3.教学环节环环紧扣,层层滚动,体现教学设计整体性特点。 4.以 family 情感主线贯穿始终,学生感受到爱与温暖。 9、教学过程教学过程 (1)Pre-task 1. Lead-in 1) Lets chant:将教材 P51 页的蝴蝶页部分改编成节奏感强、容易上口的小诗, 教师带动学生 chant 后,让学生说出 chant 的主题,引出本节课主题。 2) Sing a song:通过 song 复习家庭成员称呼相关表达。 【设计意图:通过 song, chant 活跃课堂气氛,并唤起学生对知识的回忆,复 3 习巩固已学单词 grandfather, grandmother,cousin 等以及句型 This is a photo of my family.,自然引出本课的主题与学习内容。 】 (2)While-task 1. Free talk:观察照片,分析判断人物整体特征,唤起学生对知识的回忆,运用 形容词表达人物整体特征:tall, short, old, young, thin, heavy, cute, lovely, strong, happy。 2. Read and write 学生运用上一环节复习的形容词来描述人物特征,完成课本 P52 EX.2 Read and write 的内容。 【设计意图:二次处理,让学生能够初步运用 There is.造句。 】 3. Listen and match 学生帮助 EX.2 出现的人物寻找家人,完成课本 P52 EX.2 Listen and match 的内容。 【设计意图:二次处理,滚动 There is.和 He/She is .s .句型。 】 4. Read and match. 阅读四篇小短文,然后与相对应的照片匹配起来。内容为介绍照片中的家人。 【设计意图:四个小短文与照片的选择分别是 Angelababy,Obama, 易烊千玺 等,贴近学生的生活,短文设计给学生提供语言的支撑与书写规范,内容既承 接了已学内容,也适度拓展了下一单元 There are 句型。 】 (3)Post-task 1.A video about Ss family 【设计意图:我们都有家庭和家人,从他人温暖幸福的家庭,转到学生自己家 庭身上来,以视频的形式来引起学生情感的共鸣,进入下一步的口头输出,介 绍家人。 】 2.Talk about your family photo. 【设计意图:学生根据老师的示范,尝试口头介绍描述自己带来的家庭照片, 为接下来的书面表达做准备。 】 3.Make a family card. 【设计意图:Task A 为必做题目,Task B 为程度较好的同学的选作题目,以此 照顾不同程度的学生需求。 】 (4)Summary Family is warm. Family is happy. Family is full of love. We love our family. 【设计意图:情感升华,突出本节课 family 主题。 】 (5)Homework Finish your family card and send it to your family. 十、板书设计十、板书设计 4
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