教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 9 Who is this cute baby -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:a006e).zip

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Father tall, mother short. Brother big, sister small. Tall or short, Big or small. I love them all. Lets chant ! Lets sing ! What is this finger? Look , this is a b_ b_ . a y Is he cute? Yes, he is cute. Yes, he is lovely. ly 可爱的 Who is this baby? I have a big family. Come and look at my family photo. The baby grows up. Now he is Ben. 照片 tele phoneoto This is a photo of my family. Who is he/she? He/She is my grandfather andgrfather andgrmother grandmother Who is he/she? He/She is my uncle aunt Who is this cute baby? He is my cousin 表兄弟,表姐妹 touch ou cou sin cousin brother Is he thin? No, he is heavy.重的 Is she tall? No, she is short.矮的 sister dog Is it lovely? Yes, it is. ship-sh for-or t short heavyhead hea vy Red light and green light Heavy, heavy, a heavy man, grandfather is a heavy man. Short, short, a short lady, grandmother is a short lady. Lovely, lovely, a lovely baby, cousin is a lovely baby. My cousin is a lovely baby. He is a naughty baby too.他也是一名淘气的宝 宝。 Look, he use the crayons to paint these photos. Please help me to clean them. 他用蜡笔在照片上乱涂。请帮我擦除它们。 There is an old man in the photo. heret w there is 有 There is _ in the photo.a happy lady old happy lovely cat There is _ in the photo.a lovely cat There is _ tall short cute There is _ There is _ a short lady in it. a tall man in it. a cute boy in it. heavy cute strong thin There is a/an in it. He/She is my lovely uncle aunt cousin brothersister I have some photos of my friends. There is a/aboy girl in it. strong tall short heavy lovely heavy Lets watch Today my old friend Jiamin comes to my home. We are talking about the family photos.我的朋友Jiamin来 我家,我们在谈论家庭照片。 Who is the strong man? Who is the thin lady? Who is the cute baby? He is Bens uncle. She is Bens aunt. Its Bens cousin. Lets read and answer Is this ? Yes, There is Who ? Heuncle. thin lady ,aunt my cousin. Whocute baby? short mother tall father cute me Is this a photo of.? Yes There is a/anin it. Who is? He/She is my The is my Who is?/ What is ? Its my/ Its me. old grandfather happy grandmother cat lovely sister heavy brother dog hoto This is a p_ of my family. There is an old man in it. He is my father. There is a heavy lady in it .She is my mother. The thin lady is my sister. The cute boy is my son.儿子 This is a p_ of my family. There is _in it. He is my _. There is _in it .She is my _. _ _ photo 描写人物的形容词;tall, short, thin, heavy, pretty, old, young, cute, lovely, strong 人物词;man, lady, boy, girl, baby, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister Summary 3. 描述人的形容词: heavy, short, lovely 4. 句型:某处有某物 This is a photo of. There is a/anin the photo. 1. 新单词: photo, there, there is 2. 人物词: baby, cousin , grandfather, grandmother Homework 必做: 1)Copy and dictate the new words. 抄写新词并家听。 2) Listen, read and act out the dialogue. 听录音读背课文并表演。 选做: 3)To make a family postcard. 做一张家庭海报。 Good Bye! Thank you for your coming! 广州市海珠区瀛洲小学 冯晓虹 This is a p_ of my family. There is _in it. He is my _. There is _in it .She is my _. _ _ photo 描写人物的形容词;tall, short, thin, heavy, pretty, old, young, cute, lovely, strong 人物词;man, lady, boy, girl, baby, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister 1 义务教育教科书义务教育教科书 小学英语小学英语 三年级上册三年级上册 Unit9 教学设计教学设计 教材分析和教材分析和 学情分析学情分析 本模块的话题是 Relatives,本课的教学对象是三年级第二学期的学生,学生在二年 级英语口语和三年级第一学期都学习过与本模块话题相关的单词和句型。其中包括一些 亲属关系的单词,描述人物外貌的形容词以及 Who is.? He/ She is my. The tall man is my father.等询问人物和描述人物外貌的句型。所以要引导学生复习重温这些旧 的知识。但如何记忆新单词以及引导学生在情景中运用所学的知识是本课的教学重难点 。老师要善于利用学生已有的知识,以旧带新,利用 phonics 和构成法等策略帮助学生 记忆新词。并通过创设情景的活动方式使学生运用学过的语言描述家庭成员。培养学生 语言综合运用能力,有效地达成教学目标。 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: 四会单词:photo, there, there is, baby, cousin, grandfather, grandmother, heavy, short, lovely 句型:Is this a photo of your family? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. There is a /an in the photo/ in it. The thin lady is my aunt. 2.Language skill 语言技能: 能用英语询问人物的亲属关系。 能用英语谈论人物的外貌,描述照片中的人物。 能理解课文并用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 3.Learning Strategies 学习策略: 运用 phonics 和构成法知识拼读记忆单词。 学生通过创设情境学习知识和运用新知。 小组竞赛评价课堂。 3.Culture Awareness 文化意识:爱自己的家人和欣赏自己的家人。 教学重难点教学重难点 分析:分析: 教学重点:old, lovely, short, heavy, tall , happy 的正确使用; 教学难点:句型:There is. 教学资源教学资源 自制 PPT 课件、worksheet、表演道具和人物头饰。 教学过程或教学过程或 环节环节 教学活动及具体的活动操作步 骤 学生学习策略设计意图 1、Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Lets chant: (一年级口语 小诗) 3.Sing a song :Finger 1Greeting 2. Lets chant: Father tall, mother short. Brother big, sister small. Tall or short, big 通过小诗导入 short 这一 新词。通过歌曲导入课 题,baby 这一新词。歌 曲和小诗既可以激发学 2 Familyor small. I love them all. 3. sing:Finger family 生学习动力,使学生更 快进入学习状态,又可 以复习学过的亲属词。 2Presentatio n &、Practice 1.Lets learn: PPT 出现 baby 的图片, Who is this baby? Now the baby grows up, now he is Ben. 以 Ben 的 family photos 引出新词 photo,grandfather, grandmother, cousin, baby, lovely, heavy, short 2. Play a game: Red light and Green light. 3. Lets chant. Heavy, heavy a heavy man, grandfather is a heavy man. Short, short a short lady, grand mohter is a short lady. Lovely, lovely a lovely baby, cousin is a lovely baby. 4. 承接小诗的最后一句 My cousin is a lovely baby.顺便 说出 My cousin is a naughty baby, too. He use the crayons to paint these photos, please help me to clean them. Look at this photo. There is an old man in the photo. 引出新句 型 There is a/ an in the photo. 5Flash game: Ben saysI have some photos of my friends. Lets play a flash game 以 爸爸去哪儿各位萌娃的 1. 学习新单词和句型 2. 老师举出 Green light 学 生就跟读单词,老师举出 Red light 学生就 keep slient and stand up。 3. Read the chant with the rhythm. 4. 学习新词和句型 5. 用 There is 的句型描述照 片中 Bens friends. 1.引出新单词,引导学 生使用 phonics、构词法 和以旧带新三种方式学 习和记忆新单词。 2.使新单词上口。 3. 巩固所学的形容词和 人物词,增加趣味性, 4. 以 Ben 的 family photos 引出新词和句型。 在猜图的游戏中培养学 生运用句型 5 进一步巩固所学的句 型。 3 照片作为 Ben 的朋友,操 练句型。 6 课文学习: Jiamin 来 Ben 家作客,看见 Ben 家的照片。 a 看课件,回答问题: Whos the strong man? Whos the thin lady? Whos the cute baby? b 大组朗读课文,Pairs work 分角色朗读。 c. 根据提示背诵课文。 6 认真看课文视频,根据课 文内容进行回答并朗读;学 生根据提示背诵课文。 6 让学生通过前期的学 习和看金太阳视频,进 行一个完整的课文呈现, 同时通过回答问题,检 查学生是否理解课文, 鼓励孩子背诵课文。 Development 1Lets act PPT 中呈现课文中的三幅 family photos,利用板书的句 型,让学生表演课文的对话。 Is this a photo of Yes There is a/anin it. Who ? He is my Thatis my Who/What Its. 2. Lets do This is Bens family. Today I want to introduce my family to you.(老师出现一幅自己的 family photo, 并写出一个 Demo 利用今天所学等会儿知 识描述家庭照片) 1.利用老师所给的道具表演 以下的对话: 2 学生仿照老师的 Demo 完成短文。并介绍自己的家 庭照片。 1.运用所学的课文进行 对话表演,在表演中找 到乐趣和自信。 2.将所学的知识运用到 实际生活中。 Summery 小结今天所学的内容再次重温 今天所学知识。 Homework 必做: 1. 抄写本课的单词 2 次; 2.听录音跟读单词和课文 3 次; 选做: 3. 制作 Happy Family postcard 完成作业 课后进行及时的巩固和 操练。 4 板书设计: Unit 9 Who is this cute baby? Words People Adj. photo baby short there grandfather lovely there is grandmother heavy cousin This is a photo of. There is a/anin the photo. Group Competition
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