教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 9 Who is this cute baby -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:f19ab).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Relatives_Unit 9 Who is this cute baby _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:f19ab)
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    • Module Five Relatives Unit10.pptx--点击预览
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A Happy Family A Good Life Module 5 Relatives Lets sing Phonics Time dad bad cat red pet beg Lets try to read. six thin big dog not lot mum bus but a e i o u Lets learn a big apple big Whats in the room? There is a _ in the room. Whos he? Lets learn There ( is, are) a lovely girl in the picture. is There ( is, are) an old lady in the picture. Lets learn is There (is, are) two children in the picture. Lets learn are There (is, are) many people in the picture. Lets learn are There are four people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is short. My brother is big. My sister is small. Short or tall. Big or small. I love them all. father mother brother sister tall short big small grandfathergrandmother motherfather me sisterbrother uncle aunt cousincousin Describe a person Lets say young old tall short lovely happy pretty thin heavy strong There are some photos on the blackboard. Lets look at them. How many people are there in _ family? There are _. Zhang HengsLiu LipingsJohnsRoses threefivesixfive Who has a _ family? big How many _ are there? There are _. planes nine How many _ are there? There is _. balls one How many _ are there? There are _. people two Who are they? They are_. Who are they? They are_. Who are they? They are_. Who are they? They are_. Who are they? They are_. Lets read Answer the questions: Q1.How many people are there in Jiamins family? Q2: Who are they? Q3: Is it a big family? Lets read Answer the questions: Q1.How many people are there in Jiamins family? Q2: Who are they? Q3: Is it a big family? There are five. They are Jiamins grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and Jiamin. Yes, it is. Lets retell. Jiamin: _ are five. Miss White: How _ people are there in your _, Jiamin? Miss White: Who are _ ? Jiamin: My grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother and _ . Miss White: _ you have a _ family. many family There they me Sobig Family Who Character (特点)(特点) How many He is my . She is my. There are people in my family. He is tall and strong. She is young and pretty. They are lovely. They are mySummary Lets read Abbys family Lets read Read and choose the right answer. 1. How many people are there in Abbys family? 2. Who are they? 3. Is it a big family? A. There are three. B. There are four. A. They are Abbys father, mother, sister and Abby. B. There are Abbys father, mother, sister and Abby. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( B ) ( A ) ( B ) Lets share my picture book I Love There are three people in my family. This is my husband. He is tall and strong. He is a good father. This is my daughter. She is a lovely girl. She likes grapes. This is me. I am young and friendly. I like red. I have a happy family. I love my family. Are they happy? Do they have a happy family? Why? The war! Syria(叙利亚) Lets discussLets discuss China We We dont live in a peaceful world, but we live in a dont live in a peaceful world, but we live in a safe country.safe country. We should love our country, love our family.We should love our country, love our family. Because a happy family makes a good Because a happy family makes a good life.life. Lets discussLets discuss Homework 1.Read the dialogue. 2.Share your picture book with your parents. Module Five Relatives Unit10 How many people are there in your family? 教学设计 一、一、 课名:课名:Unit10Unit10 HowHow manymany peoplepeople areare therethere inin youryour family?family? Alife 二、课型:新授课二、课型:新授课 三、教材分析三、教材分析 本节课选取的是新编广州版小学英语三年级下册 Module Five Relatives Unit10 的课文。学生在一年级、三年级上学期 和本学期上一个单元学习过数字、家庭成员以及描述人外貌的形容 词,能用英语表达自己与家庭成员之间的关系;并且在上一单元学习 了句型 There is;学生也在上学期接触过名词所有格,对 How many ?句型有一定感知。课文以 Family 话题为主,展开对家庭成 员称谓、数量等方面的学习,学习内容紧贴学生生活实际,能激发 学生学习的兴趣。 四、学习者分析四、学习者分析 教学对象为三年级学生,每节课都有 Phonics time 学习时间,大 部分孩子能通过 phonics 对符合发音规律的单词准确拼读和拼写, 掌握发音规律。本课时根据三年级学生活泼好动,乐于表现自己的 特点,设计了歌曲、游戏、卡通情境、小组合组等学习活动,为学 生提供大量运用语言的机会,培养学生语言的综合运用能力。 五、教学目标:五、教学目标: 1 1、语言能力目标:、语言能力目标: (1)能运用 phonics 发音规则学习本课的词汇:big, many, people, they (2)复习和拓展一些描述亲属的形容词和物主代词:heavy,short, lovely,old,tall, young, happy, strong, thin, weak, his, her, etc. (3)学会运用有关询问和介绍家庭成员的句型: : 1).How many people are there in your family? There are five. 2).Who are they? They are my. 2 2、学习能力目标、学习能力目标 (1)能询问或介绍家庭成员的身份、数量; (2)能观察课文图片,在听、说、演活动中理解课文,流利朗读课 文,表演课文。 (3)能在思维导图提示下,复述或改编课文。 (4)能综合运用所学的语言知识对家庭成员进行简短的语篇描述。 3 3、思维品质目标、思维品质目标 (1)能对英语课堂活动感兴趣,自主参与各种活动。 (2)根据课文学习内容,能以发散性思维展开关于“family”话题 的讨论。 4 4、文化意识目标、文化意识目标 CultureCulture AwarenessAwareness: 了解中西方文化中家庭成员之间的关系和称谓。 六、教学重难点:六、教学重难点: 1 1、掌握本课单词和句型; 2、理解 there is 与 there are 的区别; 3、there are 的发音。 七、教学资源七、教学资源 自己制作的 PPT 和 worksheet,卡纸,电脑,网络资源。 八教学过程八教学过程 课前准备:Lets chant (复习 26 个字母音素,调动学生学习情绪,为新词学习做准备) (一)Pre-taskPre-task 1.1. LetsLets sing.sing. (呈现歌曲,能唤起学生对家庭成员的回忆) 2 2、Free talk. T: Do you love your mother? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you love your father S: Yes, I do. T: Do you know the meaning of “family”? Family means “Father and mother, I love you”. 3. . 宣讲课题宣讲课题Module five Relatives (二)(二)While-task (创设情境:Jiamin 想参加由 Ms White 组织的庆祝六一儿童节的 “Family Party” 。需要参与者能介绍自己的家庭成员,但他平时没 有认真学习,请大家帮助他。) 1.1. PhonicsPhonics timetime (设计意图设计意图:复习五个元音字母的开、闭音节,根据发音规则学习 新词: big) 2.2. LetsLets learn.learn. (设计意图:(设计意图:复习和区分 There is 和 There are 句型用法结合起来, 同时学习新词 many, people.) 3.3. LetsLets chant.chant. (设计意图设计意图:通过小诗,复习家庭成员词语及描述人物的形容词。为 课文学习做铺垫。) 4.4. LetsLets learn.learn. (设计意图设计意图:课文呈现: 利用课文中的场景,学习句型 How many people are there? There are巩固 How many? There are句型问答 引出 Who are they?句型的学习,同时学习新词:they。 ) Ms. White gives many family photos to Jiamin, can you help him talk about those family photos? W: How many people are there in your family, John? J: There are six. W: Who are they? J: They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and me. W: So you have a big family. 5.5. LetsLets read.read. 1). Lets watch 2).Read after tape. 3).Read together. 4).Read in groups. 5).Retell the dialogue according to the key words. 6).Reading competition. (三) Post-task 1.Summary(1.Summary(用思维导图小结如何介绍自己的家庭成员用思维导图小结如何介绍自己的家庭成员) ) 2.2. LetsLets share.share. (设计意图:设计意图: 组织学生小组内描述自己的家庭成员,并抽取个别学 生进行展示。 1) 、培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 2) 、学生展示自己,增强学生的自信心。 3) 、达到让学生拓展知识和运用语言知识的目的。 4) 、增强学生的团队精神。 5) 、解决教学重难点。 ) 3.3. LetsLets discuss.discuss.(设计意图设计意图:呈现战争中的孩子,对比不同国 家孩子的家庭,渗透爱家,爱国的情感教育) (四)(四) HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and read the dialogue twice. 2. Try to describe more people of your family with your classmates. (五)板书设计(五)板书设计 Module 5 Relatives Unit10 How many people are there in your family? How many people are there in your family? There are five. Who are they? They are my. Family big many people they
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